"Don't push me away, I said, I won't force you I just want to hold it for a while... "

Wu Xingyun hesitated for a moment and withdrew his fist.

He did not move, let the night break the sky tightly pressed him, holding him.

Night sky eyes staring at Wu Xingyun, he maintained this position motionless, breathing gradually some shortness.

Even at this time, Wu Xingyun felt the broken night sky, and his lower body had a certain reaction. He was pushed by a * * thing.

Night sky slightly bowed his head, want to kiss the person close at hand, but in mid air, stopped.

Wu Xingyun felt embarrassed for a while. He didn't know whether there would be more and more such situations in the future, and he didn't know how to deal with them. He's here to make up, not to fall in love.

He can accept bridal chamber and mating, but it's hard for him to accept the ambiguous atmosphere from time to time.

Maybe I should report the situation to the superior after the signal station is built, and then listen to the instructions and take action. Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart.

"Are you wandering?" The voice of the night broken sky was a little dissatisfied. His hand made a little effort and picked up the waist of the people under him. "Maybe I should do something else to keep you awake..." When he said this, his voice was dark, and there was a little bit of * * in his eyes. Wu Xingyun felt that the things against him had become harder.

I knew it would be like this! Wu Xingyun sighed in his heart that what should come will come, anyway - just as the training before he Qin said, close your eyes and bear it.

Wu Xingyun closed her eyes with an awe inspiring expression.

He waited for a long time, but did not wait for the other party's next action. He only heard the other party's sigh: "you don't like it, why don't you push me away?"

Wu Xingyun doesn't speak. Although he is good at words, he knows very well that some words can't be said.

The night sky slowly released the people under him. Wu Xingyun got up from the bed and stood in the corner, looking at each other with vigilance.

The night broke and the sky said, "I'm sorry..."

Wu Xingyun said: "it's OK, I It doesn't matter to me I'm not used to it. It should be better in the future... "

Night sky feel something blocked in the chest by Wu Xingyun's words, want to say, but can't say.

He wanted to say that he should not forget his promise not to touch him. He wanted to say that he should not take the simple soldier in front of him as a substitute. He wanted to say that he was seriously injured. Although he was hard, he would not waste his physical strength to invade him at this time.

But when he saw Wu Xingyun's expression of vigilance, generosity and self hypnotic explanation, he didn't want to say anything.

The night sky is sitting at the head of the bed like this, and Wu Xingyun is standing in the corner. They don't talk any more. Occasionally, their eyes will bump into each other, but this kind of time is not much.

Wu Xingyun was the first to break the strange atmosphere in the room: "you can go to bed. I have to discuss with the mechanic later. Well You just survived, or you should have a good rest Besides, don't sleep in other rooms Well, although you have the ability to know everything, I hope you can respect our confidentiality policy and don't walk around at night This is militarized management. It's better to observe discipline The main reason is that you just survived, so don't have conflicts... "

Night broken sky slightly nodded: "good."

Wu Xingyun was pardoned. After wiping the sweat from his forehead, he opened the drawer and took a stack of manuscript paper. Then he went out and closed the door.

The mechanic has not yet fallen asleep. He is relying on the simple computer to shoot at the communication station suitable for the source star. Wu Xingyun shouts a report at the door and goes in to talk about his ideas.

First, the communication station is the place to communicate with the federal government, so it's better to have high confidentiality. Don't keep any records here.

Second, the perception of the night sky is very strong. In order to prevent the communication content of the communication station from being eavesdropped, it is better to design a special call room for thorough isolation.

Third, it is best to arrange sentry duty places around the communication station, and install alarm systems within 500 meters of the surrounding area, that is, within the perceptive range of the night sky, so as to completely prevent eavesdropping.

Finally, get a new password encryption system, because the previous encryption method was sold by Ouyang Liu to night broken air.

After the two discussed these matters, Wu Xingyun destroyed the documents he had brought with him on the spot, went to the public bathing place to wash his whole body, and conveniently watched the surveillance video.

Surveillance video from he and night sky together into the door, until now, two people happened a little ambiguous event, and night sky after Wu Xingyun left honest stay in the room.

He hesitated for a long time. He wanted to delete this paragraph, but he thought it was illegal.

In the end, he made a big mosaic of the part that was pressed on the bed by night broken air, and annotated it on one side as follows: Night broken air failed in courtship, there is nothing special about it, so it is not suitable to watch.

After all this, he went back to his residence, opened the door and saw the night sky still sitting at his desk in a daze.Wu Xingyun saw a wrinkle on his bed, so he stretched out his hand to smooth it, and rearranged the beancurd pieces which were a little crooked.

Night sky behind Wu Xingyun, looking at this style of rigorous, meticulous soldiers pucker buttocks finishing office.

He didn't understand. After all, Wu Xingyun would mess up the quilt again. What's the matter with the serious arrangement!

Although not able to understand each other's behavior, but the night sky still quietly watching, at this moment, he felt in front of Wu Xingyun serious some lovely.

After finishing the housekeeping, Wu Xingyun stood by the bed and straightened her clothes in front of the Fengji mirror. Then she said to the night sky, "well, the time to turn off the lights has long passed. You can go to sleep."

Night broken sky smiles: "no, I'm not used to sleeping in other people's bed. At night, I just meditate to treat my wound. Go to sleep. I won't disturb you. "

Wu Xingyun shows a look of surprise. He never knows that night sky can heal wounds through his powers. He always thinks that night sky is just a body mutation, so he recovers faster.

The night sky no longer spoke, he went to the foot of the room, sat cross knee, slowly closed his eyes, began to breathe.

Wu Xingyun said nothing more. He reached out and turned off the light. Then he took off his clothes, folded them and put them on the bedside table. He opened the quilt and lay down to sleep.

Soon, Wu Xingyun fell asleep. When he fell asleep, the night sky slowly opened his eyes.

He felt part of his wound healed, but when he was lucky, his strength still did not recover, and his physical energy was almost empty.

Before breaking into the sky at night, he was injured by the ghost lock soldiers. In order to cover up and vent, he used energy to practice martial arts in the meteorite stream regardless of the wound. Finally, on the wedding night, almost all his life passed away.

His injury is very serious this time. He can't recover in a day or two.

He has experienced two thousand years. This time, it is rare for him to wander around the gate of death. But before, he could only hide alone and heal his wounds silently, just like a wolf injured in the wilderness. Apart from waiting for the judgment of heaven, he was left with boundless loneliness.

But now, his eyes fell on the sleeping soldier. This time, it seems that everything has changed.

When she woke up the next morning, Wu Xingyun began to pay full attention to the construction of the signal station. The farmers went to collect and hunt, the miners mined ore in the newly designated place of the night sky, and the physicists were not very happy about the isolation problem of calculating and building the signal station: why didn't the Federation send an architect?

The answer is: dead

The physicist took a look at the night sky which was invited out of the base by Wu Xingyun, and realized that scientists really had no integrity. He didn't hate the culprit of night sky at all, as long as he was allowed to do experiments on this planet.

Wu Xingyun and his guards are in charge of encircling and cleaning, and measuring the land under the arrangement of farmers. They are very busy.

After staying outside the base for a day, night sky feels dull. He persuades Wu Xingyun to ignore these people several times. These workers and farmers are very mature professional technicians. A soldier here can't help at all. Besides, Wu Xingyun's level is low, and if he doesn't do things well, he will be scolded by senior technicians.

But Wu Xingyun insists that he doesn't like the city where the night sky is. On the one hand, he thinks it's too backward. On the other hand, he misses the Federation. On the construction site, he can feel the flavor of the Federation.

Perhaps the biggest reason for him is that he is afraid to face the broken sky alone. In this regard, he has a theory he learned from cramming for a while, and he has no practice at all. He hopes to build a liaison station as soon as possible and get instructions from his superiors.

After persuading Wu Xingyun to no avail, he didn't take Wu Xingyun away by force. Especially when he saw Wu Xingyun with those people and was happy to be scolded, night sky suddenly felt that he was far away from them.

And Wu Xingyun is far away from himself.

He asked Wu Xingyun to go back to bed no matter how late he was, because It's his duty as a man's wife.

With the progress of the project, with the base as the center, more and more places are wrapped by modern iron and steel technology. From the previous four football fields, they have expanded to thousands of mu, and many small robots have been produced. The construction site seems to be lively. Although there are only more than 50 people, everything is in full swing.

A little bit of time passed. Three months later, the contact station finally finished the test and was finally able to report to the above.

The federal government praised the dowagers for being able to rebuild the base in Yuanxing and even set up a liaison station, and even agreed to their request. After negotiating with the night sky, the federal government brought them some food seeds and species to improve their lives.

Then came the reports of several technicians and scientists. Their voyages and observations enriched the interstellar map of the Federation to a great extent. The officials who agreed to make peace at the beginning even happily expressed how correct their decision was.When everyone reported their work, they subconsciously avoided one thing.

That is the death of Ouyang Liu. Even when Ouyang Feng personally asked about Ouyang Liu, Ellen Yide's answer was: he has returned.

Finally, it's Wu Xingyun's turn to report his work.

Wu Xingyun was not at the base that day. He stayed in the place where the night broke. He was further learning the local language and correcting his impure pronunciation.

At that time, night sky and Wu Xingyun were sitting on the balcony of the small building, teaching and learning one by one. They were very serious.

"What kengdai means is..." He couldn't explain it. He could only make an analogy: "you were walking well, but there was a big hole in front of you. Then you fell in and couldn't get out. How do you feel?"

Wu Xingyun still didn't quite understand. He felt for a moment and said, "I'm in a hurry?"


"I'm sorry I didn't survey it carefully before."


"Well We should try our best to make up for it and fill up the pit? "

"Think again!"

"I don't feel much, really When you fall in, just climb out. What's your feeling? "

For the first time in thousands of years, I felt a burst of madness. He wanted to rub Wu Xingyun's head to vent his anger. At last, he could only sigh: "forget it The next thing you don't understand. "

Wu Xingyun flipped through his notes, pointed to the next word drawn in red and asked, "crazy I can't understand. When I came back yesterday, Bi Jin told me that he was crazy when he saw me... "

Night sky once again feel crazy, this time he did not hesitate, directly pulled Wu Xingyun over, mercilessly rubbed his head, and then asked: "do you understand? That's how it feels. "

Wu Xingyun began to think. After a while, he said, "my scalp hurts a little. Does it mean headache?"

Night broken sky sighed, he looked at Wu Xingyun somewhat depressed: "forget it, I'll correct some of your pronunciation. You are so stupid

Wu Xingyun said, "I'm not very smart My IQ test is only 150, lower than average among my classmates, learning slowly. But everyone has weaknesses. Don't you know the formula of the field theory of curvature? I told you again, you still can't understand it. "

After a while, he said, "when I was in school, this formula was just a science fiction conjecture."

Wu Xingyun gave a "Oh" and said after a while, "but the general theory of relativity is very simple. You also have it at that time. I saw your previous draft, and there are some miscalculations..."

The night sky smiles. He definitely looks at Wu Xingyun. This guy's eyes are very stubborn. After getting along with him for a long time, he is more bold. On his dark skin, he has shining eyes. This appearance made the heart of the night broken sky swing for a while, and his voice became gentle: "the technology of mutant is very low, so don't expose me, OK?"

Wu Xingyun wisely shut up. He turned his head and looked to one side. Then he saw the small aircraft with federal logo coming this way.

Wu Xingyun's face suddenly showed a smile, and his voice became excited: "great, the signal station test must have passed, and I can finally contact the Federation." He took two steps forward, as if thinking of something, turned back to the night sky and said, "what we agreed at the beginning, I have to report to the federal government Well, it may be a little late. Maybe it won't come back in the evening. "

The original smile of the night sky was solidified before it disappeared. The corners of his mouth were slowly flattened, and his voice became a little cold: "who is listening to your report?"

Wu Xingyun naturally said, "it's confidential and can't be disclosed."

When he finished this sentence, he had some regret in his heart, because he had obviously seen the unhappy look of the night broken sky. In fact, he didn't know who would listen to his report. Answering "I don't know" would not reveal secrets, but he chose the most unfriendly answer.

Night broken air stood up and went out, leaving a sentence: "I haven't done business for a long time, I won't come back today."

Wu Xingyun saw his back when he left in the night sky. He didn't know why, but soon he was happy.

Because, after losing contact for half a year, he finally found the organization again.

Wu Xingyun chose a clean military uniform in her bedroom, arranged herself in front of the mirror, and couldn't help smiling in front of the mirror.

In the mirror, the small soldier with dark skin grins, and his white teeth can almost blind people.

Wu Xingyun arrived at the contact station ten minutes later by taking a small aircraft newly built at the base.

At present, the contact station is the largest building of Yuanxing, covering an area of 2000 square meters. The central signal transmitter penetrates through the atmosphere and leads to space. At the bottom of the building is a disc structure. Like all federal buildings, the streamlined building group is half buried underground and half exposed.Wu Xingyun's spaceship slowly slid into the docking orbit of the contact station. The door of the spaceship opened and a small robot came to meet him: "sergeant, please follow me."

Wu Xingyun followed the small robot and took a deep breath.

The air is filled with the unique flavor of federal buildings. On the black walls around, there are light blue crystal stones inlaid, just like the vast starry sky of the universe.

After a long passage, Wu Xingyun arrives at the liaison room of the Liaison Station. Ellen Yide has just reported to the higher authorities. In front of Wu Xingyun, there is a farmer in charge of energy exploration.

They chatted casually outside the report room. Many federal officials came to listen to the report this time. However, Wu Xingyun belongs to the military department. Unlike their leaders, Ellen Yide did not know who would be responsible for arranging Wu Xingyun's future work.

After about half an hour, it was Wu Xingyun's turn to enter.

Wu Xingyun felt excited and a little nervous about the inspection. He took care of his military appearance in front of the liaison room, and then went in.

The contact room is a completely closed small room with a wall full of screens for communication signals.

Due to the prevention of eavesdropping, the walls of the room are isolated with special materials, let alone sound, and even radio waves can't spread in the air.

Wu Xingyun stood upright in the middle of the room, looking at the changing light beam on the screen, guessing who would come to see him.

The thousands of light beams on the screen are in various forms, sometimes converging and sometimes separating. One minute later, these light beams form the star symbol of the Federation, and finally fade away gradually. In the screen, people's shadow becomes clear.

The shadow on the screen, like Wu Xingyun, is wearing a gray military uniform and has gray eyes. His face is calm, his eyes are gentle and his face is handsome.

Wu Xingyun instinctively stands at attention and salutes Wennuo. At the same time, he finds that Wennuo's rank jumps from major to Colonel, and Wennuo is promoted. Wu Xingyun speculated that Wennuo must have improved some tactics of the Federation and made outstanding contributions in the past six months, otherwise he would not have been able to jump. He was really happy for vino and grinned at him.

Wennuo didn't make any action. He looked at Wu Xingyun through the screen. He didn't know how long it took for him to stand at attention and salute Wu Xingyun.

It was such a simple military ceremony that Wu Xingyun felt his eyes moist, his voice choked, and his mood became more excited.

Wu Xingyun said: "report to chief, special operations department, ghost lock soldier, second Sergeant Wu Xingyun, report to you!"

Wennuo's eyes are deep, as if through the screen, he can touch the person who is tens of thousands of light away from him.

Wennuo didn't understand according to the regulations, saying that he had received the report. His eyes were always fixed on Wu Xingyun's face, and his voice was choked: "Xingyun, you are thin Not happy? "

Just a simple greeting, Wu Xingyun felt infinite warmth, and his face immediately showed a smile: "no, it's just that the food here is not very good, we are not allowed to farm in the night, and the seeds are lost. We can only eat wild vegetables every day, so we lose weight."

Wennuo's eyes dropped slightly. After a moment, his eyes became bright and clear. He nodded and his voice returned to normal: "this report will be listened to by starfield Marshal Shi Fei and me. Everything you said will be recorded and stored in the archives. This is also the first-hand information we have contacted with night sky, so your report must be detailed and clear Is it white? "

Wu Xingyun replied, "I understand!"

Wennuo's voice was very gentle: "Marshal Shi Fei has something to do now. We'll be back in a moment. We're pressed for time, so we won't wait for him. Now, please report your work in detail in the past six months and start."

"Yes Wu Xingyun salutes Wen Nuo, and then begins to tell what happened to him in the past six months from the day he left the planet de Tano.

When Wu Xingyun said that he had gone through all kinds of hardships and came to the source star, but was thrown to the mid air platform by the night sky, Shi Fei came in.

Wu Xingyun stopped. He noticed that Shi Fei on the screen seemed very tired. He didn't say hello when he came in. He just moved a chair and sat aside, rubbing his temple.

After rubbing for a while, Shi Fei found that Wu Xingyun's report stopped and said, "go on, what's the excessive demand of night sky?"

Wu Xingyun felt a little uncomfortable, because it was embarrassing to report what the night sky said at the beginning.

When he was talking, he felt a fever on his face and his head drooped slightly.

Wennuo on the screen has no special expression. Shi Fei is a little absent-minded. After Wu Xingyun finishes this paragraph, it's Ouyang Liu's turn.

When he reported that Ouyang Liu had been killed by himself, Shi Fei and Wen Nuo were stunned.

Shi Fei was incredulous: "Ouyang Liu is dead? Why don't we have any news? "

Wu Xingyun said: "the escort team left three months ago, because they were flying in the night demon army's spaceship, so the spaceship is relatively backward and slow. It should not have arrived at the Federation. But when we calculated the time, we should have reached the border. Oh, by the way, marshal, you didn't patrol the border, did you? Ouyang Liu sold your frontier patrol route to the night sky. I was so worried at that time, but I couldn't contact the military headquarters. But later, the night sky said, "I want to be quiet for ten years, and I don't want to pick any more trouble. I don't know whether it's true or not."Shi Fei was stunned and said: "I went to patrol the border. I went with Vice President Ouyang, but I didn't get any ambush. What's a quiet decade? What's going on? "

Wu Xingyun began to continue to report his wedding night. When Shi Fei heard that the night sky had been hit and half dead, he angrily yelled: "at the beginning, I said that the night sky was pretending! But they insist that night devils are powerful! Damn it

When Wu Xingyun was scolded by Shi Fei, he was at a loss. He said: "chief, I know I have done wrong. I ask for punishment..."

Shi Fei waved his hand and sighed. He was tired in his tone: "forget it, it wasn't you who made the wrong judgment, and it wasn't you who promised to marry me You have chosen the best way at that time Alas, night broken, empty, deep-seated and determined to kill all the people in the Federation, he was able to sincerely say that he would not fight for ten years because of this matter, which can be regarded as It's a good thing. "

Wu Xingyun knows that Shi Fei has always been against peace negotiation, but he doesn't understand why when he saw him this time, he also agreed to the appeasement policy, and said that ten years of peace is the ideal result.

Wu Xingyun intuitively felt that something had happened to the Federation, but it was obviously impossible for him to know what it was.

Wu Xingyun continued his report. He did not hide anything, including the fact that he was seen as a stand in by the night sky, and their agreement that if he wanted to return to the Federation in ten years, he would send him back.

At last, he had finished all the things, waiting for the instructions of the superior quietly.

Wennuo spoke first. His face looked much better. There was always a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth: "nebula, you don't have any burden on the source star. Some unreasonable requests of breaking the sky in the night, you should refuse what you should refuse. He doesn't dare to do anything about you. Ten years later The union may not be afraid to fight the night sky

But Shi Fei got up at this time, patted Wennuo on the shoulder and motioned him to shut up.

WENO stopped talking.

Shi Fei sighed and said, "Wu Xingyun."

Wu Xingyun immediately replied, "here it is!"

Shi Fei said: "what Colonel Wen said just now is his personal idea and can't represent the instructions of the military."

Wu Xingyun's mood was a little low, but he still replied, "yes, please give instructions."

"There are some turbulence in the Federation now. Although peace is very short, it is very important for the Federation now. You should do your best to have a good relationship with the night broken air at all costs and try to stabilize him so that he does not tear up the agreement," said Shi Fei

Wu Xingyun didn't have the idea of resisting the instructions from his superiors. He said, "yes!"

Steve nodded and asked, "do you have any questions for federal help?"

Wu Xingyun shook his head at the beginning. After a while, he suddenly remembered and said, "there is a problem. I need instructions from the superior."

"What's the matter, say it," said Shi Fei

Wu Xingyun is not used to talking about some very personal things with others, but he really feels confused and doesn't know what to do next time he encounters such things. His dark face becomes a little hot again: "the night breaks the sky He I don't know if it's because I look more like his ex lover. Sometimes he doesn't abide by the original agreement. Sometimes I will... " Wu Xingyun didn't know how to say it. After thinking about it for a long time, he thought, "I will have sexual impulse to me. Should I satisfy him? It's time to How to do it? "

Before Shi Fei could answer, Wennuo's face turned pale for a moment. He turned back and walked, "I'm a little uncomfortable. Go out first..." Voice is not down, Wennuo has left the display range of the screen, Wu Xingyun can no longer see.

There was a look of embarrassment on Shi Fei's face. After a while, he said, "try to Make a good relationship It doesn't have to be this way Well, of course, if the other party is very demanding and sincere You decide for yourself. "

Wu Xingyun's look was a bit at a loss. He just didn't know how to decide, so he asked. But Now that the leader has instructed us to make our own decisions, we should make our own decisions.

Wu Xingyun said, "yes!"

Shi Fei's eyes fell on Wu Xingyun. After a while, he said, "Wu Xingyun, I may not have much chance to see you in the future. I objected to the Union's original practice of making peace with relatives, but now things have come to this point, and it's useless to say anything else. What you can do is to try your best to have a good relationship with the night sky. If the night sky really takes you as a substitute and gives up attacking the Federation, it is also a good thing. You have made the greatest contribution to the Federation. Do you understand what I'm talking about? "

Wu Xingyun didn't quite understand the logic, but he understood that it was Shi Fei who made him have a good relationship with night sky, so he said, "yes, I understand!"

Shi Fei nodded and asked, "do you need a physiologist to teach you? If there is a need, I can arrange it, which will make you less painful when facing some problems. "

Wu Xingyun said: "no Marshal, you don't look very good. Can you tell me what happened to the Federation? "Shi Fei sighed with a smile on his face. After a moment, he shook his head: "in view of the nature of your present work, I can't tell you When you can make it public, you'll see the news. In this way, the president is now outside to read your report. He will come in later and talk to you

Wu Xingyun let out a "Oh". In fact, he is more concerned about where Wennuo is. He has a lot to say to Wennuo in his heart. But from entering the door to now, he has not said a word at all except reporting his work.

But Wennuo did not appear. Wu Xingyun waited for a while, and then he waited for federal president Hobbes.

Hobbes looks the same as before. He first expressed his appreciation and encouragement for Wu Xingyun's work during this period, then told Wu Xingyun about his parents and brothers, and showed him the greeting video of his comrades and relatives before he got to the point.

"Wu Xingyun, recently, some people in the Federation maliciously spread rumors and attacked the government's policy of peace and kinship, and attempted to incite rebellion and undermine stability. Therefore, in addition to making good relations with the night sky, you have another task in your future work. Every other week, you should send back a video that represents your close relationship. The government will release these videos according to the situation to stabilize the people. It's important for the Federation. Can you do it? "

Wu Xingyun stands at attention: "resolutely complete the task!"

Hobbes nodded, and then said something else. At the end of all the reporting work of Wu Xingyun, Hobbes said, "when you go back today, you'd better take a video and send it back."

Wu Xingyun stood at attention and said he would finish the task. After that, Hobbes told him that the call was over.

Wu Xingyun was a little melancholy. At the moment when he saw Hobbes turn around, he finally said, "president, I Can I have a word with the company commander? "

Hobbes a Leng: "your company commander?"

Wu Xingyun immediately corrected: "Wen Captain van

Hobbes nodded. "In three minutes."

A moment later, Wennuo's shadow appeared on the screen. Wu Xingyun looked at him, and they couldn't think of anything to say.

Wu Xingyun had a lot to say, but now he didn't know what to say. When he saw Wennuo, he felt that he didn't leave everyone.

But he soon realized that he was tens of thousands of light-years away from his friends, comrades in arms and relatives.

Three minutes later, Wu Xingyun's first and last words to Wen Nuo were: "chief, don't worry, I No matter what tasks are given to me, I will try my best to complete them, and I will never disgrace you! "

Wennuo squats down slowly, buries his head, and the call ends.

I don't know how long later, Wennuo's murmur came out from his chest, with suppressed pain, as if he were crying.

After Wu Xingyun came out, he didn't go back immediately. Instead, he sat on the chair outside the liaison room for a long time. In this environment, he was able to cheat himself that he didn't leave his hometown, and he was able to immerse himself in this collective connection for a while.

But in the end, he got up slowly and walked down the long corridor to the outside.

The grassland in the distance is rapidly degenerating, and the ring-shaped peaks show an orange color in the afterglow of the setting sun.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun felt lonely and homesick as never before, missing the place where she was born and all her relatives and friends.

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