Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 197: What's happening here?

Not long after, Tang Tianyou and Li Shiyin came to the entrance of the movie theater and watched a movie that was about to be broadcast. The name of the movie was "The Paradise of Love". []

"Huh? I haven't heard of this name. Is it a foreign movie? It's a domestic one?" Li Shiyin looked at Tang Tianyou and smiled sweetly, "However. Judging from the name, it seems to be a love movie, which meets the requirements. Otherwise, wait a minute, let's watch this movie."

Although Tang Tianyou doesn't have a cold for some love movies, he only likes comedies, but Li Shiyin likes it, and he won't refuse. Anyway, if it doesn't look good, just sleep in it.

"Well, let's go buy tickets." Tang Tianyou nodded.

Sure enough, when I came to the ticket office, not many people came to buy movie tickets. The male conductor sitting at the ticket office almost fell asleep, so Tang Tianyou bought two movie tickets very conveniently.

However, when he left, the male conductor's expression seemed a little strange, a little wretched, a little treacherous, and a little bit envious. In short, Tang Tianyou felt confused.

After buying the ticket, Tang Tianyou gave one to Li Shiyin and said, "Shiyin, let's go."

Li Shiyin nodded, and wanted to take Tang Tianyou in with him.

However, Tang Tianyou's face suddenly stiffened, and he looked back, scanning the crowd walking around, his expression very serious.

"Hey, God, what's the matter with you? Let's go in quickly." Li Shiyin's little hand kept dangling in front of Tang Tianyou, "In a few minutes, the movie will begin.[]"

Tang Tianyou smiled and said: "Shiyin, otherwise you go in first, I suddenly remembered one thing, watching a movie, if there is no snacks like popcorn, it would be very boring."

Li Shiyin suddenly realized, "Yes, I almost forgot. Well, you go, I'll wait for you in the cinema. But you have to come back soon."

"I know, come in immediately after shopping." Tang Tianyou nodded.

After listening, Li Shiyin walked into the cinema alone.

Seeing Li Shiyin's back disappearing in front of him, Tang Tianyou's smile slowly disappeared, and his face solemnly looked at the surrounding people. Since his date with Li Shiyin, there has been a sneaky person who has been following them all the time. , I don't know what I want to do.

However, once Tang Tianyou turned his head and was about to catch him, he swished, but disappeared again. That guy is definitely a master stalker.

At that time, if Tang Tianyou wanted to catch him seriously, he would never let him run away. It’s just that today was the time to date Li Shiyin and he was having a good time. If the interest between them is disturbed because of this, even the stalker Guy, die thousands of times and make up for it.

Looking around for a while, to no avail, the movie was about to start again. Tang Tianyou was disappointed, so he had to buy some snacks nearby and walked into the cinema.

However, when Tang Tianyou's figure completely walked into the movie theater, a figure suddenly appeared in a hidden corner. The man looked at Tang Tianyou's disappearing figure with a trace of unforgettable hatred on his face, which made people shudder. []


After entering the cinema, Tang Tianyou quickly found Li Shiyin who was sitting quietly in the seat according to the instructions of the movie ticket.

"Here, here you are." Tang Tianyou handed a bucket of popcorn and some snacks to Li Shiyin.

Hearing a familiar voice, Li Shiyin took the snacks that Tang Tianyou handed over, and smiled sweetly: "God, you are here. It's been a long time since the movie is about to start. Sit down."

Tang Tianyou nodded and sat down next to him.

At this time, the lights in the cinema suddenly dimmed, and Li Shiyin instinctively felt a panic, and a small white hand tightly grasped the corner of Tang Tianyou's clothes.

"Don't worry, the movie is about to begin." Tang Tianyou took her little hand and comforted.

Holding both hands warmly together, Li Shiyin felt a warmth flowing through her chest, and there was a faint joy in her heart, leaning against Tang Tianyou's arms.

"Yeah." Li Shiyin murmured like a kitten, flushing on her face.

The two leaned together like this, and a deep emotion flowed in their hearts.

After a while, subtitles began to appear on the big screen, and the movie finally began--

However, a series of bird language suddenly came from the sound of the cinema, and Tang Tianyou frowned. Isn't it Chinese? But it's not in English? Which language is this?

Tang Tianyou is no stranger to English, and his spoken English has become very pure now, so he can be sure that this is definitely not English, but some other language.

Li Shiyin couldn't help but froze for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "God, what is this put?"

Tang Tianyou didn't answer. At this moment, there were just patches of flowers on the big screen, just like snowflakes that appeared when the TV couldn't receive the signal.

He turned his head and looked around, but was surprised to find that the people around him were looking forward to it, especially the men. Looking at their expressions, it was as if they were about to show a Hollywood blockbuster.

Is it a good movie? Don’t miss the beginning. Tang Tianyou immediately turned his head and looked at the big screen, suddenly stunned--

I saw that an ordinary house first appeared on the big screen, but the surrounding scenery was very beautiful, with trees everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, a Buick drove over from the highway at the door, stopped at the door of a private house, and then a pair of young men and women came down.

"What kind of movie is this?" Tang Tianyou was very puzzled. It had been five or six minutes since it started. There was no clue or any plot, but the surrounding audiences were all excited.

Nima, it's so weird. Such a **** movie still attracts so many people to watch. Is it because my aesthetics has not kept up with the trend of the times? Tang Tianyou was mad, and the bad feeling in his heart became more and more obvious.

Li Shiyin is also full of doubts. The men and women in the movie are both yellow people, but they don’t speak Chinese. So this is obviously a foreign movie, maybe from an Asian island country, but there are no subtitles on the big screen. Know what they are talking about.

However, whether it was Tang Tianyou or Li Shiyin, in the following pictures, they were shocked, their eyes widened, and the expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

On the big screen, the movie continued. The two men and women walked into the private house. With a snap, they opened the door. Then the two men and women seemed to be unable to hold back the door. The door was not closed yet. The two began to skillfully take off each other's clothes.

In an instant, Tang Tianyou understood that this is a small adult movie!

He had only heard that movie theaters in small county towns do not have as many viewers in big cities, so they often play small movies to make ends meet.

Although the relevant departments are also aware of this situation, this is only an unspoken rule and has not caused any major harm, so no one will take care of it.

Tang Tianyou's mouth twitched for a while, with black lines all over his head. It was the first time he was watching a movie with Li Shiyin, and he was about to have a romantic date. He didn't expect to encounter such a speechless situation.

Your sister, it's too cheating!

At the moment, he wanted to take Li Shiyin away, but when he turned his head, he didn't know when the exit at the back had been locked. It seemed that the owner of the movie theater was afraid that the police would come for inspection.

He took a peek at Li Shiyin, but saw Li Shiyin's blushing face lowered his head, and his hands covered his ears.

It turned out that the two men and women on the screen had already stripped their eyes off, revealing places that shouldn't normally be exposed. It seems that the theme of this movie has already begun. ^-^Read without popup^_^

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