Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 14 - Third Floor (8)

The whole group of Regular stared at him in silence. While the majority of them looked at Lumen in fear, there were a few that had a serious look in their eyes.

Beating a Princess of Zahard is a big deal, Diana had explained that much to him, and yet there are a few that are already thinking of ways to deal with him. Seeing that, Lumen was more than happy.

He mostly wanted to come and ask Baam his questions. After receiving his answers, he planned to either recruit the boy if he could, since he is an Irregular or pay him back for wounding him and go on his way.

Lumen was disappointed that Baam died, but he thought that the trip wasn't wasted since there are two Princesses of Zahard that he could potentially recruit.

Now with those few other Regulars that carried themselves with confidence, he could potentially get a few more teammates that won't tie him down.

Lumen was carefully observing them when Androssi cracked her knuckles and walked forward.

"That's my niece, you just beat. As her aunt, I should punish you, no?"

"I don't know what you did to reduce her strength to your level, but even with that ability, you won't be able to beat me," Andros spoke with confidence, her biggest strengths lie in her physical abilities and close combat skills. She didn't think she could lose to Lumen.

She just arrived on the 3rd Floor and still hadn't made a contract with the Guardian, so she was unable to use Shinsoo right now. But that didn't discourage her the least bit.

"Don't worry, I could beat you without it." Lumen removed the gravity on him, and prepared himself, as Androssi was already rushing at him.

She was slightly faster than him, but he was able to read her movements easily.

Moving with his maximum speed with his light fruit is very taxing on his mind. Initially, his brain couldn't handle the amount of information it received from him moving that fast. But with each use, he got more used it, and his brain processed more and more information.

That, in turn, increased the speed of his thinking capabilities. With a faster thought process, his brain can absorb and process even more information. Which also increased his reaction speed. And after his sparing with Diana, Androssi didn't look that fast in his eyes.

Her first attack was a punch towards his face, which Lumen dodged to the side and hit her rib area with a karate chop.

Andorssi proved her fighting capabilities and shifted her body, not only to reduce the damage but also to use his hand as leverage.

With his hand as a support, she threw a left high kick at him, which he bȧrėly managed to duck down under.

Off-balance from the risky attack, Lumen tripped her, making her fall towards the ground.

That allowed her moment where she was able to distance herself from him. That small exchange between them didn't go the way she planned it.

The surrounding Regulars were staring at Lumen in disbelief from what they saw.

Wasn't he slower? How did he manage to fight Androssi evenly in close combat without his suppression ability? The surrounding Regulars all had those questions in their minds.

In that small exchange, the two looked they matched evenly, but Androssi knew she lost it. She didn't land a single hit on him while he did. She even managed to shift her body to reduce the damage, but her side still stung her a bit.

'Which Great Family produced a monster like him?' Ever since she became a Princess of Zahard, the only Regular that managed to match her strength was Anak, another Princess of Zahard. She just couldn't believe that someone that's not from the 10 Great Families could match her toe-to-toe. 'Is it that Ha family? Those guys are known to have immense physical strength.'

"Since you are not coming, I'll come to you." Androssi was just staring at him, so Lumen dashed towards her, starting another exchange of attacks.

This time she was more prepared and didn't let him get an easy hit on her.

The two of them were fighting evenly. Kicks and punches were exchanged, and anytime someone left an opening, the other would punish the mistake.

Lumen was having a lot of fun fighting with Androssi. He didn't know when exactly it happened, but he had turned into a battle maniac after arriving at the Tower.

"How did he get so fast?" Leesoo asked Tiana after he got out of his daze.

"He could go even faster," Tiana answered him truthfully. She was under the impression that he was suppressing himself even now since she has seen him move even faster. Lumen hadn't told her about his abilities, so she believed that he always had that suppression on him.

"There's no way." Leesoo didn't think that's possible for a Regular.

"Just watch," Leesoo remembered Tiana saying those exact words during his fight with Anak, and shuddered at the possibility of him being able to go even faster.

As their fight progressed, they were making fewer and fewer mistakes. The opportunities for strikes were lower, and they had to get more creative with their attacks.

Androssi had a frown on her face, and was vexed looking at his smile. 'Why the hell does he look so happy?!'

Lumen loved fighting with Diana, but since she is stronger and had more skill, she would always suppress him. Diana would completely control the flow of their fights, and he would have to adjust to her rhythm.

Androssi wasn't able to do the same, so he was able to go all out. He was putting all his close combat skills to use, and he was improving the longer the fight lasted.

Despite that, he couldn't get an edge over her since she was also improving during the fight. Androssi is truly talented at fighting at close range.

"Let's spice this up, shall we." He told her while preparing for a sidekick. Androssi was about to dodge his attack when it suddenly sped up immensely. The kick landed on her stomach area and sent her flying back.

Androssi flew back a few meters, and landed on her but. A small amount of blood rose up her throat from that kick.

'He can go even faster?!? Was he playing with me? How is he so strong? Who is he?' Questions plagued her mind while she stared at him in disbelief.

She had faint memories of the Crown Game, but everything ended so fast, so Lumen didn't catch her attention. She believed he won the game by luck.

When he beat Anak, she though he managed to do so, only because of his suppression ability.

After he fought with her equally, she ȧssumed that is his maximum speed and strength. But that last attack was so fast, she only saw a blur.

"Don't lose focus during a fight." Again, he appeared so fast in front of her, she only saw a blur. He stomped on the ground right next to her and created a small crater.

"I have to admit you are strong. I've never had such a fun fight. Join my team." Lumen looked into her yellow-eyes and waited for her response.

She stared at him for a moment before she opened her mouth. "Did you hold back during the fight?"

"Then how did you get this fast if you weren't holding back?" She was sure that he had not used Shinsoo to strengthen himself. There was no way he was able to create a Baang and enhance himself in a split second.

"That's a secret." He won't just go around and tell his abilities to other Regulars for no reason.

Androssi stared at him for another moment and contemplated her decision. "Fine. But I'm joining you so I can beat you in the future. The moment you lose to me, I'm kicking you out of the team!"

"That's fine with me since you would never beat me." He chuckled at her response, confident in his power.

"We'll see about that," Androssi answered with just as much confidence.

She kept sitting on the ground and stared at him as if she wanted something. Seeing that he had no reaction to her, she couldn't help but get angry at him. "Aren't you going to give me a hand to pick me up?"

"No, get up on your own." Lumen told her with a straight face.

"You bastard." She lept of the ground and tried landing a sucker punch, but he sidestepped her attack. Androssi didn't continue trying to attack him since she knew it's pointless, due to his speed. But that didn't stop her from staring angrily at him.

Lumen ignored her and turned towards Anak. He had actually left the 5x gravity on her during his whole fight with Androssi, and he was proud of his control.

"As I said previously, you are someone that I planned on recruiting. Will you join my team." Lumen asked Anak.

"Of course she will join, she is my niece!" Androssi said from the side.

"Shut up! I'm older than you!" Anak rebutted and stared at Lumen afterward. By nature, she is haughty and thinks of herself as the best. Lumen crushed her pride, and if his fight with her didn't show how much stronger he is, his fight with Androssi certainly did.

"Only a Regular as strong as you is worthy to be my teammate." Anak agreed on joining his team.

Both Princesses joined his team, and Lumen was pleased with that. He turned towards the rest of the Regulars and addressed them. "Those that believe themselves to be strong can also join my team. As long as you prove yourselves to be strong, that is."

Most of them had the dėsɨrė to do so, judging by their expectant look, but a few that had caught his attention didn't seem interested.

One of them was the tallest amongst all the Regulars. He was wearing a cloak and had a metal mask on his head, that revealed his mouth, showing his red skin and red teeth. From all of them, he had the most intimidating aura. Unfortunately, he was already walking away.

Another that didn't seem interested was a giant crocodile man. He walked up to the green-skinned Regular that informed him of Baam's death and grabbed him under his arm. "We are going to the Hunting Area, Padakkewl."

"My name is Parakewl." The green-skinned Regular protested and tried escaping from his grasp, but had no success in doing so.


"Whatever Patel, we are going to the Hunting Area, that's my kind of place."

Parakewl let out a sigh and didn't bother arguing with the alligator-like humanoid.

The last Regular that had no interest was the blue-haired one with the special duplicating bag. He was arguing with a blonde-haired girl sitting in a chair. From what Lumen could hear, she wanted to come and try joining his team, while the blue-haired Regular was against that. Saying how they know nothing about Lumen and how dangerous he could possibly be.

Since those three didn't seem to have an interest in joining his team, he focused on those that seemed interested.

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