Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 20 - Fourth Floor (2)

Two weeks passed before Lumen and his team, received a notification for the start of the Test. They were all on the first level of the ship and were sitting in an outdoor bar.

A hologram in the form of a bear popped out from the grey armbands and asked them if they would like to participate in the Test. Everyone, including their new teammate, accepted.

Lumen looked to the side, where their new member was having fun. A girl with grey hair tied into ponytails, pale skin and, and green eyes was clapping cheerfully. Just a tad bit higher than Anak, and wearing a black vest with a skirt underneath, you could mistake her for an innocent schoolgirl.

But Verdi is anything but innocent. In front of her was her giant pink octopus that was holding a female with blonde hair on the right, and a male with red hair on the left.

Verdi has a special position, different from the normal five. She is an Anima. Someone that can control Divine Sea Fish and other creatures to do their biddings.

From what Lumen knew, this position is rare even amongst Rankers. Unless you are from the Lo Po Bia Family. The members of that Family have a higher chance of becoming an Anima than everyone else.

"Yay, now kiss!" The octopus slammed the two Regulars into each other, and Verdi clapped even louder. "I officially declare you part of my collection!"

"Please! I beg of you, please don't do it!" The two Regulars tried begging for their life, but Verdi had already made her mind. In a matter of seconds, their lifeforce was drained from their bodies. The two looked like dolls on a string.

"Good job!" She cheerfully skipped over to the octopus and patted it. "We have two new dolls in our collection, yay!"

"That looks creepy, no matter how many times I see it," Leesoo said with a shudder.

"Just ignore her, she is just having fun," Androssi commented, still haughty, but not as arrogant as before.

Her fight with Anak didn't go the way she wanted to, and in the end, she lost. Androssi had just started climbing the Tower, and she had already suffered two defeats.

Her pride as a Princess of Zahard was damaged to the point that she had got in touch with Lumen in the middle of the night to ask him for help. Unfortunately for her, since there is no place where one could train in the ship, her request was denied.

"Look, look. I got another family! Do you think they will be happier if I get them a kid or two?" Verdi asked Lumen while shaking the toy house in front of him.

Dan had introduced Verdi to Lumen. He explained how the girl is from a branch family of his and how her teammates ended up dying. Well, more like becoming her puppets, but still, they died.

Without teammates, she couldn't possibly advance to the next Floor. And with her tendency to turn those weaker than her into her puppets, no one even wanted to be her teammate.

When they first met, they had a short scuffle, but since then, she looked at him like a big brother and was happy to follow him.

Lumen chuckled at her antics. "Just do whatever you feel like it."

Verdi pondered for a moment, and a bright smile flashed on her face. "I got it! I will make them a very big family! I just need to find younger ones now!" She started looking around the Regulars on the first level, searching for a suitable target.

"You do you, but let's just choose the teams for tomorrow first, and then you can go wild." Verdi was a bit sad hearing that but nodded in the end.

"So, are we going with what we previously decided on? You are going on the Mountain team alone, while the rest of us will be the Plain team?" Leesoo questioned him.

"Yes, that should be the easiest way. With Verdi, as long as you find the Golden Bull, you shouldn't have any problems capturing it. Just make sure you are the ones to get to it first, I don't feel like repeating the Test." Lumen confirmed.

"Lead my ȧss, you will listen to me!" Androssi exclaimed.

"As you wish, Princess." He had no other choice and had to yield to her. Satisfied by his response, she turned towards Lumen. With a more gentle and respectful voice, she asked him. "You will be alone, so you won't have trouble, right?"

"I won't exactly be alone, but either way, don't worry about me. Just make sure to find the bull."

The day flew by quite quickly, and Verdi had managed to find two new dolls to add to her collection.

There was a countdown on the grey armbands, and when that countdown hit zero, everyone that was participating in the Test got teleported.

An unspoken rule of the Test is that everyone will be teleported to a random location in their area. That didn't matter to Lumen since he was the only one on the Moutain team, but the rest had to find where they have been teleported and gather together.

Observers started filling the Plain area. Regulars were trying to find their teammates and the Golden Bull. Everyone was frantically trying to get a leg up on their opponents. Everyone, but Verdi, that is.

Her octopus had shrunken itself to the size of a doll, and she was hugging it to her ċhėst. With a skip in her step, she was cheerfully looking for new dolls that she could add to her collection. The Plain area is also filled with animals, so maybe she could find a useful one to capture as well.

[What's your location?]

[Plain area.]

Her answers infuriated Leesoo, but he didn't dare push it further, less he becomes one of her dolls.

Unlike most teams, Lumen didn't care about locating his teammates. He was teleported near the base of the mountain, but he didn't care about that. In fact, this might even be better for him.

Lumen pulled out a pure black jar from his Pocket, and opened the lid. A giant Saber-Toothed Tiger jumped out of the jar.

The tiger is 4m tall and 10m long, with black stripes covering his body. The moment it was out of the black jar, it let loose a bestial roar, announcing its presence.

Dan didn't only introduce him to Verdi, he also gave him the black jar, which is a bowl. In order to control a creature, an Anima must use a bowl. Bowls are spaces that an Anima uses to control a subjugated creature. An Anima has to fill their bowl with their Shinsoo in a unique way, and then they can store their subjugated beasts inside of it.

Dan also thought him how to fill the bowl with his Shinsoo. Since he had the potential to become an Anima, he didn't have any issues learning it. But all of that didn't come for free. In exchange, Lumen had to spar with Dan daily.

The Ruler of the 4th Floor is someone that loves fighting. Sadly for him, the Administrators on the Floor had already learned their lessons and refused to fight him. The Regulars, on the other hand, are too weak.

He was starting to get really bored until Lumen advanced to his Floor. He looked different from the rest, so Dan decided to trust his instincts. Even though Lumen didn't use his light-based abilities in their fight, Dan was very impressed by his performance.

His fighting style resembles that of a savage beast. With each attack, Dan is able to produce shockwaves and Lumen can't even remember how many broken bones he had to fix using his Pheonix fruit.

That's what really impressed Dan. He knew for a fact that he broke his bones with his attacks, but Lumen stood back up in a matter of seconds, looking as good as new. To top it off, his body wasn't as weak as those other ants on his Floor, so he wasn't worried about killing him with a single attack.

Dan had initially called Lumen to tell him about Verdi and to test him out once, but he ended up taking a liking to him. He wanted to teach him his fighting style, but that heavily relied on his monstrous physical strength. And Lumen still wasn't strong enough to create shockwaves with his physical body alone.

Since he couldn't teach him that, he figured he'd test him as an Anima, and Lumen had the talent for that. Dan was so impressed by his talent that he started pestering Lumen to marry into his Family.

He even gave him the Saber-Toothed Tiger, hoping that would change his mind, but Lumen still refused him. The little cat, as Dan called it, was still in it's growing stage. According to him, it should reach around 10m tall and 25m long when fully grown.

Lumen jumped on top of his Saber-Toothed Tiger and patted her on the head. "I bet you're hungry, Saber. Let's go and find some Regular for you to eat."

Saber let out a roar in approval and after a quick sniff, she dashed towards a smell she picked up.

In a minute, she had reached a group of Regulars that were fighting. The moment they saw Saber running after them, they all scattered. The tiger picked a few to chase after while Lumen sniped the rest.

Try as they might, the couldn't run away from Saber. She easily caught up to them and gobbled them down. Done with those, she returned to those that Lumen killed and ate them as well. He planned on killing every single Regular that chose to go to the Mountain Area, so they continued searching for more.

The castle was ownerless at the moment, so the two sat down in front of it, waiting for Regulars to come to them. Saber had gotten full from all the Regular, so she was happy with taking a nap for a few hours to digest her food.

Meanwhile, the Plain team had mostly gathered together and had been lucky to locate the Golden Bull. Leesoo had immediately contacted Verdi to let her know.

[Verdi, we found the bull. Where are you?]

[Plain area.]

Leesoo wanted to pull his hair out, the girl only listened to Lumen, so he decided to use that.

[Verdi, if we don't capture the Golden Bull, Lumen will be disappointed in you, but if we manage to do it very fast, he will be very proud of you.]

She stopped in place after seeing his message. After a moment of hesitation, she decided to go and get the bull.

[Send me your location, I will right there.]

"YES!" Leesoo celebrated with a fist pump and told her where to find them.

As he was wondering if his teammates had managed to find the Golden Bull, a group of three Regulars wearing black cloaks came out of the forest.

The three of them looked to be a bit stronger than the rest of the Regular he killed. A purple-haired man, who looked to be the leader of them, pulled out his Pocket and looked at a picture of a Regular.

That caught Lumen's interest since the Regular the man was looking at was him. That was definitely a surprise for him.

"Are you the one they call White Star? I came here to make you an offer you can't refuse."

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