Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 989: Ambiance's ambition

“It’s really an early reunion,” Lan Bisi quickly calmed down, revealing a shallow smile: “I know that the messenger’s identity is a bit awkward and can cause suspicion... But, I’m curious, why are you looking at it? It’s me who sees it broken? My metamorphosis is taught by the old Dean Carlisle. Even the holy powers may not be able to see through. Don’t tell me that the weak boy had a holy level or even a strength beyond the holy level. ?"

"I hope that your guess... or blessing can come true, but the truth is that I was almost killed by the **** guy with a reel, and then unfortunately hit by the aftermath of the big man." Chen Rui pointed at his own embarrassment The face, sighed, "The truth tells you, the reason why you see through you is because of a special ability that I have, you can think of it as a toolmaker's talent for certain fields, in fact, This kind of talent can't completely penetrate the cover of deformation. The most important thing is that you are familiar with me. I seem to see that I like to read in the library quietly, but sometimes there are some unexpected little pranks. That...the little girl."

Arthur's memory fragments are now complete. Ranbis is his primary school girl at the Starlight College. As the royal family of the two empires, the two have a lot of intersections. Although the friendship is ordinary, they are considered old acquaintances.

The last sentence made Lan Bisi's eyes pass through the cherished color, and then smiled: "You said the talent of the 'master", I don't think it's all the masters, right? Arthur Master Your Mightiness."

Chen Rui also smiled, took out a bottle of wine and two cups, and gave her a glass of wine. Raising a toast: "There are different life experiences, and the master is just a lucky one. The biggest one in seven years."

"Seven years, the little girl who didn't know anything at the time was almost twenty years old. And the boy who fell in love with Veronica's teacher became the master of today's world," Lan Bisi took over. The wine glass, gently sip a small sip of wine and looked up at him. "Can you tell me what happened in the seven years that you disappeared?"

Chen Rui said faintly: "It’s just a struggle in a strange place to survive and survive. Fortunately, it has lived to the present."

"So, seven years later. Are you now reappearing in the eyes of everyone?"

"Why, shouldn't it?" Chen Rui looked at Lan Bisi with a smile, finally got to the point?

"There is nothing that should or should not be," Lan Bisi shook his head and put down the cup: "I just have some emotions, and the plan can't keep up with the changes."

Chen Rui deliberately frowned: "The meaning of His Royal Highness is... my appearance has destroyed one of your plans?"

"Can I speak honestly?"

"Of course," Chen Rui said with a smile: "I believe that you are here, not just to talk to me or to meet in advance."

Lan Bisi slightly decapitated: "When I was at the college, I was just a ignorant little girl, as you said, like to read books in the library quietly, and to tease people from time to time. The love in the book, but did not think too much about life or planning. After the empire announced the marriage with you, my life was suddenly settled like this. A little girl still does not understand what love is, she will marry Give a man who definitely doesn't love himself. You... can't understand that feeling."

"Perhaps, your heart is another feeling. Because the woman you are obsessed with is eventually married to someone else." Lan Bisi showed a mocking smile: "In fact, as the princess of the Lan Yao Empire, in fact, political marriage is To be honest, I don't feel bad about you. It may be better to marry you than to marry those who hate. Just when I have already accepted my life, as a fiancé, you are missing. This disappearance is Seven years. In the past seven years, I have experienced a lot, if not the tremendous pressure exerted by your father, I have already been 'married' again and again in the vortex of interest, just like a cargo! You one day Didn't show up or say that Rex the Great is not loosening a day, I can only guard the title of the 'fiancée' to be a 'living widow' until the end of time! Countless rumors, eyes, conspiracy... almost defeat me, I am not willing I am not willing to accept such a fate!"

Chen Rui listened silently and felt the emotional fluctuations of Lan Bisi. He asked one sentence: "So, do you have your own plan?"

"Yes, I vowed to take control of my own life! I will not let others manipulate my own destiny!" Lan Bisi sneered, "just after I regained my life, re-planning my life, step by step according to my own plan." You suddenly appeared after seven years of disappearance!"

"I understand, my appearance, especially the timing of the emergence, is a mistake," Chen Rui stood up, took a few steps and sighed.

For Lan Bisi, the "Arthur" that has appeared now has indeed become a redundant person.

"I admit that you are re-emerging, better than you think, the extraordinary lord, the master of the world, and the hopeful successor of the next Long Huang Emperor - but this does not mean me. Will give up their ambition and pursuit, as an accessory, vase or even the goods will be handed over to others outside of their lives! Never!"

Chen Rui looked at Lan Bisi's excited look and nodded: "I understand what you are doing today."

"Sorry, some of the gaffes," Lan Bisi drank a drink, took a few deep breaths, and the mood returned to normal. His eyes passed a trace of color: "You are so calm? Calm to my expectations, it seems You really changed a lot."

“Time and the environment can change a lot of things, and you are the same,” Chen Rui said. “I want to formally ask you, are you really unwilling to accept this marriage?”

"You should know the answer," Lan Bisi browed and looked at Chen Rui for a while. He asked: "Can I take this question as a good start to solve the problem?"

"I just want to solemnly clarify your attitude."

"I don't want to!" Rambis's answer is very positive.

This unexpected answer made Chen Rui take a deep breath and slowly beheaded. In fact, Lan Bisi did not know. The "fiancé" in front of her was the person she wanted to recruit, and she understood her pursuit and persistence more than she had imagined.

"So. What do you want me to do?"

Lan Bisi, who originally thought that the other party would refuse, was shocked and prepared to use all kinds of rhetoric. Surprised: "You... promised?"

“Why should I object?” Chen Rui spread his hand. “Even if I don’t agree, you have a lot of preparations. I don’t believe that you will come here without any preparation or grasp. The most important thing is that marriage is for me. Words, not just political chips, but real life events, including 'emotions', 'responsibility' and 'commitment'... This does not include 'stubborn'."

Lan Bisi was silent for a moment, and suddenly a touching smile was revealed: "This kind of words. It seems like the original 'Arthur'. It seems that your two female guardians have true happiness that many women envy, maybe Teacher Ronika will also have a good ending?"

"Hopefully." Chen Rui is not willing to say more on this issue: "There is no thing in the world to get something for nothing. Since we have reached a consensus, we can calm down and talk about the deal, and truly open and honest."

Lan Bisi nodded: "What do you want?"

Chen Rui sat down and did not circle the circle and directly said what he wanted: "The Holy Grail."

When Lan Bisi was shocked, there was a burning radiance in the beauty. Tightly staring at Chen Rui’s eyes, it is actually this condition... "Arthur" came to the Lan Yao Empire to "greet the family", and there was another plot!

Before coming here, she has always had a preconceived notion. In my mind, I tried to convince Arthur to give up the marriage. My heart was ready to deal with all kinds of difficulties. However, I suddenly found out that the other party came here for the purpose other than marriage. The mood suddenly became complicated.

"No wonder that Cardinal Glalin will visit the Imperial Capital at this time..." Lan Bisi suddenly figured out a lot of things and blurted out. "Are you a bright church?"

Chen Rui praised the reaction speed of Lan Bisi, in fact. Grallin’s visit to the Blue Yao Empire was indeed a plan that was negotiated when Raphael came to the Jin Yao Territory. The purpose was to plot the Holy Grail. Gralling was still relatively accurate in terms of time. However, "Arthur" accidentally "injured" in Jakarta City made the cardinal adult really shocked.

“Why do you think I am a church?”

"I got the information, the magical game technology that is popular in the world is probably from the Dragon Valley. Although I don't know if this information is accurate, the equipment of the magic game is made by Jin Yao territory. The promotion is carried out by the church. It is well known that you And the church must have a close interest relationship. And after you disappeared for seven years, the first appearance was accompanied by the Gralin adult, so I have every reason to guess that you are a church person, even if you disappeared for seven years, very May also be related to the church."

"The praiseworthy reasoning." Especially the last sentence, let Chen Rui reveal a mysterious smile, "but the focus of our discussion seems to be offset, or come back to the Holy Grail."

"This condition is impossible! Don't you think of it for a moment?" Lan Bisi shook his head firmly: "The Holy Grail is the highest sacred object of the empire. I just had the title of a princess. The value is impossible to compare with the Holy Grail!"

"You are wrong, the Holy Grail has a great strength. One is a dead thing. In my opinion, your value is far more than the Holy Grail." Chen Rui smiles, "Lan Bisi. Heber, younger generation Among the best Hebrews in the world. Several emperors of Kovalonte are not a weapon. The only one who can barely compete with you is the second emperor Victor. You have gathered the voice of nearly 30% of the Congress, the impression of the elves Quite good, there are also a lot of strong people in the church. I am secretly supporting you. The talents and the strength of your own personal control are just as good as the small ones. For example, the small group of the Stars College, if I insist on marrying you, Except for some death loyalty, these strengths will completely leave your grasp. In fact, as far as I know, after the Lan Yao Empire announced the marriage, your power has been quite shocked."

"It seems that you know a lot about me." Lan Bisi's eyes are fleeting. "Arthur" just said that it is not only her strength in the Ming, especially the "Jiying Society". It was her secret weapon, but she was broken by a word.

"It's just a necessary understanding of the fiancee... Don't tell me, you don't know anything about my movements after returning." Chen Rui's serious eyes did not look a little smile. "Your ambition is indeed very ambitious, but difficult. It must have been beyond imagination. You have been using the pressure exerted by Rex on the Blue Yao Empire to block the gaze around you and pave the way for your progress step by step. Now my reappearance does make You are in a dilemma, but this is also a test, an opportunity. I can fully cooperate with your plan, and you can win the support of the bright church for you. The road ahead will be wider and smoother. As for the Holy Grail... The Bright Church is the mainstay, you only need to play some key role."

"Just like this?" Lan Bisi saw that he had no following, slightly frowning, and asked.

"that is it."

Lan Bisi was immersed in meditation, and he said halfway: "This kind of favorable trading conditions, I can't seem to find a reason for refusal. Are you sure that I can get the support of the church?"

"I am sure that Grallin is at the pavilion. I can arrange for you to meet and talk in detail." Chen Rui’s answer is not to be considered. "Not only that, I know that you have always wanted to enlist the Moore Deng family, this time in the Tallinn incident, Kovalonte Ed, the illegitimate son of the Great, died unexpectedly. The Lille and Moore Deng families were in great trouble. It was also a good opportunity for you. In this respect, I can also play some unexpected roles."

"Your ability...Accurately, it’s my surprise for seven years of change," Rambose glanced at him deeply, stunned. "Maybe, is it a mistake to give up this marriage?"

"I still have time to repent," Chen Rui shrugged. "Do you intend to retain this power?"

"No." Lan Bisi’s eyes showed steadfastness. "I have already reached this point. I will never look back. I have to control my own destiny, not being controlled by others. Sorry, it also includes you. This is my own choice, I will go on until I completely master myself and master the fate of the Empire."

I am ordered by me, not by people; human life is by me, not by heaven.

This is the real Rambis.

On the other hand, she is somewhat similar to Chen Rui and wants to control her own destiny, but the choice is different.

However, when it comes to truly mastering the empire, perhaps she will find that she has lost the true self she once wanted to master. Chen Rui thinks of Catherine, thinks of Rex, and there is an inexplicable feeling of sigh in her heart. No matter what, as she said, this is her choice, she will go on.

Chen Rui took a deep breath and raised the glass: "I admire your perseverance and respect your decision, then... I wish you success, His Royal Highness."

"The success of ‘our’, His Highness Arthur.”

Two wine glasses met together. (To be continued.)

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