The election was held in a state of panic.

[The voting is over, 6 votes in favor, 4 votes against. ]

[The Holy Grail mission is about to start, and the voting situation is now displayed. ]

[Votes in favor: 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10]

[Votes against: 1, 2, 4, 7]

If No. 2 is Oberon, then there are 3 evil parties in 1, 2, 4, and 7, and only No. 1 is on the wrong side.

If I vote against it again, then there will really be 4 evil parties gathered together...

But as the Fairy of the Lake in this round, it is impossible for me to vote against it.

[The mission will be carried out by 3, 5, and 10. ]

[The Holy Grail mission will start. 】

As soon as the old voice fell, Su Yi realized that his stone chair was slowly falling, contrary to the rise just now.

The same was true for stone chairs No. 3 and No. 5.

Not long after, Su Yi found that the stone chair landed in a separate room.

From the appearance, this place is more like a part of a palace, magnificent.

The pillars around are all golden, and even inlaid with gems of different colors.

Su Yi got off the stone chair. There was a door in front of him, but it was closed.

Su Yi walked around the room and looked at it carefully.

When he was studying whether the gem could be picked out, there was a crisp sound.

The door opened!

Su Yi opened the door and stepped in.

He found that there was a larger golden palace in front of him. In addition to his own door, there were 9 more.

It seems that everyone has a separate room, and they will come out from here alone to touch the Holy Grail.

And the Holy Grail emitting a golden glow was lying quietly on the table in front of the palace.

The Holy Grail is golden in color, with simple and complicated patterns. There is a piece of silver wrapped under the cup.

On the base of the Holy Grail, there is a gem emitting blue light.

Su Yi reached out to touch the Holy Grail, and a feeling of extreme comfort lingered throughout his body.

It was as if he had gained endless power.

Su Yi slowly let go of the Holy Grail, and this feeling disappeared immediately, as if his body was hollowed out and extremely empty.

Tsk, it's still unsatisfactory.

The energy of this Holy Grail is so powerful.

It is worthy of being the treasure that King Arthur wants to find.

Su Yi is naturally not going to invest evil energy this time.

He walked back to his room and sat on the stone chair.

After waiting for a while, Su Yi's chair slowly rose.

Everyone was in place again.

[Results of this expedition]

[Success. ]

[The knights have completed one round, and there are two rounds left. 】

Boom, after a sound, the Holy Grail that Su Yi had seen just now rose in the center of the stone table, and the Holy Grail now was the same as before, emitting a comfortable golden glow.

After being announced to everyone, the Holy Grail returned to the underground again.

[The new captain is No. 4, and the number of people on this round of missions is 4. 】

The blond man No. 4 - Morgana spoke.

"The expedition team 1, 2, 3, 4."

This team must have been randomly selected by No. 4, just to simply express that he still needs to listen to everyone's speech, and also indirectly told Percival that he is a person who is afraid of being stabbed.

The young man No. 5 smiled and spoke.

"No. 4, if you are on the knight side, then you will follow my expedition team."

"There is nothing much to say, No. 2, I don't want to fight you, nor do I study the ticket type, let's talk about it with the results."

"The expedition was successful, very simple, add another No. 8! 3, 5, 8, 10, we will go."

"End of speech."

No. 6, a capable middle-aged man, thought for a while.

"Then I won't say much, since it's successful, let's continue with 3, 5, 10 and add a No. 8. Of course, I am a good person, I hope that No. 8 will be replaced by me, No. 6, but it is Percival's choice. He also passed, so I have nothing more to say."

"End of speech."

No. 7 Xie Keqing - Assassin.

She smiled and said, "Since it's successful, let's continue. However, as I said before, I will still oppose it."

"End of speech."

Without much hesitation, Xie Keqing chose to make a brief speech. After passing her round, this is what a good person should do. She chose to continue pretending to be a good person. After all, this team has Su Yi, the Mordred, and it is already a team that is bound to fail.

For the knights, since this round has passed, let's not discuss it first. Wait until it fails, and then continue to discuss it, otherwise it will easily expose Merlin.

No. 8 Yun Huang, she had no expression, as if the action against Su Yi just now had never happened.

"Agree with No. 5's team,

But I prefer 5, 6, 8, 9. "

"End of speech."

She still spoke briefly.

But it made Su Yi extremely nervous.

5, 6, 8, 9!

So your team didn't even bring No. 3, right?

In addition to yourself, you directly selected 2 extra good people?

Give Percival the ultimate message...

Isn't this too Merlin?

With Yun Huang's personality, Su Yi really couldn't guess what she was thinking.

Is it because of her ability, or is she really Merlin, deliberately using the opposite logic with the evil side?

Let us think that such an obvious Merlin is not Possibly!

Such a gamble of failure, no one would do it... But if it was Yun Huang, it would be something she could do!

Yun Huang's main trick is to play with people's hearts.

Recalling the previous battles with Yun Huang, Su Yi felt helpless. It seemed that if he didn't make a move... this game was really controlled by Paixville, Merlin and Yun Huang!

Yun Huang's move, not to mention herself, must have made even her companions a little confused!

No. 9 spoke, "There is no need to expose information this round, let's go."

It was No. 10 Su Yi's turn to speak: "Okay, go first. If this round is successful, there will still be 4 people in the next round. We will go out for another round and win."

"End of speech."

Su Yi also spoke briefly, but he knew that he had to take action this round.

And the victory or defeat of this game... can only depend on himself!

No. 1 tough young man spoke: "Let's go, no nonsense."

"End of speech. "

Even though No. 1 had just voted against it and was moved by No. 2, he skipped the speech after the Holy Grail mission was successful.

Everything depends on the result. Even if there are bad guys in the first team, it will not help to change the team repeatedly now. On the contrary, doing so will only interfere with the judgment of the knights.

We can only wait until the Holy Grail mission fails.

No. 2 sighed: "3, 5, 10 are bad guys hiding, and they did not inject evil power into the Holy Grail. Moreover, 3 and 5 are two evil parties, one of which is a fake Percival. They will naturally not pollute the Holy Grail in the first round. Otherwise, all three people in this team will be suspected, and the evil party will not be able to play. "

"But the Holy Grail will definitely be polluted this time!"

"But he can explain that there is Mordred in it. Will you believe him then?"

"Or repent in time?"

"This is a question about whether our knights can win!"

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