Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 168: Subject

Chen Rui returned to the cave xué and accidentally saw two people waiting for him: Lem and Liaosha.

Tim and Liao Sha saw Chen Rui, and at the same time, Tim said: "Chen Rui adults, take the liberty to ask, do you want to leave the underground world?"

Chen Rui was slightly surprised and replied: "Yes, because Athena's smooth wake up still needs a thing, I am going to find it.

"It turns out that" Tim nodded. "But, even if Miss Athena is fine, Chen Rui is not going to stay here."

"Tim, there is nothing to say. Do you want to leave here and go back to the dark moon?"

"I haven't returned to the family for two years," Tim sighed. "But I didn't come here today. Is such an adult like Chen Rui willing to accept the loyalty of the Medusa tribe and myself? ”

This proposal really made Chen Rui an accident. Is this the legendary king hegemony? The tiger's body was shaken, the momentum was shaken, and everyone came to vote?

Tim immediately explained: At present, there are only three forces left in the underground world.

Tauren and Medusa. The earth elements have their own rules, and the Tauren and Medusa are enemies. Because of the common enemy of Ge Yaofen, they have formed an alliance.

Now that the common enemy has been eliminated, it will be difficult to predict whether it will turn against the enemy in the future. The only Queen Medusa who can compete with the Tauren leader has been killed in the battle with Grophy, and now the Tauren has created sophisticated weapons, so that the strength of the Medusa tribe is even more disparate with the Tauren. .

Liao Sha is now the leader of the Medusa tribe. It is impossible to leave here. Her belly is still pregnant with Tim's children. Tim is not planning to leave for the time being. The best way is to surrender to Chen Rui. Although Chen Rui’s own strength has not yet reached the big devil, but the magical ability is endless, the most important thing is that Chen Rui is the benefactor of the Tauren tribe and the earth element. Even if the Tauren wants to turn his face, the earth element will not sit down. Rui, the "tribe" was destroyed. This surrender proposal has been unanimously approved by the Medusa tribe.

"Chen Rui adults, you have incomparably magical power, even the devil's level of Grophy is incredibly destroyed by you, and you also have a resurrection potion, this secret is enough to shake the whole devil world, if you do not want to kill me, please accept me Sincerely surrendered." Tim kneels on one knee and gathers the master servant contract in his hand.

Tim really is a wise man. Choosing to surrender is not only for the interests of the Medusa tribe, but also for personal reasons. Chen Rui originally considered this issue, and now Tim can take the initiative to surrender. He also brought a powerful Medusa tribe. This kind of business that will not lose money will naturally not let go.

Chen Rui tried it and decided that he could accept the contract of the master and servant, and immediately signed the contract. After the light did not enter the two bodies, he officially established the relationship between the master and the servant. Liao Sha did not sign the contract, but on behalf of the entire tribe solemnly established Medusa's vows of faith, for the wisdom of Warcraft, the binding force of this belief vow is not under the master servant contract.

Tim is definitely a talented person. He has extraordinary abilities in leadership, military and diplomatic aspects. In the Medusa tribe, there is the Medusa-class Medusa, and there are many high-order demon-level Medusas, except the cubs. In addition, the worst is also the middle-level demon level. Medusa's petrochemical ability and long-range shooting are both powerful combat forces. If the cape meeting is still an unexpected temporary organization, then the Medusa tribe is Chen Rui's real team. As long as you can get the name of Sauron in the future, this team will also increase the Tauren's new force.

Chen Rui does not have much ambition, but in the devil of the jungle, power is the most important rule of survival, and almost no one will sympathize with the weak. Chen Rui also does not want to be a weak person. Happiness is not a soap bubble that is snarled in the corner. The short-lived illusion cannot withstand any touch and destruction. He needs to grasp the happiness of the future in his hands, just like grasping his own destiny. The determination is general.

Xiqiao Mountain, residential area.

"Not good, Snowd!"

Snod, who was resting on chuáng, bounced nervously and shouted in his mouth: "Is there a few two-legged dragons coming again?"

As the head of the Red Devils Thieves (blood sè **** group), Snowd has been rushing to Xiqiao Mountain for several days. It is pitiful to say that he was enjoying the leisurely and comfortable days in the red and secluded land. He did not need to return to the bitter cold place of Leia Town or even Xiqiao Mountain. However, it did not last long, and a big event happened in Leia Town.

Under the men of Joseph, Bennak organized the blood sè **** to launch a riot, which led to the death of the mayor of Leia, Kand, who died in the blood. The body of Bannak himself was also in the north of Leia. Found on the road, it is estimated that it was killed and killed. This incident shocked the top of the Red Sea, and although the inside was very embarrassing, the result could not be changed.

The newly appointed mayor of Leia Town set the forces that abandoned the secluded land to be unpopular, and the red secluded can no longer control the western passage of the dark moon based on the town of Leia.

Although this time, Snod returned to Chiyou in the name of the regular report of the Cancita, and the "vacation" was not a sneak sneak back, but as the head of the blood sè escort, he could not escape this time. The responsibility of the fiasco. Fortunately, the direct responsible person responsible for the failure of Bannak is Joseph’s men. Kanita took the initiative and pushed all responsibility to Joseph’s head, with particular emphasis on Bannak’s killing of Culia and others. The details of the infighting, I want to kill Joseph in one fell swoop.

Joseph was not a weak person. He immediately pointed out all sorts of doubts. He judged that the biggest beneficiary of this change was the dark princess of the dark moon, Shia, but Xia obviously did not have this ability, otherwise the passage to the west of the dark moon would have been Get through. Obviously, the victim of this incident is Bannak, which is the strength of Joseph. Then the actual beneficiary can only be Canita. In order to weaken and frame the brothers, they will not hesitate to destroy the darkness and control the dark west. Plan 1!

The two sides hold the same word and can’t argue. The red lord lord Zhuoqi can’t decide for a while, only fifty boards can be played, after some suppression and compromise.” Joseph continued to return to the dark moon, and Kenita was responsible for cleaning up the West. The end of the mountain, be sure to continue to control the west channel of the dark moon.

In this way, Snod was rushed back in the red buttocks, and he could no longer comfortably stay in the town of Leia, only to the ghost place of Xiqiao Mountain.

When Snowd came to Xiqiao Mountain in a depressed way, he was surprised to find that the miners had returned to the residence of Xiqiao Mountain, and the Red Devils thieves were unscrupulously huddled in the Blue Mountains.

From the mouths of the thieves, the horror of the main mine, the horror of the World of Warcraft, killed the sulphur and Yagus. "Culia went to Lugangshan to kill the new human mining officer, but was defeated by the suddenly defeated Leyi. When I came back, I was almost killed by the ghost dragon. Due to the destruction of the communication station, Culia went to the town of Leia to report urgently, ordering the thieves to temporarily evade in the Blue Mountains.

Snowd nodded secretly, and the other side had a high-level demon or even a demon-level powerhouse. Culia’s command was incompetent, and the Red Devil’s power was wiped out in Leia, and the number of people staying in Vale Mountain was still much. I have saved a little strength. Unfortunately, even Culia was killed in the town of Leia, and even Sulphur and Yaggs died. "If it wasn't for him, he brought a high-level demon called Ai Wen, and no one was available."

Soon, the thieves who sent to Xiqiaoshan to inquire about the news came back with an echo. "Leiyi" had already left Xiqiao Mountain, and Athena, the first general of the Empire, and Chen Rui, the human mine officer, disappeared in the lower layer of the main mine. There is no news for a few days. It is estimated that like the former mine officer Tim, he died in the mouth of Warcraft, and it is probably still the horrible ghost dragon.

Although Athena’s death was a little troublesome, Snowd had no scruples and ordered the thieves to attack Xiqiao Mountain. The miners and guards had no resistance at all, and they were immediately controlled and collectively detained in the thieves. Living in the Blue Mountains. If it wasn’t because of Kenita’s orders, Snowd really wanted to kill all the troubled miners, and at this time, Snow discovered a good one left by Athena, “something” “that double The flying dragon's cub.

If you can down this cub, in this desolate place, the action will be much more convenient, even if it is turned over to the red land, it is also a merit, especially when this need is over.

The cub of the Wyvern is only a middle-level demon. "With his demon-level strength, it is naturally effortless. However, this decision quickly made Snowd regret his intestines."

When the cub was caught alive, the screaming screams somehow attracted an adult two-legged dragon. It would have been a good thing to have one more. I know that this two-legged dragon is actually a demon king! Not only that, but then three more, all of them are devils!

Snod is now the first stage of the demon king. The worst of these two-legged dragons is also the first stage. At the same level, the strength of Warcraft is higher than that of the ordinary devils. This kind of battle can't be played at all.

When is Xiqiao Mountain, there is a Devil-sized Wyvern! Is there an unidentified flying dragon nest xué nearby?

This time, the magical honeycomb is not lost. The cubs of the two-legged dragon are rescued. The thieves have suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, Snod is proficient in the magical array. In order to prevent the ghost dragon from setting up a defensive magic array, it was forced to retreat. Wyvern.

The miserable thing is that the revenge of these two-legged dragons is very strong, and they attack once every few days. The harmful Snowd does not dare to live in the mining house, and can only return to the residential area with the defensive magic array. . Yesterday's attack, the defensive array was almost completely defeated. If this time the two-legged dragon came again, then no matter how blame the red secluded land, he only fled the Xiqiao Mountain.

"No!" The notified dark elf thief said with a sigh of relief.

Snod's nose was almost discouraged, and a slap in the air slammed the dark elf to the ground. "Not a two-legged dragon, what are you panic!" ”

The dark elf thief grimaced and said: "Adult, the brothers of the mountain guards have reported that the main mine has a strange vibration, and it may be a ghost dragon."

"Ghost Dragon!" Snowd face changed, although I have not seen this terrible World of Warcraft, but from the description of the thieves and the disappearance of Athena strength is absolutely not the same, If it is a certain kind of dragon, it is only the Emperor or the Emperor!

Snowd hurried out of the residential area, and the thieves were like a frightened bird. If it wasn't for Avon's resentment, he had already made a bird and a beast.

Everyone was careful to guard for a long time, but did not see any ghost dragon, Snowd yelled at the thieves. Just then, the familiar scream of the Wyvern in the sky sounded.

The thieves who had already been scared of their courage were still able to stand up, and they couldn’t care much, and they fled.

It is also a ghost dragon, and it is a two-legged dragon, so it is so bad!

"Damn!" Snowd reluctantly resigned, no longer want to face these terrible air Warcraft, and greeted Ai Wen to go along with the direction of the Blue Mountain in the direction of the strategy.

The two talents did not withdraw much, and Snow suddenly suddenly felt alert, and there was no more sign in front of him to stop the road.

A man in a cloak with a mask, the top of the mask seems to be a bit crippled. @.

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