Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1021: Choice

The truth of the Wind Shadow Boots event has been revealed, but the mystery of Chen Rui’s heart is still quite a lot.

That is Tiffany.

Tiffany’s resentment against Lei Zen was deep, and she abandoned the throne of the Devil and insisted on coming to the human world in order to find her mother. Lei Zen once said that Tiffany has the inductive power of blood, and can use this power to find the whereabouts of her mother. Now become a disciple of the Virgin Eudora, then the Virgin is probably the mother of Tiffany.

The relationship between Lei Zen and "a woman" and the time when Tiffany was born was all over a hundred years ago. It can be inferred that the protagonists of these two events are Eudora, but There are certainly sequential problems in the two major events.

The combination of Eudora and Lei Zen is the result of being manipulated by Satan. The purpose is to use the physique of both sides to create the "key" of light and darkness, in order to enter the mystery in the future to obtain the silver scorpion. This "premeditated" has now become fact.

Imagine that the reason why Eudora came to the Devil World was probably a experience or a certain task. He was captured by Satan, and under his control, he had a relationship with Lei Zen and gave birth to Tiffany. After Tiffany was born, Eudora was equal to losing the value of use. With the strength of Satan, naturally, the life and death of this ants would no longer be put in the heart. It is very likely that Eudora fled the **** empire, and then met Isabella, staged a scene in which women dressed as men to deceive the wind and shadow boots.

Chen Rui remembered, when Lei Zen entrusted him to the human world to find Tiffany, the last sentence was: "Right, be careful about that woman."

It is absolutely necessary to be careful to be sure of the role that this woman played in the event of the wind and shadow boots.

Chen Rui is thinking. Rolla has returned to the hall, holding Isabella's hand. Talking about it, Isabella nodded. I don't know if Lola knows the truth about this, but Ian's eyes are obviously soothing.

Miss Fairy Dragon is actually very thin, Isabella has always had a good relationship with her, second only to Athena, especially now that Ini is the daughter of Melia and Span, and she is a true sister. For truly recognized relatives and friends, Miss Fairy Dragon is quite cherished.

At this time, Chen Rui felt that the data in the eyes of the analysis was fleeting. At the same time, the six-star mark on the arm was hot. The scorpion that had previously arranged the magic array had already returned to the imprint. Some anxious voices were introduced into Chen Rui’s soul: "Be careful, Raphael is here!"

Chen Rui was taken aback, looked at Isabella and Lola, and thought about the power of the exchange, has launched the power of the fusion of the star station, the two women instantly earned the Fengxingtai.

It’s not the first time I’ve seen Chen Rui’s ability to display this strange “space”. This time, it’s just like the last time. Even the one who is the peak of the pseudo-god-level power is not aware of it, and can not help but be vigilant. But now is definitely not the time to study this issue. In the face of Rafael, who is about to arrive soon, you can only use the "locking technique". Enter a state similar to suspended animation, hide all your breath and mental fluctuations, so as not to be perceived by the other party.

soon. A man appeared in front of him, and the magical array of the hall did not feel the slightest. Even the shining knights along the way did not seem to see the general.

If it is not the premature warning, even Chen Rui will be aware of it from the perspective of analysis. The other party has also come to the front.

Race: Unable to judge!

Comprehensive strength assessment: unable to judge!

This man is the appearance of the "Lafayel" that Chen Rui once saw in the Jin Yao territory. His eyes have been closed. The difference from the last time is that this time, it is not a avatar, but a real body.

Chen Rui deliberately stunned, and he was surprised. He immediately "reacted" and prayed deeply: "Raphael!"

Raphael didn't open his eyes: "Arthur, the excellence you showed surprised me. I got the recognition of all the three holy things. It also caused miracles. It seems that you were a saint, it was a Very wise choice."

"Despite the frustration in the Longhuang Empire, I was a bit frustrated, but when I arrived at the bright mountain today, I felt that I was full of confidence and strength. I will not let the adults down!"

"I have always had confidence in my own vision." Raphael slightly decapitated: "You also have confidence in yourself. The gains and losses of the Longhuang Empire are nothing but a glimpse; what you get in the future is everything."

"Understood." Chen Rui slightly hesitated and said with determination. "I don't care about adults. In the past seven years, I have accepted the baptism of the alchemy civilization. The original memory has almost been lost. Rex believes that Although my body is 'Arthur', but the soul has become another person, not only that, as a king who fully controls the empire, in my 'son' shows superior ability far beyond his expectations and tolerance. After that, the shackles hidden behind the family mask were unreservedly revealed, even at the expense of breaking the father-son relationship with me, to completely exempt my threat to the dragon emperor. This time I am too naive, I will not Make the same mistake again."

"I don't know what a small empire needs, but in the bright sacred mountains, what is most needed is talent. Who are you? How is it? I can promise that as long as you show convincing ability, Never worry about other superfluous things, you are the Son, the future Pope Arthur!"

"Thank you for your support!" Chen Rui once again gave a deep ceremony.

"There is a reward for paying. You know that I have always been rewarded and punished. You have indirectly made great contributions to the main altar of evil spirits, and you have been recognized by the Three Holy Communities. However, these are not enough for you to control the future of the entire bright mountain. You need to accomplish one thing, that is, at the Holy Book of the Holy Trinity held three months later, in the face of all the people, the power of the gods of the gods is displayed, and the sacred crown of the crown of thorns is displayed. 'Transform a hundred Knights of the Temple into a purely light physique! If you can do this, you will have an absolute status without any substitution. Within a year, you can sit directly on the Pope's position!"

It is incredible speed for any saint or saint of the church to be on the throne of the pope within a year, but Raphael’s tone is unmistakable. In fact, the Pope or the Son is just a chess piece that the three angels control the faith, and can be arbitrarily abandoned at any time because of value or benefit.

"Yes." Chen Rui pressed "excited" and asked in confusion: "Adults, sacred care can pull the divine power, dispel all evil forces, and have the effect of purifying and transforming physique, but its power is limited. In order to transform the ordinary physique into a light physique, the one-time success rate is not high. If you want to convert a hundred Knights of the Temple at the same time... please forgive me, this is simply impossible."

Raphael smiled lightly: "If you convert directly, you can't do it, so it takes three months."

Chen Rui suddenly realized: "The reason for adults is that the reason why the canonization ceremony was held three months later is because some relevant preparations have to be made to turn this ‘impossible’ into a 'possible’?”

“Not bad.” Raphael praised: “Your response is very timely, and the peak of the Holy Grail is now actively preparing. You will naturally know it at that time. However, even if there is such preparation, it is still not enough. First of all, your strength. It’s too weak... I remember you said that this is the branding of the spirit of the ancient alchemy civilization. The press will automatically transform the external force into the sentiment of the alchemist. Therefore, it is necessary to fully control the spiritual brand to truly enhance the power. The master of the position controller is of great significance to the entire human world, but the technique is not a saint... No, the skills that the pope must master, even if it is a master-level technique. So, now you have to Make a decision, or make a choice."

"Choose?" Chen Ruiyin gave birth to a bad feeling.

"You must abandon the spiritual imprint of the alchemy civilization and become my follower. I will exert a powerful baptism on you. The power of faith that gives you new power and spiritual gifts can make you the most holy." The power of the class will even have the opportunity to turn into a true angel in the future. With this power, you will use the power of the crown of thorns to the extreme and become 'impossible' as 'possible'."

It seems that the true magic of the crown of thorns requires the support of the power of faith.

But...become a believer in Raphael? This is not a simple contract, you can easily use the spiritual link to get away with it. Once it is revealed, it is a waste of effort.

The spiritual imprint was originally an excuse for Hu Yu, but this is a self-restraint.

Chen Rui’s brains turned quickly and tempted to ask: “Adult, can I... consider it?”

"I am coming today, not to let you choose, but to announce my decision to you." Raphael's indifferent tone with unquestionable power forced Chen Rui's plan to slow down The declaration failed.

In Raphael's heart, as a powerful pseudo-god, to see the existence of an ant-like ant, is already a demeanor, how can there be room for negotiation? I promised to promise today, and I promised if I didn’t agree.

The cockroach in the "locked" state also heard this passage, secretly vigilant, if Chen Rui does not agree, then it is likely to turn face on the spot, the strength can not be hidden, Rafael's strength is slightly less than Caleb, but she is only the soul, and the strength is greatly damaged, plus here is the "home" of the three angels, really want to fight, the best result is to escape like the last time.

If Chen Rui promises to become a true believer in the Raphaelian kingdom, the consequences will be more serious and all secrets will not be able to shape.

Just as he was fully guarded, Chen Rui, who had been thinking about it, finally made the decision.

"Adult Rafael, I promise you." (To be continued.)

Ps: It’s almost 14:00. When the mentality is not good, it’s just half the effort to write.

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