Along the way, they didn't talk any more. The night sky was tilted in the back seat, while Wu Xingyun was driving seriously.

It's getting dark. The neon lights around it are on. The high-rise buildings on both sides of the street are playing their own music in the night, just like the notes of the city.

Wu Xingyun turns on the music player in the car, and the quiet sound of the piano flows out of the horn, lingering around the whole car.

In the empty city, a gray car is driving fast on the road. The smooth car cover constantly reflects the architectural lights on both sides.

When Wu Xingyun drove to the central square of the city, he remembered that he didn't know where to go next. He slowed down a little and asked, "will you go back?"

The night sky has been looking at the scenery outside. At this time, he looks back at Wu Xingyun quietly.

"Night broken sky said:" remember the night before marriage, I said I invited you to see the night, you refused. Now, are you going? "

Wu Xingyun said: "if you are not in good health, you should have more rest. Besides, I want to set up a signal transmitting station as soon as possible to get in touch with the Federation. I... "

Half way through, he saw the disappointment in the night sky in his rearview mirror. For no reason, Wu Xingyun stopped talking and felt that it was hard to say some rejection words. But he is not a person who likes to be emotional, and his words and deeds are basically not influenced by his emotions. He has been trained to obey orders and leaders, and he will not act according to his own preferences.

Wu Xingyun can only express his own meaning as tactfully as possible: "I know you I know you will see the shadow of another person in me. If I have time, I will try my best to meet your requirements. "

Wu Xingyun thought that when he said this, he would make the night sky angry.

But to his surprise, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became more gentle than ever. He looked at Wu Xingyun very quietly.

Wu Xingyun looked up slightly and saw the night sky in the rearview mirror.

The most beautiful man, with a cold taste, is full of connivance and doting in his eyes, although Wu Xingyun knows that this kind of eyes is not because of himself. In a sense, when night sky looks at itself, it looks at others.

But Wu Xingyun was still bewitched by this kind of eyes for half a second.

He didn't speak. Their eyes crossed in the rearview mirror for a moment. The night broke and the sky said, "OK. Then I'll accompany you to the base. "

Wu Xingyun said hastily, "no, you've just come back to life. You're still very weak. I'll go by myself."

Night broken air picked eyebrows, put his hands on Wu Xingyun's car seat armchair, leaned to his ear and said in a low voice: "soldier, you probably don't know much about the body structure of mutant people, do you? After taking out the bullet, a night off has been able to recover a lot. I'm not weak. You can try

Wu Xingyun tilted his head slightly and said, "don't try. If you think it's OK, let's go together. Maybe we need your help to set up a signal station. "

A successful smile appeared on the night sky's face, which made Wu Xingyun suddenly think of his picture thousands of years ago.

The big boy in the photo has a bright smile. At this moment, Wu Xingyun is not sure whether it is the cruel enemy or the clean and sunny boy sitting in the back of his car.

The night sky let Wu Xingyun stop the car, he changed to the co pilot's position, pulled on the seat belt, instructed Wu Xingyun how to use this land and air vehicle.

Soon, the windows of the old car closed and a blue power flame appeared at the rear.

The vehicle soared into the air and headed for the field base.

During the flight, Wu Xingyun doesn't need to drive. His eyes look ahead, but he can feel the night sky sitting beside him looking at himself.

That kind of eyes are too gentle and infatuated, which makes Wu Xingyun uncomfortable.

Wu Xingyun feels that the night sky seems to be very docile, docile like a big dog. As like as two peas, he knows very well that the reason why night time is so empty is partly because he saved his life.

Wu Xingyun wanted to break the atmosphere, so he casually asked, "who is he?"

After a while, he said: "I don't want to say anything about him, and I don't want anyone to mention it."

Wu Xingyun didn't ask any more, and he didn't want to think about the details. He didn't want to know too much.

The car soon stops outside the base. The base is still expanding these two days. The mechanical sound inside is booming. When the soldiers at the gate see Wu Xingyun coming, they are very happy and salute him.

Wu Xingyun's rank was no higher than that of these soldiers. He immediately stood at attention and saluted them.

And night broken sky is hands in trouser pocket, face with casual smile.All the dowry teams are only over 50 people in total. There are still some technicians who are not willing to contact with others and have not come out. There are not many people here. But I don't know why. When Wu Xingyun smelled the smell of steel here, he felt warm. It seemed that this was a bustling company, and he was with those familiar comrades in arms.

When the mechanic saw that Wu Xingyun and night sky were coming, he immediately held a small meeting. The convoy attached to the military was carrying out its own guard work and did not attend the meeting. Those who came to the meeting were all sent by the federal government. At the meeting, they took the opportunity to put forward a lot of demands to the night sky.

First of all, Ellen Yide spoke. As a psychologist, Ellen Yide is very particular about conversation skills. After pondering over the name of night sky for some time, he chose the name "you".

"Night" is the name of the person who is close to the night sky. Generally speaking, they call him "leader". The federal people call him "devil", "devil", "night devil" and "that person"

"Night" is obviously not suitable, and "leader" is even more inappropriate. But if we call it "night devil" and "devil" according to the usual practice, it seems that in this environment, it is not very good.

"Hello, we are planning to build a signal and communication station, but we need some ore," said Allan Eide. The ore mining area you assigned to us is not enough... "

Night broken sky's face is still that kind of casual smile, he said: "don't be so polite, just call me night devil."

Ellen Yide smiles awkwardly. He is not sure about the psychology of the mutant. I don't know whether the night sky is satisfied or not.

But the two smartest people in the room were straightforward.

Physicist Euston first spoke as required: "night demon, I want to mine the whole planet and build a collider to prove my cosine theory. And I'm going to set up a research laboratory. There are not enough people here. I hope I can build more machines to help. "

Astronomer Bunny also said: "I want to set up an astronomical observatory here. By the way, I want to set up several space observation points near the star of this planet. Besides, I need to set up two advanced computers to calculate and simulate the universe. I chose to be a companion because the source star is the best observation point in the galaxy. Now it's not easy to come here. Can't we do nothing? "

Wu Xingyun felt that their demands were a bit excessive.

This kind of report has to be submitted to the federal government. It must be examined and approved at all levels, and a lot of human and material resources have to be used. If these two scientists don't invite guests to dinner and gifts, they can't pass these meaningless projects at all.

There are not many people on Yuanxing. He thinks that the night sky will not allow this kind of meaningless research.

What's more, their attitude and address to the night sky are very To be frank, Wu Xingyun thinks that they are likely to irritate the night sky, which has always been disgusted with the Federation, and will make things more difficult in the future, and even lead to the failure to establish a signal Liaison Station.

However, these people are not in the same department as Wu Xingyun and are not under Wu Xingyun's management. Moreover, according to the federal level conversion, each of these senior scientists has a senior professional title and a professorship level. If they are much higher than Wu Xingyun, he has no right to refute any of their opinions.

Wu Xingyun only glanced at the night sky at this time. The only thing he can do is to firmly express his position and support the scientists' decision when the night sky turns over.

But there was no displeasure on the face of night broken sky, and there was still that kind of casual smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then the mechanic began to speak: "I hope to be able to mine all the metal minerals of the whole planet. In addition, when meteorite flows through, I find that many of those meteorites are made of pure metal minerals. I hope It's easy for you anyway. Get me some meteorites, or something can't be made. "

Another farmer also began to say: "the land here is not right. It's not suitable to grow human food. I plan to develop a large area of cultivated land on this planet, although more than 50 of us can't eat much But we and our future generations want to live here. I hope we can improve the environment and the food. "

Wu Xingyun found that the farmer was an ordinary second-class mechanic, about the same level as himself. According to the relevant regulations, he could interrupt when the man was talking, so he corrected the farmer's mistake in time: "we won't stay here too long. And I've heard from biologists that if human beings want to reproduce, there must be at least one thousand basic population We don't have enough people here, there are almost no women, biologists are lost, and asexual reproduction can't be done... "

The farmer didn't speak any more. He looked depressed and began to be silent.

And then, as the popular federal proverb says, if you don't break out in silence, you die in silence.

The farmer broke out in silence: "I want to eat something good! Farming! I want to farm! I'm fed up with eating wild vegetables and compressed food every day! I'll just make two bowls of soymilk, one for each, can you manage? You and I are not in the same department! "Wu Xingyun quietly closed his mouth. He wanted to say that "the federal government did not allow us to develop agricultural technology here. In order to drink 20000 soybean milk, we would mess around, which would leak secrets that should not be leaked". However, the rampage of farmers made him realize again that he had no language talent and had better not speak.

The meeting continued. Since the peasants' violent departure, this meeting has become a violent meeting. The original intention of asking the night sky for permission to set up a signal transmitting station has been abandoned and turned into a planetary transformation plan.

Finally, everyone thinks that the original planet must be transformed. They want to transform this wild and backward planet into a high-tech planet suitable for human survival and development within one year, with fertile farmland, developed breeding, animal husbandry, tourism, as well as life science, space science and nuclear science. We have to live here, too backward, no one can adapt.

When the planet plan was fully drawn up, the room was quiet, and everyone looked at the night sky.

Through such a period of contact with the wedding, we feel that the legendary devil is not as terrible as the propaganda.

Although, he once left everyone on the half empty platform to freeze for several days and nights, he also issued various threats.

But it doesn't seem to have gone too far.

People will be terrible for the distant unknown devil, but in the face of a devil whose temper has not yet broken out, they always feel that everything can be discussed.

Night sky has been very quiet in the meeting. At this time, the meeting entered the final stage. When everyone looked at him, he turned his head slightly and looked at Wu Xingyun standing in the corner.

His eyes looked very gentle, and his voice was doting: "soldier, do you agree with this planet transformation plan?"

Wu Xingyun knows that he can't speak, but it's time for him to express his position. He must speak.

He looked timidly at the farmers who might run away at any time, and the scientists who were immersed in the fantasy of the future, and stammered: "I I think we should set up a contact point first, and then Then follow the instructions of your superiors. "

He stood up and put his arm around Wu Xingyun's shoulder: "no one is allowed except to set up a signal transmitting station! The planet Remake Project is very good, but my man and I don't like it. I don't need to talk about it any more! "

After that, the night sky turns around with Wu Xingyun. Wu Xingyun refuses to move. He feels that it's a federal traitor to leave with the night sky at this time. He thinks he should stay and bear the abortion storm of the planet transformation plan.

The night sky slightly bowed its head to Wu Xingyun's ear and whispered, "soldier, your task is to marry me. Now, you'd better go on with your task of resting with your husband instead of doing anything else. I hope you don't be sentimental and finish your task well. "

"I'm going to stay at the base tonight. I'm going to discuss with the mechanic about the signal station," Wu said

The corner of the night broken sky's mouth raised a nice smile: "OK, I'll stay here with you."

Wu Xingyun didn't hesitate. He went to his lounge.

However, in the conference room, the meeting officially entered the * * stage.

A group of people sighed, complained, regretted and expressed their political opinions.

The miner said, "why should a soldier decide what we should do or not? I think we should be democratic and vote! "

Ellen Yide sighed: "I've seen that for a long time. This is * * militarism. Alas, Wu Xingyun is too much a soldier. He has to listen to his superiors for everything It's true that we have fully carried out all operations and listened to the command. "

Two scientists complained: "the bureaucracy of the federal government is too heavy. I don't know when to approve a document Follow their instructions and act Well, the research plan is definitely dead... "

"I said that a soldier with no brain should not be allowed to make peace You said, "what else can he do besides obey orders?"

"Alas! Forget it, the convoy belongs to the military This place will be controlled by the military again... "

"I suddenly want to go back When the signal station is built, I will submit the return application. "

"I'm hungry..."

"I want to farm. I'm a farmer! I don't want to identify edible wild vegetables and hunt any more... "

"It's too late. We should have a rest..."

"When you come to this barren planet, the entertainment is terrible! Alas Let's wash and sleep! Hands up if you agree

Most people agree with the proposal of "wash and sleep", but a small group of people oppose it.

So, according to the democratic voting principle of the minority subordinate to the majority, we broke up and went to bed.

But in Wu Xingyun's bedroom, it's hard to wash and sleep.

The night sky follows Wu Xingyun into his room and turns on the light.

There is only a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a single bed in the room.Wu Xingyun is very conscious and knows how to save. He has not yet made a high and low bed, one sleeping and one empty at this time when resources are scarce.

But now, looking at the night sky that he closed the door easily, he was in some difficulties.

It's not easy to arrange a single bed.

Night broken empty against the door, looking at the room, the equipment is very simple, he saw the single bed at a glance, the sheets are neat, quilt tofu pieces, also put buckle belt.

Night broken sky eyes darkened for a moment, he slowly went to the bed, sat down, back against the wall.

Wu Xingyun said: "with discipline, you are not allowed to sit on the bed or on the bench at ordinary times."

The night sky didn't move. He looked at Wu Xingyun quietly. A moment later, he suddenly got up and pulled Wu Xingyun to his arms and pressed him on the bed.

"It's not normal now, it's Honeymoon... " The voice of the night sky is a bit hoarse, and the black eyes are like the boundless ocean, "don't push me away, I said, I won't force you I just want to hold it for a while... "

The author has something to say: then, as the popular federal proverb says, no longer break out in silence, but perish in silence.

Although it was said by Lu Xun, a few years ago, due to the loss of a large number of human data, this sentence became a proverb without owner.

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