When Wu Xingyun opened his eyes, he found that he was still the only one in the room, which made him uncomfortable, but he soon adjusted.

He eats, washes, practices and studies by himself.

That night, night sky did not come back.

The next day, it was still a boring life.

Day three, day four.

Wu Xingyun used to go back to the base once every seven days, but now it has gradually become once every three days, once a day, even living there for several days in a row.

When he lay in the room of the base, in the narrow and steel pouring space, he felt as if he had lost something. There was always an empty piece in his heart. It was an indescribable feeling, just like something was missing. But Wu Xingyun counted his belongings, and nothing was missing.

The construction of the base is slowly expanding. Two scientists finally convinced the night sky to allow it to set up an observation station, while psychologist Ellen Yide was allowed to interview mutant people and study their psychology.

As for the miners and farmers, they have begun to plant crops on this land. The food in the base is not what it used to be. Wu Xingyun has a familiar taste. When he eats, he can't help thinking, have you ever eaten these things at night?

Wu Xingyun didn't know. He continued to bow his head to pick food. Sitting opposite him were two soldiers of the convoy and a farmer.

After eating two mouthfuls, the farmer said to Wu Xingyun, "sergeant, the Federation says it has sent us another batch of seeds, but it is said that they were intercepted by the night demon army. It's been more than two months and I haven't received it yet. Do you want to ask the night devil what's going on? "

Wu Xingyun said "yes" and continued to eat. He forked a special product of M-21 star, which he was born with. When he sent it to the entrance, Wu Xingyun was very sure that night sky had never tasted this delicious food.

After dinner, he took a nap in accordance with the usual practice. When he woke up, he went to the contact station to report his work. A civilian officer in the Propaganda Department of the military contacted him daily. The officer reminded him that there had been no video for more than a month. Although there were many previous videos, it could be seen that they were all shot at the same time. Too many videos would also cause rumors, which the federal government demanded Wu Xingyun tried to get some more recent videos.

Wu Xingyun stands at attention to salute "yes".

When he came out of the contact desk, he happened to meet the miner.

The miner also came to him: "chief sergeant, we have recently discovered a new kind of mineral from Yuanxing. We want to get some back to study it, but some mutants object. Are you Talk to the night devil? "

Wu Xingyun was a little listless. He said, "OK, I see."

Although he agreed to do it all, he didn't take any action. Wu Xingyun would run to the crater outside the base and sit on the top of the mountain, overlooking the city where the night sky is located.

That night is meteorite flow, the sky seems to be lit in general, gorgeous and magnificent, will illuminate the whole night.

Wu Xingyun saw from a distance that the light of the small building where he lived was on. He knew that the night sky might have gone back. At this time, he would be able to find the night sky, but what would he say after finding him? Wu Xingyun doesn't know. He thinks he hasn't thought about it. Maybe he should think about how to say it.

In this way, Wu Xingyun runs from the base to the crater almost every night, stands on it for a while, looks at the light in the distant building, and then returns.

On this day, he really couldn't delay any longer. Almost all the people in the base found him once. Everyone had problems and needed Wu Xingyun to go to the night sky to communicate with him. He was driven out of the base and was homeless, so he had to go to the night sky.

In his heart, he walked towards the small building with some uneasiness. When he crossed the path in front of the small building, there was music floating in the air. It was the sound of piano, melodious and ethereal, like crying, like a lover's whisper, like a desert spring.

Wu Xingyun stood there for a while. Surrounded by the sound of the piano, he thought of the kiss of the two people returning together that day.

Wu Xingyun shakes his head and throws all these things out. A soldier sent to make peace should not have feelings for his enemies.

Wu Xingyun said to himself silently in his heart, and then pushed open the door of the small building.

The night break empty residence is the same as before, not locked.

On a planet where there are only more than 100 people and all of them are acquaintances, it seems unnecessary to lock the door.

Wu Xingyun doesn't deliberately lighten his own pace. He is very aware of his keen perception of the night sky. No matter how light he is, he will be found by the other party.

Wu Xingyun pushed open the door of the living room. There was no one in the living room. There was no light. Only the ethereal sound of the piano floated down from the roof and lingered around.

Wu Xingyun looks up and the only light comes from the third floor. Wu Xingyun remembers that the night sky says that the third floor hasn't been up for hundreds of years. When he lived here, he went up to the third floor. There are some sundries on it and nothing else.

Wu Xingyun went up the stairs and came to the light lit utility room on the third floor. When he stood at the door of the utility room, he was a little surprised.The utility room is clean and nearly 100 square meters. There is a piano in the center. Silver haired Liu Meng is playing the piano, while night sky sits beside him, concentrating on painting. With his back to Wu Xingyun, he couldn't see what night sky was drawing, but he didn't really want to know.

The only light in the room didn't look very bright. It dyed the halo of the room with a layer of orange color, and the white window screen around it was floating, as if the light curtain was rippling.

When Wu Xingyun saw Liu Meng playing the piano, he turned his head and looked at the sky in the night when he was painting. His eyes were very gentle.

And the night sky will be in the gap raised his head to smile at him, between the two people are very tacit understanding, even do not need to use language to express communication.

Wu Xingyun felt like a stone breaking into the center of the lake, destroying everything, and like a discordant note, interrupting a perfect movement. He felt very uncomfortable, but this evening he had something to come to communicate with the night sky, so he couldn't go back like this.

So Wu Xingyun stood at the door, coughing, disturbing the quiet atmosphere here.

Liu Meng stopped playing the piano. He didn't say hello to Wu Xingyun or say anything. He just stood up beside the piano, took a book and sat by the window to read.

Night broken sky didn't even lift his head. He just sat in the same place and asked, "what's the matter?"

The cold voice was like ice, which made Wu Xingyun want to turn around at that time.

Wu Xingyun said: "you come out, I have something to tell you."

The night sky still didn't look up: "I'm very busy now. I'll talk about something in a few days."

Wu Xingyun is still reluctant: "I don't think you are busy at all. I really have something to do."

In the night sky, he put down his pen and looked up at Wu Xingyun.

This is the first time in a month and a half that Wu Xingyun has seen the face of the night sky clearly. The other side's face was cold, and there was no wave in his eyes. In addition, there was no change.

Wu Xingyun stood at the door, waiting obstinately for the night sky to come out.

Two people looked at each other for a moment, night broken sky stood up, walked out of the door, and Wu Xingyun came to the balcony.

"What's the matter?" The night broke and the sky asked.

Wu Xingyun couldn't say a word. He looked into the room and wanted to ask why Liu Meng was here, but he didn't know how to ask.

"He will live here in the future." The voice of the night sky is very calm, "it was like this a long time ago. He moved out after you came."

Wu Xingyun let out a "Oh". He had an unspeakable feeling in his heart. He wanted to ask what was the relationship between them, but it seemed that he was not qualified to ask these words.

Wu Xingyun remembers the quarrel between Liu Meng and night sky that night, "if you fall in love with him, I will never forgive you, never!"

Wu Xingyun almost understood what was going on in his heart, but if so, why did the night sky say those words to himself? Those words that make it difficult for people to distinguish the true from the false and shake their will?

Wu Xingyun bowed his head and didn't say a word for a long time. The voice of night sky broke with a trace of impatience: "what's the matter with you?"

Wu Xingyun said: "no In fact, it's nothing I just forget something and come back to get it. "

Night broken sky nodded, see Wu Xingyun still don't move, eyebrow slightly frown: "how not to take?"

Wu Xingyun moved two steps, but after two steps, he returned again. He thought he still wanted to know, so he said, "I, I just want to ask, that What you said before, do it or not. "

The night sky laughs. He looks down at Wu Xingyun, who buries his head a little lower.

"Are you interested in me?" Night broken sky asked, tone in addition to irony, there is nothing else.

Wu Xingyun doesn't speak. He thinks the broken night sky at this moment is hateful. He even regrets saving him on his wedding night.

"Well, you'd better make it clear that I did that to you just because you look like my old friend." The night breaks the sky.

Wu Xingyun thinks that the answer is similar to what he thinks. The reason why the night sky is a little better for him is because of his old lover. Now that his old dream is over, he begins a new life.

But after the night broke, Wu Xingyun felt a little angry.

"I advise you not to have too many illusions about me, or you will become the next Ouyang Liu." Night broken sky light said.

Wu Xingyun suddenly raised his head. He saw that the man in front of him was handsome in the night, but his eyes were as cold as ice. His long black hair floated away in the wind, just like a breathtaking tentacle.

Wu Xingyun suddenly remembered that Ouyang Liu had arrived at the source three months in advance, and then sold the Federation without hesitation, and finally paid the price of his life.

He still remembers that when Ouyang Liu and night sky appeared in front of him, the relationship between them seemed very close.

Wu Xingyun originally wanted to censure the night sky, but he couldn't say what he said. He didn't know what position he should stand on.Maybe night sky is right. Ouyang Liu and Wu Xingyun are all from the Federation. In his eyes, they are just pawns.

Even, Wu Xingyun doubted that the story of the old lover was just a cover for breaking the sky at night to deceive himself.

Wu Xingyun lowered his head. A moment later, he took out a stack of paper from his body, which was full of requests from the base. He handed the paper to the night sky and said, "these are some of our application requirements. I hope you can consider them."

The night sky didn't reach for it, so Wu Xingyun put the paper on the ground, and when he was ready to turn around, the night sky said, "in the future, let Ellen Yide come. I don't really want to see you."

Wu Xingyun wanted to ask why, but he never asked.

But the night sky explained to him: "the honeymoon has already passed. I'm tired of revisiting my old dream. I don't want to do it any more. This will be the normal way for us to get along in the future. I hope you can adapt. In addition, I don't like to be disturbed at night. You should come to me later and try to stay in your working hours as much as possible. "

Wu Xingyun looked up at the night sky. He found that the man in front of him turned his face, not only merciless, but also cold.

Wu Xingyun said, "good."

After that, he went downstairs. He was going to discuss the details with the night sky this evening. He lived here, but now it seems that there is no need.

When Wu Xingyun came out of the building, he found that the sound of the zither sounded like water again. He kicked a stone with his foot, and felt a burst of depression in his heart.

It took Wu Xingyun more than an hour to return to the base. When everyone saw that he actually came back in the middle of the night, they were very surprised. Ellen Yide went out of his way to ask what happened, but Wu Xingyun didn't want to say anything. He went to the shooting range of the base to practice for a while, and then went back to his room to sleep.

The management of the base is strict. Wu Xingyun is not allowed to bring weapons back to his room. When he lies on * *'s bed, he can't touch the gun, and he feels sleepless.

"Don't have too many illusions about me, or you will be the next Ouyang Liu."

"I did that to you just because you look like my friend."

The words of breaking the sky at night reverberate in Wu Xingyun's ears, eventually making Wu Xingyun get up from the bed and run to the base driving range to fight a sandbag.

But when Wu Xingyun vented all his physical strength, he still couldn't be happy.

Sitting in the driving range, Wu Xingyun looks at the night sky through the transparent ceiling. The stars in the night sky remain unchanged.

Unfortunately, the stars are so far apart that Wu Nebula can't even see the stars near his training base.

Wu Xingyun sighed at the bottom of his heart. He was homesick and wanted to be very much.

But at this moment, a guard suddenly ran over and stood at attention in front of him: "chief sergeant, the Federation is calling. I want you to go to the contact desk immediately. I have something important to find you."

Wu Xingyun jumped up from the ground and soon appeared in the contact room.

On the huge screen, the figures of vino and President Hobbes appear on it.

"Sergeant, the federation needs you back." Hobbes said, "remember Ouyang Liu? His body was brought back, and parliament accused it of murder. "

Wu Xingyun was stunned: "it's not murder. Lu Hai of the seeing off team can testify!"

Hobbes shook his head: "it's a bit complicated. Ouyang Feng accused Shifei, the star marshal, of a conspiracy. Ouyang Liu discovered the collusion between Shifei and night sky, and was killed. And Ouyang Liu's trial materials on the source star have also been greatly doubted. Now the only client is you. You have to come back to testify. "

Wu Xingyun was shocked. He couldn't believe what he heard. Did Shi Fei collude with night sky? Ouyang flow learned of their plot, so was killed, he is Shi Fei's accomplice! How imaginative a person is to be able to think of it!

"Sergeant, now on behalf of the federal government, I call you back to testify," Hobbes said. We all believe in Shi Fei's innocence, but now, he can't come up with favorable evidence to prove his innocence. The situation is very unfavorable for him. You go to discuss with the night sky and return as soon as possible. It's better to start tonight. "

When Wu Xingyun was shocked, he was more worried about the situation of Shi Fei. He wanted to ask more questions, but Wennuo had already taken over the conversation: "Wu Xingyun, the matter is very complicated. I can't say it clearly for a moment and a half. We'll talk about it in detail when you come back. In addition, I will meet you at the border of both sides and you will come back as soon as possible. "

Wu Xingyun stands at attention, salutes, and then answers "yes!"

The call ended, but when the screen was empty, Wu Xingyun couldn't help worrying.

The relationship between himself and night sky is extremely bad now. How can we persuade him to let him go?

Or is it the worst relationship that can convince the other party better?

Wu Xingyun's heart was full of butterflies in his stomach. After he cleaned up all his belongings, he went to the small building again.

Although the night sky said that he would not go to him again and disturb him at night, he did not intend to put off the matter until tomorrow morning. Even, there was a trace of happiness in his heart, although he did not understand why he was happy.

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