When Wu Xingyun returned by a small aircraft, it was already dark. Wu Xingyun found that the rotation time of the source star coincided with the cosmic time abnormally. He looked down at his watch. The cosmic time: 19:00, April 6, 2015 in the Galactic calendar.

He asked the workers who sent him to park the spaceship in the special airport in the city, and then drove home by himself.

Wu Xingyun has very few people in the city. As he looks at the fast retrogressive street view outside the car window, he begins to ponder about the new tasks assigned by his superiors.

Every once in a while, send a video to express your happy marriage.

What kind of video can prove the intimate relationship between you and night sky?

After arriving home, Wu Xingyun hasn't figured it out yet. He wants to ask for the opinions of the night sky, but when he enters the small building, he finds that the night sky hasn't come back.

Wu Xingyun went to his room, opened the drawer, turned on the lamp, and began to ponder over the problem.

He made a draft on the paper.

How can we show the intimacy of both sides?

To participate in the construction of your own base? Sitting together in a meeting? Pass on confidential documents to each other?

Wu Xingyun wrote down these items and crossed them out. Some of them are related to the contents of the confidential manual, which can't be shared with night sky.

Maybe we can arrange a project for two people to watch soap opera together?

Wu Xingyun crossed it out again. Watching soap operas with nothing to do is just a waste of time.

Wu Xingyun pondered for a while, do you want to take a video of two people getting up?

But he immediately thought that although he lived in this small building, he didn't live in the same room as the night sky. Besides, the other party's perception was so keen that it seemed difficult to secretly touch the other party's bedside to take a video.

Then, Wu Xingyun deleted all the items in her daily life, such as bathing together, going to the toilet together, sleeping together and getting up together, because in the past three months, they seldom do these things together. Even eating together is very little, and night sky has little demand for food. He seems to have a very clever way to maintain his energy supplement.

He smeared a few pieces of paper, the last remaining project is: reading and learning together.

Wu Xingyun, a little annoyed, threw his pen on the altered paper and began to feel that this task was more difficult.

He put his draft away and put it in another drawer. Then he opened the door and went out. According to the Convention, it was time for him to practice in the evening.

Wu Xingyun took off his uniform and put on his casual military uniform. Then he went downstairs, carrying a gun and shouting slogans for himself. He ran for five kilometers first. Then he fired a gun at the shooting range he had set up a few days ago, and then reviewed a set of fighting boxing. Look at the time is almost, sweating back.

When he went back, he found that night sky still didn't come back, so he took a bath first. When he took a bath, he thought, if night sky doesn't come back later, should he go to him? After all, the president said he hoped to have the video sent back today.

Wu Xingyun rubbed his foam on his head and pondered the matter. Just as he turned on the tap to flush out the shampoo, he heard the door ring. It was night sky that came back.

He heard the footsteps of the night sky and went straight up the stairs. It seemed that after he went back to his room to get something, he had a tendency to go out again. He opened a crack in the shower room and yelled to the night sky, "Hey, don't go out. I have something to discuss with you later."

The footsteps of the night sky stopped, and Wu Xingyun rushed out with clean clothes and slippers. The room is bigger and more. Wu Xingyun looks around and finds that the night sky is in his room. He is leaning against his desk, holding a stack of manuscripts in his hand and looking at them one by one.

Wu Xingyun was a little unhappy. As he walked towards the night sky, he said, "how can you enter other people's rooms and rummage around?"

As he said it, he wanted to grab the draft on yesuikong's hand, but the nerve reaction speed of yesuikong was far faster than that of ordinary people, so he dodged the capture of the soldiers.

The night sky looked up and down at the freshly washed soldier in front of him. His hair was still dripping with water. His dark skin was a little red after steaming with hot water. The air was filled with the smell of shampoo. Although his T-shirt was neatly worn, it could be seen that he was not serious when he wiped his body. The water left on his arm soaked the T-shirt.

The mood of the night broken sky was inexplicably better in this moment. Although there was no smile on his face, there was a trace of ridicule in his tone: "didn't you say that I won't come back tonight?"

Wu Xingyun stepped forward and put away his desk, which was confused by the night sky. He said, "the contact time is shorter than I thought. Besides, I got a new assignment, so I have to come back. what about you? Don't you say you can't come back? "

Night broken sky said: "forget things, come back to get." He said while trying to sit on the bed, but was stopped by Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun pulled out his chair and said, "don't sit on the bed, sit on the chair."The night breaks the sky to have nothing to pay attention to, sat on the chair, picked to pick eyebrow: "usually you all let me do the bench, today how suddenly become so good?"? Do you want to ask me for something? " As he spoke, he raised the stack of manuscript paper in his hand.

Wu Xingyun felt a bench under the bed, sat on it and said, "well There is something I really need to discuss with you. I can't make it clear for a while. Let's go to the conference room on the third floor to discuss it. "

"I used to be the only one in this house, but now we are two, and there is a meeting room on the third floor. No one has been in for hundreds of years! Let's talk about it here. Wait, let me see what you wrote first. It's a mess... "

The night sky can easily recognize the handwriting that is not completely blackened.

"Eat with night sky Attend a meeting Spread together Well Let us take a shower together? Together Get up? " The night sky read one by one, and stopped in the middle of the reading. The corner of his mouth has risen slightly, with a trace of funny eyes. Looking at Wu Xingyun who is much shorter than himself because he is sitting on the bench, the guy's eyes are very bright, staring at himself without blinking, as if expecting something.

The night sky said, "these proposals are very good. Why cross them out?"

As he spoke, he leaned back slightly and said, "is this your honeymoon plan?"

Wu Xingyun shook his head and said, "no, it's Well, I cross it out because I think you probably won't agree and it's unnecessary. It's like this... "

Wu Xingyun soon told the whole story. At last, he was afraid of breaking the sky at night. He added: "actually, I've thought about it. This kind of publicity is also beneficial to mutant people. After all, you really want peace, don't you? The stability of the two sides is the best... "

Wu Xingyun said, "if you don't object, I'll start shooting. The leader told me to send back a video this evening. I won't disturb you for a long time. " As he said it, he took out the small camera he had brought back from the base from the cupboard and invited the night sky: "we can go to the balcony first and shoot a video of reading together."

The night broke and the sky turned its lips: "what's good about reading?"

Wu Xingyun pondered: "well having dinner? But you seldom eat... " Before he had finished his sentence, he was picked up by the night sky standing up, and the nose of night sky came to Wu Xingyun's face: "idiot! To show that you and I have a good relationship, naturally The bed is in the picture

With that, the night sky, regardless of Wu Xingyun's opposition, half hugged and half dragged him into his bedroom.

This is also the place where Wu Xingyun lived on his wedding day. After that, Wu Xingyun never came in. When he was dragged in again tonight, he was stunned.

All the bedding and sheets are still bright red, there are words on the wall, and there are pictures taken on the wedding day on the head of the bed. Nothing has changed.

At the moment when Wu Xingyun was stunned at the door, the night sky pushed behind him, and Wu Xingyun's whole body fell on the big and soft bed.

The night sky immediately pressed up, took the small camera from Wu Xingyun's hand, pressed the camera button, put it behind the bed, and began to pull his shirt button.

Wu Xingyun was terrified and cried: "that kind of video can't be shot. The federal government has strict control over the porn industry. I will be punished!"

The night sky didn't hold on and laughed. He grabbed the soldier's arm and pulled him back to the bed. His voice was very gentle: "don't worry, I don't want my man to be seen by the whole universe! It's just a little more intimate. I won't let you show some... "

Wu Xingyun Oh, he was a little nervous to give up resistance, night sky bowed his head to kiss his short thick hair, Wu Xingyun's action became more rigid, can be compared to zombies.

The night sky said, "cheer up, do you want to discredit the federal government and let everyone know that you are forced?"

Wu Xingyun can only show a stiff smile.

Video back and forth, shot several times, not satisfactory, not similar to porn, or too rigid, once also shot the night broken empty tent, too indecent.

Finally, night sky and Wu Xingyun sit together in the study. They are dressed neatly and read the same book together. Night sky's head is close to Wu Xingyun's. both of them have smiles on their faces. The background music is an ancient old song friendship forever.

This evening is a good start for the task, at least Wu Xingyun thinks so. When he worked hard in the middle of the night and sent this video to the contact station, he returned to his room. Wu Xingyun lay in bed and recalled the promise of the night sky: don't worry, I will cooperate with you and complete your task.

"It's a good start Hope I hope everything goes well! " Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, night sky didn't act on its own as usual, but was waiting for Wu Xingyun to get up. After Wu Xingyun had breakfast, night sky took him to visit another mutant who lived in the city.It's said that this mutant is called David Peng. He was a photographer before Nirvana and made a film for a famous director. His shooting is much better than Wu Xingyun's amateur level.

They didn't find him in David Peng's house, so they went to the base to get a small aircraft to search around the world.

Three hours later, they were looking for a dense beam of light on the other side of the source star.

Shua! Shua! Wu Xingyun is still far away, you can see the red beams in the desert in the distance. Those red beams are dense like cobwebs, spreading outward constantly, and the visual damage range is at least 50000 meters.

That kind of red beam is very familiar to Wu Xingyun. The training of junior soldiers he once trained through the optical network is composed of this kind of beam.

When Wu Xingyun went to the battlefield for the first time, he saw the power of this kind of beam. It is more terrible than conventional laser weapons. Ordinary soldiers' combat clothes can't resist it at all, and they will be burned when they encounter it.

Wu Xingyun was able to easily cross these optical networks before, but now, when he saw these optical networks again in the non war period, he felt that these optical networks were denser, the speed of change was faster, and the duration was longer, which was more terrible than those encountered by the Federation.

Wu Xingyun asked, "is that your new weapon? It looks like it's upgraded again. "

The corner of the night sky's mouth slightly hooked: "that's David Peng practicing martial arts."

Wu Xingyun is surprised. Although he has been trained to fight with mutants since he joined the army, most of the opponents of the same group of people born with Wu Xingyun are ordinary people who join the night demon army. He seldom really faces mutants.

"He practiced nine heavy thunder knives. These red beams are not new laser weapons, but his knife light." Night sky patiently explained that he liked to see Wu Xingyun's expression very much. It was very intuitive. The soldier didn't hide his thoughts very much. His happiness, anger, sadness and happiness were basically written on his face.

Wu Xingyun said, "well It seems that we can't get close. We need combat clothes to shuttle this kind of optical network Oh, no, I didn't bring my uniform, either

As he said it, he stopped the aircraft on the ground.

When the aircraft stopped on the ground, although it was still wild around, the beams could not be seen. It was not because David Peng stopped practicing, but because of the spherical tangent, the beams occasionally flew over the head of the Wu nebula.

The night sky didn't care much. He sat cross knee. A moment later, a translucent blue wall appeared in front of him.

Wu Xingyun quickly took out his own data tester and found that there was a strong electromagnetic wave activity centered on the night sky.

A moment later, those occasionally flying red beams are gone, night sky stood up, patted himself on the dust, said: "he knows I'm coming, let's go, we need to speed up."

They re-enter the aircraft, start the aircraft, and fly toward a huge spiral nest in the center of the desert.

Five minutes later, Wu Xingyun saw the photographer standing in the center of the spiral nest.

The man didn't look like an artist at all. He was wearing black shorts, his upper body was full of muscles, and he was holding a huge scarlet knife in his hand. He just stood in the Gobi desert.

In the distance, there were some fist sized stones, but around him, there were no boulders, even no sand. They were all fine dust. I think it was because his knife light was terrible, and the sand was also divided into powder by this continuous knife light.

Wu Xingyun stops the aircraft in the desert thousands of meters away, and walks out of the aircraft with night sky. Then he sees David Peng coming with a big knife in the distance.

As soon as he got closer, Wu Xingyun saw David Peng's face full of flesh. A scar on his face went straight from his forehead to his chest. His face was hideous and hideous. He was extremely tall, a head taller than the night sky. When he ran, his massive muscles were bulging, and there were blue tendons on it.

David Peng quickly ran to the two men, first bowing to the night sky, and then calling respectfully: "Hello, chief!"

Night sky attitude is very casual, did not return a gift, also did not say hello to him, but pulled his side of Wu Xingyun, voice is more indifferent: "call sister-in-law!"

David Peng was stunned, and then immediately bowed: "good sister-in-law!"

Wu Xingyun muttered in a low voice: "I It's a man... "

Even if they murmured in a low voice, night sky and David Peng could hear them clearly. David Peng immediately changed his words and bowed again: "I'm sorry So I'll call you brother Wu. "

Wu Xingyun felt very uncomfortable when he saw the big man who was two heads higher than himself bowing to himself and shouting "brother Wu" one by one. Especially after seeing the huge red handle in David pen's hand, this feeling is even stronger.

I don't know how many comrades died in the light of this knife, and countless federal warships were also torn by this knife.

The Federation has always thought that this kind of optical network was stolen by mutants and transformed by federal technology, but until this time, Wu Xingyun was the first person alive to know that this kind of optical network is knife light.Although Wu Xingyun didn't retreat, there was an inevitable fear in his heart - he didn't wear combat clothes.

The night sky looked back at Wu Xingyun. She was acutely aware that Wu Xingyun didn't like the weapons in David Peng's hands, so she said to David Peng, "lose what you have. Don't practice martial arts these two days!"

David Pang immediately threw the knife out of his hand for thousands of meters. The knife passed through the air. The path of the blade's movement made a red arc of light. The air around him was burned and slightly twisted by the arc of light.

When David Pang lost half of his sword, he heard the second half of the sentence of night breaking sky. He was puzzled and said, "why? I've just broken through the sixth level of Jiuchong thunder sword recently. Now it's time to practice, and I can greatly improve my skill.... "

Night broken sky looked at David Peng at random, and David Peng immediately shut up: "all listen to your leader."

Night sky nodded and said: "recently, Xingyun and I want to take some videos as a souvenir. We can't find a suitable photographer. No one else is more suitable for this star than you. You can take one day every week to take photos and arrange other time by yourself."

After that, the night sky looked around, and the voice was still very calm: "I remember I said that I would go to a special place to practice martial arts. No one is allowed to practice martial arts in the wild, so as not to make a mess here. You'll go to LIUMENG and get the punishment yourself later. Don't let me do it myself. "

The voice of night sky was very calm, and he didn't get angry. But David Peng began to sweat on his forehead. He nodded: "don't worry, chief. I don't dare to violate the rules any more. I will take photos for you Take you and brother Wu They all shot very well. "

After a few words of command, he and Wu Xingyun returned to the spaceship again. Before leaving, he threw Wu Xingyun's timer to Peng: "clean up and come to my house at seven in the morning three days later. Don't be late."

On the way back, Wu Xingyun couldn't help asking, "I heard that When you are in the best condition, you can even burst out the energy of gamma ray explosion is that true? You're better than that David pen? "

Night sky did not answer this question, but turned to look at Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun felt as if there was something wrong. He saw the dark black eyes of the night sky with a trace of anger.

Gradually, the anger became a pity: "if it wasn't for a very latent ghost lock soldier shooting me at the beginning, we mutants would win the war."

Wu Xingyun bowed his head. He was very worried about breaking the night sky. At this time, he would inevitably sacrifice himself.

Although the sacrifice is glorious, Wu Xingyun does not want to be glorious in this situation.

The lips of the night sky slowly approached Wu Xingyun's ears, and the warm breath vomited in his neck: "but in that case, you would not marry me. So, this ending is also good... "

Wu Xingyun felt that his heart beat faster. He thought silently: after occupying the Federation, he would catch himself. At that time, when he saw that he looked the same as his old lover, he might make himself a taboo or something, which was even worse. The situation is better now.

The night sky looked at Wu Xingyun's embarrassment and was in a very good mood. He chuckled and put his hand on Wu Xingyun's shoulder: "in fact, I think the bridal chamber is the best way to show the intimacy between the two people. Has your leader instructed you to please me in bed so as to maintain the relationship between the two sides

Wu Xingyun's whole life began to get worse. He glared at the night sky fiercely. The night sky burst out laughing, and his mood seemed to be more happy.

In the evening, night sky didn't do its own business as usual. Instead, it changed a suit of sportswear to run with Wu Xingyun and watch him shoot.

Wu Xingyun is sweating, and it's very easy to break the sky at night. Only in the night, after seeing Wu Xingyun's accurate shooting skills, can he sigh: "the shooting is very good!"

Wu Xingyun said: "I'm a ghost lock soldier. My shooting results and latent ability rank high in the whole army."

The corner of his mouth smiles. He hands Wu Xingyun the water cup he has already prepared: "tired, drink water."

Wu Xingyun drank up the water in one gulp, and then continued to practice. The night sky was watching, surrounded by gunshots. Although there was only one soldier in combat clothes, he was still training harshly.

Soon, Wu Xingyun's shooting training ended, and he began to enter the training of wrestling.

The training center is Wu Xingyun's own choice of a lawns without people. He can only play routine. He is always alone. Now he has a night sky to watch. Wu Xingyun feels uncomfortable all over.

In particular, after the night sky questioned this method, Wu Xingyun felt even more uncomfortable.

"What's the point of training the federal army? Can you still fight me one on one? "

This sentence greatly interfered with Wu Xingyun. Wu Xingyun also began to feel that the training was meaningless. The worse the action was, the worse he couldn't bear to look directly at it.Night broken sky, looking at the diligent but pointless soldier under the street lamp, suddenly said: "do you want me to teach you two moves?"

"Ah?" Wu Xingyun stopped her worse routine and said, "you Teach me? No matter how hard I try, I can't be as powerful as you. I can split bricks at most with one hand, you I heard them say that you can tear open the warship with your bare hands... "

Night broken sky helplessly smile: "who spread this rumor? Even if I have that power, I don't have to. It's faster to chop with a knife. "

Wu Xingyun Oh, he looked at the night sky a little timidly. The man in front of him was a little bit higher than himself. He looked better, and there was nothing special about it.

Wu Xingyun said: "they all said that the last star Marshal sat in the command ship and died of suffocation after you tore up the warship..."

Night sky helplessly stroked his forehead: "what a mess of rumors, I remember that you federal war report, he was not because of the bad war, suspected collusion with me, and was sentenced to exile edge galaxy, finally the spacecraft encountered meteorite rain died?"

Wu Xingyun whispered, didn't speak any more, and stood there at a loss.

Night sky came forward and stood beside him: "war is not a joke, killing is a common thing I've killed many people in the Federation, and even most of them are soldiers like you. They joined the army without any knowledge. After a short training, they were thrown into the cruel battlefield... " Speaking of this, the night sky saw that Wu Xingyun's eyes were red, and the people in front of him were angry, and his fists were clenched.

The night sky stretched out its hand, grabbed Wu Xingyun's fist, opened his finger, and held his hand in his hand. His voice was calm: "but the Federation has killed many of us. We mutants are unable to bear and reproduce. From the beginning, there were nearly 100000 people, up to now, the number of mutants in the whole galaxy is less than 1000. We have lived together for thousands of years. We all know each other. Many of us are old friends of hundreds of years. Every time we die, there will be one less. There are billions of people in the Federation, and everyone has family and friends. We have nothing but war and killing. "

Wu Xingyun took his hand out of the night sky, staring at the night sky: "I will not sympathize with you!"

The night breaks empty to smile: "say these, not to win your sympathy.". And, to be honest, your sympathy is of no use to me. "

Wu Xingyun tightly pursed his lips. He felt that the man in front of him had a heart he didn't want to know after his usual lazy smile.

Night sky reached out again and held Wu Xingyun's hand: "I just want to tell you that it's meaningless to talk about kindness, integrity, blood, cruelty and so on in the war. Just like you, the tricks you just used are not to strengthen your body, but to kill people. When you are trying to practice killing skills, have you ever thought about these?"

Wu Xingyun didn't speak any more, and his voice was a little low in the night sky. "Don't talk about the war, OK? In your heart, those things may just be legends, history, textbooks. But in my heart, that's my memory, some It's an unpleasant memory. "

Wu Xingyun gave a gentle hum. He decided not to discuss these topics with the night sky in the future. Although this decision is somewhat self deceptive, as a soldier, although he is not afraid of death and sacrifice, he does not like killing and war.

The night sky slowly raised Wu Xingyun's hand and gently kissed it on his lips: "I don't want to fight anymore, especially with you by my side. I just hope that I can live like this, live peacefully and peacefully forever. It doesn't matter if there is no future, no hope, as long as you are around. "

At this moment, Wu Xingyun's heart seems to be knocked down by something. He looks at the man in front of him, who makes almost everyone tremble. His name is enough to make people cold. Wearing casual clothes, night sky has gentle eyes, low tone and magnetism, and its words can penetrate into the heart of the army.

"But But I won't be with you all my life. I will die earlier than you... " Wu Xingyun felt it necessary to remind the people in front of him. Each other's forever, and their own forever, will not be the same meaning.

Night sky nodded: "yes, I will Still alive, always alive... " When he said that, he slowly let go of Wu Xingyun's hand. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and turned to leave. His figure was pulled out by the street lamp and looked very lonely.

Wu Xingyun also stood under the street lamp, looking at the farther and farther back, feeling that he had something to say.

No matter what the night sky just said was true or false, Wu Xingyun believed it, because at that moment, Wu Xingyun felt that he could feel each other's mood. He believed that those words were the true words of night sky, and maybe there would never be the day of peace expected by both sides. At least, night sky once thought about it, really thought about it.

Wu Xingyun immediately ran towards the lonely figure, and then stopped beside him. The night sky turned around and laughed at him.Wu Xingyun didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't speak very well. He also gave a smile to the night sky.

Then night sky stretched out her hand, put her arms around Wu Xingyun's shoulder, and patted on it: "the place you choose to practice martial arts is not good. I'll take you to a good place, and you will love it."

Wu Xingyun nodded: "good."

Half an hour later, they stopped in a huge gymnasium in the center of the city.

Different from other gymnasiums, the six directions of the central square here are closed, and the surrounding walls are flowing with light blue light, showing a translucent appearance.

The night sky and Wu Xingyun are standing in the center of the square. The square is 2000 meters in diameter and extremely wide. There is no shelter in the center of the square.

Night sky said: "this is where we usually practice martial arts. The walls around are filled with my own energy. My defense ability is very strong. No one on this planet can destroy it except me. Here, you will not receive any interference. You can completely calm down and experience the essence of martial arts. "

Wu Xingyun scratched his head: "what kind of martial arts?"

Night broken sky laughed: "to do everything, you need to be calm. Concentration is the most important skill. When you are shooting, you are very focused, but when you are practicing those fighting skills, you are much worse. Although the movement is very standard, but it has no soul. Your training is completely composed of boring and fearless. It depends on the will support, and I can't feel the fun at all. I feel tired after watching it. I really can't stand it, so I want to teach you. "

Wu Xingyun immediately said that he was willing to accept criticism. He knew very well in his heart that the most important reason why the night sky could become the leader of the mutant and become a night demon was that he had extraordinary force and was invincible. In the initial stage of the two sides' War, the night sky still did not know any tactics and military knowledge, and it was only by virtue of personal bravery that the two sides won. He is the first person in the galaxy in martial arts fighting.

But everyone thinks that the reason why the night sky is so powerful is entirely due to his body variation. Today, Wu Xingyun heard what he said. It seems that what those people said is not entirely right. The night sky is very powerful, not only because he is a mutant, but also because of his understanding and understanding of Wu.

"In fact, I have always been less optimistic about the federal military training. Do you know why?" The night sky pulls Wu Xingyun to sit on the open square and appears to be very patient.

Wu Xingyun is all ears.

"Because their training is not to strengthen people's bodies at all. It's just to train a large number of cheap soldiers in a short period of time, and to fight us with the sea of people tactics. As I have studied, most of the federal soldiers will have all kinds of physical problems after they retire, and many veterans, even if they are not injured, will not be able to go to the battlefield in their forties, Is that right? "

Wu Xingyun has to admit that the federal research on the night sky is more in-depth, and the night sky also has the same in-depth understanding of the federal.

Sure enough, the people who know you best are not your friends, but your enemies.

In the next time, the night sky is teaching Wu Xingyun how to punch, how to luck, how to better play the power of the move.

On the open square, the blue halo flows slowly, and the light blue light illuminates them.

Sometimes the night sky will act as a human sandbag for Wu Xingyun to practice. Sometimes they quarrel and sometimes they laugh, but most of the time, it's the sound of palm wind.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Xingyun finally smoothly finished a set of combat boxing commonly used in the army.

In the past, he only felt tired, but today, in addition to his physical fatigue, he also felt comfortable.

Night sky handed Wu Xingyun's coat to him and said, "let's go. It should be late. Go back and have a rest. Don't forget that you're going to record a video to the Federation tomorrow. "

Wu Xingyun put on her own clothes and walked out with the night sky. As she walked, she said, "what you just said to me, and what you taught me, I Can you report it to the federal government? "

The night sky doesn't care much: "whatever you want, the Federation won't take your advice anyway." At this point, he seemed to think of something interesting and began to laugh again.

Wu Xingyun was puzzled. He asked what night sky was laughing at, but night sky just laughed and didn't answer this question. Not only that, night sky laughed louder and louder, and finally there was an irreversible trend.

Night broken sky so smile all the way, until two people back to the small building, he is still laughing.

Wu Xingyun couldn't help it. When he took a shower, he asked through the glass door, "you've been laughing. What are you laughing about? Don't you laugh all night? "

"I was thinking, you have to report everything to the federal government. If we do that in the future, will you stop and say, 'well Ah I want to Ah Write a report Well Don't How to write in thick and long Ah... '"

clatter, the door of the shower room was pulled open, and Wu Xingyun was wearing a wet T-shirt. His head still stared at the foam. He came solemnly to the happy night of the night, and punched the face of the broken night with soap on his fist.The laughter finally stopped.

Wu Xingyun went back to the shower room and continued to take a bath. The water was splashing. He felt that the most comfortable thing today was that he had just hit hard and steadily, and his speed was almost perfect. It seems that under the guidance of night sky, his martial arts skills have really improved.

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