Devil's Love

Chapter 441

"What moon are you looking at? Didn't you hear the scream?" Qiqi looked at Chu mu with disgust.

Chu Mu still yawned and pointed to a place not far away: "it's from the witch mother-in-law. She will practice what secret method every other period of time. She'll be fine in a few days."

After hearing Chu Mu's words, situ Mo and others asked, "why didn't you hear it last time?"

"The last time I came was not the first day and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Of course I couldn't hear it." Chu Mu explained to everyone, yawned again and asked everyone to go to bed quickly.

When he returned to the room again, Enron was a little depressed.

There was only one bed in the room. Chumu made it clear that he was giving someone a chance.

"I... I'll go to the kitchen to sleep?" situ Mo opened his mouth when he saw Enron unhappy.

Kitchen, how do you sleep?

Enron was worried that if he was too mean to situ Mo, Chu Mu would not be happy at that time. They didn't want to go with them to see Chu Yixiong.

"Make do with it and go to bed tomorrow." she took off her coat and went to bed.

After a day of tired Road, she fell asleep in less than a few minutes.

Seeing that she was asleep, situ Mo took off his coat, opened the quilt, stretched out his hand to hold her, smelled her, and the fire in his body rose again.

Let a man who has not tasted femininity for two years lie next to his beloved woman and can't do anything. Unless he is not a normal man, it is absolutely painful.


He looked around. There was no separate bathroom here. To take a bath, he had to go to the bathroom in the yard. It was too late and he was embarrassed to disturb others.


With another long sigh, he tightened his fist.


Enron turned over uncomfortably. Situ Mo quickly closed his eyes. He was so angry all night. Finally, he opened his eyes until dawn.

After the rooster crowed, he was too tired after all. He slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Dong Dong! Dong Dong!

Before dawn, a quick knock on the door sounded. Situ Mo and Enron opened their eyes at the same time. They put on their clothes and hurried out to see what happened?

Chu Mu came to open the yard door. Outside the door was aunt seven. Aunt seven looked ugly and the whole person was trembling: "come on, call the old man out quickly. There was an accident, Wuwu... Your seventh uncle was badly hurt and was dying... Wuwu..."

"Can't witch mother-in-law cure it?" Chu Mu asked anxiously.

"Kwai Po Po has just finished her work last night, and now she is very weak and can't save anyone. Whining... How to do? How to do it?" seven aunt said she was unable to fall down, fortunately, Chu Mu quickly helped her, but she finally passed out.

Upstairs, Chu Yixiong rushed down when he heard the news and went directly out of the gate of the yard.

Chu Mu looked at Aunt Qi on his back and said, "don't you go with me to save people!"

"Oh!" 77 nodded and ran to the hut on the hillside.

Many people have been surrounded at the door of the hut. There are still fresh blood at the door. Not only uncle Qi, but also several young people in the stockade have been injured. Moreover, they all looked badly hurt. At the moment, they were on the stretcher made of rattan, waiting at the door of Mrs. Wu.

After qiqihe and Enron came over, they hurried forward to ask for help, but they were stopped by Chu Mu's people.

"Who are you? Don't touch my son. Get out!"

"Don't touch my man, go away, go away!"

Both of them were driven away. Finally, they planned to go in and see what happened. Chu Mu could only run back and explain to everyone that they were his friends and doctors. At best, those talents gave way to one side dubiously and asked them to save people.

Enron found that these people were basically knife wounds, the wounds were very deep, and several wounds were almost fatal. If someone hadn't put some hemostatic herbs on them long ago, I'm afraid they wouldn't have to wait to be carried back.

"Who else knows herbs in the stockade?" Enron raised his head and asked Chu mu.

"Every family knows something, but they don't know everything. They are all taught by witches. Tell me, what do you want us to do?" Chu Mu knows that the ghost doctor is powerful. If he wants to save the people at this time, he must listen to the ghost doctor.

Enron brought some stitches to sew the wound in his bag, but the quantity was not large enough for so many people. We can only sew up the wounds for those who are particularly injured. Others have to rely on herbal medicine to stop bleeding further.

Seven seven seven heard Enron speak, looked up and said, "if you can take care of one person, I can follow them to collect medicine."

"Yes, I'll write you the name of the herbal medicine." Enron nodded decisively, and then took a pen and paper to write all the needed herbs on it.

Qiqi took the paper and read the herbs on it. As a result, he didn't have to wait for him to collect medicine. All the people in the stockade went home and brought all the herbs.

Enron thought that this should be the private possession of every family, but with these drugs, these people's injuries can be cured slowly.

"By the way, where's your seventh uncle?" Enron asked Chu Mu after handling the people outside.

Chu Mu realized that he didn't see the seventh uncle. When he thought about it seriously, he suddenly realized that the seventh uncle might be more seriously injured and carried to the house.

After thinking for a while, he finally looked politely at his elder martial brother: "elder martial brother, come in with me, 77, you watch outside."

"OK!" 77 took several aunts who knew herbs to take care of the patients outside.

Enron and situ Mo followed Chu Mu into the room. As soon as they entered, they smelled a strong smell of body oil. This smell made Enron have an impulse to vomit, and she tried to bear it down.

"Chu mu, you're in trouble again!" Chu Yixiong's thick voice sounded. It was obvious that he was very unhappy at the moment.

Chu Mu didn't care whether grandpa was angry, but looked at the seventh uncle who was almost dying on the stretcher: "Grandpa, grandma Wu is not feeling well now. We have to find another way to save the seventh uncle!"

"What else can we do?" Chu Yixiong looked at the old seven wounded like this, and the witch mother-in-law looked weak on the tiger skin mat.

"Miss Enron, thank you!" Chu Mu nodded to Enron.

Enron walked over and gave the seventh uncle a pulse. The pulse was very weak. She put down her backpack, took out the silver needle from the backpack, and asked situ Mo to untie uncle Qi's coat.

With the rising and falling of the silver needle, the weak pulse gradually became excited.

"Chu mu, go out and get some medicine to stop bleeding. First stop bleeding the wounds in other places. The knife in the chest should be pulled out as soon as possible, or you will really lose your life." Enron wiped the sweat on his forehead. Just now the needle took a lot of energy and felt more tired than a major operation.

However, Chu Yixiong stared at the acupuncture method that Enron had just performed, and was so surprised that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

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