Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1036: At the time of shock (four thousand words)

Chen Rui is instilling Starpower and helping Tiffany to get rid of the last **** of the Gathering.

The battle between Lola and Isabella has been in his induction, but he did not intervene or rescue.

As Carmel and Eudora saw, after the defeat of Lola and Isabella, the phantom disappeared and there was no real harm.

This is one of the new magical uses of the "war projection".

In the "Red. Extreme Star Emperor", after the link object accepts the star, the corresponding statue will appear in the star-studded stage, which can be integrated into the star-studded stage, carrying the space for the "gate of the sky", and In the event of a crisis, you will be protected from injury and recovery.

After being promoted to "Purple.", the function of Fengxingtai was greatly strengthened. The original integration time was extended from three hours to three days, and the "Star God" could be built on the basis of the statue.

This kind of star **** image can project the projection to some places of faith in the big galaxy, become the core of the pillar of faith, accepting the power of the corresponding faith, and is also the local "spirit."

The benefits brought about by this are enormous. In addition to stabilizing and maintaining the beliefs of the galaxy, there is also a strong scouring and augmentation effect for the person who is "sealed". Not only that, but also in the state of fusion. , summon the "war projection" of the star **** to fight.

"War projection", as its name suggests, is a true projection of battle, which can restore one's strength 100%, and there is a special bonus. Death does not cause damage to me, but it takes only seven days before I can reunite the new war projection.

In other words. Now Isabella and Lola are only integrated into the star statues of the Stars, without any damage.

Despite the various auxiliary forces. However, there is indeed a big gap between Lola and Cameron, whose main purpose is to try. Being able to use Carmen's anger to eat Carmel is already a pretty good record.

As for Isola's face, Eudora, it is quite difficult for Isabella to kill her because of the "home" relationship of the peak of the Holy Grail, not to mention Isabella has her own plans, and did not think Direct killing.

Seeing Isabella's scene, Stanwell, who had been hanging his heart, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and it was inevitable that there was some sorrow: it was clearly another daughter recognized by Merial, and Lola was like her. It should not die, but also has a powerful force to compete with the peaks and deities. The Dragon King should be very happy to hear this good news. It was only after the elders were unlucky, and they saw that the Merial family could only detour.

In the eyes of the public, the projections of Isabella and Lola's war disappeared. In the field of the gathering of the spirits, only Arthur and Tiffany, who are the protagonists, are left.

Yudola screamed with glare and flew to the first two.

Everyone's pursuit is different. Some pursue strength, some pursue power, and some pursue freedom... You Dora knows that his talents in practice are limited, even if he pays more than others. It may not be able to take the lead, so her early positioning is "the power of the people." For the past 100 years, she has resorted to unscrupulous and deliberately excluded dissidents. I finally got the appreciation of Raphael and boarded the throne of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Ghost. And the Pope’s throne is always in the air.

It is a pity that "Arthur" was born, which made Eudora's dreams shatter. Forced to embark on the road of strength, but in the "Sacred Son" booked ceremony, but this kind of great change has occurred. For Youdora, it is equal to an unexpected opportunity!

But before that, she had to remove "Arthur" first, because "Arthur" probably mastered all her secrets, including the previous events such as Xuedala - and that Isabella, afterwards Try to find out to kill, no matter how you can stay in this world!

Udola’s binocular murder flashed, and through the “sacred body and evil spirits” that had not dissipated, it turned into an arc and plunged into Chen Rui.

This blow is not only the life of Chen Rui, but also Tiffany.

In the heart of Eudora, he did not admit that he was cold-blooded. He only blamed this daughter for not being born in this world, and should not appear in the wrong place at a wrong time. It is better to be completely relieved than to suffer such pain.

She personally came to relief.

I saw Tiffany's body shining a little bit of sparkling light. With the help of Chen Rui, the whole body has been separated from the "tree" imprisonment, leaving only some slender "roots", which has reached the end. The juncture.

Almost, you can completely break away from Raphael's power and break away from the **** of the entire spirit.

The white light blinked, and suddenly, Chen Rui turned his head and glanced.

Chen Rui turned his head not fast. According to the speed of white light, he should have already hit him, but somehow, when he turned his head, the fast white light came.

Eudora only felt a strange pressure wrapped himself, as if there were countless sharp cones, which shattered the outer shell of the power of the entire Holy Ghost, and nailed it into the soul, an unspeakable fear and pain. Instantly spread to the full sound, screams, "the holy body broke the evil spirits" white light collapsed, the whole person was reversed, until it broke a column of Dengyunping, before falling to the ground, the bones of the body It seems to be broken, unable to move, and the face is incredibly stunned.

This kind of deterrence! This power!

It’s like... facing Carmel adults!

Is this still the "sacred" Arthur?

Tiffany's last silk roots were finally stripped, and Tiffany's body fell softly and was gently caught by Chen Rui.

Camer's palm, the ruling of the ruling on the ground has already appeared in the hands. The next second, the ruling spear is like a meteor, and a silver death track is drawn in the air and flies straight to Chen Rui.

"Sleep, and when this nightmare wakes up, everything will get better."

The voice seemed to have some special power, and Tiffany was completely relaxed and slowly closed her eyes.

The moment behind the "Death Silver Line" is approaching, but Chen Rui still hasn't looked back, and Camel brows. Just now, Arthur’s retreat from Eudora was just a glimpse, but he has clearly felt the level of power. I dare not take a nap and cast this powerful ruling. Unexpectedly, I was ignored by the other party!

Dare to ignore the power of his Carmel, absolutely have to pay a heavy price!

At this moment, Carmel felt that everything had slowed down, his breathing, the movement of power, the fluctuations of space... including the spear of the flight ruling, all inexplicably slowed down.

Except for the voice of that voice.

This strange feeling... seems to be the misplacement of time? It was also seen before the attack on Yudola, but it was not so strong and obvious. Carmel thought of a very rare law force, could not help but shock.

In the blink of an eye, "slow" has returned to normal. As if everything was just an illusion, but the "Tiffany" of the gathering of the spirits has disappeared, the entire gathering of the spirits began to oscillate and shake, and it will be completely broken.

When it was said that it was late, it was fast, and the silvery light of the electric stone stopped suddenly, changed back to the shape of the spear, and was held tightly by one hand - I don't know when. Chen Rui has turned around and took the spear.

The spear was white, and it trembled slightly and screamed. However, it is impossible to advance half a point.

Carmel's pupils contracted, and he continually mobilized three national powers, and wanted to detonate the power of the ruling. Actually all were suppressed by the other side.

This is not the kind of clever "technique" before the purple woman, but pure "power"!

"Arthur" actually suppressed his octagonal angel with absolute power. And still above this bright mountain!

Camille’s hand was a trick, and Chen Rui felt his palms empty. The spear of the ruling has disappeared and returned to Camer.

Camer's eight wings show, appeared in front of Chen Rui, the whole person instantly turned into countless shadows, holding a spear, attacking Chen Rui from all directions, each shadow's attack moves and orientations are different, but they are all The part of the enemy that will be saved.

Numerous figures form a perfect attacking battle, and the power of the ruling spear is intertwined into a sharp air net, which seals Chen Rui's room for all parry or dodge.

This move is called "absolute". It is a big move by Carmel to integrate weapons with the power of the gods and the talents. With the "rules" that can't escape and can't be parried, they can only suffer.

Chen Rui hugged his hands and painted two semi-arcs. The power of a circle of water ripples spread, with a little bit of starlight.

Where the water pattern passed, the countless figures suddenly became confused. It seems that a paper that was supposed to be very logical, suddenly pointed out various loopholes, and suddenly appeared to be a preface and contradictory.

In the distance, everyone saw only ripples, and the countless intertwined figures disappeared from each other, and eventually the "squeaky" sounded into nothing.

Then everyone's eyes became blurred. It seems that the two figures are moving at high speed. With the fast-paced turbulence, the nearby space is constantly undergoing terrible changes of fragmentation and distortion.

Only after a while, the strength was dizzy, and some people even fainted on the spot.

The blurred space becomes clear again and freezes in a picture.

In midair, the face of the Eight-winged Angel Carmel was held in one hand.

In the next second, everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted to the bottom.

There is the next "fixed" picture.

Carmel was held under his head and his body was pressed into the ground.

The whole Dengyunping trembled, and Camer’s body was deeply immersed in the hard enchantment, and under the strong pressure of the hand on his head, it was still deepening, and the nearby ground could not bear it. The pressure has cracked. Under the action of a powerful force field, it seems to be out of gravity, and the gravel continues to float vertically.

A huge pothole appeared in the line of sight, as if a terrible giant meteorite fell to the ground.

Everything is because of that hand.

"Arthur" hand!

Even those viewers who can't understand the two major gods fighting China or the law, can understand the current situation, and all the heart is shocked - the legendary octagonal angel Camer, the second highest in the legend, is the strongest. The half-god, actually pressed by Arthur, who only has the strength of "class"!

Stanwell feels that the eyelids jump straight - this is completely suppressed! The Eight-winged Angel Carmel, even in the "Arthur", no, Melia's son-in-law Richard has no power to fight back!

This is the real strength of that guy?

When I was in the Dragon Valley, if this guy used 1% of this power, then I wouldn’t even have the **** left... Stanwell’s throat swallowed hard.

Anyway, I will see a fierce girl in the future, and I will bow my head.

The strength of this guy is so strong, and the means are so brilliant. If you look at your sister, what is the "big scorpion" is not a must...

Qi Lanya did not know that the dragon elders on the side had become more and more chaotic. Looking at the situation in the field, the beautiful face of the elf was more and more surprised. She remembers very clearly that the last time she was in the psychedelic forest, although this human being showed great strength, it has not reached this level. It seems that in this short period of time, Lola and this human strength have A big leap.

Among the guests, the most shocked was Lan Bi Si, she could not believe her eyes: This is the "Arthur" who "almost" became his fiancé?

Looking at the figure that pressed Carmel into the ground, the eyes of His Royal Highness Princess Pearl were awkward.

Just now "Arthur" said a word to the woman who was imprisoned.

"follow me."

If it is her, she is imprisoned in the Jedi, a sacred place, will he reach out to her in desperation?

If this sentence is said to her, will she go with him?

? ?

Regardless of "if", the reality is that she has made a choice.

"My way." Princess Pearl whispered three words to herself.

Carmel couldn't believe the facts at hand. It was also the strength of the peak and the half god. Whether it was the law, the kingdom or the power of faith, he was completely curbed by Arthur!

It is not only strength, but also a kind of spiritual level. It is only a sub-god level of power, but it seems to be far above this level, which makes him unable to resist.

This should be the feeling that his legendary angel usually brings to the enemy!

At the moment, he was crushed to play an absolute disadvantage, and he was shocked and angry when he was always invincible. He was about to display the last desperate move, and his face was light, and the other party had already lost his power.

Cameran screamed, his strength burst, and he came out from the amazing pothole. He saw that the other party had appeared in the distance, looked up at the didn’t look at him at all, as if he Just a negligible ant.

In the sky, the sun suddenly dazzled, and a strand of light spread with a special pressure.

Under the brilliance of this radiance, the power of the Gathering Array, which had already been disintegrated, reunited, as if it had become a kind of prison, and blocked the entire Dengyunping.

The spirit of Carmel has been alive, and Rafael is here! (To be continued.)

Ps: I would like to thank Dr. Ye for his reward and suggestions. Thanks to all the friends who have won the rewards (limited length, not to mention the sorry one by one), the end of the year is too busy. After a few days, I am going to go to bed with a slight correction. I am afraid it is too late. Insomnia, the book review did not pay attention. I only saw your support suggestions today, thank you very much for your understanding.

I will listen carefully to the valuable opinions. I am very grateful for the normal criticism. As for the malicious insults, I am even the rest of the readers. I will ban them directly. Women are pleasing to others, and sorcerers die for themselves. Since the road is different, why not again.

Finally, thank all the friends who support and care, please continue to go hand in hand with me, I believe that not only the world of God and the konjac.

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