Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 121: Devil King! Shadow General Bai Luo

The people in front of this woodland are the same as the oil lìya, but they are also jealous of the royal family! And the strength is still above the di lìya!

Is it... "What did I find?" yīn's cold male voice rang, "A humble reptile?"

Sen cold's tone seems to be more thorough than the cold wind in the early morning.

Chen Rui knew that the whereabouts had been seen by the other party and had to come out from behind the tree. In the mist of the morning, a tall man stood. The man had a long hair with a blue sè, and he could see the handsome facial features, wearing a silver sè, and cloaking and dancing in the wind.

The man did not deliberately release the power, but Chen Rui instinctively felt a terrible breath, and was stunned by the man’s cold eyes. Rao was his willpower, and he felt chilling as if he was being stared by a poisonous snake. frog.

This kind of familiar power... is the nightmare!

This man's nightmare, without special display, seems to be natural, just look at people, you can generate a powerful deterrent. The same is the nightmare, Di Lì Ya and this man, the difference is almost no way.

"It turned out to be a shackled reptile." The blue-haired man did not hide his contemptuous attitude: "Even if it is out of bondage, the reptile is still a reptile. Say! Where is Christina?"

Chen Ruicai knows that the name of the noble woman is Christina, barely countering the pressure of the nightmare, and raised the slap in the hand: "I look like this, where do you know?"

When the man saw the cockroach in this eye, he dared to speak with such a casual attitude." Coldly snorted, Chen Rui felt that the heart seemed to be hammered, and the breath seemed to stop in an instant.

This sudden attack is completely different from the deep prying of Di Lìya. The super system can't be transformed. In addition, Chen Rui can't use Starpower now. This cold voice has already caused him to be seriously injured. This is still a passive feature of "spiking spirit". Xìng absorbed a part of the attack, otherwise this sound can make him dying on the spot.

Chen Rui's face rose red, and finally couldn't help but spit out a blood. "The heart raised a chill: this man is so powerful, so cruel, in a word, it must be a human life!"

When the man saw this unpowered cockroach, he did not die. He was surprised by the slightest sensation in his eyes. Chen Rui saw that the fog around him changed rapidly and turned into a team of soldiers wearing armor and holding sharp blades. Rush toward him.

Chen Rui has an intuition. This misty soldier is definitely not an illusion, but a powerful killing force!

At the time of crisis, suddenly there was a blur in front of me, and the foggy soldiers became thinner and thinner. They had not yet reached Chen Rui, and they had turned into a faint dissipated.

"I didn't expect that the imperial empire's three demons will be the first, and Bailuoliweitan will actually poison the imprisoned weak person for no reason." ”

The voice of your noble woman rang from the back of Chen Rui. When the words just fell, people had already appeared in front of them.

Hearing the man's name, Chen Rui finally determined the speculation in his heart: Bailuo, the brother of Di Lìya, the yīn shadow empire three devils will be the first, when the mighty di lìya married the Chancellor of the Treasury.

I can't think of the power of Bailuo. It is so much stronger than Dilu I, who is a demon king. Chen Rui has a feeling of invisibility. The real strength of Bailuo is likely to have surpassed the big devil king. Christina is also like this.

Although he has practiced from a weak human being to the power of the high-level demon now, compared with these strong, as Christina said, it is only a "weak". Above Bailuo and Christina, there should be a stronger strongman, and even the emperor is not the pinnacle of power.

Chen Rui’s previous self-sufficiency disappeared without a trace, and it became a firm belief.

"Miss is the most mysterious noble woman in the imperial royal family, Christina." Bai Luo elegantly performed an aristocratic etiquette, compared with the cruel and cruel, just like a change, "I am very honored to see Miss."

Christina also gave a ceremonial "still calm tone:" General Bai Luo, don't you know that tracking a lady is very rude? ”

“It’s a bit rude.” Bai Luo smiled slightly: “Just as an admirer, this persistent pursuit of pursuit is also excusable. I personally came and wanted to invite the lady to visit my house. I wonder if the lady can enjoy the light? ”

"Unfortunately, I already have a male companion." Christina looked at Chen Rui and said, "I have to live up to the general's hospitality." ”

"It's hard to believe that Miss will choose such a waste as a male companion." Bai Luo looked at Chen Rui with disdain. "What's more, did you seal your male partner with a copy?"

"Don't underestimate the jealousy of a woman, this is afraid that he will escape and go to another woman." Christina said indifferently: "If the general has nothing else, please don't hinder our sī people's taste."

Sī people fun?镣 ?? Bundle? Chen Rui was a little bit responsive to Christine’s bold words.

"Miss is really unusual." Bailuo brows slightly wrinkled, "Sī things are here, then as the general of the empire, I think it is necessary to ask the lady about the official business. I sent the guardian's men to kill." ""

"The original ones that prevented me from completing the mission of Catherine were the generals of the general. I am specially approved by the Queen for this trip. Is it that your subordinates defy the orders of Her Majesty, not personal actions, but from the generals? ?"

"The command of His Majesty is to let you and a man come to this place to do something unspeakable?" Bai Luo sneered, and the words became mean.

"This is nothing to see, I am looking forward to a family, in terms of emotions than other royal families." Christina said very broadly, the next sentence is **** for tat: "I heard that General Bai Luo for some kind of The purpose is to hunt down her sister and force her to marry the old Chancellor of the Exchequer?"

"This is my family matter! I don't need to ask outsiders!" Bai Luo's face gradually yīn Shen: "Miss kills my subordinates" must give me a statement. ”

"I went out and walked under the command of your majesty. Do you want to defy the command of your majesty?"

"Where is the warrant?"

"I have already given Dilìya the power of attorney to deal with the affairs of Leia Town. However, there is also the royal family's ring of the royal family, who can act on the plane." Christina raised the ring of the right middle finger.

"I am a soldier. I have never heard of any royal family's ring. I will only obey the instructions handed down by my Majesty!" Bailuo's voice suddenly became superb, and the surrounding fog began to gather quickly. "So, I had to use a tough means to put the lady." Brought back to the emperor, and clarified before the Catherine.

When the words just fell, the army of thousands of people suddenly appeared in the fog, attacking Christina Qiqi, Christina quickly painted his hands, and there was a substantial b ō pattern in the air, and the army was lapped by this b Circle dàng漾, suddenly restored to the original fog.

"Elements weakened?" Bailuo's foggy army was broken, and there was no movement at all. He praised: "Miss's talent is really high, and she can wake up the blood of the Asmode king to this level! Unfortunately, the power of the lady." Still weaker, although you are very close to the level of the emperor, the subtlety of power control is amazing. But unfortunately, I have fully mastered the power of the Devil. You will soon experience the absolute gap between the two. ”

Sure enough, it is the devil level! Chen Rui was shocked. He was surprised not only by the power of the White Night, but also by Christina. Because only he knows that Christina has fallen into a big realm after taking seven spirits, then Christina’s original state...

In any case, Christina is now in a weak state, and it is quite dangerous to be in the heyday of Bailuo.

In the air, a square metal body with a height of four meters appeared in the air. As the head of Bailuo squatted down, Bailuo’s figure flashed and appeared in the rear. The metal body fell straight into the soil.” The ground of the whole red leaf forest was trembled. It can be seen that the power is great, Chen Rui has been caught by Christina and jumped to the safe area.

The metal body seems to be alive. It is pulled out from the soil and quickly decomposed into a five-meter-high figure in the air. In addition to the accident of the eyes, there are no other organs on the face. The body is engraved with various strange symbols, giving off a faint green. Rays. The metal man has not yet landed, and volleyed toward Bailuo, and the action was not awkward because of the huge size. Instead, it was extremely fast.

Chen Rui looked silly, up to? wrong! Transformers? Not right! There is such a thing in the devil world!

"War? Is it Christina, even the strongest talent of the Asmode kings is awakened!"

Like a living warrior, the war launched a powerful offensive against Bailuo. The ground trembled violently. The trees along the way were uprooted as if they were dying. They danced in the air, and the ground was full of destroyed potholes, even In the distance, I can feel the strong wave impact of that stock. Chen Rui saw this level of fighting for the first time, only to feel dazzled, but to change his current strength, I am afraid of a face-to-face, Can be killed by the war.

Although the power of the war is staggering, Bailuo has always been evasive and has not suffered any damage at all. After a while, Bailu seems to be somewhat no more dodge, the right hand opened the five fingers and greeted. When the big war was in the air about ten meters from Bailuo, it seemed to encounter an invisible barrier, and the rapid movements began to slow down.

Bai Luo’s figure shook slightly, and the blue sè became black. The speed of the war is getting slower and slower. When it is about three meters away from Bailuo, it can no longer go further. The metal body began to tremble slightly and seemed to be under tremendous pressure.

Bai Luo snorted and suddenly appeared on the top of the war. His body fell straight and his feet fell on the war. "咔", a huge pothole with a diameter of tens of meters appeared, and most of the war smashed into the soil of the most 〗 〖Central, and moved for a while. There was no pain in the war, and I still tried to pull out my body and continue to attack.

Bailuo and his fists are linked together. In the air, he only lives in a vagueness. He does not know how many laps he has. He only hears the intensive high-speed hitting sound. The depth of the 〗 〖Chongkeng Cave increases rapidly.

When Bailuo stopped, the five-meter-high war scorpion had become a distorted metal, and there were scattered pieces around it, and the previous human form could not be seen at all.

Bailu suddenly wrinkled and jumped out of the pothole, and saw that Christina and Chen Rui had disappeared. @.

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