Night broken sky in and federal conversation, see each other suddenly tough, immediately aware of the bad.

At that time, he told everyone to take shelter in the protective measures immediately. Night sky thought that the Federation would lose a few nuclear bombs at most. He had experienced a nuclear explosion himself and didn't care at all.

But he never thought that there were other things falling with the nuclear bomb.

No one knows what it is.

It was scattered in mid air, like a red fog, like Sal's thick fog a few years ago, all pervasive.

The night is broken and the air is closed, but the red fog, as if it had life, penetrated into people's skin and ears.

The mutant hiding in the underground fortification also felt bad.

At the beginning, he fell to the ground and convulsed. Before he had time to enter the underground works, the mutant was shocked by the double attack of nuclear radiation and gene bomb.

The earth is howling, the trees are falling leaves rapidly, where the red fog passes, there is no grass, people are in a coma for several days and months, their skin is cracked, their bones are broken, just like the suffering of hell.

The smell of blood hidden in the red fog, no one can escape.

Five days later, the red fog cleared and the sun shone again.

In the past five days, night sky saw its own skin split. After the split, it grew a hard shell again, and the shell was covered with human skin again.

"What the hell is this?" One after another, some mutated people wake up and find their own body changes.

However, before they had time to figure out themselves, they found something even sadder - that none of the ordinary people who survived in the last days could wake up.

Countless mutants are looking for their relatives, but they get nothing but death and sadness.

Night sky is also looking for Wu Xingyun everywhere. At that time, when he saw the white light shining in the sky, he knew it was not good. At that time, he subconsciously threw Wu Xingyun into the underground fortification. But now, when he entered the underground fortification, he found that many people were crying there.

"Cloud! Cloud The night sky cries anxiously, there are too many people here, and everyone is crowded. Even if his perception is sensitive, he can't find Wu Xingyun at the first time.

He watched the mutants around him turn over their relatives' bodies one by one, and then they were shocked, crying and hating.

He saw a figure crawling in the corner in front of him. It was Wu Xingyun.

Night broken sky forced to squeeze past, rushed to Wu Xingyun, but did not dare to turn him over.

He was afraid. What he saw was his beloved. His seven orifices bled to death.

Liu Meng is also looking for Wu Xingyun everywhere. He is one step slower than the night sky, but he kicks the night sky hard, kicks the night sky aside, and turns over Wu Xingyun on the ground.

The other side is in a coma. Liu Meng shakes Wu Xingyun and shouts out: "Brother Yun, Brother Yun! Wake up, wake up

But Wu Xingyun still didn't wake up. Liu Meng reached out to touch Wu Xingyun's breath, without any breathing.

Night broken sky sitting in the corner, for a moment, in this moment, he felt for the first time that life, victory, had no meaning.

He looked at Wu Xingyun stupidly, then suddenly got up, took Liu Meng aside, picked Wu Xingyun up, and walked numbly out of the air raid shelter.

"Cloud, wake up!"

"We're not dead, you You can't die

Wu Xingyun was held in his arms by the night sky. He was surrounded by the pain he had never felt before. He even felt unable to breathe.

However, it was at this time that a faint red light came out from Wu Xingyun's forehead and brow, slowly enveloping his body.

Where the red light passes, Wu Xingyun's body begins to become transparent. First, the head disappears, then the neck, arms, legs and feet.

Night sky unbelievable looking at the person in front of, in front of nothing, but in his arms, but really feel someone.

"Cloud!" The night sky is trying to shout. He has heard the familiar breath of Wu Xingyun, but can't see him.

"Are you there?" "Where are you?" asked the night sky

Wu Xingyun slowly opened his eyes, he saw the night broken sky's eyes at a loss, a tight heart, thought it was night broken sky blind: "Ye Fan, what's the matter with you? I I'm right in front of you He said, ready to reach out to touch the night broken empty eyes, but when he stretched out his hand, he was also stunned.

Then he lowered his head, looked at his body, cried out in fright, and jumped up from his arms.

"What happened! what is wrong with me? Why can't I see myself? " Wu Xingyun had never met such a thing and was confused.

Wu Xingyun is OK. He's not dead. He's just It's just out of sight, but it still exists.

The night sky reaches out its hand and wants to hold Wu Xingyun, but it just pours into the air."Don't worry, don't worry, remember Do you still remember the shaman script we found from Wang Ruoxu at that time Wu Xingyun can't be seen or felt in the night sky. If Wu Xingyun holds his breath, he can't be found at all.

After the initial panic, Wu Xingyun gradually calmed down. He began to operate the energy in his body and practice according to what the night sky said.

As usual, he could feel the energy of his brain, but when he touched it, it was very painful.

But this time, for the first time, he was able to use the energy of the brain to run the whole body smoothly. When he ran the energy of the brain to the whole body, his body slowly appeared.

The night broke and the sky was relieved: "it seems that It must be something in the red fog. It seems that this thing is specifically for mutant people. What's that? "

Liu Meng came out at this time. He looked at Wu Xingyun and made his own inference: "if you're not wrong, this is the gene bomb that Ouyang Yikou said was developed by the Federation. But I just doubt I've just talked to most of the mutants. Except for a few of them who are in the pain of losing their loved ones, most of them find that their abilities have been improved unprecedentedly, tenfold or even hundredfold

Liu Meng stopped for a while, and then began to think: "but, the Federation can't help us, their gene bomb, in addition to let us die, won't have such power."

The night sky slowly closed his eyes, and a familiar shadow appeared in his mind.

"It's her." The night breaks empty matchless affirmation to say, "it must be her! If she helps me, the Federation will not let her go, no matter how important she is, she will not... "

Wu Xingyun didn't participate in this conversation, he just focused on controlling his energy operation.

He never thought that 2000 years ago, he had experienced the feeling of ghost locking soldiers again.

But this time it's totally different. In later generations, only with the support of energy can the ghost lock soldiers maintain invisibility. When the energy is used up, invisibility will fail.

But at this time, after the dual changes of radiation and gene, their own state seems to have a completely different change, that is, they are invisible at ordinary times, only when the running energy covers the whole body, they will appear.

Wu Xingyun is trying his own energy. He can see that he is wearing clothes, but the clothes are also invisible.

He picked up another stone casually, held it in his hand, and then became invisible.

However, the earth under my feet is not hidden. Why?

Wu Xingyun thought about it and put his hand on the ground.

A magic thing happened. With the center of his hand as the center of the circle, one meter of land could not be seen. The ground seemed to be a big pit. He stood in the air on the pit.

Liu Meng's eyes never left Wu Xingyun when he was talking to the night sky. At this moment, he suddenly found that Wu Xingyun had disappeared. There was a big pit on the ground. He immediately pointed to the pit: "night, you see!"

The night breaks empty to turn a head, then Wu Xingyun gets up, his whole person slowly shows shape.

"What happened to you?" The night breaks and the sky asks, "yes invisible? It can't be something that radiation and genes can do

Wu Xingyun nodded. He asked, "do you still have the notebook Wang Ruoxu had with you? Open it up

Night broken sky nodded: "to see, not only the two of us, a lot of mutant people have become stronger. The Federation has killed our loved ones, but is ready to run after committing such a crime! We I won't let it succeed

One day later, all the mutants gathered again and tested their mutation ability at the request of the night sky.

Even at night, he broke himself up and tested himself comprehensively.

The sadness and anger of losing relatives, and the surprise of comprehensively improving ability come at the same time. Nothing can stop the Revenge of the mutant.

"How many can break through the atmosphere?" Night broken air station in the ruins of the nuclear explosion has just asked.

Countless mutant people raised their hands, Liu Meng quickly count the number of people, there are 300 people.

"It's time for them to pay for their crimes!" The voice of the night sky broke, and no one of the mutants objected to the war with the union.

"No one can escape to a new paradise after doing such a thing! We set out as an hour to tell the Federation that we can't be killed! " Night sky ended his speech, returned to the room, began to prepare things.

"If they don't surrender or admit their guilt, we will never stop!"

There was no one in the room. The night sky thought that Wu Xingyun had disappeared. But soon, he felt something holding him from behind. Slowly, the whole body of the night sky became transparent and disappeared.

"I'll go with you!" Wu Xingyun said, "normally, I couldn't protect myself, but now I can protect you, I can make you stronger. The invisible night sky is a shaking name

A hard smile appeared on the face of night sky. He bowed his head and wanted to kiss Wu Xingyun's lips, but only his hair. He felt very good when his thick and short hair poked his lips.Wu Xingyun said, "although I can't jump out of the earth with my own strength, I can practice according to the method in that notebook, and I can sail in the universe without breathing or protection."

The night sky hesitated for a moment, then reached for Wu Xingyun's hand: "OK, let's go together, take back the body of general Dai and defeat those self righteous despicable people!"

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