Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 131: Nirvana! Black phoenix

If you just use Pagliu's venom to pour into Bailuo, you may not even touch the side, but the power of the thunderball is completely different.

Under the force of the thunderbolt explosion, the venom is equivalent to a bullet with strong corrosion, penetrates the skin defense of Bailuo, penetrates directly into the body, and bursts of blue smoke, even the face, Even the eyes were splattered.

Since Chen Rui was detonated underground, the heaviest injury was the lower part of Bailuo.

Bai Luo tightly licked the right eye splashed by the venom, and held a part of the lower body, making a fierce miserable. He never thought that this ant ant would actually bring such a heavy blow to himself, this is not only a heavy blow, but the most terrible is the kind of toxin that penetrates the body due to the explosion, in the body. Quickly rushing, with the power of his demon level, almost can not suppress!

In the screams, Bai Luo slammed his foot and stepped on Chen Rui’s mouth. He suddenly broke his flesh and broke through the ōng mouth and fell into the land, slowly pulling out. However, Chen Rui almost did not feel the pain, his body is far from being comparable to the Emperor level. The explosion of the Thunderball was actually a suicide act, which was originally fatally hit.

No matter how powerful the spirits of the spirits and the stars, after all, it is not resurrection, and the healing potion is the same, not to mention that he has no strength to take out the potion.

This time, it really is that there is nothing to fight in the end.

Chen Rui’s consciousness suddenly became clear, and he could clearly see the white-looking Bailuo and the two-legged dragon flying in the far air, just feeling the body fluttering.

Is it a photo return?

Chen Rui first thought of Athena, the warm smile of the sun, unfortunately, a promise can no longer be completed.

Originally, I wanted to leave the virgin to her, but it was a pity that the woman who did not know the real name now gave it a "grab, left, and knew that she was in the cabin... I really wanted to show her heart, and honestly confessed to the affair. The experience, even if it was a meal. Just, there is no such opportunity.

Christina, let's call it this way, yīn is the first woman who belongs to him. This woman is perfect and exciting, but the thought is too complicated, the strength is too strong, and the background is too big. Maybe they have no future, right, now there is no more... He dares to bet with Loméng the bastard. After seeing his body, the woman’s first sentence is definitely a stupid man.

Xia, the iceberg sister, if there is no friend relationship, or quote a famous poison dragon, friendship is the beginning of love. I really like to see her smile of ice and snow, although it is just a glimpse, but unfortunately, I can't see it anymore.

As for the sap to take away the first wěn of a lol... he doesn’t understand what it feels like, hey, the uncle will be despised, but now it’s too late to fatten.

I am still thinking of so many women, the man is really a jerk.

Finally, Paigliu, who signed the symbiotic contract, expressed his silence. The unlucky guy was miserable. If the world has yīn Caodi, if you meet this guy below, you will end up blaming it... ......

The raging white Luo brutally smashed Chen Rui's limbs one after another, and was about to smash his head in the end. Suddenly, a strange sound came from afar.

This kind of sound, even let the white Luo in the crazy state suddenly wake up, and then the face changes.

This is the sound of breathing.

One call and one sucker, the leaves in the air, the sand on the ground, the trees in the forest, including Bai Luo himself, are involuntarily moving, and even the clouds in the air are expanding and contracting.

The sound of breathing seems to be able to touch the whole earth today.

Bai Luo licked the right eye damaged by the venom, but could not hold the horror on his face.

The breathing sounds longer and longer, and the feeling is even thicker. The ground begins to tremble slightly.

Finally, a clear Qing screamed, as if it were some kind of bird that broke out of the shell.

This tweet is full of strange powers, even if the power of the spirit hún approaches the ruthless Chen Rui, it has also been shaken up under this scream.

The strong person like Bailuo is another kind of feeling. Within the field covered by this squeaking voice, there is a mysterious slogan that represents a certain level of power, even if it is the demon level. Can only look up and tremble.

In the sky above the sound, a flame of black sè burned up, and the power of the flame could be felt in all areas where the sound could be heard.

The black sè flame is very close to the black inflammation of the Lucifer family, but contrary to the power of destruction, this is a flame of life, and the plants under the flame are rejuvenated under special power.

The figure of a giant bird gradually solidified in the flame, the whole body is black, faintly revealing gold, the wings are huge, and the tail is dàng with three beautiful long wings. " phoenix" Bailuo almost shēn screamed out these words, as if he saw the most fearful things in his life, and his voice was filled with strong fear. He no longer cares about the pain and poison of his body. He struggled with his hands in the void, and the emptiness of the blue sky began to glow. However, due to the influence of the black flame, the light disappeared for a while. It seems that it can't be condensed.

Bai Luo's body could not help but tremble. He bit the index finger, and the blue eye was completely blackened. Finally, under the drive of the secret law, a blue and red light door was drawn with the blood. Bai Luo almost climbed into the Mimen with a roll of climbing, and then both Mimen and Bailuo disappeared without a trace. After the appearance of the fierce black sè Phoenix, the flame gradually converges into the body. There was no movement at all. In the blink of an eye, the figure had already appeared in the sky above Chen Rui, and the invisible pressure that was spread out of the body made the two-legged flying dragons who had come to help in the distance come down, and they were unable to move.

The black sè phoenix disappeared instantly, and a woman appeared on the ground, dressed in a classical long dress, draped in a pale gray cloak, but the face was not véng.

This woman's black hair is so sultry enough that the two months of the sky will be lost.

The beautiful eyes of the stars are like the deep and calm of the lake, and there is a faint light of light. "The effect of the mysterious spirit is indeed much better than the magical durian, except that Repressing the small defects of y look, the auxiliary role of "Nie Nest" is beyond imagination.

Even if she is the strongest opponent in the current world, she has the confidence to have a battle.

However, now she must face another man, a man with scars and death.

The woman stood like this and looked at Chen Rui quietly.

Before she fell asleep, she made up her mind that the first thing after the recovery was not to kill Bailu, but to kill the man who got her body. Although it was an accident, it was not strictly the man’s fault, but her identity, her strength and her dignity must not allow the man to live.

However, now that I saw the appearance of this murderer, Christina suddenly silenced, and the full-fledged killings disappeared without knowing it.

Although the speed of the dissipation of the spirit hún has weakened because of the sound of the phoenix, it still cannot stop the death of Chen Rui's life. His line of sight began to be a bit fuzzy. From the outline of the outline, the woman in front of her eyes should be Christina. She really recovered her son. The white Luo who escaped from Cangjie did not even have the courage to fight.

According to the original plan, it is time to start the transmission and escape. Unfortunately, the will of the dark is no longer usable, and it is meaningless to escape, because he is dying.

"Why, to pass Bailuo together, it should have been a prepared declaration of death, but when it was said, it turned out to be such a sentence.

Christina's "Nether Nest" is equivalent to a special state of sleep. Although it is extremely weak and unable to use power during the period, everything that occurs within a few tens of kilometers can be perceived in the dream.

Everything he does, she knows.

Chen Rui could barely hear her, but she couldn’t open her mouth. Fortunately, she didn’t bet with a bastard. The first sentence was not, stupid man,?

"Stupid man!"

It turned out to be the second sentence...

Chen Rui tried his best and his mouth moved slightly, trying to squeeze a smile.

It is about to disappear, the spirit hún.

It's a pity that there are still many things that have not been completed.

The impulse is really the devil, will it be impulsive next time?

Seems like... still.

Ok, I am a stupid guy.

The fleshy face, this stubborn smile looked awkward, Christina's beautiful eyes are still as quiet as water, just a drop of crystal tears slipped from the cheeks.

Christina herself was a little surprised. She couldn't remember how long she hadn't shed her tears. From the **** loved ones who had solved the rebellion in the past, tears and jealousy went away from her, leaving only the ruthless calm and silence. Relying on the icy throne, facing the various ferocious, sinister, deceitful, greedy, aunty, and aunts... The stupidity of this man is very powerful, affecting her before she died... ,Damn it!

But...but... just take advantage of this influence. This is not for him, just for his rare rate, it is a kind of relaxation for a long time.

Anyway, it will soon return to the throne, she is still the king of the cold eyes.

Christina reached out her hand and rolled up her cuffs. The white jade-like wrist suddenly burst out of blood. The blood fell on the horrible wounds and ugliness before Chen Ruiqi, and the wounds began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not only the wounds, but even the souls of Chen Rui’s dissipated spirits re-coagulated under a strange force.

"The next two are not owed... Hey, Chen Rui can't see it. The blood of Christina's dripping faintly reveals a faint phoenix mark, and it has not entered the mouth of his 修复ng.

Under the influence of certain mysterious forces, the smashing of the front and the limbs gradually recovered. Although the injuries in the body are still serious, they have begun to rejuvenate, and they have been judged by the state of the collapsed death. Chen Rui felt that the eyelids were particularly heavy, but he faintly heard a message from his ear: "The next time you meet again, it is your death..."

He tried to open his eyes and look at Christina's look, but he couldn't resist the intense tiredness and finally slept. @.

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