Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 129: Drive the tiger to swallow! Black field of Bailuo

Bai Luo’s self-defense in the air is not very good, and the opponent is not only the Dragon King, but also a large number of two-legged dragons. To solve it, I am afraid I will have to work harder. From the perspective of the magical scorpion, Christina should be hidden in a nearby corner, and certainly want to wait for his power consumption or l out of the flaws to launch a fatal blow.

Christina’s power has not yet reached the demon level. It was not enough to worry about it, but she was able to use the mosque of the Asmode king’s artifact, although she could only use a small part of the power of the artifact, and she almost ate him. Big loss, have to be cautious.

However, from another angle, as long as you can get rid of Christina, you can get the strongest artifact of the yīn shadow empire, although it can not be used, but can be used as an important bargaining chip, which is extremely important to his plan.

The flying dragon's flight speed is extremely fast, but it is not far away. Just hovering in this area, when Bailu is ready to launch the dream magical force to kill the dragon king at the fastest speed, he suddenly hears the trembling of the ground. Getting closer and closer, it seems that there is a big Warcraft coming over.

This World of Warcraft played, even Bailuo not only frowned a Hydra! And more than one!

The heights of the two Hydras are about seven or eight meters. The surface is covered with thick scales of dark green sè. The abdomen is white, the limbs are extremely thick, and the tail is thick. The most conspicuous are the head and neck of nine snakes. Every head looks very incomparable.

The size is slightly larger, the scales are darker, only the female xìng, the slightly smaller is the male xìng, the breath of these two giant beasts is more powerful than the two-legged dragon king, especially the female xìng Hydra, which is close to the demon Level, and the strength of Warcraft is more than the ordinary Mozu, even if it is Bailuo, it can not be underestimated.

What makes Bai Luo feel puzzled is that the Jiuzheng Snake originally seemed to be directed at the group of Wyverns, but suddenly stared at himself in the air, and his eyes shot a fierce light.

"Let you see, my strongest partner, Hydra," a fake fox fox master's counterfeit beast master is in a timely manner.

In fact, Chen Ruizheng at the same time through the eyes of the analysis, the various evils committed by Bai Luo, feedback to the Hydra.

The Hydra also expressed strong hostility to the Dragon King and the guy on the back, but the biggest "winner" was a white scorpion with a viscous liquid.

Wisdom, civilization and strength are the power of the dragon's proud capital Hydra, which is close to the dragon, but the wisdom is far less than the real dragon, probably equivalent to the level of the dragon king, and there is a special jìng, that is Very vengeful.

In the eyes of the Hydra, the Wyvern, which is headed by the Dragon King, is an unquestioned enemy. The conflict between the two sides is not a day or two. But the most hated, but the guy in the air wearing silver armor!

Originally, the two Hydras will not be dispatched at the same time. At least one of the three most important snake eggs will be kept in the nest xué to protect them. However, this is not necessary now! Because last night, this guy wearing a silver armor and the Dragon King, stole the snake eggs with a trick!

Last night, the Hyundai’s nest, xué, had a big battle. The Dragon King actually took the initiative to launch the attack. When the males were fighting, the other two-legged dragons repeatedly criticized the females, and the females were jealous. The head snake couldn't bear it, and finally couldn't help but launch an attack. As a top-level World of Warcraft in the Wetland Pyramid, how can we tolerate these weak and powerful guys to challenge?

However, when the female Hyundai was successful, a terrible thing happened. The guy wearing the silver armor suddenly stole the snake egg and fled the nest xué on the dragon king.

Although killing a lot of Wyverns, it is an unforgivable mistake to lose the snake eggs!

If it wasn't for the abominable Dragon King, all the way around a circle of snakes and eggs, the two Hydras had already sneaked into the nest of the Wyvern Dragon, but they must save the three precious snake eggs before this.

Chen Rui’s reversal to the Hydra is not only the act of stealing snake eggs from Bailu last night, but also more horrible evil deeds... The female Hydra listened to Chen Rui’s consciousness and No polite, the most 〗 〖Central yang, the first mouth, spurting a green flame, direct attack on the Dragon King.

Chen Rui saw this hand when he pretended to be a white robber to steal the snake eggs last night. The dragon king had precautions and swept away.

Although the guy behind the Dragon King was very suspicious, the culprit who stole the snake eggs last night was in the air, and the two Hydra were angry. The silver armor’s body was faintly shocked. The familiar smell of tremors!

Snake eggs!

The snake eggs that Jane’s life is really like the people behind the Dragon King! Was ruined by the silver armor!

The eighteen heads of the two Hydras made a screaming scream, and the voice was filled with indescribable anger. The female rapper had the ability to attack long distances. Three heads could spray flames and venom. Time, venom and flames spared no effort to spray into the air of Bailuo. Bai Ruo did not know that the previously destroyed tent was a snake egg of Hydra. He did not expect that the mucus and debris on the body of the thunderball would be the snake egg of Hydra. He is now paying careful attention. In the surrounding situation, pay attention to the biggest blow that Christina might launch. The power of the yīn cloak should not be underestimated.

The Hydra attacked Chen Rui, the "beastmaster," and Bai Luo had some doubts. Suddenly he saw the Hydra madly attacking himself and he was busy.

Because the Hydra has a long-range attack, it doesn't make much sense in the air, but it will be passive, and Bailu will come down again. As soon as he landed, he encountered a mad attack by two Hydra.

In fact, the strong atmosphere of Bailuo’s body has to be overwhelmed by the Hydra. The deterrent of the Devil’s Devil also makes them bogey, but the snake’s eggs are destroyed and the hatred is too high, so the Hydra ignores it. Everything launched a crazy attack.

The melee ability of Hydra is quite terrible. Nine heads are like nine enemies with poisonous poisons. At the same time, the power of attack is definitely more than one by nine. Especially the power of the female Hydra is close to the demon level. In this special attack mode, even Bailuo is a little tired of coping.

The two-legged dragons have quietly evacuated to the distance under the command of the Dragon King. Chen Rui continues to watch the war with the Dragon King far away. If he leaves, Bai Luo is likely to abandon the battle with the Hydra, all the way through the clues. Christina’s dragon nest, xué, has been abandoned.

Bai Luoyi 咋 闪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Commanding the Dragon King to launch an attack, seeing Bailuo rushing, Feilong Jiang rose to the sky.

Bai Luo was so angry that he could have used the powerful killing of the remote to kill the Dragon King and Chen Rui in one fell swoop, but still had some intentions about the treasure of the Wetland Wetland. No matter what, it’s good to leave a live torture. This is an important secret of the Leviathan royal family. If it can be obtained, the strength will increase greatly.

The Hydra has once again come up, although I don’t understand why the dead-to-head dragon king and the silver armor are “guilty”, but the biggest culprits who steal and destroy the snake eggs are the targets that must be broken.

Bai Luo’s mind was moved, and the water droplets in the nearby puddles rose up, turning into countless sharp small ice cones and flying over the Hydra. However, the skin of the Hydra is extremely tough, and the ice cone can only be nailed through the scales and cannot penetrate the skin.

Just as the action of the Hydra stopped because of the ice cone, Bai Luo’s figure suddenly appeared above the male Hydra, and the blood in his hand was so full that he only heard the screams of the Hydra, and the three heads were smashed. Falling, the fractures flow out a lot of dark purple liquid. Almost at the same time, the female's abdomen also has a deep and bone-like blood. The thick scales and tough skin can't resist the sharpness of the blood sword. The ground is cracked out of the ten by the power of this sword. Yumi’s long ditch is coming.

Hydra has a special xìng, as long as one head does not die, it will not really die, and the more severe the injury, the more terrible the fighting power, the injury does not let the Hydra retreat, but the jī made a fierce, the attack is more violent.

Bai Luo and his two heads of the Hydra, the crystal wall of the bodyguard, has been fragile under the continuous bombardment of the male venomous snake, and it has been smashed by its long tail. Bai Luo blood sword flashed, the long tail of the male xìng Hydra was made two ~ ~ but the shoulder armor was also hit by the green fire sprayed by the female.

The effect of this green fire is not burning, but infiltration, even penetrated the armor into the body, only to feel a numbness in the shoulders, the movement seems to be a bit dull, apparently poisoned, one by one Behind, I ate a female xìng Hydra, a heavy tail sweep, ōng mouth, the armor behind it has been severely deformed, and turned back in anger, sorrow, the female xìng Hydra is left. Four heads.

The Bailutangtang Devil-level powerhouse was actually angered in a "skull-beatmaster, two of the two World of Warcraft who had not yet reached the level of the emperor. They were extremely angry, and Christina might be sneaked at the side and screamed. Without retaining the strength, the eyes of the blue sè suddenly turned into black.

Chen Rui only felt that the sky above the wet night was suddenly dimmed, and the heartbeat seemed to start to slow down. Seeing Bailuo as the center, a circle of black sè is moving rapidly around, and the range within 100 meters in diameter has all become a black sè field, braving the faint smoke, and Bai Luo’s body has been strange. The change finally turned into a group of dark smoke without entities!

The movements of the two Hydras suddenly slowed down, and even the Flying Dragon King could not control the sudden heavy body and the flapping wings, and stumbled down to the ground. @.

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