The federal archives is located on the central planet in the heyday of the Federation. However, in recent years, the territory of the night demon army expanded, and many planets were laid down. In addition, the war strategy of changing the past made the Federation retreat.

The line of battle between the two sides, from the equal division of the galaxy, became a corner of the Federation.

Because the night break air said in advance that it wanted to get the information of the federal archives, the night demon army bypassed the solid defense frontier planet, and the surprise troops stood out and occupied the planet with the archives.

The speed of the night demon army was so fast that the federal government had no time to withdraw, so it had to leave these seemingly useless files and quickly withdraw.

When Wu Xingyun and the night sky set foot on this land, David Peng was taking over. He was commanding the newly recruited prisoners of ordinary people, cleaning the streets, and starting to reorganize the Parliament and army of the planet.

The arrival of night sky and Wu Xingyun makes David Peng very excited. He used to follow Dai Xu. Although he had been a comrade in arms with Wu Xingyun and Wu Xingyun for one year in his last life, his relationship is still a little more distant than others. When he sees Wu Xingyun coming, he goes up and says, "Brother Yun, I have arranged a place for you. Do you want to have a rest first or..."

Night broken empty mouth: "don't trouble, you busy your, I come to see archives."

Soon, the federal archives were cleared, leaving only an elderly administrator to lead the way.

After the night broken sky said his request, the administrator took them to those databases of that year. Some of the data were video and some were paper. It was full of dust. It seemed that no one had been here for a long time.

The administrator said with regret: "the archives here are not the most complete Alas, a lot of important information has been taken away by Roche Research Institute. This is just a part. If you need anything, please call me again. "

Night broken sky nodded, and the old administrator went out. In the whole archives, only Wu Xingyun and night broken sky were left.

They started to look at the information separately, and soon they found what they wanted.

These are all top secret materials. Even scientists like Luo Ying could not see these things.

What Wu Xingyun found was a report on the cause of the thick fog. As Luo yaoguo said at that time, the sudden appearance of SAL fog is the mutation of life on earth. However, the use of nuclear weapons accelerates the mutation and increases the number of layers geometrically.

After the human landing on the moon, many scientists saw the thick fog coming to the earth and dissipating.

There are even people who risk collecting the thick fog.

At that time, the night sky was fighting with the Wang brothers and didn't know what was happening in outer space.

According to the analysis of Sal's dense fog by scientists, it is impossible for such things to appear in the near space. This kind of material can change the natural environment of the planet, and even change the air structure and the radiation intensity of objects. Where do these things come from?

Some people think that this is a kind of new material that exists in the galaxy itself, but others dare to guess that the coming of the thick fog on earth is the work of aliens!

But as time goes by, the thick fog disappears. In the battle of the moon, the moon is destroyed, and human beings are far away from the earth, while mutant human beings are constantly practicing.

In the process of colonizing the universe, we have seen a lot of strange alien life, but few of them have high wisdom.

The thick fog that came to the earth at that time has never appeared again, which has become a mystery.

As time goes by, all the research and development centers of human beings have shifted to how to deal with the night demon army.

And the focus of breaking the sky at night is also on how to deal with the Federation.

No one is interested in the sudden fog 2000 years ago. Most people agree that the mutation of life on earth overnight is due to human gene mutation.

But because the scientists in the Federation did not have the corpses of mutant people, it was impossible to study them. Therefore, all this, even the study of mutant human genes, was cut off in the rowing era.

Night sky collected the data of measuring the haze of sal. He always felt that there was no reason for the newly discovered species to be named sarnaga.

There must be some connection between the two. After hearing the federal description of sarnaga, he even wanted to go to see it himself.

But before we go to the federal border

In the night sky, I saw Wu Xingyun sitting on the ground, rummaging through the data. Sunlight leaks out of the window, forming beams.

Dust dancing in these beams, the open archives, no one, has a different kind of quiet.

And the man with short and broken hair, sitting on the ground like that, meditating, makes people infatuated to the madness.

Although I've done it many times, and I've enjoyed it every time, at this time, the night sky still feels irresistible.

I would like to, here, in a quiet place full of books, holding my lover and enjoying the afternoon sunshine.Moreover, in the center of this reference room, there is a large and strong wooden desk.

Night sky slightly bent down, ready to move.

Wu Xingyun also sat on the ground. He always felt that in the development of all these things, he seemed to have overlooked something, but he couldn't remember what it was.

It was not until the night sky kisses him and tries to press him on the thick paper that he suddenly thinks of it.

Wu Xingyun reached out and felt in his empty arms, but there was nothing empty inside.

Night sky bites Wu Xingyun's shirt button with his teeth, and his familiar skin is exposed in front of his eyes again. On it, there is the desilting that has not faded from the previous joy, which is his own imprint.

The night sky kisses the imprint, but it is interrupted by Wu Xingyun.

"Ye Fan, do you still remember the secret book you got from Wang Ruoxu?" The night broke and the sky was stunned.

"The star map above!! The star map above is the star map of Andromeda Wu Xingyun said, "I felt strange at that time, and Do you still have that book? "

"No, after so many years, it's impossible to keep a pamphlet. Besides, I have been bombed so many times myself... "

Wu Xingyun was a little depressed and asked, "well Do you remember what it says? "

Night sky can only temporarily put aside the needs of the lower body and think with the brain. "I remember very well that there was a preface on it," he said

"If you do not exist, the shaman will return in thousands of years, and heaven and earth will disappear. I can't bear to see this extinct, so I've spent all my life trying to cultivate it. I hope future generations will know it. The crime of treason is very serious. If I think about it, the shaman will know. Sad sigh, right or wrong? Who knows me This passage is familiar with the night broken sky, and now it's easy to say.

At that time, both of them thought that "after thousands of years, the shaman will return and the world will disappear." It means the end of the world, but now it seems that That's not what I mean.

However, the crime of "Treason" that they did not understand at that time was very serious. If I think about it, the shaman will know. " What does it mean? The ancient gods of many nationalities are called shamans. They just think it must be the worry of a certain elder.

But now look at this, it seems that the whole thing is cheerful.

Night sky began to discuss with Wu Xingyun about these words. Soon, they had a guess: the cover of the book is the Andromeda galaxy. Most likely, the owner of this book is not from the Milky way, but from the Andromeda galaxy.

He arrived on earth a few years ago, and had some kind of mission on him.

That kind of mission is likely to cross a thousand years, perhaps to open up the way for the people, or something else, so he can say with certainty that "after a thousand years, when shaman returns, you will not exist."

Wu Xingyun guessed that the owner of this pamphlet was very clear that when his people came, all human beings would perish. In his relationship with human beings, he developed a kind of feeling similar to pity. Therefore, he could not bear to see human beings perish. He wrote this pamphlet by exhausting his life experience, hoping that future generations could practice according to his law and get rid of the fate of extinction.

As for where the owner of this pamphlet is now, night sky guesses that he should have died, because it is very clear - I read a move, shaman will know.

The owner of the booklet betrayed his own race, so he would be punished by his own race.

It seems that this book is written in vertical and complex characters. It has a long history, and the sentences in it are not very standard in classical Chinese. It seems that this person doesn't know much about the ancient Chinese language, so some words and sentences are not smooth.

At that time, I don't know who this book was handed down to, but I'm sure that after a long time, in the end of the world, night sky got it, and practiced according to the above method, and finally became today's powerful night devil.

If you're right, the owner of this book is from the Andromeda galaxy, and his people are called shamans.

So - a new species called sarnaga from Andromeda galaxy, now appearing on the Galactic Federation border, is shaman.

It was thousands of years ago that we had today's plan and prepared for it.

Then, all this, when the heavy fog came to the earth and the end of the world, was absolutely not a coincidence, but a premeditation.

At the thought of this, the night sky would not have any mind to fight with Wu Xingyun here. They packed up and thought of the same thing in their mind - going to the Galactic border in person to meet the legendary sarnaga.

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