Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 167: Comet makes! New skills

On the throne, looking at the galaxies that are slowly transporting in space, Chen Rui has an inexplicable feeling of looking down on the celestial being. This galaxies have constant temperament and planets. The only regret is that there is no life, perhaps as the evolutionary level increases, all Everything will slowly appear, then is he in the Temple of Stars that is above all life... God?

These thoughts are only passing by in the mind. In the three light screens in front of the throne, the three-dimensional person in the status bar has a new light ball in the body. This light ball flashes the flame of the blue sè, faint One can see the word "strong".

White sè "罡", yellow sè, "煞", plus this blue sè, "烈" a total of three sè light balls, arranged in a straight line, looks dazzling. Its effect is not a good-looking, but a level of power that is represented. According to the classification of the devil world, Chen Rui’s current aggression has reached the middle level of the demon king.

The demon king and the high-end devil really have a world of difference, not only the power, the whole essence, the gas,

God feels that there is a qualitative change. If you face Aurox of the high-end demon peak, Chen Rui is confident that he can easily solve the other hand without using real power. No wonder that Luo Méng didn't have much effort in dealing with his full-fledged skills. Although he had a knife, the more reason was to play handsomely.

The refining of the environment, the refining of the environment, the current aggression, the refining of the "heart" is behind the realm of the law, and now consider the law is too good and high, and now it is the first to consolidate and proficient the strength of the environment.

Title: Take the star to make the evolution level: Samsung experience value: 1%

Aikis comprehensive strength rating: C-

After the evolution of Samsung, the Aura value is displayed in 10,000 units, and the experience value reaches PS. I don’t know if it is related to the devour of Geoffen’s consciousness. The strange thing is that the power that swallowed the Emperor level is only the original Samsung evolution level, but Star evolution is not only the accumulation of power, but more importantly, the understanding of a certain realm. It seems that the road of "refining the heart" is still very long.

The second light screen shows the new skills of the aggression, and the shiny level of the skill tree has been increased to the fourth level.

Instant movement (active skill) "Compresses space for fast movement, limited to two times per hour, the maximum distance is proportional to the user's own strength.

Shield (active skills), protective skills, can absorb any attack, the absorption will automatically disappear after reaching the upper limit, can be enhanced with the increase of strength, limited to one time per hour, each time need to consume an additional value of 100.

Yanlong kill (active skill), powerful long-range attack skills, will produce a fatigue period of 瀛 hours after use, each time you need to consume an additional 1000.

Regeneration (passive special)

Damaged limbs and internal organs can be automatically regenerated, except for the brain core. Affected by the extra skill "Nie* fire", the regeneration speed and effect doubled, and the regenerative energy consumption per unit was 100.

Among the four new skills, "Transient" and "Shield" he has already played in the battle with Grovein.

There is no need for two consecutive teleports. The "cooling" time is very convenient. If used properly, it can play a decisive role in actual combat.

"Protective cover" in the face of Grophyn, the devil of the emperor, although vulnerable, but practical xìng is undoubtedly a key life-saving trick.

"Inflammatory Dragon Kill" needs to consume a thousand Aura, and there are 24 hours of fatigue, which looks very harsh, but it must be an unprecedented powerful move. There is no chance to try in the battle with Groven. Test the power in special training or battle.

If there is no last passive special, the dragon kill should be the strongest new skill. However, the last one, "regeneration" is more powerful, and the limbs and internal organs can be automatically regenerated, that is, as long as the head is not completely Destruction, all the parts of the body can grow up again. It is almost the same as the undead body. Of course, this kind of regeneration definitely takes a considerable amount of time to recover, otherwise there will be no such one, "the influence of the fire of the nest, the speed and effect of regeneration Doubled the tip.

What is the meaning of "extra skills"? What is the fire of Nei's Nest? From the words of Grophyn, "The power of this Nei's Nest is related to the Asmode kings. It is derived from Christina's The blood of the nest?

Originally due to the evolutionary star-level relationship, the skill tree only illuminates four layers, and the top is a piece of gray that is not lived. However, in the canopy, there are two fruit-like spheres, as if the fruit is the same.

Chen Rui’s consciousness fell on two fruits, and suddenly a faint glow came.

Nie's Nest Fire (extra skill) can purify the enemy spirit hún and spirit body, and use it once. It can be combined with Yanlong killing, and the derivative of "Yanlong possessed body" greatly enhances its combat effectiveness.

傀儡 control (extra skills),

Full control of the will of the enemy, making it a beggar who cannot betray, the maximum number of people controlled.

The function of Nei's Nest Fire makes Chen Rui a surprise, not only can attack the spirit hún, but also derive the super-strong combat skills! It seems that the extra skill is the special power obtained outside the super system specification, but the latter control makes him somewhat surprised. What kind of extra skill is this?

Turn the enemy into a beggar? How do you seem to be familiar? Chen Rui responded fiercely, and his eyes fell on the mask of the **** outside. Is it...

I can't think of a **** mask and it has this function! Although there are only two people in control, as one of the seven demon devices, the power of the **** mask is not so small, but Kejia Stina once said that the yīn cloak is not available to others except the Aximod. . In the same way, as a human Chen Rui, it is very satisfying to be able to use a small part of the power of the **** mask through the super system.

The browsing of these skill states is only a moment. Chen Rui focuses on the third screen: architecture.

In addition to the redemption center, training ground and storage warehouse, a new model can be built.

Refining room.

Jī living conditions: 5000 aura value.

Function: The higher the grade of various materials, the higher the consumption of aura.

Chen Rui immediately chose to build a refining room. The appearance of the refining room is simple and simple, and it does not need to go in, and the corresponding operation can be completed in the outdoor light screen.

The refining room and the storage warehouse are connected, and the items in the storage warehouse can be directly selected and transferred to the refining room for purification, of course, only for purifiable items.

The purification of the refining chamber is equivalent to separating the impurities. Chen Rui tried a dark star iron ore in a storage warehouse, and after purification, he obtained pure dark star iron. Chen Rui has mastered considerable forging knowledge with the help of in-depth analysis. It can be seen that the dark star iron purified by the refining chamber has no impurities, saves many troublesome processes, and the finished product is flawless.

As for refining, it is a process of improving the quality, and the well is divided into five products. When Chen Rui puts consciousness on the dark star after purification, he suggests that the grade can be refined: two.

The effect of the first refining is equivalent to the level of the Tauren's forging master (such as Deron). The second refining, the entire dark star iron shrinks a circle, not only the density, but even the quality has undergone a strange change, faintly revealing the faint light that was not previously used, costing a thousand.

Chen Rui was very satisfied with the results of the test and began to refine the energy dust. The aura of energy dust is much less, and the aura consumed by one hundred units consumes 10 aura. After the first refining, one thousand units of energy dust becomes a hundred units of secondary refining dust. The dust began to sparkle with a sparkling glow.

After the second refining, one hundred units of the secondary refining dust became ten units of three-stage refining dust, and the crystal light of the dust faintly emerged.

When Chen Rui wants to carry out the third refinement, it suggests that the star rating is not enough. It seems that at present it can be used up to two times for refining, and it is not known whether this quality can meet the requirements of the earth element king. He quickly quit the super system and once again came to the land king court.

“Is it done so soon?” The earth element king was taken aback.

Chen Rui took out some three-level refined dust: "Respected king, can this purity of dust achieve the effect of the earth's source? If it can be quantitative, it is not a problem."

As soon as the third-level refining dust was taken out, the surrounding elements of the earth were also inductive, and Qi Qi focused his attention.

The stun of the earth element king's eyes is more intense: "It's unbelievable, the power of this dust seems to exceed the source of the earth! The heart of the element can be perfectly repaired. Now there is a fountain of life, a strange fruit plus this dust, It is enough to continue my life. Thank you very much! My friend, I can guarantee that Athena's Enron wakes up is only a matter of time."

Chen Rui Daxi: "My Royal Highness, I will definitely find the fruits of Ann Hún and help you completely repair the heart of the elements. This is a solemn promise of a friend, please believe me."

The earth element king nodded solemnly: "I believe in you, my friend. However, this time the ability to change is very powerful, although life is innocent, but there is also the possibility of loss of power. If you can find a kind of red The rare crystal of the heart of the heart can ensure 100% success and can wake up as quickly as possible.

The heart of Akasaka? This protagonist aura did not play a role Chen Rui has never heard of this crystallization, but for Athena, the heart of Akasaka must be handed.

"His Royal Highness, the heart of Ann Hún and the heart of Akasaka must look outside the underground world, but now there is something wrong with that passage..."

Chen Rui said that the enchantment was destroyed. The earth element king shook his head: "Although my strength is greatly damaged by the rupture of the heart of the element, if it is only the seal of the emperor, I can still break it. ""

Chen Rui’s eyes are bright. In this way, the biggest problem has been solved. At present, we continue to manufacture refined dust for the amount of the elements of the earthen element king to repair the elements, and deal with the problems of the rest of the life spring, and then leave the ground as soon as possible. The world, looking for the heart of Akasaka and the fruits of Angún.

Although there is a suspicion of being a light friend, in Chen Rui’s heart, the heart of Akasaka is indeed the first and there is no substitute.

No one can replace the woman who laughs and tears for him, burns everything for him, even the red piccolo is no exception.

Athena, waiting for me, I must see your bright smile again! @.

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