In the dim light of the basement, the two people hug each other. Although this is their usual way of sleeping, there are some differences on this day.

Their legs are stacked together, breathing intermingled. The young man with dark skin and short hair, pillow in a beautiful man's shoulder socket, exhaled breath, forming a mass of white fog. Sometimes they will talk in a low voice, sometimes they will show a knowing smile, and sometimes they will cover the quilt and crush the bed board.

When Wu Xingyun goes to sleep, Ye Fan quietly holds him and looks down at the people sleeping beside him.

Their legs are still intertwined, and the body temperature of each other can pass through the skin to the bottom of their heart.

Sleeping people, mouth with a happy smile, looks childish, but very warm.

Although Ye Fan often imagines the coming of this day, when it happens, it makes him feel like he is in a dream. For a moment, he can't believe it. It's true.

He bowed his head and kissed each other's lips, which was very lifelike. The warm and soft lips stirred the most gentle strings in his heart, playing melodious and quiet music.

Just now, they have been here many times. They are already exhausted. Ye Fan's love has already been relieved. But the feeling of love in their hearts has gradually come up and cannot be cut off.

Ye Fan couldn't bear to go to sleep, so he kept looking at the person in his arms until the other side opened his eyes.

Wu Xingyun has not reflected what he has done. His decision yesterday was made with the belief that he would die and his brain was dazed.

Now, when he woke up and saw Ye Fan close at hand, Mu Mu's blank head finally had something more.

Wu Xingyun has a fever on his face. He didn't forget how crazy he did when he ran down from the spaceship yesterday. What's more, he didn't forget how he was manipulated by the other party in bed again and again.

Thinking of those times, Wu Xingyun's heart beat fast, especially when he found that he was naked and entangled with Ye Fan, the whole person wanted to find a hole to drill down.

Yesterday, he thought he could not live that night, but now, when he opened his eyes, he found that he was still alive.

Not only alive, but also Wake up in a very creative way.

Ye Fan saw Wu Xingyun wake up and gave him a smile.

Wu Xingyun gave a smile back, and then he was kissed again.

Ye Fan's hand tightly hoops the arm that tries to resist, the thigh presses the other party's thigh, pries open the teeth that refuse to cooperate, goes deep into the hot and humid mouth, and conquers the city.

When Wu Xingyun was about to suffocate, ye fansong opened his hand and said in a low voice, "good morning."

Wu Xingyun blushed and said vaguely, "what time is it?"

"Seven o'clock." Ye Fan said, "you are hungry. I'll get you something to eat."

Wu Xingyun was a little surprised. He thought that he had been sleeping with Ye Fan for a long time. How could it be that it was only seven o'clock in the morning?

He said, "no, I'll do it myself..." Just ready to get up from the bed, but feel a burst of waist acid, and below the faint also some pain, so he thoroughly back to the taste, this is his own Ye Fan do not get up from the bed?

Ye Fan got up and covered the quilt for Wu Xingyun: "you Don't move. I've stored food next door

Ye Fan put on his trousers and went out.

Wu Xingyun looked at the alarm clock at the head of the bed. It turned out that it was seven in the evening. They had a day and a night!

This cognition surprised Wu Xingyun. Moreover, he remembers that according to Luo Ying, Sal's thick fog has now come to the earth. As an ordinary person, he should be dead.

But I'm still alive. What's going on?

But after a long time, Ye Fan came back with a can in his hand.

"This is what sister Luo left for me. It's enough for me to eat for more than ten days." Ye Fan said, while sitting on the head of the bed, holding Wu Xingyun in his arms, took a spoon, ready to feed.

Wu Xingyun said, "I can eat without your help." Say, prepare to snatch can from Ye Fan hand.

But ye fan raised his hand to avoid, Ye Fan said: "I want to feed you. If I'm not allowed to feed with a spoon, I'll feed with something else. You can't beat me now You are Do you want me to feed you with my mouth? "

He said, while kissing Wu Xingyun's earlobe, licking and sucking, which made Wu Xingyun's upper body numb.

Wu Xingyun can only give up resistance, Ye Fan on a spoon of feed him. After eating a whole can, Ye Fan is hard again. He doesn't evade Wu Xingyun's waist. Instead, he continues to tease each other.

Finally, Wu Yun Yun was crushed on the bed again, panting and shaking.

Afterwards, Ye Fan washed Wu Xingyun's back with the cold water stored next door. When he saw the ambiguous liquid flowing out of the slightly red chrysanthemum, he thought again.

Ye Fan begs for love, but Wu Xingyun refuses. Finally, they negotiate and help him solve the problem by hand.And then it's scrubbing. In the process of cleaning, Ye Fan wants it again, so he comes back.

At first, Wu Xingyun would look at her watch, but later, she just didn't want to look at it. She just lay on the bed and tossed about.

I don't know how long it took for them to clean up, and then they leaned on the head of the bed to talk.

Wu Xingyun pillowed Ye Fan's arm and said, "should the thick fog have come? Do you have any strange feelings? "

Ye Fan embraces Wu Xingyun and feels the sound of blood flowing in the place where their skin meets each other. As soon as he thinks of the feeling he just had, he wants to go up again.

So he said, "nothing particularly strange is I want to fuck you

Wu Xingyun blushed and said, "all Three days and three nights. What else do you want? You're a little too exuberant

Ye Fan nodded seriously: "because That person is you. Because I love you. Because You're fine

Wu Xingyun didn't resist the attack of sweet words. After a long kiss, she gave up her arms and gave up her resistance again. However, she refused to agree with the other party's proposal to change her position and insisted on covering her quilt in the dark.

On the tenth day, the food they had stored was finally finished, and the haze that scientists had expected had reached the limit that the mutant could bear.

Ye Fan hardly eats these days, and all of them are supplied.

Although it's still very dangerous outside, they can't hide in the basement any more. They have to go out and look for food.

Wu Xingyun is surprised that he is still alive, and ye fan is more fortunate that they are not dead.

Two people put on clothes, Ye Fan with weapons, ready to go hunting, take a chance.

Wu Xingyun can only stay in the basement because of the unknown situation outside.

When ye fan was about to leave, Wu Xingyun told him: "don't run too far, mainly to see the situation outside. I'll wait for you for eight hours. If I don't come back in eight hours, I'll go out and look for you. "

Ye Fan said, "good." They kiss goodbye.

Wu Xingyun stayed in the basement and washed the wrinkled sheets they had made these days. After cleaning the room, he was bored.

He was surprised that he was still alive, because according to Luo Ying, he should have died the night before ten days ago.

Before Ye Fan was there, Wu Xingyun felt that time passed quickly, but now he is not here, Wu Xingyun has a feeling of living like a year.

At the beginning, he was bored sitting at the table looking at the clock. He found that it was still early, but he was worried. He made a pull-up hanging from the ceiling with an iron bar, then squatting, sit ups, push ups and fighting boxing.

It's only four hours since one punch.

Wu Xingyun had a rest for a while, and then began to do the internal affairs. After doing it all over again, he found that it had been seven hours since Ye Fan left.

Before Ye Fan came back, Wu Xingyun began to worry. He put on all the clothes he had just taken off during the movement, and went next door to pick a rifle from Ye Fan's weapons.

Take the gun off. Take it off.

Twenty minutes to eight hours.

Wu Xingyun couldn't sit any longer. He went to the gate with his weapon.

The gate is a tight iron gate, surrounded by Ye Fan pasted with gauze tape, but also coated with filter material, in order to minimize the concentration of SAL material into the basement.

Wu Xingyun sits at the gate waiting for people. He worries that there are monsters outside for a while and leaves no bones left after eating Ye Fan.

But he immediately comforted himself that breaking the sky at night could harm thousands of years and would not die so easily.

But Ye Fan's ability now is much worse than that after 2000 years. Will he What happened?

Wu Xingyun fidgeted, staring at the pointer on the alarm clock.

Half a minute to eight hours.

Ten seconds.

Five seconds.

Wu Xingyun put his hand on the door armrest, ready to go out, but at this time, the door opened from the outside.

A white and fishy fog came in and quickly filled the whole space.

Wu Xingyun hurriedly stepped back. He subconsciously covered his mouth and nose, but saw the familiar shadow rushing in with thick fog.

Wu Xingyun didn't even have time to look out, so he quickly closed the iron door.

When he looked back, he saw that ye fan was covered with blood and fell on the ground to gasp. His face had scars and his clothes were rotten. It seemed that he had fought with someone desperately.

Wu Xingyun will help him up, but ye fan is about to stand unsteadily. Wu Xingyun has to hold Ye Fan and go to bed.

He got the last bucket of water from the next door, untied Ye Fan's clothes and prepared to clean him.

A warm thing fell out of Ye Fan's arms and rolled to the ground. Wu Xingyun bent down to pick it up and opened it. It was a large piece of cooked meat.

Ye Fan smiles at Wu Xingyun in bed: "Yun, you haven't eaten all day. Are you hungry? Eat while it's hot. "Wu Xingyun answered a good, and did not go to eat, but first to Ye Fan wipe the body.

He found that ye fan had been cut at least a dozen times, his left rib was loaded with bullets, and his blood was pouring out. Wu Xingyun was startled.

Ye Fan said in a low voice: "it's OK, it doesn't hurt at all There's a scalpel and forceps in the drawer. Just help me get this bullet out. "

The light in the room was dim. Wu Xingyun could not see clearly. He took a mirror to reflect the light, but it had little effect.

So he can only feel blind operation, when the bullet fell to the ground, Ye Fan finally can't help but groan with pain.

Wu Xingyun quickly took gauze to press his wound, but ye fan didn't prepare much gauze, and soon all of them were soaked red.

Wu Xingyun felt that his hands were full of blood. He looked at Ye Fan. Ye Fan's forehead was full of sweat and his voice was weak: "I'm ok It is ok now. Don't worry too much. "

Wu Xingyun slowly released his hand and found that the blood had solidified, so he took water to wash it. But after washing, there was no water to drink.

So can only give up cleaning Ye Fan's wound, can only accompany him silently.

Ye Fan's eyes were closed and he didn't open until he had a rest for about an hour. He looked much better. Wu Xingyun noticed that most of the knife wounds on his body had healed, and even no scars were left.

"What's the matter with you? What's going on out there? " Asked Wu Xingyun.

Ye Fan pointed to the cooked meat on the table: "we eat and talk. It's rotten so fast that you have to eat it quickly. "

So Wu Xingyun tore up the meat, fed most of it to Ye Fan, and ate a small part of it himself.

After eating, he felt thirsty, so he shared the last water with them.

After Ye Fan took a breath, he began to talk about the appearance outside.

"It's a mess. They kill people when they see them, and they shoot without asking. There are more than 1000 people left in the base, 300 mutants. I went out for a walk. Most of the ordinary people died ten days ago, when the thick fog came. A small part of them escaped and were killed by the mutants. "

"There's white fog everywhere. I can't see who's on the other side. I've been looking for food for a long time, but I can't find anything to eat. I've been stabbed a few times, but I can't come back empty handed. Finally, my nose worked. I smelled the smell of barbecue and snatched a piece back. "

"I don't know what they eat without meat, and I don't care so much. Anyway I want to live. "

"No one cares about us. There is no order here. I heard that those mutants have formed small gangs and are fighting for leadership. It's a mess. You can't go out. "

"I'm fine. You stay here and I'll go out."

Ye Fan said for a while, rest for a while, and finally said: "I found that we are the best place in the whole base. We must not be found here. Cloud, you don't have to worry about me, I will get better soon."

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