The next morning, Wu Xingyun dragged up the night sky. They had to continue to complete the shooting task today.

David Peng has been waiting in the living room downstairs for a long time. He has changed into a suit of clothes suitable for the artist's taste. He has no less than ten nose rings on his nose, twenty rings on his ten fingers, and a camera on his shoulder. Wu Xingyun recognizes that it is the latest product of the Federation, and does not know whether David Peng bought it through the black market or his booty.

The night sky wears a set of pure black robes with long black hair tied loosely behind his head. It looks slim and charming, which is in line with the image orientation of the Federation.

In contrast, Wu Xingyun is very ordinary. He is wearing a union uniform, buttoned up, and his hat is meticulous.

The three of them set out together. First they went around the city. Then they went to the base and took some pictures. Then they caught some primitive animals on the planet, which were similar to red deer. They had a horn on their head. They rode together and ran freely on the open grassland. The clouds in the sky reflected colorful light. David Peng, the photographer, also lost no time in capturing and catching up with the camera. That night, the three stayed by a stream in the wild. Peng David was not a light bulb consciously. He was far away from them. Wu Xingyun made a fire by himself, leaned against a tree and soon fell asleep.

The night sky was always by his side. When he saw that Wu Xingyun seemed a little cold in his sleep, he took off his robe and put it on him. When the night sky saw Wu Xingyun's slightly upturned and plump lips, he didn't hold back and slightly bent down to kiss each other's lips.

Wu Xingyun is a bit confused in his dream. He opens his eyes and follows him when he sees that the person who harasses him is night broken sky.

Night sky holds it in his arms and warms each other with his own body temperature. When he hears Wu Xingyun's even and steady breathing, he only feels that his heart is full of tenderness. At this moment, night sky seems to forget those betrayals, injuries, killing and wars that have happened.

The meteorite flow in the night sky passes again, and the night sky has no interest in taking the opportunity to practice martial arts. He holds Wu Xingyun, who is sleeping in his arms, and looks up at the sky.

The meteorite stream in the sky reflects the light of stars, as if tens of millions of crystals are flashing. They fly, jump, draw an elliptical orbit in the sky, and then fly away, shining on the two people embracing each other in the night.

Night sky slightly lowered his head, his chin against Wu Xingyun's head, each other's short hair has a special touch, slightly rough, but can give people the greatest psychological comfort.

The night sky can't help but kiss Wu Xingyun's head again. He feels addicted under the kiss. The feeling that his short hair pricks his upper lip softens his whole heart. He kisses a few more times. Unexpectedly, Wu Xingyun mumbles with her eyes closed: "don't kiss me. I can't sleep well."

Night broken sky low "Er" a, the arm slightly tightens, hugs Wu Xingyun more tightly some, but according to the words did not kiss him again.

This shooting trip originally meant that Wu Xingyun would only disturb the night sky for one day, but unexpectedly, the night sky and Wu Xingyun almost covered the whole planet.

The two traveled through primeval forests, into the Gobi desert, across the vast grasslands, polar glaciers, and the magnificent sea.

Night sky found that Wu Xingyun from the beginning of the unsmiling, gradually become a bright smile. Whenever he saw Wu Xingyun grinning, his white teeth showed, he felt dizzy. At this moment, he felt that in the long life of a thousand years, only now was the happiest and happiest time.

On this day, they came to a huge cliff waterfall by the sea. Standing on the top of the cliff, they looked around and saw that the sky and the earth were the same color, infinite and vast.

Clear water from the feet of the two people flow, flying straight down into the sea, sound like thunder. Distant seabirds flying, clear calls reverberate in heaven and earth, as if the aesthetic picture is always fixed.

The night sky turns slightly and looks at the person standing beside him. The person's face is full of intoxicating smile. From his eyes, you can directly look at the bottom of his heart. The orange sunset sprinkles on the person, which is infinitely beautiful.

Night sky stretched out her hand to hold each other's waist. Wu Xingyun had been used to each other's movements. Instead of any resistance, she moved her own steps to make them more intimate.

Night sky want to kiss each other, but afraid to destroy such a beautiful atmosphere, dare not abrupt. He turned to gaze at Wu Xingyun, whose eyes were far away, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

The photographer behind them, David Peng, took this photo.

The color of the photo is dreamy, and the cold man with black clothes and black hair is full of tenderness in his eyes. He stares at his lover and will never change.

"Nebula, do you like it here?" The night sky asked softly, "would you like to live here with me forever?"

Wu Xingyun suddenly turned back: "it's my task to live with you. I have no right to be choosy about the task."

The atmosphere was destroyed by Wu Xingyun's words. The night was broken and speechless. He rubbed Wu Xingyun's head and gave him a blow.Wu Xingyun was standing on the edge of the cliff. He was directly knocked down by this blow. He uttered a Scream: "ah

Then, with a puff, Wu Xingyun fell into the sea in the waterfall. He quickly closed his breath and swam. When he came to the surface, he only saw night sky squatting on the top of the cliff and laughing at him.

Wu Xingyun saw the man in black on the top of the cliff. He was not happy. After he scolded hard, the night sky was still laughing.

Breaking the sky at night is really a unpredictable guy! Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart.

The three returned, passed by the base, sent the video back to the Federation, crossed the craters, and returned to their usual city.

The night sky holds Wu Xingyun's hand, humming low and smiling. From time to time, he looks at Wu Xingyun. When they meet, he will feel extremely satisfied and happy.

They are walking very slowly. It's already may in the federal cosmic calendar. Most of the planets have entered the hot summer, but the source star is cool in autumn.

The leaves on both sides of the road are dyed yellow by the autumn wind. When the wind blows, the fallen leaves are rustling down and flying all over the sky.

When they came to the front of the building, the night sky suddenly stopped. Wu Xingyun looked at him puzzled: "what's the matter?"

The night sky reaches out and hugs the person in front of him. His voice is soft and whispers in his ear: "the honeymoon is over, tonight The bridal chamber

Wu Xingyun was stunned: "ah?"

Night broken sky bowed his head to kiss the surprised little soldier with a big mouth, licked, swallowed, and then went deep into each other's mouth, teasing.

Wu Xingyun is a bit wooden. He feels that the other party is holding him tightly, and he feels the other party's enthusiasm and love. What's more, he doesn't seem to hate the expression.

Wu Xingyun didn't respond, but he didn't refuse. He smelled the peculiar smell of the night sky and felt confused. He suddenly thought of the leader's instructions - if the other side's demands are strong and sincere, you can decide for yourself.

"Do you like me?" I asked in a low voice when the kiss ended.

Wu Xingyun doesn't know whether he likes it or doesn't like it, but he doesn't think it's so hard to accept if night sky has further demands.

Although the night sky didn't wait for the answer he wanted, he didn't care too much. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "it doesn't matter, anyway I like you enough. You will live here all the time. There is plenty of time. I like you enough. "

Wu Xingyun lowered his head slightly. After a moment, he said, "I can't say whether I like it or not. I didn't think about it. I I can accept your request for bridal chamber. "

The night sky suddenly picked up Wu Xingyun, made a circle in the same place, then took his hand and ran towards the small building.

Wu Xingyun was dragged out of breath by the speed of 100 meters in the night sky. He fell once on the way and broke his knee. But he immediately got up and tried to cooperate with each other.

Night sky almost knocked open the courtyard door of the small building. Just as he was about to knock open the door, a shadow suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

Wu Xingyun was being dragged out of breath. He didn't pay much attention to the people in the yard. Instead, when he looked back, he saw the people in the yard.

The man was dressed in white, with long silver hair on the ground. His face was as delicate as if it had been made by God. He was perfect and beautiful, but there was a faint hesitation between his eyebrows.

Night broken sky some accident, he touched his forehead, said: "how are you? When did you come and what do you want me to do? "

Wu Xingyun saw that the man in the yard was Liu Meng. Liu Meng didn't pay attention to Wu Xingyun. He just stared at the night sky. His voice was unexpectedly calm: "since the day you left here, I've been waiting for you here. I thought you would come back one day after you went out, but I didn't expect that you went out for more than half a month. "

Wu Xingyun is still holding the hand of night broken sky. He is dissatisfied with someone's coming to disturb his upcoming bridal chamber, and his voice is also impatient: "I have something to do now. If you don't have anything urgent, I'll talk about it tomorrow!"

With that, the night sky pushed open its door, ready to pull Wu Xingyun in, but Liu Meng sneered behind them: "what are you doing? Busy sleeping with your new girl? "

The footstep of night sky suddenly stops, he turns around and stares at Liu Meng, his eyes can almost kill people.

The corner of Liu Meng's mouth appeared a look of ridicule: "why, am I wrong? Look at yourself now! I've been waiting for you here, but you didn't find that when did your perception become so bad? "

Night break empty brow tiny Cu: "while I have not been angry before, leave here!"

But Liu Meng didn't step back. Instead, he stepped forward and stood in front of the night sky: "are you in love with him?" Liu Meng points to Wu Xingyun.

The night sky didn't speak, but he slowly released the hand holding Wu Xingyun and inserted it into his pocket.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun was a little disappointed. He looked up slightly, looked at Liu Meng, and looked at the night sky.Liu Meng's face was a look of mockery, and the night sky from the beginning of anger, into some uneasiness, just like the reflection of being caught and raped.

Wu Xingyun said "Oh" in the bottom of his heart. He didn't say much. He turned and walked into the room. He thought the night sky would come after him, but nothing happened. The door was closed behind him, and Liu Meng's censure came faintly.

"You got involved with the federal people. Are you worthy of all of us?"

"You forget the past, you forget your own promise..."

"You are so slow that you can't even sense my existence. Don't you admit that you have changed your mind?"

"You You stupid bastard

"If you fall in love with someone else, I won't forgive you, never!"

Wu Xingyun sits in front of his desk. Through the window, he can see what is happening on the lawn outside the building. Liu Meng's back is facing the window. Wu Xingyun can't see his expression, but he can clearly see the expression of the broken night sky that has never spoken.

At first, the face of night sky was angry. Then, his face gradually became calm. Finally, confusion and loss appeared on his face. Finally, he nodded, patted Liu Meng on the shoulder and whispered something to him.

Liu Meng didn't speak any more. The two mutants stood together peacefully. A moment later, the night sky seemed to have made up its mind. He hugged Liu Meng for a moment, and then turned to enter the small building.

Wu Xingyun closed the curtain. He pulled out the drawer and wanted to read some books, but he pulled a pile of white paper to read.

In his ears, he could hear the footsteps of the night sky coming towards him. He didn't turn around or look back.

The footsteps of the night sky stopped in front of the door. The voice was no longer as gentle as before, but became a little cold: "the honeymoon is over. The video shot in the past half a month is enough to support the federal government for several years. In the future, I will be very busy and have no time to do these boring things with you."

Wu Xingyun still did not turn around, he just said in a calm voice: "OK."

Night broken sky stood at the door for a while, turned to leave, then walked out two steps and turned back: "there is something to go out at night, don't come back."

Wu Xingyun's voice was still calm: "OK."

Night sky goes downstairs, Wu Xingyun opens the curtain, he sees Liu Meng and night sky leave together, all the way did not look back.

Wu Xingyun drew the curtains and tidied up his room. He came to the Fengji mirror. The people in the mirror didn't seem very happy.

Wu Xingyun grins in front of the mirror, and the soldier in the mirror finally smiles brightly.

Turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Wu Xingyun pulled up the quilt and lay on the bed. When she closed her eyes, she saw the shadow of the night sky. An hour ago, she said affectionately, "it doesn't matter. I like you enough. Anyway, we will live together for a long time. I like you enough."

Wu Xingyun turned over and felt a little upset. He felt something buzzing. He got up and turned on the light to see that it was a big mosquito.

Wu Xingyun worked hard for a long time and finally killed the mosquito. When he lay in bed again, he felt more agitated.

He turned over and over, back and forth like a pancake, always unable to sleep.

Finally, he simply got up from the bed, dressed, went to the room where his weapons were stored, took the gun, and went to the training ground to shoot several boxes of bullets. Then he felt no longer irritable.

Wu Xingyun sleeps with his cold mechanical rifle. When he touches the cold metal on the rifle, his heart soon calms down. His face no longer appears, and he soon falls asleep.

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