Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 988: Advance meeting

In the city of Jakarta, the streets and alleys are hotly discussing what happened these two days.

Gossip is always the fastest, and the Wisvo "Bunker" has spread throughout the city of Jakarta early in the morning. The instrumentalist Pablo was designed by Weiswo to owe a gambling debt to commit suicide, and Weiswo took advantage of Pablo’s two daughters Tess and Chili in the name of debt collection. Tess's fiance, Caldira, returned from the Starlight Academy and desperately went to rescue Tess.

Just as Caldeira and Tess's sisters were trapped in a dangerous situation by Wiswo, one of the three great sorcerers of the Tallinn, Lille, happened to be with two friends, and the road was uneven. Those beaters. Then Wiswo personally brought people to arrest, just as Lilde was not, Weiswo was knocked down by Lilde's friends, and Weiswo under the anger of anger launched a mass-killing magic scroll "Hell Flame" Fortunately, Lilde arrived in time to stop the explosion of the reel, otherwise hundreds of people present will die.

After Lilled stopped the "Hell Flame", the veiled lady of Lille's friend made an angry shot, detonating the lower body of Wisvo, and at the same time, with Lille, the three holy magics of the Master Tallinn Riordo, one of the divisions, arrived and said nothing to the lady.

It is said that the mother of Riordo is a virgin who is a virgin of the Mogaos family. He died very early. The current Mogas patriarch Moya and Liordo have a very good relationship since childhood, and Riordo joined Mo. The Gauss family became a solid backing for the Moggs family after becoming one of the three magicians of the Master Tallinn.

The swear words of Riordo caused the anger of the masked lady. As a result, one of the three holy sorcerers stepped on the footsteps of Weiswo, and sadly urged the "bunker". Then it seems that a big man from the Master Tallin has shot. Then Riordo, mysterious lady and a big man disappeared at the same time, and Lilled arranged Caldera and Tess sisters in the Mingguang business. So as not to be persecuted by the Mogas family, and then leave with another friend who seems to have no fighting power.

Moya, the patriarch of the Moggs family, immediately reported to the city owner Van Niel. It is claimed that the family heir, Veswo, was persecuted by the Moore and Deng family, and lost the male function. It also succumbed to the ability of the blood to continue. This event was extremely bad. Vanier immediately sent troops to surround the Mingguang business.

The Moor Deng family is one of the giants of the Lan Yao Empire. It has a considerable amount of voice in the House of Representatives. Moreover, Lille is one of the three holy sorcerers, with lofty status and strong strength, and refused at Mingguang Commercial Bank. After the search request. The two sides were deadlocked for a while.

The city owner Vanier personally came to the warlord, and the conflict was about to erupt. The Holy Spirit magician Lille appeared to prevent the conflict from happening. The statement involved more serious events and needed to report to the emperor, Vanier and Lear. After the simple negotiation, the Germans left the army and the confrontation came to an end.

The inferiority of the Moss family's Wisvo. A lot of people have been harmed. The abolition of this incident can be described as a great heart. Moya is obviously a sinister sue. Now Tess and Caldira have become "fugitives." Caused the injustice of many people.

However, people who reach certain levels are aware that Wisvo is abolished. Tess's sisters became fugitives, and in this change, they are irrelevant little things. At most, it is the role of a fuse. The real focus will be on the collision between the two giants, the Regiana family and the Moore and Deng family.

This may lead to a series of chain reactions in all areas of the Blue Yao Empire. But I haven't waited for this reaction to happen, and no one unexpectedly happened.

Among the two friends of Lilde, the mysterious woman who "explodes" Riedo in the second is undoubtedly a powerful demigod that transcends the holy level (the average person is more than a holy **** in the cognition); And another man with little power is a more important figure for ordinary empire and kingdom.

The Emperor Roland of the Three Emperors of the Dragon Emperor, the Lord of the Golden Yao, and the First Master of Humanity, Arthur Roland!

For the Lan Yao Empire, Arthur also has one of the most important identities, that is, the fiancé of the Lan Yao Empire, the princess of the Princess of the Ming Dynasty, Lan Bisi. Heber, this time he came to the engagement ceremony.

So the correct version of the previous "Bunker" incident became - Weisworth stunned the release of the "Hell Flame" reel in the crowd, making Arthur's Emperor frightened, so Arthur The guardian of the emperor, the powerful mysterious lady cast a "bunker" to show disciplinary action. Then Riordo came and disrespected the mysterious lady, so the mysterious lady was angry and let Liordo "explode" once.

Then, the real thing happened. The big man behind the Master Tallin, the teacher of Riordo, appeared, and confronted the guardian of Arthur's prince, and took Riordo.

Despite the protection of the philadelphia, the Arthur prince was still affected by the fighting, and his mental power was severely damaged and almost killed. So the guardian lady went all the way to the teacher of Riordo and entered the Master Tallinn. After an earth-shattering battle, another big man from the Master Tallin came out to mediate and temporarily resolved the dispute.

Now the injury of Arthur’s son has never recovered. At one time, he was unable to participate in the engagement ceremony with Princess Rambis. The Dragon Emperor’s ambassador made a solemn protest against the Lan Yao Empire.

Lan Yaodi quickly responded, promised to severely punish the perpetrators, and ordered the Duke of Vagni, the owner of Jagda, to quickly rectify the security in the city and protect the Arthurian. At this time, Gralin, one of the three cardinals of the Holy Mountain, visited the Lan Yaodi. Due to the request of the Lan Yao Emperor Kovalonte, Gralin, accompanied by the first prince of the Lan Yao Empire, Du Lanxi, had already traveled to Ya. Gda City comes.

The Longhuang Empire's "welcoming relatives" made the group's cross-cutting movements make unpredictable changes in the whole situation, especially the Vanier, who originally planned to count the Moor Deng family, and felt heavy in his heart. Although Lille is one of the three great sorcerers of the Master Tallinn, he is a low-key person on weekdays. I can't think of this to give him an unexpected punch! Lilled quietly met the three emperors of the Longhuang Empire who came to participate in the engagement ceremony, and then the emperor was accidentally involved in the dispute. Is this really just a coincidence?

anyway. The Three Emperors of the Longhuang Empire were severely damaged in the city of Jagda, including the disclosure of the evil weapon of the "Hell Flame" of Wismar. His city owner is hard to blame, and many of the eyes of the empire are now staring at Jakarta. Never be able to act rashly, only to try to appease the unfortunate King Arthur, and the plan to deal with Lille was forced to stop.

A few days later, Prince Duran and the Cardinal of the Church of Light, Gralling, finally arrived in the city of Jakarta. Accompanied by the owner of the city, Van Niele, the first time they rushed to the Sleeping Rose VIP Pavilion. Now the VIP Pavilion has been heavily bred. Protection, it seems to be heavily guarded, and guests who have nothing to do with the Dragon Emperor's Regiment are invited to leave.

Gralin was taken aback when he saw Chen Rui. The three emperors have a sinister appearance, and their eyes are somewhat concave. The spirit of the spirit is strong and weak, and it is very unstable. Obviously it is not damaged.

Du Lanxie was on the road before thinking about what role the Longhuang Empire’s ambassador played in this incident. Seeing the appearance of “Arthur” is much more serious than expected, and can’t help but be shocked. Grallin immediately began treatment.

In fact, the two could not think of it. Just a few minutes before the two came, "Arthur" was still in the room, and Paglio, throwing away and eating and drinking, this "terrible" is really pretending.

Gralling knew very well what the "Arthur" prince meant to the bright mountain, and there must be no mistakes. At the moment, I will fully display the purest light power to help Chen Ruiwen raise his soul and spirit. Due to the relationship between the body of Guangyao, the effect of treatment is quite remarkable, and Chen Rui’s spirit has suddenly revived a lot.

Gralin sighed with relief. These days, I’ve been on the road overnight, and I’m in the car. Nowadays, the power of the light system is fully exerted, and it is not allowed to show signs of fatigue. The same tired and old Dulan, who is too old, is inconvenient to disturb, and appease Chen Rui to leave a few words.

However, Gralling did not follow Duran's trip to the city's main government, but lived in the pavilion, so that he could use his means to treat the injury for Arthur at any time.

"Now don't have to install it anymore," Pagliu, who returned to the room, looked at Chen Rui with contempt. "It's shameful that you are being used by you for such a powerful deformation."

Chen Rui shrugged: "You will be jealous."

Pagliu glanced at him with a slanting eye: "Is this grandfather jealous of you?"

"Is there a skill to bring a group of female dragons to my house to fly in the sky?"

"Hey!" Duron Dragon almost jumped up. Anyway, this room has a soundproof magic array, and I am not afraid to be heard next door: "This uncle is so special, how?"

“Really not jealous?”

"Hey! The narcissistic guy."

"I am talking about Rolla..."


Paglieu is dumb, this is really poked on the idea, to say that it is not jealous that it is a fake, when the action is split from the Black Rock Mountain Range, the woman is only the peak of the country, only a few days of work, it broke through Demi god!

Although the female madman was fierce, but after all, it was the same level as Duron. In just a few years, Duron had already broken through the middle of the country from the Emperor. It is reasonable to say that this speed is already a singularity, but this female madman is now a demigod. Now!

Black pharmacy, rule debris, quasi-artifacts, seal stars... The goodness of mankind is not only for Lola, everyone has a share, what is he far from being pulled so far? Is it okay to be with the awkward human beings... I am! Thinking of this, Paglieu himself had a chill in his hair, and he was about to speak, and the sound of knocking at the door came.

Chen Rui immediately resumed the appearance of the disease and opened the door. It was originally issued by Proyo: "His Royal Highness, a messenger who claimed to be sent by Prince Duran, asked for a letter, brought a letter, and a few words to be face to face. Tell your Highness."

"The messenger?" Chen Rui reveals the color of doubt. What can Du Lanyi not hand him over to him, but also send a messenger?

"I have tested that the letter is covered with the magic seal of the Hebrew royal family. It is not forged. Now the messenger is in the VIP reception room."

"Well, let's go see the messenger." Chen Rui nodded and came to the VIP reception room with Proyo and Paglio.

The messenger was a thinner man, and his eyes looked stunned. When he saw Chen Rui’s arrival, he immediately took a gift.

"You all retreat." Chen Rui looked at the messenger for a moment, and suddenly said: "Open the soundproof magic array of the living room, without my order, no one is allowed to approach here."

Proyo didn't think that "Arthur" had made such a decision when he saw the messenger. It was a big accident: "But the safety of His Royal Highness..."

"I have my own size."

Proyo saw Chen Rui's appearance, did not ask, and retired, Pagliu naturally lazy to wear bodyguards here, after the two left, Chen Rui waved: "Please sit."

The messenger sat down according to the words. Chen Rui did not ask the question related to the letter. He just looked at the face of the messenger and smiled. "We haven't seen it for many years. I really didn't expect that you would pretend to come here... this is a The reunion in advance, the Princess Royal Highness."

The messenger shook a little: "How did you recognize me?"

Chen Rui laughed and said nothing, the face of the messenger began to change rapidly and became a beautiful girl's face. There was a bit of perseverance in the eyebrows. It was the fiancee that Arthur wanted to marry, the Princess of Lan Yao Empire. Lan Bisi! (To be continued.)

Ps: It’s even more today. The work is too busy. I’ll come back with the code word. I haven’t eaten dinner until now, and my heart is weak.

It will be very busy tomorrow, and it will be even more on Saturday and Sunday.

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