Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 145: Scar is dead!

PS: Please collect! I hope that everyone who has passed by and passed by will be able to click on the collection easily. After all, if you click on the collection, you won't get pregnant, will you?


The window on the second floor of the factory was dirty, and there were some unclean stains on the ground. Tang Tianyou stood there, carefully looking at the surrounding environment.

"It's about a hundred meters away from the gangster guarding the stairwell."

After scanning the environment on the second floor, Tang Tianyou turned off the echo map.

Because the mental power consumed by turning on the Echo Map all the time is too amazing, even with his current strength, he can only last about twenty minutes when he is fully turned on.

After that, his whole body will be weak, and he will be slaughtered. In the face of strong enemies, he cannot consume all of his power. This is an extremely stupid behavior.

However, even one minute of detection is enough.

Walk along the corridor step by step without making a single sound.

Tang Tianyou walked forward slowly, but when he just walked to the corner of the corridor—

At a glance, he saw that there was a big man coming here on the corner. Obviously this big man also spotted Tang Tianyou! Both sides found each other almost at the same time, and Tang Tianyou was almost scared into a cold sweat!

Although he opened the echo map just now and knew the approximate location of the gangsters, at this moment and moment, people are not dead, and they can move. Tang Tianyou didn't have time to think about it, and instinctively resorted to——

Point the gun!


A transparent vigor, like a bullet, penetrated his throat almost instantly. Before the big man could call for help, he shook his blood and fell to the ground.

"Huh, it's okay." Tang Tianyou breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, this gangster has not had time to call for help. Once it gets the attention of the two gangsters in the stairwell, it will be a little troublesome."

Although killing these gangsters yourself is as simple as killing a chicken.

But they have guns in their hands. Gangsters with guns and those without guns are completely different things. It's like the difference between a weak rabbit and a powerful lion. The fighting power soars wildly.

After all, his body is still a flesh and blood body, and his physique hasn't been exercised yet, even if he resists countless bullets, he is unharmed.

And when they are vigilant, the two gangsters guarding the stairwell may yell before they die to attract the attention of other gangsters.

If other gangsters knew that someone was going to kill them, then Tang Tianyou's actions would definitely be ten times more difficult, and it might affect the safety of the younger sister and the fat man.

"However, this is only the first one!" Tang Tianyou looked at the gangster who fell to the ground coldly.


Due to the unexpected accident just now, Tang Tianyou became more cautious.

"There are still ten meters away from the two gangsters."

Tang Tianyou continued to walk along the corridor, and couldn't help showing a smile. Fortunately, the accident did not happen so much. It is estimated that the big man came here by accident instead of patrolling purposefully.

"It's getting closer and closer. As long as you turn a corner, you should be able to see them."

Tang Tianyou held his breath, body fluttering without making a sound, walked to the corner wall, stopped for a moment, and then activated the echo map.

"Yes, it's on the opposite side." Tang Tianyou quickly checked the situation in the stairwell.

"Even all sitting there chatting." Tang Tianyou smiled.


At the stairs.

Scar Man was sitting leaning on the corner, and the other gangster was wiping the gun in his hand. The two were chatting.

"Black pig, how come Xiaoliu hasn't come back for so long? Shouldn't he fall into the toilet?" Scar Man said a little impatiently.

He didn't come here specifically to guard him. If it wasn't for Xiaoliu who had to go to the toilet and had to find someone to change shifts, he wouldn't be forced to stay here.

"Brother Scar, what are you anxious about? It's too early. That kid won't be back in ten minutes." The black pig raised his head and smiled.

"What?! That bastard, who usually asks him to do some work, often drags it around. I didn't expect to be lazy but very diligent." The scar man cursed.

The black pig shook his head, a little helpless: "He is that kind of virtue. Huh?"

The black pig's face changed, and the face of Scar Man also changed slightly.

"It seemed to have a feeling just now." The black pig looked at Scar Man with solemn expression.

The Scar Man nodded, frowned and said, "I just seemed to have some palpitations."

This group of gangsters roams between life and death all year round, and they always feel some psychological feelings when encountering danger. What's more, the reason why they feel so obvious is because... Tang Tianyou turned on the echo map and scanned them, and this ultrasonic wave spread out. It is impossible for ordinary people to notice, but people with a strong sense of crisis will still have a slight feeling.

"Could it, something happened outside?" The black pig whispered.

"I don't know." Scar Man shook his head, "Although we have detected all the surrounding environment just now, maybe some guys with short eyes will come here at this time."


The black pig and Scarman glanced at each other, and walked outwards with a clear heart.

The black pig was holding a machine gun, while the Scar Man was holding a sharp mountain knife, and walked towards the corner of the stairwell step by step.

The Scar Man winked at the black pig, and the black pig nodded, holding a firearm, cautiously moving to the corner of the corridor step by step.

The black pig glanced quietly, but there was not even a single figure in the corridor, and there was a piece of Hessian in the depths, and he couldn't see his fingers.

"No sound." The black pig and Scarman looked at each other, and then Scarman took a deep breath, carefully preparing to walk to the corridor to take a look.

Just then!

call out! call out!

Two powerful and transparent air currents instantly appeared in front of Black Pig and Scar Man. One of the powerful channels was like a breeze blowing. Before the black pig’s fingers could touch the trigger, something had already hit his forehead with blood. Dong, not knowing anything, still opened his eyes, and fell down.

And the second airflow pierced Scar Man’s throat instantly!

Puff! penetrate!

Blood spurted.

"Uh- uh-" Scarman's eyes widened, and he couldn't make a sound at all.

These two airflows are too fast and too fast. The Scar Man is probably only one or two meters away from this transparent airflow, and the black pig is only three or four meters away from this transparent airflow, such a short distance... in this transparent airflow. With the airflow at a speed that is more alarming than a sniper bullet, how can they avoid it?

Perhaps it is possible to know in advance As for now, there is not even a trace of life.

"Uh—" Scarman wanted to ask for help, but couldn't make a sound. He wanted to fight back, but his whole body was already weak.

"I'm going to die? Me, how could I die?"

The scarred man covered his throat with his right hand, and blood spurted out of his throat. He clearly felt the loss of vitality, "How could this happen? How could this happen? Isn't this an ordinary kidnapping? How could it be dangerous? Impossible!"


A figure appeared in front of him, a pair of cold eyes staring at him without any emotion.

"Uh!" Scar's eyes were instantly rounded, and he looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.


Turned out to be just a student?

With countless ordinary people's blood on his hands, he died in the hands of a student who seemed harmless? ? ?

"You go one step ahead, your companion will accompany you soon, don't worry, you won't be lonely on Huangquan Road." Tang Tianyou's cold voice sounded.

The Scar Man opened his mouth to say something, but his throat was pierced, his neck leaked, and he couldn't speak at all, and as time passed, the Scar Man felt black in his eyes.

At this moment, Tang Tianyou ignored him and went straight up the stairs.

"Ah, ah!" Scar man's eyes widened to say something, but his body trembled, and he collapsed and fell to the ground.

Before death...

Scar Man seemed to see the nightmarish future of all members of their group.


In this corridor, there was only a "tick" sound of blood dripping on the ground. There was no other sound, and the two corpses lay so quietly.

No matter how cruel they were in their lives, after death, there will be only corpses left.

However, since they have chosen to do this business, they must have the consciousness, the consciousness of being killed by others at any time!

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