Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 130: Bloody

Finally, the Flying Dragon King is the strongest two-legged dragon, not letting Chen* come to a high altitude from the height of the 〗 〖 from the falling body, carrying him barely landing.

As soon as I landed, Chen Rui’s feelings became more familiar, and it turned out that gravity is changing! The gravity of this black sè field is equivalent to four times the gravity. The shape of the Hydra is huge, and the field that adapts to this kind of gravity is the most disadvantaged, and the action is getting harder and harder.

The female xìng Hydra has the strongest strength, and the strongest anti-xìng in the black sè field, one mouth, wants to spray green fire or venom, but I don’t know why, even after a few sprays, it’s actually a little venom or There are no flames.

The sneer of Bailuo came from the black smoke, and a large amount of smoke began to spread toward the Hydra. The attack of the Hydra can only smother the black smoke, and it has gathered again in a blink of an eye, and more and more, surrounded by two Hydra.

Black smoke seems to be life-like, densely surrounding the wound part of the Hydra, and constantly seeping in. The weaker male xìng Hydra made a scream of screaming, and the flesh and blood seemed to be slowly taken out. The large body slowly dried up and finally became an empty skin.

The female xìng Hydra was surprised and angry, but had to fight for fate and force, while resisting gravity, while dispelling black smoke to save the life. However, its power is also rapidly weakening, the surrounding black smoke is gradually thicker, the speed of polymerization is far faster than the speed of being scattered. Obviously, the footsteps of the Hydra are only a matter of time.

It is indeed an insurmountable scorpio between the demon level and the demon level. Even the powerful World of Warcraft like the Hydra is the same.

The field of gravity is over, and the black smoke turned into white is indeed quite horrible. Not only is the attack ineffective, but it is also as if the demon can swallow the flesh and blood. Chen Rui is secretly surprised, and quickly flies away from the dragon king, and he sneaks in the other direction. .

As soon as the smoke in front of him suddenly became rich, a cloud of black smoke appeared out of nowhere, blocking Chen Rui’s way. There is no smog in the smog of the entity, and a pair of murderous black cockroaches are faintly visible.

"The Master of the Beast, Master of Magic, is very good. It seems that Christina has captured a great captive! To remind you that not only all attacks are ineffective to me in this nightmare field, but you cannot use any specials. Ability or magic item!"

Chen Rui did not expect that Bai Luo had a nightmare field with banned power and magic props. No wonder that even the Hydra could not use the ability of long-range attack. He secretly tried the remaining one of the Thunderballs, and he did not respond, and he could not help but be shocked. .

In fact, Bailuo’s words are not true. As long as the power can exceed Bailuo, it can be free from the limitation of use ability, and it cannot limit the artifacts of the yīn cloak. However, the nightmare field is indeed very powerful. For Bailuo without physicality, ordinary attacks can't hurt. This is already one of Bailuo's strongest tricks. It was originally reserved for Christina, and now he is actually ravaged by this reptile. The characters are forced out.

"I won't make the mistakes of the last time. You don't have to tell the secrets of Christina and the treasure. Before you become a skeleton," I will take these things out of your mind in advance! ”

Chen Ruiyong had a strong sense of crisis, and he was paired with black and faint eyes in the black smoke. He felt a whirlwind and was wrapped up by the smoke.

How powerful is the nightmare of Bailuo's emperor, and he does not know how many times he is stronger than Bindy, and instantly disintegrates Chen Rui's will defense and penetrates his heart.

Get the situation and location of Christina! Get the secret of the night sun wetland treasure map!

You can even get the secret of his beast! Finally, **** the flesh of this guy!

If it wasn’t for these purposes, this guy was already killed by the secret technology when he was riding the Dragon King in the air!

White Luopan is very good, but when he is most proud of the nightmare, he enters Chen Rui’s consciousness and suddenly changes.

No Christina, no treasure map" There is no secret!

Only... red sè! Terrible fiery! Destroy the power of everything!

This is Bai Luo's three feelings from Chen Rui's consciousness, and only three.

In fact, Chen Rui’s will is not concentrated on the defense, but the determination of the transformation of the super system is fully determined. This is the experience gained in the confrontation with Di Lìya’s nightmare, although I don’t know the white Luo of the demon level. Is it effective, but in an emergency?" He can only gamble on this.

It seems that this treasure is right.

Without waiting for Bailu to react, the power of terrible destruction has expanded by a trillion times in an instant, and the eyes are full of hot horror red!

Bai Luo only feels that the power in the body is pouring out like a flowing water. It seems to be sent to the wild meat in the beast cage. It is swallowed wildly. When the whole force is recovered, the terrible destructive power is shocked back to the eyes, a pair of deep black. The eyes were instantly reflected in the fiery red sè. In the screams, the black smoke has become a humanoid entity.

Bai Luo’s painful eyes caught his eyes and there was blood flowing between the fingers. The power of Bailuo is far better than that of Dilu, and the counter-attacks are even stronger. His talents are different, Leviathan can only awaken the right eye of the nightmare, and his eyes are all nightmare, can display a powerful black field, fear of any physical attack, but also devour the spirit and flesh It is the most powerful talented eye owner of the "Jealous Royal Family".

However, today I met an ant-like opponent, and this turned out to be the strongest talent of the Leviathan royal family!

What is the power of the royal family? Even the beijing king of the "Devil's Left Eye" is not likely to have this power!

Chen Rui was a sly, suddenly felt the light in front of him, and returned to the original environment, the black smoke wrapped in his body disappeared, feeling the power of the nightmare field also weakened a lot. Wherever he dared to stay, his feet flicked and swept away as quickly as possible, trying to get out of this dangerous black area.

"Damn reptile!" Bai Luo squinted, screamed angrily, and a violent explosion occurred in the entire nightmare field. Chen Rui unexpectedly saw this change, and it was just in the air that was shocked by the explosion. "Behind a tall figure, the figure opened his wings without hesitation and protected him."

After the explosion stopped, the terrible nightmare field finally disappeared, but the land in the area seemed to have been thoroughly turned over from beginning to end, and there were traces of destruction of the monks everywhere.

Although Hydra's skin defense ability is extremely high, but because of the fact that most of the power was eroded by black smoke, and the force of the explosion is terrible, the injured female 九 走 走 走 走 , , 终于 终于 终于 终于 终于 终于 终于 终于 终于 终于 终于 终于Falling on the ground. But the worst is not the Hydra, but the Dragon King who protects Chen Rui.

Chen Rui was shocked to fly to the Dragon King's side, but it was an accident. However, the Dragon King did not hesitate and immediately protected him. Although the Dragon King has the wisdom to transcend the general two-legged dragon, the thinking of Warcraft is much simpler than the human or the devil. From a certain point of view, "simple" also means decisiveness and loyalty.

The tough wing of the Dragon King has been torn all the way. The scales and skin of the body are covered with lacerations. In the flesh and blood, the bones of Baisensen are lost. Fortunately, it has a mutated "strong" talent, otherwise Already long-awaited, but at the moment it was extremely heavy and basically lost its fighting power.

Chen Rui is also not hurt, although he only suffered an explosion, and most of the subsequent ones were taken over by the Dragon King, but the explosion of the Demon King’s power, even if it was the rest, was not his current dilemma. Beared. Feeling that bones, internal organs and even spiritual hún are all divided, the star power is almost completely scattered.

Just an incomplete blow completely defeated his defense. This is still because Chen Rui’s physique is special, otherwise it will be broken. The difference between the demon king and the high-end demon is really a difference between heaven and earth.

Bai Luo has barely opened his eyes, his eyes are shocking and bloody. Although the vision is still blurred, the injured nightmare quickly locked the most **** guy. The foot movement has already appeared in front of Chen Rui. Lived his arm.

Chen Rui’s warning sign has just been born. It’s too late to make any reaction and only hear the sound of broken bones. It seems that the whole right arm is not his own. After a moment of numbness, the pain of the cone is heard.

The most terrible invisible oppression, even the power of resistance, even if the super system makes Chen Rui not afraid of the war pressure of the royal family, but the deterrent of the demon emperor itself makes him almost unable to unite the residual star power.

The scarred Dragon King saw Chen Rui injured and struggled to attack Bai Luo. Bai Luo reached out and walked a few meters away. The body of the Dragon King was shot and flew out, and he fell to the ground and could no longer get up.

At this time, there was a roar in the air. Several venoms were sprayed toward Bailuo. There were dozens of huge figures in the sky. It turned out that the two-legged dragons saw the Dragon King and Chen Rui, and they rushed up to guard.

Bai Luo did not use the nightmare field again, because the anti-phagic and explosions have already greatly overstretched the power of the nightmare, but his own magical level is still strong, and the blood sword in his hand is extremely sharp, and he will come forward to rescue Chen Rui. The two-legged dragons are killed. The quality of this kind of battle, "quality" is irreparable by the "quantity".

Although they knew that they were not Bailuo’s opponents, the two-legged flying dragons did not hesitate to rush to the enemy, and they continued to suffer heavy casualties.

"Crawler, I want you to see your World of Warcraft all dead!"

The most innocent is actually the female xìng Hydra, which was regarded as the most important "Warrior" of Chen Rui. Only then came over and gave Bailu two green fires, and he was very reluctant to be smashed the ninth head.

Chen Rui feels that everything around him has become quiet. The ear can only hear the sound of his breathing. In the line of sight, the dragon king who has fallen in the distance and is still in the middle of the body is still struggling to rescue, one after another. The dragon rushed to Bailuo regardless of life and death, and fell one after another. His breathing was also rushing, feeling that the blood quickly flowed to the brain, and the roots were tightly bitten together.

"See you? Reptile! This is why you dare to offend me! That is Christina's end!" Bai Luo's teeth and teeth sounded in Chen Rui's heart. On the ground is the dead body, stumps and blood of the Wyvern.

In this way, the dragons of the dragon's nest xué will all die, and soon Bailuo will find Christina, and now Christina has no power to resist.

Chen Rui thought of a move, "Dark will" appeared on the left hand finger without injury, the transmission began to start.

Before the transfer, Chen Rui did something that he had not anticipated beforehand.

Bai Luo only felt that the right tu was tight, and he was hugged by the guy who broke free from the war. The roar came: "The reptile is your mother! Stupid!"

Then, Bai Luo felt a sudden and strange distortion of the whole body, and his heart was not good. It turned out that Chen Rui had launched the only transmission of "Dark Will", and he was leaving with Bai Luo.

Stay away from the Wyvern and stay away from the tent.

"Stupid..." A voice seemed to ring in the ear again.

Chen Rui suddenly smiled: a rare opportunity, actually did not escape, it is really stupid, impulsive is the devil.

Impulsiveness is not exactly equal to blood xìng, but blood xìng can not be separated from impulsiveness. Without this, men are not worthy of being called men. Stupid, innocent, **** man, is a man.

I feel that I should do it, and I will not regret it. This is him, no matter how powerful he is, it is still this heart.

When the heart of the 〗 〖Druid bottom line has been repeatedly broken, when the feelings gradually become numb, when the blood is completely buried by the so-called rationality, it is more terrible than the devil world, dark, cold world.

Under the watchful eyes of the two-legged dragons, the figures of Chen Rui and Bai Luo quickly began to blur, and after a strange twist in the space, they disappeared.

Although the two-legged dragons are simple in thinking, they also understand that this horrible enemy was taken away by the person's exertion, and the dragon king uttered a cry, and then, the whine sounded one after another.

However, after a while, a burst of crazy laughter suddenly came from the open space haha! The reptile is a reptile! It turned out that it was just a magical prop. "It turned out to be Bailuo. "Is it really want to carry the Leviathan kingdom with a nightmare? It’s time to do nothing! ”

Chen Rui’s heart has been completely calmed down. He couldn’t think of it. The nightmare of the nightmare can interfere with the transmission of the will of the dark. This time, the transmission of the life-saving is only a few hundred meters away!

The dragon king screamed, and the remaining two-legged dragons flew away toward the sound.

"Crawler! I want you to..."..."

Oh, the mad voice stopped and turned into a terrible scream, not Chen Rui, but Bai Luo!

Because Chen Rui detonated a thing, Thunderball.

The original Thunderbolt couldn't damage the White Emperor's level, but this last Thunderball was detonated with a bottle, a bottle filled with light green sè.

Paglio's venom! @.

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