There's chaos on the moon now, sirens whine, they go through steel corridors, they go into every bunker, they make everyone panic.

The huge jump spaceship was directly put into use before it had time to do experiments. A large number of people entered the spaceship from the base and began to jump.

This is an adventure, but also a helpless move, since the federal detector detected that there are unidentified creatures flying from the earth to the moon, all people are flustered up, as the distance gets closer and closer, soon, the federal found out who they are.

It's a mutant!

They broke through the boundaries of the universe and arrived at the moon without using any tools!

This cognition scares everyone. The federal president can no longer think about it. He has no way to escape. He neither dares to stay, nor dares to get into an untested jump ship. He can only turn around in a hurry.

"Stupid, stupid! Why detonate the gene bomb with the nuclear bomb? " No one is aware that the sudden increase of mutant is the cause of gene bomb. Most scientists tend to think that this is an accident. It is a bad consequence caused by the use of two kinds of bombs together by the military who is not knowledgeable and eager for success.

Groups of people run to the jump spaceship, most of them are lunar miners and technical engineers. They try their best to get on the spaceship, preferring to face the Unknown Universe rather than stay here to face the legendary devil.

The doors of the nuclear powered jump spaceship slowly slide up. The silver gray spaceship is completely different from the one when it took off from the earth. The three jump spaceships have streamline shape and silver gray metal shell. When it starts, in order to prevent it from being torn by great force in the process of jump, even in the outer city, there is a light blue halo of energy Measure the shield.

Each spaceship can carry only two or three thousand people, and the three newly built jump spaceships can carry only ten thousand people at a time.

After ten years of operation on the moon, the Federation has grown from 45000 people who left the earth to more than 70000 now.

Even if the transfer spacecraft is fully transported, it will take more than 20 trips to and fro, and it will take at least three days to complete the transportation.

At this moment, the arrival of the night sky is no different from bringing great disaster to the Federation.

The first wave of people on the spaceship, still with great doubts, dare not rashly go up, but many people are very clear in their hearts, when the spaceship comes back again, proving the reliability of the jump spaceship, it will be a scene of breaking the head again.

Three jump spaceships soared in mid air, rowed through the blue orbit in the dark space, and made a rapid progress towards the endless darkness, which soon shrank into a blue light spot.

The light spot was tens of thousands of kilometers away. Suddenly, the light spot swayed twice, and then disappeared into the Dark Universe.

When the first transport of the jump spaceship started the dimensional jump, the mutant led by night sky finally arrived on the moon.

Countless light cannons, old-fashioned bullets, whistling past the surface of the moon, soldiers left on the moon, with their best efforts, to fight for the time of the federal transfer.

However, no matter how dense the bullets, no matter how powerful the weapons, hit the mutants, they did not cause any devastating blow at all. These mutants survived the nuclear explosion, and after mutation and strengthening, they were fearless in the face of hot weapons, and their skin was harder than steel. When the bullets hit them, it was just a scratch.

Soon, the soldiers left behind by the Federation fell.

Some of them choose to escape, some choose to be the captives of the night.

When the transparent air gradually revealed the shadow of the night sky, those federal soldiers who had no time to escape chose to surrender.

Who can hide the body in the transparent air? That figure has always been hidden only in the shadow, more than the devil.

There are also many people who have noticed the strange air flow around the night sky. It seems to be a person's shadow, but they can't see him at all. The place where he walked can only cause a twist of the air. Besides, they can't notice anything.

When the marshal of the Federation saw this scene in the observer, he could not help feeling numb and sighed in his heart. Many years later, his diary appeared in the federal Museum. In the record, he said with great certainty that the night sky had the ability of invisibility. Among the mutants, there was a very terrible invisible man, which could not be detected by any instrument.

This is also the inspiration for the federal research and development of ghost lock soldiers in the future.

Many people think that after surrendering to the night sky, they will get extremely bad treatment, or they may be slaughtered. But surprisingly, the night sky just locked them up and sent someone to guard them, and did not immediately make a judgment on these prisoners.

The battle on the moon ended a day later. In the evening of this day, the jumper finally returned and confirmed its reliability.

The planet 300 light-years away is safe by visual inspection and can adapt to human survival without modification. It will be a real human settlement.

That night, countless people boarded the jump spaceship. Even the federal president, who claimed to stick to the last moment, could not wait to climb on the spaceship and prepare to set sail.However, just as they were about to board the spaceship, an alarm came from the radar scan of the loudspeaker.

It was the alarm sound of someone breaking through the secret place. People looked at the map that gave out the alarm. There was Luo Ying's former research laboratory.

After occupying the front of the moon, night sky needs to rest and gather strength before he can fight again. He is afraid that Dairong's body will be taken away when the Federation is running, so regardless of fatigue, he sneaks into the bunker under the control of the Federation with Wu Xingyun and other mutants, grabs a flustered passer-by and asks a few questions, then he knows the former site of Roche Research Institute.

It was a huge semi-circular building in the middle of a group of bunkers, cast with steel. The door was closed, and the people inside had already moved in the first batch.

Night broken air stretched out his hand and tore open the iron door one meter later. The alarm sounded in the air. He turned a deaf ear and stepped in.

The sign of Roche Research Institute is on the corridor with footprints. He follows Wu Xingyun all the way to the core research laboratory.

There was nothing there. Everything was in a mess. Only one corpse, which was too late to be preserved, was discarded on the operating table with a label on it - Qinglong corpse specimen.

The corpse can't see its original appearance. The skin and flesh are all fragmentary. The night sky has already known how Dai Rong died. But now when he saw the corpse with his own eyes, his anger still can't be contained. He went to a piece of cloth and wrapped the green dragon. When he took it out of the laboratory, he smelled something familiar.

Night sky suddenly recognized that it was Luo Ying's smell. He didn't think Luo Ying would stay at this time. He thought Luo Ying should have left long ago. But at this time, when he followed the smell and came to a very secret secret room, he smashed open the heavy safe with one blow, and then he saw a letter on the bottom of the safe.

That's Luo Ying's letter. It's for the night.

"Xiaofan, when you see this letter, I must have died. Whether you hate me or regret helping me, I can't know. Your life should last for a long time, but it will also be lonely. When I died, I was calm. I didn't resent anyone, and I didn't regret anything. I just feel sorry for you. I hope we will meet again after thousands of years. I believe that my decision at that time can help you. As for Dai Rong In this life, I owe him. If there is an afterlife, I am willing to pay him back. I hope you can bury his body for me, because every mutant's body is more valuable than you think. Sister: Luo Ying. "

Night broken empty Leng Leng looking at the letter, he thought of Luo Ying's many kinds of results, she may be executed by the Federation, may also muddle through, or maybe her mutation is just a coincidence.

But he never thought that Luo Ying would commit suicide. In the broken night, he felt melancholy, and he didn't quite understand what Luo Ying said.

After staying in the lab for a while, he slowly got up and walked out.

Other people have left and are breaking through the defense of the Federation. Wu Xingyun is the only one standing outside. His shadow deliberately shows a visible state and his military posture is straight.

"YeFan, where's sister Luo? Did you find it? " Asked Wu Xingyun.

Night broken sky reached out and held Wu Xingyun in his arms. He felt a kind of stuffy feeling. After a while, he said quietly: "she's dead."

Wu Xingyun felt that the tears of the night sky seemed to drop on his face. He reached out and touched the night sky's face: "Ye Fan, don't be too sad."

"She can be regarded as my last relative As soon as I think that sister Luo is still alive, I will feel that the end of life has not come. Maybe one day when I wake up, I will go back to the time when I was at school with my classmates... " Speaking of this, the voice of the night sky was choked. He didn't turn his head and didn't speak any more.

After a long time, he said in a low voice: "fortunately, you are here I have you by my side Wu Xingyun's hand is tightly clenched in the night sky. Wu Xingyun even feels that her bones are about to be crushed.

"The Federation, there's no one else I can remember." Night sky eyes full of haze, "then, there is no reason to show mercy to them."

The next day, the night sky launched another attack on the Federation. The two sides fought fiercely. After a day of real fighting, the Federation basically found out the operational strategy of the mutant.

In short, it's - they don't have any strategy or tactics, they rely on their own bravery.

And this kind of individual bravery, the Federation began to occupy the population advantage, while retreating, while hiding.

Wu Xingyun always follows the night sky. When he needs to, he holds his hand and makes him invisible.

Night sky rushed in the front, easily twisted off the guns in the hands of those soldiers, crossed the line of fire, occupied the bunker.

The jump spaceship in the sky took off again and crossed an elegant arc in mid air. However, this time, the night sky did not let them go. He jumped up and chased the jump spaceship.

All of us were surprised by this accident. The astronauts who drove the jump spaceship were stunned, and the Federal Military and political officials who were hit by the spaceship were also shocked."What's that!" The president pointed to the screen, flying through the night sky, and screamed. "Hell, that's a ghost!"

"He's getting closer to us. What should we do?"

Almost everyone has seen this scene. We all know that if we are overtaken by the night sky, we will die in outer space.

"Shoot! Shoot The marshal yelled wildly, "what are you waiting for! Why not shoot! "

The astronauts in the cab looked at each other, and the captain's voice trembled: "we This is a transport ship. We don't have Attack equipment

"No? Then what is this! " The president also came to the cab and pointed to the BMP button.

"This is The newly developed black hole bomb can form small black holes We can't use this enough. It's just in case! Once this thing is used, the moon can be blown to pieces. I can't... "

"Why not! The devil is running after us. Don't you see it's getting closer? "

"But there are still people left on the moon..."

In the cab, everyone was pale.

Most of them haven't forgotten the scene ten years ago when the human elite abandoned most of their peers and reached the moon by spaceship.

Now, will the same thing happen again?

After the suffocating silence, it's a crazy choice.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Count the number of hands together on the button. The speed of the jump spaceship suddenly accelerated, but its tail slowly raised, forming a white flow halo around.

He reaches out his hand and holds Wu Xingyun beside him. They can't speak in space, but this action clearly shows what night sky wants to do.

He wants to get close to the jumper stealth and drag it back to earth.

The night sky doesn't know what it means to lift the gun tube behind the jump spaceship, but Wu Xingyun knows it all the more.

This kind of thing is stored in the military museum.

It's a sharp weapon used to deal with mutants in the early days, but in the late days, mutants are extremely fast and more powerful. Small black hole bombs are no longer of any use to them. Instead, they often devour the Union's own warships.

It is for this reason that the small black hole bomb has long exited the stage of history.

But Today's night sky is obviously not comparable to that of two years ago.

If this bomb hits the real one in such a short distance, it will be smashed and torn if it has just broken through and is not as powerful as later generations.

Wu Xingyun didn't think much, and he didn't have time to think so much. He threw away his hand that broke the sky at night, and quickly moved to another direction with the help of force. He began to run the brain energy, and the whole body gradually appeared in space.

"What is that?" The pilot of the jump ship saw the sudden appearance of Wu Xingyun.

"Invisible man, that's invisible man! The night sky must be invisible by him The Federation quickly made a judgment, "attack this sudden target!"

The huge muzzle quickly adjusted the direction, and before the night sky could react, the huge beam of light covered Wu Xingyun.

At the same time when the shell was triggered, the night sky did not hesitate to turn all its energy into an energy mask to cover Wu Xingyun.

In the silent space, the light suddenly shrinks to a point, then blooms like fireworks and spreads like huge waves.

The world is silent. The most terrible weapon developed by human beings so far has been put into use for the first time.

It not only destroys the people who still have time to withdraw, but also destroys the moon that has aroused countless reveries and reposed countless beautiful things since ancient times.

The moon was blown up in pieces, and all the ordinary people on it died. The mutants tried their best to escape the attraction generated by the small black hole. The jump spaceship jumped hundreds of light-years away at the moment of the bomb explosion.

The night sky, at this time, exhausted all their strength and ability, fell to the earth, for a long time, can not recover.

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