Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1022: Privilege (4,200 words)

The first thousand and twenty-two chapter privileges (4200 words)

Upon hearing this affirmative reply, Raphael nodded with satisfaction. "Arthur" was quite convinced of the current affairs, and made a decision so quickly. It seems that it is a jealousy to be cultivated in the future - Raphael does not think that this is only The ants have the courage to dare to perfuse him of this supreme existence.

The cockroaches that had been prepared for the calming down calmed down. She knew very well that this "human being" was by no means willing to be manipulated. The purpose of coming to the sacred mountain was not to be the saint or the pope. It is another picture.

Sure enough, I heard Chen Rui said: "But before that, there is one thing to report to the adults. I originally wanted to find an adult accusation. Today, just the adults are coming..."

"Long story short." Raphael's calm with irresistible majesty.

"Things are like this... Just when I entered the holy mountain today, Vatican gave me the opportunity to show the three holy things. As a result, the three holy things triggered the power of the gods. The power of the gods gave me the feeling... It is a special kind of resonance force, which seems to be related to the three holy objects. Even if the huge power of the shock disappears, the power of sentiment left by the resonance still exists in the memory. The wonderful power is like the vastness of the sky. There is no limit, I can hardly describe it with specific words."

"You can actually feel that kind of power..." Raphael's eyes slammed openly, and the burning radiance of the silver-white pupil contained a terrible deterrent. Chen Rui instinctively gave birth to a shudder and quickly bowed his head. There was a slight trembling in the body, and a pair of shocked eyes could not be opened.

Rafael looked at Chen Rui for a moment and put away the deterrent: "Go ahead."

"Yes, adults. Under the stimulation of this power, I feel that the absorption of the spiritual brand of the ancient alchemy civilization has increased more than ten times! And almost completely integrated with my soul, forcibly eliminated The result... I may be in danger."

Rafael frowned, only listening to Chen Rui continued: "Raphael adults. Some people are willing to be obscured in their lives, some people can not endure the neglect of loneliness, and even prefer to pursue that moment of embarrassment. I just failed Once, I will never tolerate another failure. Therefore, I have already realized that I will bet on this life. If I can’t fly in the sky... I will disappear.”

"That's right." Rafael's silver plaque showed a hint of appreciation. "I have seen your determination, what to say. Just say it all at once."

"My thoughts are... First of all, try to use the special resonance force to completely absorb the power of the ancient alchemy civilization, because I have only absorbed nearly half of the power, that is, the brand of the machine, if it can be completely Absorbing the brand, then the power of the soul absorbed and all the external forces will be turned into my own strength. The power will naturally advance by leaps and bounds. Not only that, but I will also master the manufacturing method of black medicine, as long as it reaches a certain level, including resurrection The highest black medicine such as Yanshou Medica can be made!"

Raphael was slightly moved, and the church currently has a pharmacist, Pascal, the Archbishop of the Holy Mountain. It is the strongest pharmacist in the human world, but it is far from being comparable to the big masters such as Resurrection Agents and Life Extension. Once Arthur can become a master of masters of craftsmanship and pharmacy, even the most senior master. Whether it is prestige or bringing benefits, the benefits for the entire church are self-evident.

Moreover, the original identity of Arthur was abandoned as a believer. And exerting the power of "baptism" to force up the strength, it will also cost Rafael itself a considerable part of the power and belief. It is easy to let Arthur himself improve his strength. Nature is better. At that time, it is only necessary to give some of the power of faith to the power of Arthur, and it will be able to drive the crown of thorns to the desired effect.

"In fact, before the arrival of the adults, I wanted to make such an attempt. The magic array outside the Hall of Light has been changed by me. I want to use this to amplify the resonance of the resonance and further accelerate the alchemy. The fusion of the spirit of civilization, but because of the short time of arrival, can not completely break the magic of the magic array, so the change is only a part of the change. If there is a place to take the liberty, please forgive me. If you rely on the power of God Still can't succeed..."

Speaking of this, Chen Rui gritted his teeth and showed a firm color: "I am willing to forcibly erase the spiritual imprint of the ancient alchemy civilization and make the most adventurous attempt."

"Compared to your ability to be outrageous, I appreciate the unreserved frankness, I hope, in front of me... this complete frankness can be maintained." Rafael is a man, long ago Found a change in the magic circle outside, and now "Arthur" initiatively confessed to this matter, Rafael is more convinced.

"The will of the grown-up is my lifelong obedience." Chen Rui knows that Raphael's mind has been loosened, and the present is showing the color of respect.

"Since this is the case..." Raphael had a decision in his heart. "You close your eyes and I will take you to a place."

Chen Rui only felt his heart pounding, faintly guessing where Raphael would take him, trying to stabilize his mood and close his eyes.

After a dazzling dip, Raphael’s voice sounded: “Open your eyes.”

Chen Rui blinked at the front, and there was a large hall in front of it, which was full of radiance and exudes a vast and boundless power. This breath contains the infinite mystery of the growth of all things in the universe.

Although it was not the first time to see this temple of light, it still gave Chen Rui a feeling of shock, as if he was as small as the sand in the sea, even if it was the origin of any silver scorpion that he had seen before, there was no such feeling. Because this is the complete source of creation - the book of creation!

"This is this..." Chen Rui magnified his astonished emotions and looked incoherent: "Here... there is such a strong demeanor!"

"Yes, this is the temple of light on the top of the sacred mountain, where the **** of light has come. It is also the largest forbidden place in the entire holy mountain. Even the pope and the two archbishops need special permission to enter here. There are countless dangers along the way. If I didn't bring you here, you can't take the first step of the mountain. Don't say it is you, even if you are beyond the holy level, you can't forcibly break through the blockade along the way. force."

Chen Rui is very clear. Rafael’s words are not alarmist. There is actually a star left behind. After he was lucky enough to recapture the wind-shoes from the Temple of Light, he used the sneak adventure to return once. However, it is impossible to see the Temple of Light as easily as it is now, surrounded by powerful and powerful ancient accusatives, which not only blocked the vision but also sealed the space. If it was not for him to withdraw in a timely manner, he would have been trapped here.

"I am afraid of the patronage and trust of Raphael, I only use the purest loyalty to return." Chen Rui nodded. "So, can I try it... Three holy things?"

Rafael nodded, and Chen Rui took a deep breath, and the three holy objects appeared on the body at the same time. This time, as the beginning, it triggered the shock of the entire holy mountain. However, the resonance in that heart is ten times more than before!

Chen Rui has now fully integrated the consciousness of "Arthur", the unprecedented essence and power of the soul power, plus the special role of the three holy objects. If he can stay here, he has full grasp of the source of creation. Short. Just time.

But now that Rafael is there, in no case can it reveal a half-point flaw, otherwise the "welfare" that is close at hand will become the most terrible killer. I also understand this and resist the strong temptation. Fully converge on the breath.

Chen Rui desperately used the deep analysis to engrave the memory mark, while being pretending to fall into some kind of contemplation, the strength of his body began to constantly change and jump.

After a while, in the induction of Raphael. Chen Rui’s original class-level strength actually began to change, and he was promoted to the division level!

Rafael's eyes flashed. Although this strength is not worth mentioning in his eyes, it has extraordinary significance for the "Arthur" who has the inheritance of the ancient alchemy civilization. The last time he gave "Arthur" the power of light, he could not make the strength of the other party improve. Now the power of the book of creation can make "Arthur" break through the realm.

It seems that Arthur’s previous statement is true, and creating the source can greatly speed up his integration.

After Chen Rui “breaks through” the level of the demon level, the three holy objects on his body are collected again, but he does not speak with Raphael, but seems to have entered a certain state, and a drug test bed is displayed in front of him. Come, start to deploy the medicine quickly.

Previously, his technique still seemed to be a bit oyster. He seemed to be adapting to what he had. Later, the movements were like a rush of water, revealing an unfathomable momentum, and a bottle of medicine was quickly deployed.

Red healing agent, green mental medicine, orange antidote...

With the skill of the movement, the final color of the medicament is white!

The white medicinal agent is a symbol of the master of pharmacy. It seems that in this short period of time, Arthur, who was originally a master of the instrument, has become a master of pharmacy!

Rao is Rafael's knowledgeable and unspeakable. Although both the faculty and pharmacy are two university departments of alchemy, they are two distinct fields of knowledge. Masters of double materials are extremely rare in the history of alchemy. Not to mention the master. At the moment, Arthur only shows the level of the master of pharmacy. However, from the "facts" just now, he has every reason to believe that "Arthur" can become a double agent for medicines and implements. The master, even the unprecedented master of double materials, is really a treasure.

"Haha!" "Arthur" lifted the bottle of white medicine that had just been configured, and laughed loudly. The laughter was full of enthusiasm, suddenly realized what was happening, and quickly revealed the color of fear. "Raphael, please forgive me. My gaffe, I am just too excited..."

“No problem.” Raphael asked quietly: “What about spiritual branding?”

"The spiritual brand has been integrated into more than half. The strange thing is that although there is no integration, but under a special power, my strength has been qualitatively improved, even if it is only immersed in this creative atmosphere, it can also make The speed of comprehension is greatly accelerated - this is a feeling of incomprehensibility. It seems that something is being 'grown'... or "made", not right, it should be..."

"Creation." Raphael said a touch.

"Yes! It's 'creation'!" Chen Rui originally deliberately led Raphael to say it himself. He said: "Today, it is only the digestive power that continues to be digested. The speed will be slower, but as long as it can continue Accepting the power of 'creation' for up to two months, no, maybe only one month, can fully integrate the spiritual brand, and then alchemy or strength will reach an unprecedented level."

Raphael nodded secretly. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, the white pharmacy was actually real. He certainly wouldn't believe that the book of creation had this effect. However, the stronger the ability of Arthur, the better it is for the Church of Light and for the three angels to control the faith. From the ability of the prince to display in the territory of Jin Yao, it is very likely that the church will be pushed in the future. To a new height.

To take a step back, even if you can't succeed, you can still use the last method after two months.

"If you can succeed, ask the adults to allow me to completely transform the Knights of the Templars in the ceremony three months later. Under the witness of all the people... including the Rex, openly accept the baptism and become the most faithful of the adults. Believers.” Chen Rui gave a deep ritual to Raphael. This is a retreat, and the time to become a believer has been delayed for three months.

Raphael's slight decapitation: "I promise you that your loyalty will be reciprocated. I will give you a privilege now, that is, to feel before the temple of light. There is a special badge for passing. Just follow the method I taught you, you can come here through the exempted space channel, each time is two hours, two hours later will be sent when the meeting will be However, you have to keep two points in mind. First, this space channel can only be entered by one person. Second, you can only stay in the same place, do not approach or try to enter the Temple of Light. If you violate any one, then there is only one mere The consequences of doubt, die."

"Thank you for your kindness." Chen Rui suppressed his ecstasy and took the badge with both hands with respect and respect.

"Don't let me down." Raphael looked at him. "After you complete the spiritual imitation, go to the Temple of the Holy Grail to find Eudora, and test the strength of the preparation, in any case, three months. The conversion ceremony of the post-sealing ceremony will not be lost."

If you are an outstanding figure in front of you, Rafael can never give such trust easily, but "Arthur" has become the only way out since Rex the Great claimed to be separated from his father and son.

If it is not the crown of thorns, Raphael, who has absolute power, will not put this humble existence that can be erased at any time. He thinks that he is a dragon flying in the sky, how can he waste his energy to consider the ants on the ground? thought?

Therefore, Raphael has no more suspicions.

"I understand. Adult."

Looking at Raphael's figure gradually thinning in the air, Chen Rui immediately turned his eyes to the front of the Temple of Light, the eyes, like a wretched quirk, saw a loli who wants to see goldfish.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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