Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 120: Jealous royal family! Mysterious tracker

Chen Rui did not expect that he would be taken to the Wetland by the noble woman!

According to common sense, if the three-day time can't reach the wet night, it should be that the noble woman has displayed some special means.

“The range of night wetlands is very large, we just walk to the edge.”

Chen Rui was a little addicted and asked: "Isn't you getting rid of the followers?"

The noble woman gave him a deep look: "Richard, you are really smart. To be honest, I still don't fully believe in your teacher's affairs, even if you have come up with black sè potions and sacred spirits. However, even if you don't have these, you are also a very good person with your personal ability. I am willing to recommend you to Catherine, I can guarantee that you get more than you think."

Chen Rui was a little surprised. He smiled a little: "Can I get more? Includes a mysterious beauty?"

"In the devil world, as long as your value is sufficient, nothing can be obtained.

The answer of the noble woman is very clever, neither acknowledged nor rejected.

Chen Rui remembers that Xia had said something similar. Somehow, suddenly she missed a certain sister.

"I am sorry, I don't know what I can get, but what I can be sure of is that if I promise you, I will lose more than I thought."

Originally, the yīn shadow empire was a good choice, but Athena would not leave the dark moon. Chia and Alice also had a certain position in his heart, and there were some friends of Ardaz... many of them added together, which made him unable to Give up the dark moon. Of course, the most important thing is that Paglio’s lock of light and dark is not unlocked, and he can’t leave Blue Bō Lake. As a target of the symbiotic contract, even if Chen Rui takes Ashina together, he will go to the yīn movie. Not guaranteed.

"Your choice makes me feel sorry." Your lady sighed. "But I appreciate your frankness. I hope that you can live and hope today... We will not become enemies too early."

Chen has a secret sorrow: frankness is a fart, the key is that your woman’s wisdom is too terrible, otherwise it will have been used for swindling and counting the bitterness of the man. Unfortunately, it’s a problem now.

Your daughter took Chen Rui deep into the wet night, and saw all kinds of Warcraft crocodiles and giant sticks on the way. If they are placed on the earth, they are already powerful predators on the hegemonic side. However, here is just the food chain. Lower species of the lower layer. Chen Rui saw with his own eyes that a strong four-legged monitor lizard would easily tear a squid that was twice as large as the earth. It also saw that the defensive giant carnivorous tortoise was instantly sucked into by several terrible dragons. An empty shell.

The noble woman did not provoke these creatures, generally avoiding it, and occasionally there is a close to the powerful World of Warcraft, which is also stunned by the power of her body, turning around and running.

Gradually, it was dark.

The swamp at night is very cold, and the low sound of the beasts is heard from time to time.

Chen Rui did not see the magic house on the carriage, because the props are characterized by the control can control the interior of the space but the outside defense is not enough, it must be guarded, so it is not suitable for use in such places.

The lady used is a tent. It is also a kind of magic space prop. It looks just a little outside. The interior is roughly equivalent to a single space of ten square meters. The ground is thick carpet, as well as floor tiles, lighting magic lights, etc. The objects are all available, and the biggest function is to be able to observe the scene outside the tent at any time.

These kinds of magical props are of great value, and ordinary people rarely see them. I don’t think that this mysterious and precious woman who is rich in money is actually the royal family of the yīn shadow empire.

The two men rested in the tent every two hours or so, and the noble woman ate the next fruit, and then closed her eyes and digested. The faint strength of the body made Chen Rui dare not act rashly.

Chen Rui’s previous feelings are really not that the power of the wrong woman is slowly weakening, and every time she eats a fruit, it weakens one point. However, in the eyes of the analysis, it is still displayed as "unable to judge."

In contrast, Chen Rui is much more boring. In the days of Leia Town, he has completely converted the remaining waste mines in the storage warehouse. Now the total amount of reiki has reached 1.1 million, but unfortunately No use.

"What is your state?" Your daughter has already absorbed the fruit and asked to sit in the ground.

"A song, when you are bored, you scream." Chen Rui smiled: "I haven't heard of it, this is what I created."

In this case, this famous song of the earth is indeed the first time, and Chen Rui unceremoniously takes copyright as his own.

"I have never heard of it, but I can hear it. It should have been a melodious tone, but it has been stunned by you. It is hard to imagine that you are actually a creator." Chen Rui’s rare blushing red, the state wants to be hard To say that your level of appreciation is not good, you can see that your noble woman actually took out a thing from the space ring, put it into the veil, and gently blew it up. It was the song that the state was only his.

Not only is it accurate, but even some of the tone-changing places have been corrected, and quite a bit of the far-reaching charm of the original tone, as if she is the original creator of the song.

Chen Rui was dumb, and any tricks were clouds in front of this absolute strength. Fortunately, the state did not slap again, otherwise it would only be a fool of itself.

Your daughter stopped playing: "Sorry, I used to like music very much. Now I hear new songs, I can't help but swear, do you have other songs?"

Is this also ugly? Chen Rui has a sense of self-confidence and has the most familiar nocturne. This time, I have to worry a lot.

After the noble woman listened, she did not play it immediately, but silently rang for a while before she blew it up. In the mist of the wet land, the tune of the tune reverberated, as if the fairy walking alone in the night, enjoying the dark lonely hug.

The music is gradually quiet, Chen Rui feels that there is no emptiness in his heart, I have to admire: genius, this is a genius! Just listen to it once and you can grasp the charm of music.

"This song, I like it very much, what is it?" The woman suddenly asked.

"The solo dance under the moon. It seems to be created by a human bard." In front of the expert, Chen Rui certainly did not dare to pretend to be the original, and asked a question: "Do you think this song is very lonely? ?"

"Do you want to, by the way, ask me if I am cold? I have seen too much of this means of attack. If you want to use this to bring us closer, it will make me lose a little bit of the original, honest. , the good feeling."

Seeing that Chen Rui’s expression is stagnation, the woman’s eyes are smiling. “No matter what, thank you for your song, I might play it when I am lonely. In fact... I am too busy, even the lonely time is not very Maybe this is the first and last time."

Are you busy with lonely time? Chen Rui suddenly remembered that Xia said, "I don't remember when I laughed last time." The inexplicable feeling of two words reveals the same emotion, then shook his head and stopped this strange association.

"I am cold and hungry now. Can Xiaojie sister get some food, can't she get the two songs?"

"These two songs are worth a little food? It is an invaluable asset for those who love music." Your daughter shook her head. "Fortunately, these two songs are mine now."

Chen Rui also shook his head: "I wanted to say that I was left in the two songs, let me go. But I think I can be more valuable than these two songs, so I just resisted it."

The noble woman couldn't help but smiled softly: "You are a very special person. Even if it is me, I can't help but be infected by your emotions. With you, there is a rare kind of relaxation. To be honest, I appreciate your wisdom and optimism. If... there are not too many impossible words, maybe I will be touched by you."

"I don't dare to have too much extravagant hope. I just said that I still carry this uncoordinated thing." Chen Rui lifted the Golden Crystal Lock. "Without it, I think we already have a little friend feeling."

"Friend?" The noble woman looked at him faintly. "As long as you are willing to join the yīn Shadow Empire, there will be such a day."

"Planning is far from being able to keep up with the changes. It is too early to say that now." Chen Rui did not want to confuse the road for a moment. "Small sister-in-law is better to get some prey. We can eat barbecue, maybe the flavor is still What kind of dragons and peerless powers can be brought to me, save me from your clutches."


After one night passed, it was still every two hours or so. Your daughter took a Lingguo because she had previously slept for three days. Chen Rui did not feel tired. The noble woman had already taken seven of them. The strength has obviously reduced a big realm. I don't know if it is illusory, and the height is a little shorter. However, in the display of the analytical eye, the strength is still "unable to judge." Chen Rui was secretly shocked, but also fortunate that he did not act rashly. The poisonous dragon had a little bit of poison, but with the lessons of Bannak, he did not dare to come. The wisdom of this noble woman was a hundred times better than that of Bannak. Never be self-defeating.

In the morning, the two talked a few words and ate some things. The noble woman suddenly stood up and waved her hand and the fire suddenly went out. Chen Rui had different feelings and immediately closed his mouth. The noble woman grabbed him and ran for a while, until a piece of redwood forest stopped, placed him behind a tree, and then several ups and downs disappeared.

Chen Rui secretly calculated Your daughter came to the wet night, it should be to get rid of the followers, find a safe place to absorb the power of "nothing, mysterious fruit, I can not think of the tracer is so powerful, all the way Trailing here.

樘螂 樘螂 蝉, the oriole is behind. Well, the law is good, but with his current strength, even if you unlock the Golden Crystal lock, you can't be a squirrel. Although the noble woman has been very polite all the way, and so far, the atmosphere between the two is still harmonious and friendly. However, the heart is hard to remember, Chen Rui's identity is still a prisoner, who knows that after the end of his use value, this "friendly, noble woman will treat him.

The most crucial thing now is "the will of the dark, not in the hand, with his strength, wanting to escape in this completely strange night wetland, may be zero.

About half an hour passed, and the noble woman still didn't come back. When Chen Rui couldn't help but want to transform Jin Jing's lock, there was a hint in the eyes of the analysis, and there was a person in front.

What surprised Chen Rui was that the eye of the analysis was not a noble woman.

Race: jealous of the royal family.

Comprehensive strength assessment: unable to judge! @.

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