Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1035: phantom

After Passari, several super-powered rushers were easily knocked down by Rolla. As one of the masters of the sacred mountain, Carmel naturally could not tolerate Lola's arrogance.

The white robe on Carmel instantly turned into a silver armor, and four pairs of wings appeared on the back. The figure was swayed and penetrated the barrier formed by the inscription. It appeared on the sky above the roller, and the hand waved. The golden light is pressing down.

The magic wand in the hands of Miss Fairy Dragon has drawn a circle. The golden light is like being wiped out by countless invisible hands. It is quickly dimmed, and the blink of an eye has been eliminated.

This hit seems to be equally divided, but Camer has tried out the real power level of the other side. Although this woman's means is different, but the strength should not be in the middle of the half-god, and there is a big gap with her peak and half-god, Camel can not help but reveal the contemptuous color, double-boxing volley hit, countless light-column Strong punches shrouded the roller.

There is a translucent reticle on the side of the roller. The reticle seems to be slippery. The straight beam of light is twisted into an arc when it is close. This is not a simple force, but a law. National power.

After a violent attack, the grounds that were protected by the power of the slang were criss-crossed, and the roller in the mask was still safe, but it was obviously suppressed.

Because Lola motivated the spatial isolation of the Gathering, the light beams that were emptied did not affect the battle of Isabella and Eudora, nor did they affect Chen Rui.

Chen Rui has already walked to Tiffany's body. Under the force of the reversal of the slang, the roots of her vitality have to be poured back. Tiffany's pale skin began to recover a little bit of blood, and vitality is rapidly recovering. However, the eyes that are always half-baked are still dull. It seems that the soul has been completely lost.


Chen Rui’s voice is not big, but the whole gathering and the entire Dengyunping echoed this voice, and infiltrated into Tiffany’s soul in a special shock.

The sound fell in the ears of Eudora, and it could not help but tremble - "Arthur" really came for Tiffany! He and the daughter from the devil world, and the woman of this demon world... What is the relationship!

Only a distraction, and Isabella fanned a loud slap in the face, and Eudora's heart stunned to the extreme. She has the belief in the entire peak of the Holy Grail, and it is reasonable to say that even if the strength is higher than her enemy, it will be suppressed by the power of special beliefs. The power is greatly reduced. However, Isabella's level of strength is clearly similar to her, but it is obviously not affected by the power of the peak of the Holy Grail, but she is easily teased between the palms.

The dialogue between Eudora and Isabella was secretly carried out by compressing the sound. Eudora was not sure if Carmel would hear her anomaly, but one thought in the heart was more and more determined. That is the killing!

Kill this woman!

Kill Arthur!

Although Isabella's speed is beyond imagination, the reason why she constantly humiliates her instead of killing her, the real reason is the powerful guardian of the peak of the Holy Ghost - Eudora's surface resists, but actually saves A killing trick.

"The Eucharist breaks the evil spirits."

This is a unique trick unique to the Patriarch of the Peak of the Holy Grail. The ability to use the body as a medium to condense the power of the callable beliefs gives the strongest blow. After this attack, Eudora's body will fall into a state of extreme weakness, but she has absolute certainty to use this trick to use Isabel. Pulled to kill on the spot. Then kill that "Arthur"! Thoroughly bury all the secrets!

The only thing that needs to be done today is the time of brewing.

"Tiffany..." is already calling for the third time.

In the gray-eyed eyes, the eyes that recovered a little focal length fell on Chen Rui’s face. Looking at him dumbly.

Chen Rui’s mind emerged from the charming and lovely girl who first met in the **** market, and the mysterious land that persistent and strong girl. However, there is no impression that it is coincident with the life of the coffin in front of me. Sighed and reached out.


Her gaze remained stagnant, as if she had been exhausted for too long and lost her ability to switch.

At this time, a little **** light was emitted from the palm of the hand, causing the sluggish eyes to be pulled by what force and slowly moving over.

When the gaze fell on that little light, the broken pupil trembled.

It is a black ring that is emitting a rich radiance.

"follow me."

This voice, this sentence...

The two lips moved, and there was no strength to speak. It was just a little sparkling in the eyes that had already dried up.

"Relax all my mind and accept the power of my guidance."

Then, a warm force poured into the body, and the cold haze that had enveloped the whole soul began to dissipate.

The bound "roots" are annihilated, and the backbone of the body is also stripped in one minute.

Tiffany was the "eyes" of the whole big squad. This change, Carmel felt that the entire gathering of the spirits began to tremble, and there was a tendency to collapse. I couldn’t help but shock the thoughts of the oysters. A silver spear appeared in the palm of his hand.

The spear of the ruling.

This is Camer's strongest artifact. Although the purple woman's defense law is quite clever and contains a combination of six elements, he is confident that the ruling spear will penetrate the defense field and kill the woman. .

The spear of the ruling has a strong radiance, like a dazzling sunshine. When Camer is going to throw a sniper, he will see the purple woman underneath looking up. The octagonal angel only feels a strange gaze. Come, as if with some special magic, his eyes are attracted to the past.

In the opposite moment of the four eyes, Carmel looked at the score, and the purple eyes turned the six-color light!

The rotating light with a special power seems to attract the soul to the past. Although Carmel is not good at spiritual attacks, after all, after a hundred battles, naturally it will not be confused by this little means. The arrogant spear shines and has already broken away from this psychedelic power.

However, it is at this time. His heart was alert, and he saw six more rays in the space around him. Just like the vision of the woman in the purple dress.

The six rays are rotated at high speed, intertwined in an instant, and quickly merge into a transparent colorless.

The wrath of the elements!

The long and narrow eyes of the elf Qi Lanya in the distance stunned slightly. The last time she was in the psychedelic forest, she had experienced the killing of Lola. Now the power of this move is far more than the original, even if she is at the peak, she is not sure what is going on.

Father Eleuther once said that "the crown of the gods" and Lola chose each other - if it is the person chosen for that thing, then. The path of the fairy dragon is just just getting started... it is worth waiting to see.

Camer, who was shrouded in the anger of the element, felt that he was completely locked, self-sufficient in strength, simply avoiding it, and shouting, the rifle of the ruling in his hand spurred out.

The spear draws a straight beam of light in the air, and the twisted space caused by the inscription array along the way is easily cut open by the invincible sharpness, which has penetrated the protective barrier.

At the moment when the ruling spear flew out, it was completely merged into a colorless six-ray ray. It immediately turned into a virtual non-proliferation. At this moment, the entire gathering of the spirits trembled. The seemingly soft glory of the space, the space collapsed and collapsed. Almost wiped into a vacuum that can't hold anything.

Despite the isolation of the Gathering, and under the command of Vatican, all the protective arrays in the vicinity have been opened. However, the guests in the distance felt the great power and moved.

The layman looks at the excitement. Look inside the doorway. Even the strength of the national level does not necessarily see the mystery of the battle between Lola and Carmel. What is really understood is the semi-god-level powerhouse.

Stanwell’s face has become quite ugly. He was still secretly arguing that he is not necessarily the opponent of Rolla. Now, when he sees this scene, “not necessarily” has become “affirmative” – let alone the roller can compete with the peak and half **** Kamal, light It is the power of this attack, it is enough to kill him more than ten times!

It is the first genius of the dragon!

However, Lola's current situation is not good. Camer's ruling spear directly runs through her protective cover. Although the dragon's body is strong, the fairy dragon is the weakest one. In Carmel's full force, Next, I am afraid that it is fierce.

This time, Stanwell's heart hangs again. Although he has complaints with Melia, it is the internal contradiction of the dragons. Lola can be called the biggest hope of the dragon in the future. If there are any three shorts and two shorts, he can't stand by today. To the Emperor of the Dragon.

The "vacuum" part of the air was quickly filled and disappeared by the nearby space, and the figure of Carmel came out. The original eight-winged angel was so embarrassed that the silver feathers were scattered all over, the silver armor had several obvious distortions, and there was a blood mark on his face, and his expression was shocked and angry.

The woman who has not yet reached the middle of the demigod has issued such a powerful blow that is beyond expectations, and also provoked the change of space. If it is not his two abilities of defense and space, I am afraid Will eat a big loss.

However, the other party also took the spear of the ruling.

Camer's gaze fell on the ground below, and he saw a silver-white spear, centered on it, surrounded by a spider-like crack, with a diameter of several tens of meters. However, I did not see the "corpse" of the woman in purple, and there was no blood or other traces, as if it had disappeared from the air.

At the other side of the field, the long-awaited Eudora finally broke out, and the earth turned into a radiant body. Countless powerful white light erupted, as if it were a sword, and instantly penetrated Isabella. body of.

The accident is that Isabella is not as screaming as imagined, just a slight tremor, the body gradually fades down, and Russia disappears, it seems to be a phantom!

Camer, who witnessed this scene, finally realized that the blow of his ruling was actually in vain, could not help but burn, and set his sight on the only "enemy" still left in the field, the guy who fooled everyone - Arthur! (To be continued.)

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