Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 196: On a date

In the morning, Tang Tianyou and Li Shiyin arrived on a commercial street in H County on time. Since today is the weekend and the weather is not bad, there are a lot of people on the street. [WWw.YZUU点m]

Today's Li Shiyin is as beautiful and beautiful as ever, with her long hair tied together and pulled up high. Wearing a pink jacket, tight jeans on her lower body, and a pair of pink sneakers on her feet, there is nothing special at first glance. Many girls of this age are dressed like this.

However, just such a set of ordinary attire, worn on Li Shiyin's body, exudes a completely different sense of beauty, a special sense of beauty.

The pink coat made her pretty face look more tender and white, and the exposed skin of the neck, Shengxue, made people hardly dare to look directly at her.

The skinny jeans on the bottom of her body even highlighted her slender and breathtakingly beautiful legs. They were so stunning that they swayed their minds. They were so tempting that Tang Tianyou couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

What attracts men's eyes more is her beautiful eyes, which are like a calm lake, clear and transparent, full of pure breath, and arousing love and pity.

If Li Shiyin's appearance has been amazing and shocking, then this figure is equally heartbreaking, the two bulging hills in front of him, which are not lost to any woman, and the pretty Brazilian beauty ~ buttocks , Let her in the beauty, add a touch of charming, glamorous and indispensable, it is almost impossible to look away!

"Fool, what are you looking at?"

With a ‘pop’, Tang Tianyou’s head was blown, Li Shiyin blushed and looked at him, with a hint of shame in his eyes like autumn water. []

Touching his painful head, Tang Tianyou smirked for a while, and said, "Shiyin, you are so beautiful today. Are you dressed up specially?"

"Where? It's just wearing like usual." Li Shiyin replied pretending to be calm, but the slight curve of her mouth curled up, but it exposed how the master seemed to be in a good mood now.

"In this case," Tang Tianyou suddenly grabbed her little hand, "Then let's start today's itinerary. Have you already figured out what to do?"

"First of all," Li Shiyin looked at Tang Tianyou mysteriously and smiled, "Let's have a crazy shopping, hehe..."

"No, come again." Tang Tianyou cried out sadly.

"Let's go, let's go." Li Shiyin didn't care about Tang Tianyou, who was full of grief, and directly took his arm and walked straight to the first women's clothing store at the intersection.

Looking through the glass door of the shop, the first women's clothing store at the intersection, because of its prime location, there are many more customers in the store than in other stores. (For reading novels, you can go to Ye Zi Yu ~ Yu M)

The two came to the door, pushed the door and walked in. Originally, they could feel a little sultry while standing outside, but as soon as they walked into the shop, they immediately felt a hint of coolness. It seems that there is an air conditioner in the shop.

As soon as I entered the store, a female clerk in work clothes greeted the two of them, "Excuse me, what kind of clothes do you want to buy? Our store has just arrived with a new batch of new goods over there, you two might as well Go over and take a look, maybe there is something you like." After that, the female clerk pointed her finger at the new product display area on the right.

Looking in the direction the female clerk was pointing, there was a striking slogan that reminded the customers who entered the store to have new products. However, compared with the new goods area, there are more people in the low price area on the left, and there are only a few girls in the new goods area choosing clothes.

However, there are many girls in the low price area choosing clothes. Looking at the styles of the clothes briefly in the new goods area, Li Shiyin thought it was not bad, so he took Tang Tianyou to the new goods area.

"God, what do you think of this one? Does it look good on your body?" Li Shiyin picked up a piece of clothing and looked at Tang Tianyou watery.

"Well, it looks good." Tang Tianyou nodded fiercely.

After listening, Li Shiyin wrapped up with joy.

After five or six minutes, Li Shiyin tried a dozen pieces of clothes in the store, while Tang Tianyou was on the side to give advice. In the end, she only bought two or three pieces, and most of the others did not suit her.

Picking up the packing bag containing the clothes, Tang Tianyou and Li Shiyin immediately walked out of the clothing store.

As soon as she walked out of the clothing store, Li Shiyin seemed to see something suddenly, her eyes lit up, she ran over, then stopped, turned her head and beckoned excitedly: "God, come on, there are marshmallows here."

Hearing Li Shiyin's giggling, crisp and sweet, like beads falling on a jade plate, Tang Tianyou smiled slightly, walked over quickly, and said: "Here."

Looking at Li Shiyin's sweet smile, Tang Tianyou felt a little heavy in his heart.

Such a beautiful girl, will she leave him in the future? As they grow older, will the two of them still laugh together like this?

After going to university, they will meet all kinds of different people and encounter all kinds of different things. Will they still have the same mood back then?

When Li Shiyin was in high school, there were already so many people who pursued her. After going to university, wouldn't it be even more amazing? !

Can he resist so many fanatical suitors? !

But, thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Tang Tianyou smiled, and those who dare to take away the treasures he likes in Lao Tzu's hands are probably not yet born in this world!

If anyone who doesn't open his eyes dares to come and peep, dare to plunder, whether it's raw or stripped, in short, he will let those guys spend a lifetime to remember, what is pain!

"God, what are you thinking? You came out to play with me today, don't think about anything else, know?" Li Shiyin pouted, very cute.

Tang Tianyou couldn't help laughing. This kind of little girl's flattery is really rare in Miss Li.

", I don't want anything." Tang Tianyou raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "To this day, I only miss you. Is that all right?"

Suddenly, Li Shiyin smiled sweetly, turned and continued to walk forward.

The two played happily for a whole day, and it was early evening. Looking at a movie theater that happened to be passing by, Tang Tianyou suddenly said, "Shiyin, let's go to the movies."

After playing for a whole day, Li Shiyin seemed to be a little tired, and needed to find a place to take a break, not to mention the dating between couples, watching movies seemed to be an indispensable part.

So, she nodded and said, "Okay. But what movie shall we go to see?"

"I don't know." Tang Tianyou scratched his head, "Let's go to the entrance of the cinema and take a look. Anyway, the cinema in County H will be available anytime, so don't worry."

"Okay." Li Shiyin nodded. ^-^Read without popup^_^

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