When they went downstairs, they saw Wennuo standing downstairs. He looked much older than them, and some of his hair turned white. There was no surprise when they came down together. He just nodded to the night sky to say hello.

Night broken sky said: "here is my territory, you run so, but arrogant very ah!"

Wennuo said: "I came here to find Xingyun to say something. I didn't expect you to be here, which surprised me."

Wu Xingyun was about to speak when he interrupted: "company commander, are you back?"

The federal uniform that Wennuo was wearing said that it was impossible not to drill eyes. Some people were already looking this way, but no one dared to stay.

Wennuo decided to go straight to the theme: "nebula, I come to you this time, I hope you can meet with me."

Before Wu Xingyun could answer, the night sky broke first and said, "impossible!"

WENO looks at the night sky, and the night sky looks back.

They exchanged their eyes for a moment, and Wennuo sighed: "come on, I know when I see you Wu Xingyun can't have gone with me. Well, let's find a convenient place to talk. "

The three soon came to the trial court. Today, the courtroom has been transformed into a council chamber, where the chief mutants of the night demon army are discussing affairs.

Liu Meng and David Peng are also here. When they see Wu Xingyun coming, they all stand up one after another: "Brother Yun is coming! Brother Yun, sit down

Wennuo watched the mutant people around him occupy the dark courtroom, and felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.

Twenty years ago, he defeated ouyangfeng here and successfully gained the leadership of the army.

Then, also here, he was distributed to the frontier and planted for 20 years.

Now, when I stand here again, there are many demons dancing around.

Especially, when he saw that Wu Xingyun and those mutants were very familiar with each other, and naturally took the hand of night broken sky, he felt more absurd in his heart.

That's a federal soldier! How can I be so close to the enemy

Wennuo turned his head, did not look at Wu Xingyun, very calm sat to the night sky assigned to his position.

"I think there must be something special about your coming this time, isn't there?" Night broken sky condescending asked.

In the face of the question of the night broken sky, veno intuitively felt a kind of pressure. He didn't like this feeling very much, but when he thought of the task given to him by the federal president, he still stuck to his head.

"Yes, I didn't mean anything, or I wouldn't have come here alone." WENO said, "I didn't plan to have a formal meeting. I just wanted to come over Well, since all the leaders of the night demon army are here, I'll just say so. "

Broken night sky casually turns to chat with Liu Meng, saying that he plans to take Wu Xingyun to the federal archives and ask him to take down the planet where the federal archives is located.

"I have been planting rice fields on the Galactic border for 20 years. Just a month ago, I saw with my own eyes new alien creatures invading the galaxy. I don't think they are friendly creatures. They are very hostile to human beings So... "

Night broken sky interrupted Wen Nuo's words, said: "general Wen has always been a die hard faction, how suddenly want to make peace?"

"For the sake of Against a common enemy. "

The night sky sniffed: "that's nice. Who destroyed the original collegial meeting? Who provoked the dispute first, and who personally threw the symbol of peace into the nuclear explosion? "

Wennuo's face was embarrassed. Wu Xingyun couldn't see it any more, so he glanced at the night sky. It means that you can stop when you like. Why do you want to embarrass my old company commander!

The night breaks and the sky returns to stare at Wu Xingyun, meaning is also very obvious: elder brother why want to be polite to the love enemy who never die of thieves?

Two people eyebrow, the presence of mutation people used to, but Wennuo slightly lowered his head, in the heart of a sour feeling flow.

But in the end, night sky still decided to listen to his wife's words, he rarely accept, no longer difficult Wennuo. He stood up and went to Wennuo, holding out his hand to show friendship: "general Wen dares to come to us alone. I admire your courage and courage, but I will never forgive you for what you did to my male wife. There are some things that I don't think you can decide. I see what you mean. I'll go back and tell the federal government that I'll meet them formally in ten days to talk about what you said today. "

WENO did not shake hands with the night sky, he stepped back: "I will not shake hands with my enemies to make peace! Personally, I Willing to fight the night demon army to death

With that, he turned and walked away. The night sky didn't care much. When Wennuo came to the door, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Wu Xingyun.

There are complex emotions in the eyes, such as unwilling to give up, disappointed, pitying and distressed. This kind of emotion tangled together, so that he finally said irrational words: "I came to you, you Can you speak to me alone? "

Night broken sky is a little unhappy, he some depressed watching Wu Xingyun follow Wennuo out of the hall, really regret that he actually went to shake hands with Wennuo to show friendship!Liu Meng gloated on one side: "night, I really hope that Brother Yun and Wennuo are good. I'll dump you!"

The mood of breaking the sky at night is even worse. Liu Meng still adds fuel to the fire: "so you can taste what I was in that year!"

"Go away!" Night broken air lost his temper, a group of people left the hall with a smile and no words, do not need night broken air command, go to arrange work on their own.

In the corridor outside the hall, Wennuo lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, spit out a cigarette ring, and didn't know what to say, just took a sip after another.

Wu Xingyun said: "general, don't smoke all the time. It's bad for your health."

Wennuo gave a "Oh" and put out the cigarette end. After a long time, he asked, "he How are you

Wu Xingyun began to laugh, showing his white teeth as before: "it's very good."

"Oh, then That's good... "

When Wennuo finished this sentence, he didn't know what to say.

Wu Xingyun took the initiative to find the topic: "general, are you married? I'll see my sister-in-law some other day. "

Wennuo took a look at Wu Xingyun, then shook his head: "no I I've been single all the time. "

Then Wu Xingyun found that he was really not good at finding topics to chat with. He simply did not mention any pot.

Then Wennuo also found the atmosphere very dull, so he chose a relaxed topic: "how are your parents? I always asked Marshal Shi Fei to take care of them. Later, it was occupied, and the two old people didn't have time to leave. "

Wu Xingyun said: "my parents are gone. I just went there two days ago By the way, what about Marshal Shi? I haven't seen him since I read Xinwen these days? "


Two people fell into silence again, Wennuo smoking, Wu Xingyun beside him.

I don't know how long it took before Wennuo said, "I'm here to see you this time I just want to know what you mean. I think About the alien invasion, you go to talk to the night sky, he may listen

Wu Xingyun was surprised: "what you just said is true? I thought... "

"Why? Can I be a liar? "

Wu Xingyun quickly explained: "no no, it isn't. I just It's nothing. I'll say more and make more mistakes Wu Xingyun hasn't recovered from the various actions of the Federation in the end of the world. He can't believe any of Wennuo's words. But when he saw the angry color on Wennuo's face, he felt that he was still god horse.

Wennuo sighed and turned to look at Wu Xingyun: "you are still the same as before, stupid and stupid, be careful to be cheated by the night sky!"

When Wu Xingyun mentioned the broken night sky, he laughed brightly: "he won't cheat me, really!"

WENO felt even more depressed. He had prepared a lot of words to say to Wu Xingyun. He took the initiative to ask the federal government for the mission of testing the night sky. But now he feels that it is unnecessary to say those words.

He put out the cigarette in his hand and threw it into the garbage can. Then he turned and walked out, never looking back.

Wu Xingyun has been looking at Wennuo's back, a little stunned. Is the Federation really coming to an end? Or Should we make peace again?

Either way, Wu Xingyun doesn't like it.

When he was in a daze, someone asked in his ear, "what do you think?"

Wu Xingyun didn't have to look back to know that it was the night sky. He was very honest and said, "I wonder if what he said is true. Is that alien invasion really terrible?" Wu Xingyun looked back at the night sky: "what are you going to do?"

The night sky smiles: "if the Federation is willing to make peace, it will save me some energy. But I don't think they will agree to my terms, so don't think about it. You just stayed with him for a long time

"So what?" Wu Xingyun asked, "can't you?"

"I'm jealous!" The night sky began to rub against Wu Xingyun, "kiss, can comfort my injured heart."

So Wu Xingyun gave it a kiss.

"Another kiss!"

Wu Xingyun kisses again.

"Not enough!"

Continue to kiss

Ten days later, in the talks with the federal government, the federal government took the initiative to hope for peace, and the night broke without objection.

Especially when federal president Alex mentioned that Wu Xingyun, the "symbol of peace", was still alive, and returned again, his face was sweet.

Alex is very keen to capture the emotional changes of the night sky, and takes the opportunity to put forward his own request: I hope the two sides can resolve their prejudices, cease the war, and work together to deal with the invasion of the alien system.

Night broken sky smile, throw out their own conditions.

His tone is very casual: "although I have sufficient strength and sufficient assurance, in the near future, I can completely destroy the Federation. But How to say, as you said, we are all human beings. We used to live together on the earth two thousand years ago. Now when we are in crisis, we should unite to deal with the enemy. Therefore, I can also agree to a truce. My conditions are very simple. There are only three. First, severely punish the war criminals who have been fighting against the night army over the years; second, change the federal army and put it under my jurisdiction; third, the candidates for the establishment of a new federal government must be approved by me. "At this point, the night sky stopped for a moment, then said with a smile: "after all, the purpose of this time is not to cease war, but to unite against a common enemy. I have to be sure of the reliability of my allies, right? And I don't lack this ally, either. "

The faces of the federal officials immediately changed. At the beginning, they heard that yesuikong agreed to negotiate peace. They thought that he just put forward some harsh conditions, just like when they were married, they asked for science and technology or scientists. But unexpectedly, he was planning to form a puppet government!

Alex's face with a smile of diplomatic negotiation was immediately covered with a layer of black fog. She snorted heavily and cut off the video. The negotiation broke down.

"Too much! Who does he think he is? What else do you say about punishing war criminals? Do you want us to dig up the corpses of those buried heroes? "

"Damn it! Although the night demon army is stronger than us at present, it is not strong enough to destroy the Federation overnight. Why is he so arrogant? "

"But If the night sky doesn't help, how can we face the colonists on the border? "

The crowd fell into silence.

On the other side, looking at the latest information from the Federation, he became interested in this new species.

"When it appeared, it was white fog all over the sky?" Night broken empty fingers gently tap the information on the table, thinking carefully.

Wu Xingyun was beside him, looking at those things, and added from time to time: "yes, new species can also emit electromagnetic interference, which Isn't it just like you? "

"There are signs of variation in the species of the local planet. The main composition of the air is "Gram particles?" The night broke and the sky fell into meditation.

How similar this scene is to what happened on earth two thousand years ago.

Coincidence or premeditation?

"YeFan, you see, they named this new species sarnaga! Remember when Uncle Luo said, "what is that kind of white fog called?" Wu Xingyun tilted his head to see the name. Although the words are different, the pronunciation is the same.

They looked at each other and said, "sal Sal fog, sarnaga

The night sky suddenly stood up and had determined his next step. He also pulled Wu Xingyun up: "let's go, we To occupy the federal archives! Look at those scientists, how to define the haze of SAL

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