Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 21 - Fourth Floor (3)

"You have an offer I can't refuse?" Lumen asked with a laugh.

The laws of the Tower are quite simple. The strong rule over the weak, and stronger rule over the strong. Lumen could understand a High Ranker or a Ranker telling him that, but a Regular? He found that quite funny.

The purple-haired man, as if not sensing the ridicule in Lumen's voice, continued on. "Yes. I'm here to extend you an invitation to join FUG."

'FUG?' Lumen though. Diana had told him about this organization. FUG's members have a grudge against 10 Families and Zahard, envy what they possess and want to change the Tower in some way.

She also told him that should they learn that Lumen is an Irregular, they would surely try to recruit him. As an Irregular, he is one of the few that could actually kill King Zahard.

'What do they want with me? Have they found out that I'm an Irregular?' Lumen would have normally killed them already but decided to wait and see what they want, before doing so.

"FUG has a lot of agents spread across the Tower, be they Regulars or Rankers. You could find them on any Floor. You see, the person you killed on the 3rd Floor was part of FUG."

"Tench was supposed to advance to this Floor and take my position, while I climb higher. Since you killed him, I will give that honor to you. Join FUG, take my spot on the 4th Floor while I will take your spot on your team."

"Those Regulars are important for FUG, so we have to keep an eye on them. Replacing you is the perfect opportunity, should you refuse, I will personally kill you." The purple-haired man stared menacingly at Lumen after he finished his speech.

"Why are my teammates important to FUG?" Lumen was confused. He thought they are here because of him, not because of his teammates. So if they are here because of them, what makes them so important then?

"That's something that you do not need to know. Now choose!" The purple-haired man raised his voice, trying to intimidate him.

Lumen let out a sigh and shook his head. "Have you not made your homework about me?"

The moment he finished his question, he was already standing in front of one cloaked Regulars with his hand clutching the other person's throat.

"I don't like it when people give me the wrong answer." Lumen stated and snapped the cloaked figure's neck.

The purple-haired man was sweating buckets seeing all of that. 'When they said he is strong, they should have said that he is 'Do not approach' level strong.'

"Now, my dear friend. Why don't we try again with you giving me the right answers this time?" Lumen told him with a smile, that to the purple-haired man looked like the devil's smile.

The FUG member hesitated for a second, before making his decision. Forming two Baangs, he applied his quality and turned them into purple string-like objects. He might die trying, but he will at least attempt to take down the one they call White Star.

The two strings came from both sides and tried entangling Lumen. He was surprised seeing someone being able to apply quality to his Shinsoo.

The only other person that he has seen doing it was Diana. Her main and preferred quality is a Jasmine flower. Although not an attacking type of quality, it's extremely versatile. It could defend with its petals, capture an enemy by entangling it, force someone to sleep, or even entrance them with its aroma. The lack of attacking methods are covered up by the massive amount of Shinsoo she could control, or her other three qualities.

So far, this is the second person that Lumen has seen applying quality to their Shinsoo.

He dodged one of the purple strings and grabbed the other with his hand. The string was grinding at his palm and was slowly peeling his flesh away. 'It's like a little saw. Nothing special other than that.'

The FUG member was staring at him wide-eyed. 'He actually caught that without his hand falling off?' No Regular has managed to survive being hit with one of his purple strings, but Lumen was even able to catch it.

He was cursing himself ten times over. Why did he come up to this guy with so much confidence? At least, he had managed to send a message to his superiors. They would know that he has died by his hands.

"Now, let's play a game. Either you talk, or you die. Let see which happens first." Lumen crouched down next to him with a smile.

The Plain team had already gathered together, and with Verdi's help, captured the Golden Bull as well. Having an Anima as a teammate sure is convenient.

"Now, we only need to bring it back to the Mountain Area. Hopefully, Lumen has taken care of things there." Leesoo told the group.

"He is stronger than all of us, so he should have no problem with that," Tiana replied to him. She has been with him the longest from the current group and had full confidence in him.

"Yeah, I know, but he is still only one man," Leesoo said.

"But that one man could kill our whole group on his own," Hatsu commented from the side.

"You should have more confidence in someone that beat me, a Princess of Zahard." Androssi complimented him in her own way.

Leesoo let out a sight. "Yeah, you guys are right. Sometimes I forget how strong he actually is. Like, when you think of Irregulars, you wouldn't think of someone like Bam, but someone like Lumen."

Again, the group started their debate whether he is an Irregular or not for the nth time. Most of the time, it ended with the conclusion that it shouldn't be possible for two Irregulars to enter at the same time. There has been a total of four Irregulars in the Tower counting Bam. And that's for thousands of years. How unlikely is it for two to enter the Tower at the same time?

That froze the group for a moment. They always asked if he is an Irregular or not. They never thought if that actually matters.

"It doesn't really matter, does it?" Leesoo asked with a laugh.

"Let's stop wasting time, he will probably get annoyed at us if he finds out," Anak told them.

"He won't get angry at us if he doesn't find out!" Leesoo sneakily suggested with a goofy smile.

"I will tell him." Verdi and Anak said at the same time. Hearing them, Leesoo smile disappeared just as fast at it appeared.

"Let's go, guys! Lumen is waiting for us! We can't disappoint him can we?" Leesoo tried to usher the group to move faster.

The group started moving towards the Mountain area. They were quite a distance away, so it will take them at least a few hours to reach it.

Thankfully, they don't have to actually carry the Golden Bull, since Verdi had stored it in her bowl. The perks of having an Anima on your team.

During the time that they were moving towards the Mountain, they got attacked on a few occasions. Nothing that managed to prove to be a challenge, considering they have all trained with Lumen for over two weeks. Count in the fact that they have two Princesses of Zahard, and there shouldn't be a stronger team than them.

They had contacted Lumen to come to the barrier, but he just told them to go straight to the castle. Trusting him, they started moving in that direction.

A few minutes later, a giant Saber-Toothed Tiger jumped in front of them. Seeing the beast, they all got ready to attack. There was a rule stating that they couldn't attack other teams, not other beats.

Just as they were about to attack, Verdi ran up to it. "Hello, Saber!"

She jumped on top of her and started petting the tiger. "Did Lumen sent you?" Verdi questioned Saber, which roared in response.

"Wait! That beast is Lumens? Why haven't we seen it before?" Everyone was surprised learning that he has a Saber-Toothed Tiger and that he is an Anima as well.

"Uncle Dan gave it to him. He was so surprised at how talented Lumen is as an Anima, that he tried using Saber as dowry to try and force him to marry into the Lo Po Bia Family." Verdi explained to the group while petting Saber. The tiger had started purring like a little cat.

"Wait, wait, wait! Lumen is getting married into the Lo Po Bia Family?" Again, everyone exclaimed in surprise. They knew Lumen kept a lot of secrets from them, but marrying into one of the 10 Great Families is a big thing in the Tower.

"Of course not. He refused him." Verdi answered them with a straight face, her hand not stopping even for a second as she continued petting Saber, who looked to be melting at this point.

"Why would he refuse? Isn't that a great opportunity?" Androssi asked.

"Let's go to Lumen! Saber will lead us there." Verdi exclaimed and they started climbing the Moutain.

On the way to the castle, they noticed how silent the forest is. Not even a single scuffle between Regulars could be heard. For that matter, not even a single Regular could be seen.

They half-expected for a team of Regulars to be waiting for them at the base of the Moutain, but they hadn't seen even a single Regular so far.

The realization hit them, as they understood that Lumen has already taken care of all the Regular in the Moutain Area.

They finally reached the castle walls, when they saw Lumen sitting in front of the castle walls.

Just as they were about to greet him, they noticed his serious look. He was staring at all of them and evaluating them one by one.

"I'm happy that you got the bull, but before we could finish the Test, we are going to have a nice and long talk between ourselves." Lumen told them with a serious tone.

After he tortured and interrogated the purple-haired man, he came to the conclusion that his team members are very important to FUG. Not one, not two, but the majority of them are important to FUG.

That was a point of concern because he didn't know why. No matter how he asked, the purple-haired man was adamant about not telling him anything.

So now the question is, how do almost all of his teammates have a connection to FUG? And what makes them so important to that organization?

Leesoo was scared out of his pants, seeing his look. He gulped down and asked him. "What are we going to talk about?"

"We are going to talk about why more than half of my teammates have a connection with FUG!" Lumen was expecting to see some reactions here, but absolutely everyone looked confused at his statement.

Not a single one of them looked surprised, they were all puzzled at why he thinks they have a connection to FUG.

Either way, they sat down and after a couple hour-long discussion, they finished the Test, by bringing the Golden Bull back to it's shed.

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