The more you play, the more you will lose.

Su Yi tried to use [Yu Wushuang] at the beginning of the game.

It was useless! Whether it was Merlin, Percival, or Oberon, the identity he anchored could not take effect.

However, after going through so many games, he knew that [Yu Wushuang] basically could not directly help him win the Devil Game.

The higher the difficulty level of the game, the less it could be used.

Luck could not break through the obstacles of the Devil Game, or the obstacles of deeper power.

Especially when he was controlled by Han Mengqi's absolute power, he felt it more and more real.

So Su Yi couldn't help but have a great interest in the [Spiritual Jade] that Chen Siyun mentioned.

If my [Yu Wushuang] can be upgraded through this item, then can I break through the obstacles in these erasure games and achieve my desired goals?

If it is possible, and it works, one is not enough, then two!

If two are not enough, then five!

Until the air wave of [Yu Wushuang] is unstoppable!

Am I really invincible in the devil game?

But why can Yun Huang do what I [Yu Wushuang] can't do in the game?

Is her weird ability to read people's hearts a talent skill similar to [Yu Wushuang], or something else?

Yun Huang smiled and hummed, as if what happened on the field had nothing to do with her.

Mature woman No. 9 spoke.

"I voted in favor last round. I wanted to go on the expedition first, and No. 2 Percival's speech was indeed good."

"But No. 5 has a more favorable counterattack this time. The team he chose is 3, 5, and 10... Well... I still maintain the opinion of the last round, so let's go on the expedition first!"

The mature woman No. 9 stroked her hair: "Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to be naked here."

"I will also agree this round."

"The speech is over." The mature woman said gently.

In the last round of voting, 1, 2, 4, 9, and 10 voted in favor.

In addition to 1, 2, and 10 in the expedition team, 4 was voted by Morgana, and the speech and behavior of No. 9 were ordinary knights without perspective.

So from this point of view, No. 1 and No. 9 can actually be won over later.

Su Yi pondered, and at the same time did not forget the idea in his heart.

It's my turn!

"In the last round, I was the Fairy of the Lake, No. 2 was okay, and there is a high probability that the Holy Grail will not be contaminated in the first round, so I chose to agree."

"But I didn't expect that everyone was still hesitant, and they still failed to go on the expedition."

"3, 5, 10,... Now that most people want to go on the expedition, I will continue to vote in favor."

"Then talk to No. 1, the expedition has not started yet... There is no need to step on me first."

"Everyone knows that the Fairy of the Lake is randomly distributed. I don't think you need to click on it. Is there one of your teammates in the car? Is it to set an ambush for me?"

"I solemnly declare that I, No. 10, am a loyal knight, and the verification information I gave must be correct." Su Yi said righteously.

"The speech is over."

It is necessary to return the favor.

Just now, No. 1 clicked on him, so he naturally had to respond as a good person and cushion it. In case the subsequent development requires it, he can also bring it up.

Otherwise, he will be chased and hammered later.

"No. 1 is speaking." The tough young man No. 1 adjusted his sitting posture.

"No. 10, I'm just saying this for the time being, don't worry."

"In the last round, I still believed in No. 2 Percival. I'm in the team, so I'm sure I voted in favor."

"Now, it's not impossible for the team to go to Point 5. Let's listen to No. 2 Percival's speech again."

"The speech is over."

No. 2 Queen pursed her lips: "Okay, I'll speak, let me tell you how I feel now."

"It's complicated, I'm Percival. When I was the captain of the team just now, was my speech too bad?"

"3, 5, 6, 7, 8? You 5 voted against"

"5, 7 are bad, I can understand that they must vote against, but 3, 6, 8 I don't quite understand, No. 6, and No. 8 Yunhuang, what do you mean by your speech? You said that since one round has been delayed, then the last round should also be delayed, and listen to the speeches again."

"Oh, it's my turn to delay No. 2, Percyville, and No. 5, and you say it's meaningless to listen any further and you have to agree?"

"I don't want to talk about No. 3 anymore, you stand on the side of No. 5, so I

I won't pull you in. Now you are bad in my eyes, charging here."

"Then I can also select 3 bad guys, 3, 5, 7 are evil."

"Everyone who is ready to vote in favor this round, especially those who just voted against No. 6 and No. 8, can you understand my feelings?" No. 2 Queen Sister looked helpless.

"A real Percival was skipped his captain turn alive, and now he is using such a vague reason to evade me."

"I really watched you hand over the advantage to the bad guys. Do you understand? You know the result, but it depends on whether you join his team." No. 2 Queen Sister's voice was a little louder, showing very sincere.

"You should know that I, the real Percival, am outside the team, can't lead anyone, and can't get information centered on myself. When you change your mind, it will be really difficult for me to deal with it, after all, there is Mordred. "

"This expedition team is definitely not possible. If you believe me, I can only suggest that No. 4 form a team. If No. 4 is not formed, then No. 5 will have to force a team. "

"That's all I have to say. Please object."

"The speech is over." No. 2 had a solemn look on her face.

This speech was full of emotion and content, and it was indeed Percival's mentality now.

Just now I thought No. 2 was Oberon, okay, now it's evenly matched with No. 5.

But based on the fact that the car was opposed and failed just now.

Based on the perspective of the evil side.

Most good people's choices are biased towards No. 5, including Yun Huang, who is absolutely a good person.

So Su Yi felt that No. 2 should be his teammate.

If this is true, then he has superb acting skills and perfect speech, and he will not lose to No. 5 in a real Percival duel.

The rough bearded man No. 3 smiled.

"No. 2 Percival, don't worry, we have plenty of time to change our minds, but this round we must go to 3, 5, and 10. ”

“Don’t think too much, just agree to this round. There’s nothing to say. If we say more, it will give the evil side extra information. Let’s just look at the results.”

“Choose 3, 5, 10 to form a team!”

“The speech is over.” The bearded man didn’t say anything more and quickly determined the team.

[Captain, please confirm that the team is 3, 5, 10.]

“Confirm! "

[Knights, please vote for or against the expedition team!]

[If more than half of the votes agree, the team will go on the expedition. If the votes agree equal to or less than half, the mission will be delayed.]

Su Yi chose [Agree] in front of him.

This round, most people will agree. It would be too high-profile to choose [Against].

And since No. 2 is most likely his partner Oberon, the only way to play now is to get into No. 5's expedition team first.

Su Yi's eyes drifted to Yun Huang. Yun Huang looked up slightly and glanced at Su Yi as if she had sensed it.

She smiled at Su Yi.

Yun Huang's eyes were still clear. She was wearing silver armor, like a loyal female knight.

Her white slender hands gently rested on the helmet placed on the stone table, and suddenly turned it hard.

Su Yi felt a sense of chill on his neck...

Good fellow,

You are...

threatening me, right?

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