Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 13 - Third Floor (7)

Lumen and Tiana were in the middle of training when he received a message from Diana.

[The Regulars from the 2nd Floor have arrived just now. I'm quickly checking through their information before I go and greet them. There seems to be more than the usual amount.]

[Okay, delay them for a bit. I will be there shortly.]

[According to the information, there are two Princesses of Zahard. It might be worth getting them on your team. They won't delay you climbing the Tower as much as other Regulars.]


[Yes, Anak and Adrossi Zahard.]

[Good to know.]

'Anak? Wasn't that the lizard girl?' Lumen thought. She is one of the few that he remembered since her physical strength had left an impression on him.

"The Regulars from the 2nd Floor arrived. I will go and pay them a visit." He informed the purple-haired girl.

"I will come with you." Tiana took out a towel, wiped the sweat on her, and followed after him.

When they neared the center of the town, they saw a large amount of Regulars gathering in a circle. Not every day do you see more than a dozen Regular reaching the 3rd Floor at the same time. There are definitely a few strong ones among them, and the gathered Regulars were hoping to get at least one of them to join their team.

"Move." Lumen told a brown-haired Regular.

"No way, buddy, this is my spot." The Regular didn't even turn around to look at him.

Lumen shook his head and tapped him on the shoulder. The Regular weakly fell down, pinned to the ground. He stepped over him and walked closer towards the newly arrived Regulars.

His actions were witnessed by those around him, and they quickly distanced themselves from him when they recognized him. This caused another commotion between the gathered Regulars.

"It's White Star!"

"Get away from him before he kills you!"

Killing the strongest Regular on the 3rd Floor had not only increased his fame, but he also received another sobriquet for it as well.

After that incident, all the Regulars on the 3rd Floor started calling him White Star.

Diana, seeing that Lumen has arrived, asked the Regulars. "Any more questions? No? Well, good luck with the Test, Regulars." Not even giving them the chance to ask further questions, she teleported away.

Lumen observed the group but noticed that the person he was looking for was not there. He frowned a little and asked them. "Where's that black-haired boy, Baam?"

Just saying the boy's name, caused nearly the whole group to frown.

After Lumen and his team won the Crown Game and advanced to the next Floor, the rest of the Regulars continued on with the Tests from the 2nd Floor.

Their next test was the Position Test. They were separated into five groups consisting of Fisherman, Spear Bearer, Scout, Light Bearer, and Wave Controller.

Fishermen are close combat fighters that mostly rely on physical attacks.

Scouts are usually the fastest on a team, and their main objective is to gather information and deliver that information to the Light Bearers. They also ȧssist Fishermen with their offense since most Scouts are close-range fighters.

Light Bearers store and deliver knowledge to their teammates while guiding them with the light of their Lighthouse.

Wave Controllers are the directors of the battle, aiding their comrades by healing their wounds, annihilating enemy forces, or subtly changing the tide of the battle, all through the use of Shinsoo. There are many variations of this Position.

After being separated into those five groups, they were ȧssigned specialized teachers that would show them the ins and outs of those positions.

Depending on the performance of the Regulars, they would be given Points as a reward. Those with the highest amount of Points by the end would pass the Test.

There were a limited amount of spots for each position, so only the best of the best were going to advance to the next Floor.

They lived together, competed against each other and bonded in their own weird way.

For the last part of the Position Test, the Regulars were split into two teams of 14 members. With the teams having an equal amount of Regulars for each position.

The Test they had to take was Hide and Seek. Each team had to play Hide and Seek with a Seeker ȧssigned by the Test Supervisor.

But the Seeker also had a badge, and if a Regular touches it, their team would win. The problem was that the Seeker was a Test Administrator, a Ranker. Of course, he had certain limitations on him, but that doesn't change the fact that he is a Ranker.

If a team wins the Hide and Seek game, they will be awarded 2 000 Points to each member, giving them a higher chance of passing to the next Floor.

The first team displayed amazing teamwork and had an outstanding performance, thanks to their Light Bearer. They had managed to fool the Seeker, and victory was within their grasp.

Unfortunately, the Seeker showed his amazing prowess of a Ranker, and came back from the jaws of defeat, managing to snag the team's tag at the last second.

The second team had terrible teamwork compared to the first. Two members of the team backstabbed the rest, planning to sabotage and injure the Regulars. Effectively guaranteeing themselves one of the spots for the Position test, since those who are injured were not allowed to advance to the 3rd Floor.

All hope looked lost, but somehow they managed to win in the end. Baam and Androssi Zahard teamed up together and succeeded in touching the Seekers badge.

Since the Badge colour was red, Androssi tricked the Seeker by making him think her lingerie is the badge. With Baam's help, holding down the Seeker for an moment, she managed to touch his badge.

Despite that, a lot of Regulars were bound to be eliminated, due to them being injured.

They were feeling despair at not being able to climb higher when Baam came out, telling them he is an Irregular. With his right as an Irregular, he requested a Test from the Guardian of the Floor, in which all the Regulars had to participate.

All hope looked lost again, but then Princess Yuri and her team came to the 2nd Floor and intervened in the Test as well, managing to stop the schemes of the Position Instructor.

Despite all of that, they had failed the Test in the end, and Baam lost his life. But the boy had prepared for that and had agreed to a specific condition with the Guardian of the Flour.

The condition was that if Baam died during the Test, the rest of the Regulars would get to pass to the next Floor. More than half of the Regulars got to advance to the 3rd Floor, all thanks to the black-haired boy.

Of course, not all of them chose to do so. Since they bore witness to the cruelty of the Tower, some decided to quit climbing and returned to where they came from.

Silence had overtaken the group of Regulars after Lumen asked about Baam until a tall, green-skinned Regular spoke out. "He died."

"He died? That's... very disappointing. I thought better of him." Lumen wasn't sure how he planned to deal with Baam, but he at least wanted to ask him where he came from and how did he open the doors to the Tower.

"Thought better of him? Pfhhh, aren't you that guy that luckily won the Crown Game?" A pretty girl with brown hair and a small horn spoke out.

"What were you even called? Was it Limen or Lemon? Or something like that? Not that it even matters, because Baam would have whooped your ȧss." Hearing her, Lumen burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" The brown-haired girl asked.

"Normally, I wouldn't hesitate to kill you right now, but I will spare your life for the time being, since I'm looking for strong Regulars to join my team."

"But, should you turn out to be a weakling, today will be the last day of your life." Lumen told her with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

This time it was the brown-haired girl that burst out laughing.

"You actually dare call me, a Princess of Zahard, a weakling? You sure have guts."

"I won't even bother dealing with you. Anak, go kill him for me." Androssi ordered the other Princess of Zahard. The green-skinned girl didn't respond to her, but she carefully observed Lumen.

"Anak Zahard, is it? You are someone I planned on recruiting. Come, show me what you got." Lumen made a provocative gesture with his hand.

Without saying a word, Anak dashed towards him. Her speed and explosive power were top notch for a Regular on the 3rd Floor. Despite that, Lumen was easily able to follow her movements with his eyes.

But since he currently had 5x gravity on himself, he wasn't able to block her attack, though.

Anak landed a kick on his stomach, but in that split moment before he was sent flying, he managed to counterattack and hit her leg with his elbow and knee.

"You hit like a little girl." Even though he was sent flying, Lumen had a cheerful smile on his face as he provoked her.

"Tsch." Anak clicked her tongue and dashed towards him. She landed a punch to his face. Again, before he was sent flying, he counterattacked and kicked her in the stomach.

While the two were fighting, Ship Leesoo, a Regular wearing a purple jumpsuit, moved closer to Tiana. He noticed that she looked calm while observing the fight.

"He's your teammate, right? Aren't you worried about him?" Hearing him, Tiana couldn't stop herself from laughing.

"Me, worried about that jerk? Not a chance. If anything, I'm more worried about her."

"Worried about her? How come? She seems to be beating him quite easily." Lumen was sent flying again while landing another counterattack on Anak.

"It might seem like it, but he is currently having fun and taking it easy on her. He might snap any moment now, and the fight will turn around." For the past 3 weeks with him, she got to understand him a bit better.

"I don't believe that."

"Just watch."

After a few more exchanges, Lumen already had a grasp on her skills.

Anak's strength and speed are comparable to his, without the increased gravity, but her fighting skills are lacking.

She is someone who relies on her superior physique to beat others. Despite that, she is nothing compared to Diana.

For the past week, he had been sparring with her regularly. Diana is superior to him and Anak in terms of strength, speed, and fighting skills. And Lumen learned all of that through his body.

"If you don't take that fancy weapon of yours out, you won't be able to beat me." Her hook had left an impression on him, and he wanted to test his strength against it.

"I don't need Green April to beat that ċȯċky smile off your face." Anak sped off in his direction again and landed another hit on his face.

But the moment she made contact with him, a weird pressure enveloped her, and her whole body became more sluggish.

"Really? Then let's level the playing field and see how well you will do." Lumen applied 5x gravity on her body when she hit him.

After that point, Anak stood no chance against him. With their physical strength now being equal, Lumen had the advantage in the fight.

His fighting skills are higher than hers, and he had the reach advantage as well. After all, Anak is at most 1.55m tall.

She could see his attacks, but her body didn't respond as fast as it normally would. Lumen landed kick after kick on her, and she couldn't even counterattack once.

All the Regulars that just reached the 3rd Floor were astonished at what they were seeing. They had all witnessed how strong Anak is on the 2nd Floor, so they couldn't believe the current sight. They would have never imagined that someone would be able to humiliate Anak in this manner.

Lumen landed one final kick, and Anak weakly fell on the ground. Her body was bruised, and with the weird pressure on her, she couldn't stand up again.

"So... Anyone else wants a piece of me?" He asked the group of Regulars with a ċȯċky smile.


Rant time!

First of all, I would like to thank everyone that suggested a nickname last chapter. Since White Star was the most liked one, I chose it. Now that doesn't mean I won't use the others in the future since there were a lot of good ones.

Currently, the Regulars on the 3rd Floor are calling him this since they don't know his name and they wouldn't dare call him Weakfish. I don't know how long I will keep it. It could be just a few more chapters, it could 20-30 more chapters or until the end if you all really like it.

Moving on. I know most of you have read ToG, but there are a few readers that have not. So I briefly summarized what happened on the 2nd Floor after Lumen won the Crown Game. But the Test that they were given by the Guardian was a lot more complicated than what I made it out. I just didn't feel like explaining it all since it would have been the whole chapter, and I really wanted Lumen to fight at least one of them in this chapter.

Also, the main reason why I made Lumen go straight to the 3rd Floor after the Crown Game is because the 2nd Floor is important for the plot and the growth of a lot of characters. With him there, he was gonna mess up everything. The whole original plot was gonna get destroyed and I kinda wanna keep that as a safety net there. So when I don't know what to do, I could always turn to that. I also didn't want him to meet Yuri again so quickly. I just thought it's not the right time, but they will meet in the future. I have more to rant about, but I will save it for the next chapter, lol

Sorry for the long rant.

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