The day after the announcement of the boarding list, the coalition government announced the date of departure, three days later.

At this time, most of the people who stayed in the base had tickets, and only a few of them refused to leave with a glimmer of hope.

Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun live in the basement together. Ye Fan sleeps in the lower berth and Wu Xingyun sleeps in the upper berth.

On the other bed, there are two people's luggage.

Wu Xingyun is lying on the bed reading a book. While Wu Xingyun doesn't pay attention, Ye Fan stealthily puts a bottle of lubricating oil he got from Luo Ying into his luggage.

"Cloud, give me a kiss!" After Ye Fan finished packing, he stood on the ladder of the high and low bed, his head close to Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun raised his waist and gave him a kiss on the face: "go to bed early, and you will be ready to board tomorrow."

Ye Fan honestly climbed down, lying in bed and imagining his future life.

"You say, how long does it take for a spaceship to sail in space? Where is the first foothold? "

Wu Xingyun said casually, "Mars. I've heard from those physicists that Mars is rich in resources and easy to transform."

Ye Fan said, "don't we all become Martians? Is it going to get really big, like this guy? "

Ye Fan pointed to a poster of Martians conquering the earth at the head of his bed and pondered: "this is too ugly!"

Wu Xingyun stooped from the upper bunk, looked at the poster on YeFan's wall, shook his head and said, "our generation should not be like this."

Ye Fan said: "that What about the next generation? That's not going to happen to our kids, is it

Wu Xingyun's face turned red with a brush. He said, "what child? Who has a baby with you

Before Ye Fan could speak, he was taught by Wu Xingyun: "sleep! If it affects my sleeping, I want you to look good! "

"Good." Ye Fan closed his eyes and they went to sleep.

When the wake-up call sounded the next day, they were carrying their luggage and ready to board.

Ten huge spaceships, quietly parked on the launch pad, a total of 50000 people.

Although in Wu Xingyun's eyes, these spaceships are too backward and small in capacity, which can't be compared with the 100000 people of a carrier ship of later generations, in Ye Fan's eyes, these spaceships are simply high technology among high technology.

Streamline body shape, gray steel shell, and a huge engine turbine, everything is so unreal.

The people who boarded the ship lined up to enter the test port. After passing the test, they were able to board the spaceship and leave the base forever one day later.

On the 10 spaceships, there were some senior engineers hanging their safety belts and doing the final overhaul outside. All the people's arms were transported to the spaceship in advance. The 300 soldiers selected by the coalition government were responsible for maintaining order.

They're in charge of security and detection at the hatch.

Wu Xingyun and ye fan stand together, carrying their own luggage and walking slowly with the team.

The scene was orderly and everyone was talking in a low voice.

Ye Fan's eyes are fixed on Wu Xingyun, and he is thinking about whether he can do things after boarding the ship today.

And Wu Xingyun's eyes, there is no purpose to look around at random, and finally, stay in the next channel.

About 30 meters away from the two men, a woman was dragged out of the entrance and was not allowed to board the ship.

The woman yelled and made a lot of noise, but without exception, she was knocked unconscious by Kong Wu's powerful soldiers and couldn't make any more noise.

Wu Xingyun turned to Ye Fan and said, "what's going on there?"

Ye Fan also noticed that he saw the red warning light at the gate next door, so he said, "maybe the woman has brought some contraband. Who knows?"

Wu Xingyun Oh, soon, it's their turn to test.

Wu Xingyun stood at the entrance, X-ray scanned his body and luggage, and then a soldier came to search him, he took out his ticket to check.

Everything is OK, Wu Xingyun passed, he turned back to wait for ye fan.

Ye Fan's luggage is OK, but when he was detected by X-ray, the alarm light came on.

Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun were stunned. A soldier stopped Ye Fan: "sorry, you didn't pass the test. You can't board the ship."

Ye Fan took out his ticket from his pocket: "why can't I pass the test? I have the ticket!"

But the soldiers ignored him, just pulled the bolt and pointed to Ye Fan: "please leave, or you will be killed."

Wu Xingyun came over and said to the inspectors, "you must have made a mistake. He's with me. There's no problem with his identity."

Two people's affairs were stranded, behind people dissatisfied, some began to curse, soon, there are more than ten people of soldiers with Ye Fan out.

Ye Fan turned back and said to Wu Xingyun who tried to run out: "it's OK. There must be some misunderstanding. You go up first. I'll ask sister Luo later. "Wu Xingyun hesitated for a moment. He looked around and found that Dairong was the same boat as himself. Ignoring Ye Fan, he ran straight to Dairong: "general Dai, general Dai!"

Dai Rong looked back. He seemed a little depressed. He stopped and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Wu Xingyun asked: "Ye Fan was stopped. They said he didn't reach the standard. What do you mean? What happened to him? "

At this time, on the other channel, someone was stopped.

Dai Rong looked at Wu Xingyun and said, "are you up to standard?"

Wu Xingyun nodded.

Dai Rong said: "that's good You get on the boat first. There are some things Luo Ying will tell you later. "

Dai Rong said, then he took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket and lit it up.

When Wu Xingyun saw Dai Rong smoking in the no smoking area, he felt that things had become a little strange. He said to Dai Rong, "general Dai, you will help Ye Fan, won't you?"

Dai Rong nodded and said, "yes. Don't worry, I I'll be on his side. " With that, Dairong goes to the exit. Wu Xingyun sees Dairong calling YeFan and telling him something, so he can rest assured. He is waiting in the same place, but he sees Dairong and YeFan go farther and farther. After a while, they walk out of the boarding hall.

Wu Xingyun did not know what had happened. Most of the people had already boarded the ship, and the peripheral staff had begun to lift the chain.

Wu Xingyun waited for a while, but did not wait for Luo Ying to come.

He had a bad feeling in his heart that he wanted to run out, but by this time, the whole boarding hall had been closed and could not get in or out at all.

In the main ship's coalition chamber, the best scientists and government officials, as well as military representatives, gathered here.

In front of everyone, there is a report, on which there are dense data and conclusions, and the signature at the bottom is XXX life science research laboratory.

Luo Ying is also in the round table, and she sits opposite Ouyang Yi.

"Well, that's the whole thing. According to our speculation, the haze will reach the surface of the earth in one day, which is the best time for us to cross it. "

"According to the test report, of the nearly 50000 people who boarded the ship, more than 300 people were infected with Sal substance and had mutation. We can't take these people away. " "They will pose a threat to us," said the army's interim chief

"What threat? It's a good thing that some of us are going to be stronger! " There are objections.

But this sentence, but attracted the silence of most people.

Ouyang Yi didn't speak all the time. He looked at the list of infected people constantly beating on the screen. When he saw Dai Rong's name standing on it, his heart was excited.

So Ouyang Yi stood up and said: "I agree with the marshal that I am engaged in bioengineering. According to our research on Sal matter, these people have changed. When our spaceship passes through the thick fog of Sal, there is no accident that this matter will have an impact on all of us. Our bodies will change to varying degrees, but These mutants will become extremely powerful and terrible at this moment! They will be tens of times, hundreds of times better than us! Do you want to face a few people who are 100 times better than yourself? "

Everybody's not talking again.

Luo Ying stares at the list of people who are constantly detected. Ye Fan jumps into her eyes.

Her fingers crossed and tightened.

The whispers of government officials entered her ears.

"Most of those people are soldiers. There may be a coup."

"How can this be allowed?" A newly elected official in charge of Finance said, "they are bound to destroy the democracy we have built."

A sociologist then speculated: "there is no doubt that if these more than 100 people are really hundreds of times better than us, we will certainly become their slaves. a year? half a year? Or in a month?! They will also have children. Will their offspring be stronger? We Will it be eliminated? "

Luo Ying pondered over the words in her heart and stood up with a calm and rational voice.

"I don't think these people should be excluded. Their strength can make us go further. In the space environment, we need such people to do things that ordinary people can't do. They can be responsible for transforming new planets, reclaiming wasteland, and facing the possibility of extraterrestrial life. I think this is an opportunity given to us by heaven. What we should do is to absorb them, not Reject them

When Luo Ying said that, some people agreed.

Ouyang Yi gave a smile, and he meant something: "scientist Luo said that because he saw that his lover and younger brother were mutants! You must have figured out how to use them to stabilize your position and how to trample on us. I think you will be the queen in a monthLuo Ying's face turned blue at that moment. She said: "Dai Rong and I have no special relationship. I also think about the future development of us. At this time, I think what we should consider is the future of the whole human race, not personal boredom!"

But Luo Ying's words did not attract other people's attention.

The newly elected president said, "Ms. Luo, we invite you here to know if these reports are true?" With that, the new president raised his report sheet: "will these mutants really be ten to twenty times stronger than they are now after the arrival of thick fog?"

Luo Ying was silent for a moment. Although she didn't want to admit it, it was true. What's more, it's the result of a joint study by Roche and another life engineering laboratory.

Luo Ying said: "this is in the case of spaceship protection. If we leave these people now and expose them to the surface to accept the thick fog, they will not evolve at all, but will die! These people are all contributing to the coalition government. We just let them die. What's the result? "

Ouyang Yi laughed, he stood up and said: "this month, the number of people who died is still small? It's ridiculous that Ms. Luo told us that the famous gene foods you made could control their thinking and let them harvest their own bodies for food. That Cattle selling steaks in restaurants are really Creative humanity

"It's two different things at all, and the beef plan was not adopted in the end," Luo said

Ouyang Yi rolled his eyes: "don't be hypocritical! We are the kindling of mankind. This is Noah's Ark! For whatever reason, I strongly disagree with bringing some dangerous elements with me. They are likely to destroy the whole plan! Even if there is a ghost in one's heart, we can't stop it if we want to do something. If we don't set sail, all human beings will be extinct! "

When Ouyang Yi talks, he has an assistant pulling his clothes all the time.

But Ouyang Yi didn't pay attention. He finally found a way to let Dai Rong and ye fan die. He won't miss this good opportunity! Anyway All of you are ordinary people. Even for their own interests, they will not allow this threat to exist.

When Ouyang finished, he turned to his assistant.

And Ouyang Yi's assistant is pointing to the name on the big screen.

Ouyang Yi looked at the big screen, and then he was a little stunned.

Because his son and Xiao San have just been detected to be infected with Sal substance, their names stand out on them.

Ouyang Yi in an instant, in the heart has shaken, this is simply a kind of lifting a stone to hit his feet.

But he soon realized that even his wife and son, he did not allow each other to be stronger than himself and become his own threat!

Ouyang Yi pointed to the name on the screen and said in a loud voice: "we must consider the interests of the vast majority of people! Look, my wife and my own son are infected! Am I for myself? I don't agree with these people boarding! Even though I'm very worried now, I insist on my opinion Said here, Ouyang wing helpless his face, pretending to be a helpless sad look sat down. He wanted to squeeze out two tears to make the atmosphere, but he couldn't cry. On the contrary, he was a little glad that the two men were detected.

The argument lasted for a long time, and both sides held their own opinions. At last, everyone voted.

There were 100 people present at the meeting. Ten agreed to board the ship, but more than 90 disagreed.

These mutants are not allowed to board the ship, and the remaining 300 people are selected from those who have not left the base and have performed well.

However, at Luo Ying's insistence, these people's relatives were allowed to go out to say goodbye to their families.

When Luo Ying finds Wu Xingyun, he has already cleaned up his room and Ye Fan's bed.

Seeing Luo Ying coming in, Wu Xingyun quickly asked her to come in and sit down, and asked, "sister Luo, what's the matter, Ye Fan Why is boarding not allowed? "

Luo Ying looked tired. She reached out and patted Wu Xingyun on the shoulder: "sorry, I I've tried my best. "

Luo Ying said the contents of the meeting: "I What we can do now is to let them live in the thick fog as much as possible. I'm going to find them. Do you want to come with me? "

Wu Xingyun couldn't believe what he heard. In a moment, he thought he was ridiculous.

Ye Fan has been brought here by all kinds of hardships, but he still can't change history.

He nodded and said, "OK, I'll go with you." He said as he reloaded his luggage.

Luo Ying said, "are you crazy? It's impossible for ordinary people to survive in the next round of SAL fog. You stay here to die! Don't be silly. Ye Fan will never allow you to stay. "

But Wu Xingyun didn't listen. He packed his things, carried his backpack and walked out with Luo Ying.There are not so many people at the exit as Luo Ying imagined, more than 300 mutants, but only a few dozen people are willing to go out and say goodbye to them.

Luo Ying and Wu Xingyun walk out. As soon as they get out of the gate, they see a lot of mutant people there. Ye Fan is also there. He is leaning against a railing, looking very self-conscious.

Wu Xingyun and Luo Ying run towards him quickly.

Ye Fan saw that Wu Xingyun had brought out his luggage again. He frowned and said, "what are you doing?"

Wu Xingyun gasped: "Ye Fan, I want to stay."

Ye Fan smiles. He has just got all the information from Dai Rong and knows what's going on.

After learning that he was a mutant, Dairong was depressed for a while about not being able to board the boat, but he immediately wanted to open it and went to prepare his nest.

Luo Ying told ye fan what to pay attention to, and then said, "you talk. I'll go to find Dai Rong. Also, Xiao Yun, don't stay, you will die. " With that, she left in a hurry.

In the distance, the relatives of some mutants were saying goodbye to them, and the cry came faintly.

Ye Fan seemed very calm, he said: "it seems that We are predestined It's also Providence. "

Wu Xingyun doesn't talk.

Ye Fan said: "I've just heard that if I can hide well and resist this time, my life will be more than 300 years. Ha ha, it's just like Xiuxian's robbery. Don't worry about me. I don't want to see you because I stay and die in my arms. "

Wu Xingyun said: "I don't have to die..." But his voice is very small.

Ye Fan put his hand around Wu Xingyun and held him tightly in his arms: "cloud Don't be silly, I want to see you live, live well. I will I won't miss you too long, I will I soon found a mutant who was as long as my life and spent the rest of my life. You It's the same

Wu Xingyun felt tears gushing from his eyes. He believed ye fan's words.

He will live for two thousand years, and in the future, he will really find the person who looks like himself.

Is it because of himself that Ye Fan chooses that person? Wu Xingyun looks up slightly and looks at Ye Fan.

He found each other's face flawless, calm and calm.

Ye Fan gave him a smile: "tell a story. Once upon a time, there were two fish in the dry stream, and they lived on the foam they vomited. But The best ending is not one fish watching another die, but they swim back to the river. Even if we can't meet again, we can have a wider sky. "

Wu Xingyun has never heard of this sentence. Ye Fan kisses Wu Xingyun: "help each other, don't forget each other in the lake. Go up, and I won't see you off. "

Wu Xingyun can't leave, but ye fan takes him by the hand, pushes him into the hatch, and throws his luggage in.

"We are not destined to be on the same road. If you stay, you will die. We It's better to forget each other. " Ye Fan said, and then left without looking back.

As he walked back, he could hear Wu Xingyun calling his name.

That voice, let Ye Fan's heart as if by ten million sharp blade stabbing pain general, Ye Fan feel hot liquid flow down his cheek, he especially want to turn back, want to hold that person in his arms.

But he didn't dare. He was afraid that he would show his nostalgia and let his beloved stay, which would kill him.

So he quickened his pace, left here and went back to his basement. According to Luo Ying's method, he reinforced all the surroundings and painted some protective metal paint.

From then on, he will spend the rest of his life here.

When he was lying in bed, he could smell the smell left over by Wu Xingyun.

"Maybe one day, if I really can't stand it, I'll find someone who looks like him to live with." Ye Fan thought in his heart, but when he closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep, he found that Wu Xingyun's shadow swayed in front of him.

Ye Fan opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock left by Wu Xingyun on the bedside table.

An hour before the spaceship took off, he jumped out of bed and ran towards the take-off point.

He doesn't want to be seen as reluctant by Wu Xingyun, but He hoped to see the man leave and the man who will never come back disappear into the sky of night.

Wu Xingyun is sitting listlessly in his cabin. A man is added to the bed opposite him. Coincidentally, he is the physicist who asked him to buy the formula.

Physicist is quite proud: "Xiao yunyun, you can't escape from the palm of my hand! I've come here from a single room. We'll live in the same room later. Let's study the great theory of curvature field together

Wu Xingyun didn't care about this neurotic roommate. He was just in a daze.

If he stays, he will die, but if he dies at night, he will not only have 300 years of life, he will live for 2000 years.It seems that history can not be changed, everything is still in accordance with the established track.

So, I came back to spend the rest of my life with a crazy doctor?

Dr. madman was very excited. He arranged his bed and helped Wu Xingyun with his luggage.

Wu Xingyun has been packing his luggage since he boarded the ship. Now he is turned over by his roommate. He doesn't care at all. He is just in a daze.

His head is full of Ye Fan's shadow.

At the beginning, the man who was domineering and asked for all kinds of things, the one who was crying on the wedding night, the one who was holding himself to watch the tide rise and fall, and The one who let himself go.

Originally thought, everything will be over, he has a long time to be with that person, no disputes and war.

But not at all.

Separation may be the final result.

Wu Xingyun covers his head and falls on the bed in a fidgety way.

"Why, what is this?" From Wu Xingyun's backpack, Dr. madman turned out an envelope with words on it.

Dr. madman read in nonstandard Chinese: "cloud, these photos, I'll leave you a souvenir. Ye Fan

Wu Xingyun was stunned when he saw his roommate looking at a stack of photos.

He remembered that there was no such thing in his luggage. It was probably just YeFan who put it in.

"Your boyfriend is very handsome, but you are a little ugly!" Dr. madman is evaluating these photos.

Wu Xingyun suddenly reached out and snatched the stack of photos from his roommate.

When his eyes fell on those photos, he suddenly froze.

The soldier in the photo has a bright smile, bright eyes and white teeth.

Before he could see these photos of David Peng printed out, he had already boarded the spaceship, so he had no idea that the mark he left on the photo paper was like this.

He turned one by one, and his body began to shake.

He only got these photos today, but It's not the first time he's seen these pictures.

The first time I saw them was in the empty room during the wedding.

full of photos as like as two peas in one's hands.

as like as two peas, he recalled that he had the same layout as Ye Fan's place in those days.

Because we get along for a long time, some things become so natural that we never pay attention to them.

However, when he thought of it now, some details kept echoing in his mind.

The background of those photos in the room is every corner of the base.

The man described by the night sky appears in front of him at the most desperate time in the last world.

Wu Xingyun has no reason to think of the words before he died.

"I love you In fact, I have long been looking forward to this day Are you happy that I'm here with you? "

"Don't touch anything of his!"

"He is more important in my heart than anyone or anything! Even more important than my parents! "

"I will only love him."

That afternoon, the man who made the whole Universe tremble shut himself up in a small room and made a heartrending cry.

In the attack, the other side always protect themselves in the chest, even when they are betrayed and hurt.

That day, in the face of black hole phagocytosis, night sky would rather die than let go of their hands.

That man The man he never forgot for two thousand years It turned out to be

Wu Xingyun felt dizzy.

He got up and went straight out.

Walking faster and faster, finally ran up and ran to the exit of the spaceship.

There are transparent glass windows. Looking out from there, Wu Xingyun can see the lonely shadow on the open square.

His figure hidden in the dark, eyes with infinite attachment, but silent.

The man who once said "I won't come to see you off" stood alone on the square and watched himself leave.

The person who said "I will find the right person for myself soon and try to forget you" has never been forgotten two years ago.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun felt extremely stupid. He ran towards the exit and was stopped at the door: "sorry, the spaceship is about to take off, can't..."

Bang, Wu Xingyun knocked down the guard who stopped him and jumped out of the closed cabin door.

Gangway has been folded up, he climbed down the scaffolding, toward Ye Fan ran.

The cabin door of the spaceship has been closed, and the time of take-off will not stop because of Wu Xingyun, an insignificant soldier.The thruster of the spaceship was warming up, the ground began to vibrate slightly, countless dust was flying at this moment, and Wu Xingyun ran towards the man standing on the square.

Soon, Ye Fan saw the man who ran down from the spaceship. He looked at the man in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he saw. He stood still and didn't know what had happened.

It was not until Wu Xingyun fell into his arms that Ye Fan reflected and held him tightly.

"Stupid, stupid!" Ye Fan kept kissing the people in his arms, "why don't you go! You will die if you stay

Wu Xingyun kisses each other and sticks to each other's body tightly. They hold each other tightly.

"I came here just to leave with you!"

"We agreed that we would never separate."

"Even if I die soon, I I want to be with you. "

Ye Fan deeply kisses the people in his arms. On the square under the street lamp, their shadows are drawn infinitely long.

Ten spaceships slowly lifted off behind them, and the huge waves overturned them on the ground.

Ye Fan holds Wu Xingyun tightly in his arms. At this moment, he feels that the people in his arms are constantly shaking.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan look up together. Ten spaceships, like ten stars rushing into the sky, go through endless orbits in the sky and plunge into the night sky.

Ye Fan lives in his arms. At this moment, he can hear each other's heartbeat.

"From now on, we One day to live, one day to be together. We will be together forever and never separate again. "

Ye Fan buries Wu Xingyun's head in his shoulder. At this moment, he feels a burst of sadness in his heart, but has infinite sweetness.

At this moment, countless mutated people are hiding in their own rooms, grabbing the only food left, or looking up at the spaceship leaving the sky.

Everyone knows that they are abandoned.

Everyone knows better from now on that there will be no more order, no technology or civilization in the world.

The earth, the home where human beings have lived for more than 100000 years, has entered a wild age. There is no hope, no future, and it is always in the dark world.

For some people, doomsday is worse and more terrible.

But for the mutants, Nirvana is just beginning.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan almost trotted all the way to the basement. With a bang, the door was closed behind them.

Ye Fan puts Wu Xingyun on the door and kisses him.

And Wu Xingyun is also unprecedented, warm response to Ye Fan.

They began to take off their clothes, untied their trouser belts, and finally rolled onto the bed.

"Cloud, you Stupid Ye fan kisses him and says that his breath is thick.

Wu Xingyun was taking off Ye Fan's trousers. He said: "time is running out, I think I can't live long. Don't talk nonsense. I don't want to be a virgin when I die! "

Ye Fan will hold each other's lips, lick, suck, it seems to swallow each other alive, swallow compound can ease their feelings.

At the moment Ye Fan entered, they both gave out a comfortable hum at the same time.

The feeling of being invaded by a foreign body for the first time made Wu Xingyun feel uncomfortable and even nauseous.

But he silently endure, compared with the physical discomfort, his heart is full.

Ye Fan began to move gently, two people hands tightly hold each other, lips deep kiss.

One passion after another, the hot skin tightly fits together, and Ye Fan rushes about in it, and the two bodies collide and make a sound.

"Cloud, I love you..."

Ye Fan kept saying, he will hold each other in his arms, in his own way, the deepest invasion, the most complete possession.

Wu Xingyun holds Ye Fan's head and kisses it gently: "I love you too..."

Two people gush thin and come out on this, between abdomen and thigh a sticky wet, but do not want to separate.

Ye Fan still stays in each other's body, he holds Wu Xingyun, leans on the head of the bed, kisses his cheek and neck.

"You know, when you left, I I really feel like I'm going to die. "

"And you still say that? What will you find the right person in the future, and what will you forget in the world? "

Ye Fan hugged the man in his arms tightly: "I'm afraid you'll stay, I'm afraid you I won't go

Wu Xingyun turns his head and looks at the man in front of him. His eyes are full of love, attachment and pity.

"Now, are you still afraid?"

Ye Fan shook his head slightly: "no Anyway, the worst has happened I don't know if I can survive. But anyway, we live and die together. "

"Good..." Wu Xingyun reaches out and holds the other person's palm."Cloud You Will you regret it? "


"Well What do you think of me? "

"It's good. Why else would I stay?"

"You know, I didn't mean that It's That... " Ye Fan's waist slightly forward to send, just shot things have not completely soft, already hard.

"I have pain below Don't get in It's like blood

Ye Fan scared a, quickly backed out, said: "you turn around, I see."

Wu Xingyun is a bit awkward, but he turns around meekly.

"Raise your butt, I can't see clearly." Ye Fan had seen it clearly for a long time, but he wanted to see something else.

"It doesn't look like it's hurt outside. I Can you stretch in and have a look? "

Wu Xingyun feels that there seems to be something wrong, but he doesn't know how to say it.

So he didn't object, and then he heard poof. It seemed that something had intruded behind him.

"Is it uncomfortable here?" Ye Fan put his finger in and touched it slowly.

Wu Xingyun shook his head.

"So, is it here?" His fingers circled inside.

"Well You Don't touch that... " People who are touched at a certain point feel a shudder.

"Don't touch where? It's here Or Here? "

Ye Fan went in and out with bad intentions. The whole person was overpowered by each other, and the other hand touched Wu Xingyun: "yes, don't touch here?"

"Well Ah Can't do No way... " Wu Xingyun, who was found by the other party, began to tremble.

Ye Fan leaned to his ear and said in a low voice: "time is short, don't waste I know you feel comfortable

Ye Fan's hand retreated, and he stood up himself. The sound of water bubbled again, intermingled with murmurs and intermittent kisses.

"Comfortable?" When seeing the other side's eyes absent and lips slightly open, Ye Fan asked in a low voice: "don't be so shy, you've been inserted anyway."

"And Ok... " Wu Xingyun's head is a little blank. I didn't expect that the other party should be so cheeky in this kind of thing.

Ye Fan's waist sank slightly. As he wanted, he saw each other's confused eyes, and the requirements of unconscious state.

"Deeper Again A little harder Ah... "

"Good." Ye fan kisses Wu Xingyun's lips. His voice is hoarse. He goes deeper and uses more strength to pierce each other's body, burying himself in each other's body, the deepest place.

Even if there is no tomorrow, no future, no everything, but at least in this moment, they have each other.

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