Devil's Love

Chapter 440

Chu Yixiong looked at Enron around situ Mo and didn't find much doubt, because Enron and Qiqi were wearing human skin masks at the moment.

"Old Chu, if you have guests, we won't bother. Liu Yan, we should go back." Liu Fengde walked to the gate of the yard without waiting for his granddaughter's consent.

Not far from the small yard, Liu Yan shook off her grandfather's hand and said angrily, "Grandpa, what's good about that woman? No, I want to look at brother Chu Mu!"

"Don't lose face here. Come back with me? I tell you, the girl is good. You may not be her opponent." Liu Fengde dragged his granddaughter back again. This time, he must take someone back.

It's nothing to depend on the Chu family. The blind man can see that Chu Mu has no interest in Liu Yan. He has to ask his son and daughter-in-law to find a suitable mother-in-law for the girl as soon as he goes back.


Liu Yan struggled again: "what are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of her. She's just a foreign smelly girl!"

"You'd better go back to me honestly. I'm afraid that girl is not that simple." Liu Fengde has seen that everyone in the yard is wearing human skin masks except Chu mu.

However, when the woman named Qi Qi fought with Chu Mu just now, he always felt that those moves seemed to have been seen somewhere?

For a moment, he couldn't remember. After all, he has been providing for the elderly in the tribe for many years, and many things have been ignored.

Liu Yan put her hands on her hips and stamped her feet. Finally, Liu Fengde pulled her away.

Without Zhang's chattering mouth, the yard was quiet. Chu Yixiong glanced at everyone and saw that everyone except his grandson was wearing human skin masks.

"Everyone is hungry. Let's talk about what we have after dinner!" he said faintly and walked to the front door of the house.

This is a big kitchen. There is a charcoal fire on the ground and it is cold in the mountains. In winter, every family basically lives like this. There is an iron shelf on the side, on which the nearly cooked Ciba is baked.

There is a large water tank in the kitchen and these Ciba are also placed in the bar, which is a common food in winter.

Seeing Ciba's eyes straight, Qiqi immediately ran over and squatted down, rubbed his hands and shouted Chu Mu: "come on, get some brown sugar."

Chumu handed over the brown sugar cut on the table next to him, and Qiqi took a piece and put it in the fast roasted Ciba. Ciba like a quilt, fold brown sugar in a roll, then pick it up and send it to your mouth.


She shook her head with a look of enjoyment: "delicious!"

Such a move makes Enron more sure that this Qiqi is a Miao people, because Miao people also like to eat Ciba. This kind of Ciba has been made by grandma at home before, and she likes it very much. Later, grandma died. She moved to the city and never ate it again. She still misses the taste.

This time, she found that Chu Yixiong didn't come in with everyone. Chu Mu still greeted them. It seems that Chu Yixiong doesn't welcome guests from outside.

"Hungry, I'll bake one for you, too. It tastes good." situ Mo volunteered to help bake one when he saw Enron staring at the Ciba.

There are also three Ciba on the shelf, and one of them is almost good. Qiqi looked at the boss's clumsy appearance and simply helped turn the Ciba over while eating. The action is extremely skilled.

After a while, the Ciba was baked and put brown sugar on it. The Ciba was too hot. Situ Mo took it to Enron with his left hand and his right hand.

Enron took it and took a bite. It was soft and waxy, with the smell of brown sugar, which was similar to the taste of grandma's baking before.

Looking at Enron's delicious food, situ Mo was also hungry. Finally, he couldn't help but open his mouth and bite.

Enron looked at it with disgust. His original good appetite was gone. He stuffed the remaining Ciba back into situ Mo's hand and began to look around.

"Don't look, there are too many of us. The old man doesn't like to eat with outsiders. We'll see the old man after dinner." situ Mo saw Enron's mind and said while eating.

Xiao Jun, they won't be polite. If the Ciba isn't enough to eat, they can cushion their stomach first.

After more than half an hour, the door of the kitchen was pushed open, and several aunts came in with enamel plates in their hands. After a while, the table was full.

"Thank you for your aunt." Chu Mu politely thanked his aunt who brought the food in.

"Why are you so polite? There have been no guests in the stockade for a long time. The forest is too chaotic these days. The old man asked everyone not to go out if they were free. By the way, did you see your seventh uncle outside?" aunt Qi didn't leave immediately, but asked Chu Mu about the trace of her own man.

Chu Mu told aunt Qi what happened in the town. Aunt Qi nodded clearly: "it turns out that it's like this. Recently, the mountain hasn't stopped. I'm still worried about him alone outside."

"Seven aunts, Ren Bai is not at home again?" Chu Mu asked casually.

"Hey... It's not that you don't know your brother. He's useless and arrogant. He wanders around all day. Now we can't control it. We haven't come back for more than half a month." aunt Qi began to nag when she said that unlucky son.

A roomful of people listened to Aunt Qi's nagging and gulped at the food. On such a cold day, there is nothing happier than eating and drinking around the charcoal fire.

Aunt Qi talked a lot. After nagging, her son began to nag about the piecemeal things in the stockade recently. Hard students ate raw dinner for almost three hours.

Seeing that the plates and bowls were empty, aunt Qi moved her ass and went back to bed.

However, Enron, who originally wanted to meet old Chu alone tonight, was a little impatient. She was afraid that there would be more people in the daytime tomorrow, and a lot of words would be more difficult to say.


After Chumu sent aunt seven out of the door, he saw Enron looking forward to himself, walked over with some regret and said, "I'm sorry, the light in Grandpa's house seems to be dark."

"Then we can only wait until tomorrow," Enron said helplessly.

Qiqi began to cook medicine for the landlady after he was full. Enron waited for the medicine before he followed into the guest room arranged by Chu mu.

The guest room is not very big. All of them live in rooms on the first floor. The second floor seems to be a forbidden area. Even Chu Mu's rooms are on the first floor. Enron feels very strange.

She stood by the window and looked into the yard. There were no birds in the yard, and wolves could be heard in the mountains at night.

Suddenly, a particularly close scream came, and everyone ran out of the house. Chu Mu heard something in the yard yawning out of the door: "don't sleep in the middle of the night, you all come out to see the moon?"

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