Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 22 - Fourth Floor (4)

Despite the couple-hour long discussion, Lumen couldn't understand why a majority of his teammates are important to FUG.

The group all met each other when they had to take the Position Test on the 2nd Floor. They hadn't known each other before that, and that's the only thing they had in common.

They normally didn't like talking about the events on that Floor, but Lumen forced them to spill the beans. From that, he understood that after he left, they had to go through a complicated situation, to say the least.

Bam had revealed himself as an Irregular and requested a Test from the Guardian of the Floor. Someone tried ȧssassinating the two Princesses, Yuri had intervened, saved them, and then taken both Green April and Black March, two of the 13 Month Series, from Anak.

Bam had died at the end of the Test, and that led to every other Regular to pass on to the next Floor, thanks to a deal he made with the Guardian.

It's definitely weird that an Irregular had died at the lowest Floor, but not entirely impossible. Diana had told him that he is the weakest Irregular she had seen, but Bam looked even weaker than him. Despite that, he was still an Irregular. So he shouldn't have died that easily.

That still didn't answer why his teammates are so important to FUG. He could understand if Bam was alive, and they were somehow threatening him with them, but he died. The Guardian of the Floor had confirmed that otherwise, why would he allow everyone to advance to the next Floor.

Unless FUG had somehow managed to fool the Guardian. But that shouldn't be possible since Guardians are supposed to be omnipresent on their Floor.

Had FUG somehow managed to strike a deal with the Guardian then? But what could they possibly offer to the Guardian?

Lumen was at a loss. The situation was a lot more complicated than he imagined. At least he managed to confirm that none of his teammates are directly connected to FUG.

He had his suspicions that Bam might be alive, but he didn't tell that to his group. Rather he sent a message to Diana to see what she thinks about the whole situation.

She, like him, had the same thoughts. But she wasn't sure how FUG managed to fool the Guardian. Diana did advise him to be more careful in the future since he was most likely on FUG's radar now. She also said she will be on the lookout for any Regulars that matches Bam's appearance.

Since Lumen would surely meet more members of that organization in the future. He would get to ask them his questions at that point. As long as no Rankers are present, he was sure he would be able to deal with FUG's members.

Since the discussion ended, it was time to finish up the Test.

After the group brought the Golden Bull back to it's shed, they were teleported back to the Ursala. Unlike the previous time, they weren't sent to a giant room, but to a vast forest. This was the fourth and personal level of Dan. A place Lumen had visited quite often in his stay on the 4th Floor.

Bright orange hair and wearing an orange dress. The woman's facial features looked identical to Orange. She was looking at the group as if looking at prey. She licked her lips and said. "I'd bet you will all scream like little girls when I chop you up."

Dan shot her a look and ordered her. "Green get out here. Bring out Orange."

Green looked reluctant but complied with his order. They all saw her hair turn from green to orange in front of their eyes. She looked around for a bit and noticed the dress she is wearing.

"Oh my, I'm wearing a green dress." She said even though she was clearly wearing an orange one. She instantly undressed in front of everyone and put on a green dress.

Aleksai and Leesoo started drooling when they saw her figure with only her undėrwėȧr on. But a chop to the head by Androssi ended that. "Perverts!"

"I prefer green a lot more." She cheerfully stated. Not only did she have a split personality, but she was also color blind.

With that out of the way, Dan turned towards the group.

"I didn't expect anything less from you lot!" His thick voice filled the forest.

"Lumen, two Princesses of Zahard, and Verdi. Had you failed with such a team, you would be nothing but an embarrassment!" He praised only those four without even putting the rest into consideration.

Dan laughed out and walked up to Lumen. He put his hand over Lumen's shoulder and nearly caused him to sink into the ground.

"I'm sad that you are leaving so early, little friend. Never thought I'd have so much fun sparing with a Regular before!" With Dan being so close to him, Lumen felt his eardrums popping.

"I know you already refused me, but do consider my offer. I'm sure you will become a Ranker in the future, so you will be able to get an even better position in the family! You could possibly even get more than one wife! I myself personally have six of them!"

Hearing him, Lumen rolled his eyes. 'If they are anything like the ones you introduced me, I'd rather kill myself.'

Dan had introduced him to a few of his wives, and Lumen wasn't really impressed. Since all four of them were animals... Dan had a weird taste when it came to women.

Lumen is not into beastiality, but he didn't dare tell him that, though.

"I'll pass for now. I enjoy my freedom." Lumen answered him.

"Don't be like that, little friend. You could even consider Verdi. She might not have the Family traits, but she is definitely from a branch family of ours." Dan really tried pushing him, but Lumen shook his head in refusal. Verdi was more like the little sister he never had and not a love interest.

"Such a shame, but you do remind me of my younger days when I was a wild and free beast! Make sure to visit me when you become a Ranker! We will have an amazing fight between ourselves! I can't wait to go all out against you when you become a Ranker!"

Dan was truly impressed with Lumen's talent and had taken a liking to him. He was the first Regular that had taken more than one hit from him and survived after all. Dan was sure that Lumen will become a Ranker, and he couldn't wait to see how strong he will become in the future.

"Either way, congratulations on passing the Test, Regulars. You will all be awarded 3 000 Points." Dan congratulated the group and teleported them to the next Floor.

"Wow, I understand now why you are so interested in that Lumen fellow." An Administrator with blue hair exclaimed. He was the one that monitored the Test on the Floor with his Lighthouse.

Unlike Diana's ship, the Ursala wasn't equipped with High-Level Lighthouses and Observers, her ship is a very high class, since it was gifted to her by her father, Po Bidau Gustang.

Since Dan had no way of observing the Regulars, he had brought a Ranker with a High-Level Lighthouse to observe the Tests for him.

The blue-haired Ranker was watching Lumen kill off all the Regulars in the Mountain Area. "That has to be the fastest Regular I've ever seen!"

"The fastest Regular?" That surprised Dan. He knew Lumen is strong, but he didn't think he is the fastest Regular out there. His strong points were his tough body and his regeneration ability, alongside his talent as an Anima.

"Definitely! Take a look, Dan." The blue-haired Administrator answered and showed him the footage starting from the start of the Test.

Dan saw him summon Saber and get on her back. The two started hunting Regulars, and he saw him shooting light beams. That didn't impress him much since he believed they won't do much damage to him. But it seems he is also a talented Wave Controller.

The two reached the castle and settled down in front of it. Any Regular that came afterward was killed by his light beams. That continued on until the three cloaked Regulars came.

They talked for a moment, but Lumen suddenly moved so fast, he almost appeared to be teleporting. He easily killed off two of the Regulars and then started torturing the other one for some reason.

"That little bastard!" Dan roared out.

"He actually held back while fighting me!" He wasn't sure what to think about this. A Regular dared to hold back while fighting a High Ranker. He didn't think that it would have changed the outcome of their spar, but still, he actually held back!

Dan was impressed by his guts. That made him like Lumen even more! He was dead set on making him join his Family now. They might be one of the 10 Gream Families, but this was something else. Such a talent, can't be missed out on. Immediately he sent Lumen a message.

[You sure have guts holding back against me! I will definitely make you join my Family, like it or not!]

[I'm sorry, I enjoy my freedom.]

[You don't have a choice in this matter!] Dan tried sending him another message, but a notification popped up.

[User has blocked you and can't receive your message.]

Dan gnashed his teeth but immediately sent a message to Verdi.

[Verdi, listen to me. I don't care how, but I want you to seduce Lumen! Get him to join the Lo Po Bia Family!]

[But I don't want to.] He knew she is a bit eccentric, so he sent her another message.

Unfortunately for him, he saw another notification.

[User has blocked you and can't receive your message.]

Dan stared at the notification for a moment, before he started laughing. Regulars had dared go against his words. That has never happened since he became a High Ranker.

With a massive grin on his face, he contacted his Family. Asking for any Regulars that are currently climbing the Tower and letting them know about Lumen.

"I've already decided you will become part of the Family, let's see how you'll get out of this situation!" Dan laughter echoed through the fourth level of his ship.

Meanwhile, Lumen's group was teleported to an empty room. The room was completely enclosed without a single window or door. They were all looking around in confusion, wondering what's the deal with that.

A few minutes passed before a blonde girl with glasses appeared. She was wearing blue jeans, a pink tank top and was chewing gum.

"Welcome to Gregory's Floor, Regulars. My name is Trixie, and I'm an Administrator on the Floor. The fat pig is stuffing himself like usual, so I will introduce you to the 5th Floor." She told them while blowing bubbles with her gum

"The Test of this Floor is a Battle Royale, but before you are allowed to participate, you have to go through a pre-Test to prove that you are worthy."

"Each one of you will be teleported to another empty room, and you will have to face off against five Regulars from this Floor. You will have to fight them one after the other. You either have to kill your opponent or make him surrender. How you do it is up to you."

"Most of them are greedy bastards like the Floor Ruler, so they can be swayed if you offer them Points. If you fail, you will be sent back to where you came from."

"Those who pass will be allowed to participate in the Battle Royale. Only a total of ten Regulars will be allowed to pass for each Test. You don't lose anything for failing the Battle Royale unless you get killed, that is." Trixie blew another bubble, but that was bigger than normal. It popped and covered her whole face.

"Ahhh, not again! Whatever, I already explained all the details. Good luck in your pre-Test, Regulars. We will meet again if you manage to pass it." Trixie teleported away from the room.

After that, each and every member from Lumen's team was sent to an enclosed room like the one they were already in.

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