This time, he went out with Wu Xingyun, and the contact behind him was still Liu Meng. He had already prepared all the itineraries and weapons, but when he faced Wu Xingyun, he had some doubts.

"Brother Yun, you Do you want to go with me? " Liu Meng was a little reluctant and tried to persuade Wu Xingyun to stay with him: "let the night go by itself. Anyway, he can't die. You promised me to help me celebrate my eighteenth birthday. Although it has been two thousand years, you have to honor it! "

Night sky very tangled looked at Liu Meng, sometimes, he wanted to strangle this guy, if it is not too few mutation.

While they were talking, Wu Xingyun had been selecting equipment in the warehouse. He had seen it for a long time, but he had not found a suitable one.

Originally, I was going to wear the protective clothing of ghost lock soldiers, but it was torn up by night sky as early as the wedding night. Other combat clothes are very common and unnecessary.

As for the federal uniform, Wu Xingyun picked it up and put it down, put it down and picked it up, hesitated for hundreds of times, finally put it down and chose a set of ordinary T-shirt + jeans.

Night sky is still his usual kind of dress B, two people walk together special incongruity, a mysterious cold, tall, a silly, one.

Just like this, they were treated differently when they boarded the commercial spaceship.

Night sky also wearing a hat and sunglasses, were directly through.

However, Wu Xingyun was searched to check whether he had brought any prohibited articles, which made Wu Xingyun extremely depressed.

"Even if they check me, that's the rule. But why don't they check you out! " Wu Xingyun is indignant.

The night breaks empty smile: "because you man evil spirit crazy, domineering exposed!"

Wu Xingyun wants to strangle the night sky. Of course, he can't strangle it. In the end, the night sky kills him.

Soon, the commercial ship passed the night demon army's territory and passed through the federal controlled area.

The ship will stop three times along the way to replenish supplies.

Wu Xingyun thought that the Federation was chased and beaten by the night demon army, but now it's broken. To his surprise, the planet under the Federation is also in good order, and he can't see much danger.

After a tour of the port, I couldn't help sighing: "the federal government is not without merits. It has developed for more than 2000 years and dominates a huge population. It still has its own advantages."

Wu Xingyun said, "however, I think your newly added areas are also well managed."

Night sky smile, nothing can be more intoxicated than to hear the praise of love.

"It will be better in the future, certainly!" Wu Xingyun is very determined, "at least you will take back the body of your companion, rather than handing over your hero to the enemy."

Night sky reached out and rubbed Wu Xingyun's head: "I really like their style Because, anyway, they sent you to me

During the next voyage, Wu Xingyun once again realized that he had better speak less, otherwise he would arrive unexpectedly.

A month later, the spaceship stopped near the federal border, and the commercial spaceship refused to go any further, because it was heard that there were some strange things ahead. Although the federal government never officially admitted it, rumors were flying all over the world, saying that the front was the realm of God, which was insurmountable for human beings.

The two men sneaked into the federal base, got a small spaceship, and went on. They had planned to land on the red sandstorm planet where Wu Nebula first appeared, but they found that they couldn't get in at all.

Within 300 light-years from the edge of the Milky way, all of them have been blocked. The jump craft must have federal permission to pass through the checkpoint.

Night sky doesn't want to conflict with these people, but they can't travel faster than light, let alone within 300 light years.

They had to abandon their spaceship. Wu Xingyun held the hand of the night sky and stopped running his own energy. Gradually, the night sky became transparent. They took the opportunity to sneak into the federal spaceship and stay in a mechanical repair room.

Every spaceship has the ability to jump, but each jump needs a lot of energy, so the distance and times of these spaceships have great limitations, unlike the special jump point, which can jump thousands of light-years at a time.

After two jumps, the spaceship entered the real edge of the galaxy. Soon, it glided through a perfect arc in the air and was called back to be one of hundreds of spaceships.

Night sky and Wu Xingyun can be invisible without any detectors or people can see them. Sometimes they will come to the command room of the spaceship to see the situation through the porthole, and talk with body language, or go to the place where there is no one.

When the spaceship returns, night sky and Wu Xingyun come to the command room again. They can easily see the commands and signals sent by the commander on the huge screen, as well as the strange and never seen things in the deep space.In the vast and dark universe, the stars are like shining crystals decorated on the sky, while the large nebulae in the distance present a magical purple color.

It is in such a silent world that a team suddenly appears on the other side of the world.

It's a spaceship, and about twenty things similar to mecha fighters. The spaceship has the color of gold, with a light blue halo on the outside. The whole shape is extremely perfect, as if it is out of God's skill.

The spaceship stopped about ten thousand meters away, slowly unfolded, the fuselage slowly stretched, and finally formed a golden lotus shaped thing, radiating a large white dust fog like water vapor.

This kind of white fog, other people are not familiar with, but see this scene of Wu Xingyun and night sky, the heart was greatly shocked!

as like as two peas in the earth, the strange white mist is the same.

Those things that are similar to the mecha soldiers quickly enter the white fog. In an instant, those things are suddenly several times larger and the speed is terrible. In an instant, they cross the distance of tens of thousands of meters. In the blink of an eye, they are in front of those warships.

In the hands of every soldier, there is a light blue lightsaber. Those mecha soldiers wave the lightsaber, and the warship is easily cut open, exploded, broken into dust, floating in the universe.

It's just that less than 20 such soldiers have destroyed hundreds of combat ships in the blink of an eye. Their speed and strength are amazing!

"What's that!" The commander of the warship where the night sky is located can't help screaming, "is it something of the night demon army?"

The computer assistant replied, "no The indicators of the night demon army are not the same as these new things. "

"Ah In the intercom of the command room, from time to time came the scream and hum of another spaceship.

The whole hall was in chaos. Wu Xingyun and the night sky talked in a low voice, but no one found out.

"Ye Fan, that thing It looks weird. Do they have life? "

Night sky shook his head, after a while, pointing to a white bright spot in the distance: "look, what's that?"

They looked far away, but they could only see that it was a light spot. They were too far away to see what it was.

But according to the distance measurement, it should be - a luminous body about one person tall.

As soon as the luminous body appeared, all the gold mecha soldiers who were still fighting immediately stopped fighting and worshipped the light spot, as if it was the leader of these mecha soldiers.

At the moment when these things stopped attacking, a voice that calmed everyone came from the loudspeaker: "all warships, close to the center, all firepower hit, kill the enemy at 13.5."

Wu Xingyun and the night sky looked at each other. It was Wennuo's voice!

Soon, on the screen of the command room, Wennuo's face appeared.

That face is very quiet, after years of grinding, more than a vicissitudes, but more people trust.

"Don't be afraid of these things. They are only twenty enemies and one light spot. We have been fighting with the night demon army for many years. The night sky is a hundred times more terrible than these things. We never shrink back. Now, there is nothing to be afraid of! If we can defeat the night devil, we must be able to defeat these things! "

Wu Xingyun took a look at the air beside him and said in a low voice, "it seems that your enemies have a high opinion of you."

One side of the air has a small wave of air flow, Wu Xingyun can only judge by this, night sky did an action, but he did not know what action he did.

All the warships fired at the point that vino asked, and the strange things worshipped didn't reflect at all. Soon, the gold mecha soldier who was targeted was beaten to powder.

Don't say that this situation surprised Wennuo. Even if the night broke, he was also surprised by this situation. He never thought that those things could even ignore their own life and death when they worshiped the white light.

The white light spot is getting closer and more dazzling. The spaceship where Wu Xingyun is located was ordered to rush to the front. It was the first one who saw the white light spot in the night sky. It was a shining person about 5000 meters away.

The face of the man is indistinguishable, but his body is almost * *, showing a perfect combination of strength and beauty.

"God, that It turned out to be a person Yes, people sailing in the universe... " Wu Xingyun whispered. He turned his head and looked into the night sky.

The night breaks the sky, is it not such a person?

The night sky whispered, "I want to go out and have a closer look."

Wu Xingyun nodded. They quickly left the spaceship, went out from the side cabin, stealth forward, and flew towards the white light man.

But at this time, the man's hands slightly raised, night sky see clearly, it is some white current in the hands of the man between the generation.

"Hiss ~ ~ ~" a strange voice went straight to the bottom of my heart. Although he didn't understand what it meant, he knew exactly what the shining man wanted to do.That kind of action, that kind of sound, every time you use your own unique skill, the action and sound you use when gamma ray explodes.

At this moment, the night is broken and the sky is absolutely certain - the white fog two thousand years ago, as well as the pamphlet I cultivated, all originate from this newly discovered race, sarnaga.

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