Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 325: Treasure map of the Sea of ​​Death?

In Zhuo Chee's view, "Charles" is resolute and determined, even for the family, even if the scammers are better than you, there are Canita "test" first, and Samuel as a hostage, more importantly, both sides Also signed an equality contract. To this end, Zhuo Qiu did not ruin the former servant, so that the master servant contract was abolished in order to sign a new contract.

With this contract, within a hundred years, both sides will be equal and cooperative. If "Charles" does not return according to the contract, it will be severely punished by rules.

Therefore, Zhuo Chee assuredly took out the funds, as the lord, to rule the red secret territory for many years, his accumulation is not comparable to Canita, nor need to sell iron, 50 million black crystal coins are very happy Appeared in front of Chen Rui.

Seeing this big pen and bright coin, Chen Rui would like to tell the lord the adult, sometimes empiricism is more likely to make mistakes, he will use the following facts to help Zhuo cut this lesson.

Kanita added another five million and continued to participate in the stock market. Chen Rui insisted that only 50 million should be insisted to avoid losing more "profits." However, in the repeated request of Canita, he reluctantly agreed, Chen Rui took away 55 million this time and paid back one profit every month. The first period was 20 million yuan, the second period was 40 million, and the third period was 33.5 million, totaling 9,300. 500,000 black crystal coins.

Chen Rui took the money, and then used the "props" to open the door to the "human world" in the face of excellence, and went in, but Russia disappeared.

Zhuo Chee really sees it. This time and space door is what the human beings summoned when the two men played against each other. The mysteriousness is incomparable. The human being had previously given up the opportunity to escape. This kind of sincerity, plus the contract, should have no problem. Now You can wait slowly and with ease.

Chen Rui actually returned to the magic bell town through the gate of the starry sky. Just in the face of the strong pressure of Zhuo Qi, the use of the power of destruction seems to have a little more understanding. It is urgent to find a quiet place to understand. Fan.

He wanted to go back to the remote hotel for practice. He saw a number of guests in the hotel. These days, Chen Rui had a room, stayed in the practice, and set up soundproofing, and almost never went out. When I left the hotel in the morning to find Canita, I found this lively scene, just because it was a matter of fact, and I didn’t ask. Now I have the heart to ask, so that I don’t need to be bothered when I practice.

"Two days later, it was a three-year trade fair in Chiyou." The hotel's succubus hostess threw a wink at the big demon, and inadvertently showed him the deep groove of the ōng part of the scorpion. Unfortunately, it’s just that the cow plays the piano, and everyone doesn’t even look at it.

"Trade fair? I heard it for the first time, tell me what is going on?"

This eccentric man who is huddled in the room every day, there is no big devil male xìng's romantic, isn't there something wrong with it? The succubus guessed maliciously for a while, but did not dare to offend the high-order demon easily, and explained it with a smile.

Trade in the Red Sealand will be held for a long time. It will be held every three years. It can trade or exchange goods, including special products, materials, equipment and other types. It can attract a large number of outsiders every time. It has been held in Chiyou City. Since the struggle of Canita, it has been in the town of Magic Bell since 20 years ago.

This is regarded as the care of the most important young son, and it is also a balanced means for Joseph, who is more economically strong.

The trade conference is a concentrated commodity trade fair. It is a relatively grand form of trade in the magic world. There is no auction house or auction in the devil world. Chen Rui has long planned to set up an auction house in the dark moon. Preparation is complete, just wait for the right time.

Chen Rui thought of one thing. The last time I had a lot of good things in the Crystal Valley, the second "Leiyin" material was basically complete, only two kinds of scarce materials, and he also planned to make a scale. Need a lot of auxiliary materials to see if they can get together at this trade meeting. Originally, he could go to the yīn Shadow Empire's Masters League to receive the master's "welfare." Or use the last time to crack the magical array of reward points to redeem, but the current "Arthur Master" has been "missing." Temporarily not suitable for reappearance .

This scale is the temporary revival of his previous collaboration with Zhuo Chee. The main material is the crystal dragon scales from Crystal Dragon Jacob. These dragon scales were also given to Chen Rui by Jacob at the time. Long Daren now thinks of it, will certainly be mad at vomiting blood, of course, compared with the ancient slate slate, the resurrection spring, the crystal dragon scale is only a pediatrics.

The crystal dragon talent is different and can immunize all magical power. The nature of this scale has the effect of greatly reducing the power of magic elements. If it can be made successfully, plus its own anti-magic and spiriting special, it will deal with Zhuo. The winning percentage of such magical practitioners will be greatly improved.

The trade will start two days later. At present, it is still necessary to grasp the precious inspiration and to understand the power of the ruin. After telling me not to disturb, Chen Rui went straight into the room, ignoring the deliberate ào dialing of the hostess, causing the sorcerer's heart to swear "incompetent man."

Two days later, Chen Rui walked out of the room and looked mentally awkward. Stress was sometimes the best motivation. This time, the harvest was not small, and the understanding of the power of destruction was further improved.

Due to the trade association, the floating population of Magic Bell Town has suddenly increased, and the streets are very lively. Chen Rui came to the location of the trade fair. It was a huge open space that was circled. From the far side, there were all people in the black pressure. There were four passages for access. There were soldiers guarding the entrance and exit, and there were also patrol soldiers who maintained order.

This situation is somewhat similar to Chen Rui’s home in the earth, the annual trade fair held by the stadium. The merchants are hawkers from other places, but most of them are fakes and knockoffs. Chen Rui once bought a pair of “internal méng ancient leather shoes for grandfather.” As a result, the sole was broken in less than two months.

Into the trade venue, there are quite a few vendors, some are selling loudly, and some hanging brands to promote the goods sold or the items to be exchanged.

Chen Rui walked for a while, exuding a little breath, scared off the two little thieves who didn't have long eyes, and stopped in front of a deserted stall. The stall owner of this booth is a dark goblin, a lot of things, and some look like historical antiquities. Chen Rui is not interested in the so-called antiques. He is interested in a bottle of vitex, which can be blended into the adhesive needed to make scales.

"Adults have a vision. This bottle of Bauhinia is derived from the best Bauhinia tree. It is fifty years old, as long as three black crystal coins."

The longer the year of the vitex glue is, the stronger it is. For the use of Chen Rui, fifty years is enough, but the price of this dark goblin is not low, although the two black crystal coins are not for Chen Rui now. What happened, but suddenly he missed the day when the world had bargained for a cabbage, and shook his head: "Three black crystal coins are too expensive, I have a black coin."

The dark goblin suddenly rounded his eyes: "Adult, this price is too low, the best price can only be cheaper ten purple crystal coins, this is already a cooked price."

"If you have three black crystal coins, it is almost the same as the snake snake of the black snake."

"That's a rare complete snake rib! The toughness is even stronger than the snake's snake ribs! If you have two things, it's cheaper, a total of seven black crystal coins, no more!"

"Four black crystal coins, even if you don't sell them, I will go to other booths." Chen Rui said, a pair of ways to go.

"Wait! Adults, sold to you!" The dark sighed: "The adults are more savvy than the most savvy dark goblins!"

Chen Rui took out four black crystal coins, and saw the eyes of the dark goblin flashing, he knew that he still bought a loss. The level of his bargaining is actually not high. When he was in college with a buddy's girlfriend, it was awesome. If she crossed, it was estimated that up to two black coins could be won.

However, let alone four black crystals, even if four or five zeros are added later, it is only a drizzle. The treasure of Duron, the crystal mine of Crystal Dragon and the investment of Zhuoqi father and son. Although the storage warehouse can summarize and "compress" similar items, and the four-star warehouse space is already quite large, only half of it is left. Space is up.

If Chen Rui is now running on the road, it is no problem to be free to corrupt for hundreds of thousands of years, but his goal is farther. This time, to play, play a big ticket.

"Adult, don't know what else you need? Some good things are too inconvenient to put out..." The black snake's snake ribs and vitex glue have actually made this ān business a profit, and recommended some valuable to him. Antiquities, such as artifacts used by certain emperors, unfortunately Chen Rui is interested in generalization and stands up.

"Please wait! Adult!" Dark Goblin didn't want this rare customer to leave, l looked out of mysterious appearance, carefully looked around and took out a box from his pocket with three walnut-sized balls.

"This is called 'burst bomb'. It is said to be an antiquities found in a relic. As long as you use the power to live the yellow crystal, you can have a terrible explosion. The person who sold it once tried one and can put the ground. Exploding a large pit of tens of meters is more powerful than the general magic. There are only ten black crystal coins for the three."

Enhanced version of the grenade? However, in this world, this thing does not have much effect. The real powerhouse only needs an energy bomb or a magic, far more than the effect of this thing. After the dark goblin repeatedly reminded not to trigger the yellow crystal, Chen Rui picked up one, looked at it, and suddenly his eyes condensed.

The top of this "explosive bomb" is engraved with countless small inscriptions, which is the inscription of the dragon!

The effect of the inscription is abruptly multi-rejected, that is to say, "a large pit of several tens of meters." It is the effect of being strongly suppressed by the inscription!

This is not a bomb, according to the name on the inscription, it should be called "Ze Lei." If you follow the veins of the inscription to live all the power, the power must be increased by at least tens of times!

I don't know which dragon is making terrible things when I am bored. I don't know how much was wasted by those ignorant guys. If used properly, this thing may become a life-saving baby.

Chen Rui's gaze fell on a folded leather roll at the bottom of the box. The year looked a long time. He opened it and looked at it. He passed it back and put it back. The dark goblin quickly introduced: "This treasure map was handed down from my ancestors. It is said that the secret of the sea of ​​death is recorded. This secret is the legacy of the Dark Dragon Emperor who has been in the Devil's Circle for hundreds of thousands of years ago. Unclear treasures and artifacts..."

Chen Ruil took out what he didn't care about: "It's just a broken map with incompleteness. Even if it's true, look at it at this point, at least five or six pieces will be complete. If you get a complete picture, Maybe you can still swear."

The dark goblin l smiled out: "This is really true, but complete... If I have, I still have to come here to set up a stall?"

Chen Rui nodded: "Is there still a bomb?"

"When I received it, I only had the last three."

"That's it, I have to have three explosive bombs, even this box with the broken map at the bottom, a total of three black crystal coins."

The darkness was in a hurry, and reached out to grab the box: "This is absolutely impossible! I have received more than three black crystal coins for these three things, not to mention the ancestral treasure map. If you want it sincerely, ten blacks. There must be no more coins."

Chen Rui saw his lion's mouth and sneered: "The things that this alchemist made are extremely unstable. Even if it doesn't trigger, there is a possibility of explosion! If there is any problem, the whole trade will cause confusion because of the explosion! You sell This dangerous thing, as long as I scream, the patrolling guards will immediately pick you up."

Said, Chen Rui looked at the patrol guards who were walking towards this side. The dark man was taken aback and quickly went to grab the box, but caught an empty space.

Ān business is a dejected look: "Adults, three are three! Can I still be unlucky? I have participated in the trade fair for more than ten years, and I have seen such a guest for the first time."

"Don't pretend, know that you are not losing."

Chen Rui did not move the box and took it away. He left the booth, but his heart was a ecstasy - this time it was definitely a big profit, and the three "Ze Lei" as long as the restrictions of the inscription were solved, the power must be quite amazing. Even the devil or even the emperor should be jealous.

Not only that, but the broken map is also an unexpected surprise. Because of this map, he already has two, one is obtained in the hands of the yīn rain jungle, it should be the one left by the dead dragon, the other It was a while before the encounter with the little black horse, Kanita offered it, plus this one is three copies.

The sea of ​​death is in the northern part of the devil world. The sea is vast and dangerous. It is a well-known danger. The treasure of the dark dragon is not known to be true or false, but the map obtained today seems to be the middle part, in the storage warehouse~ When the three broken magic maps come together, they merge together and become a whole, even the edges of the seams are gone. Looking at the size, there seem to be two more to get together. Now Chen Rui has no time to focus on this, and then say something, when deliberately looking for it, it just doesn’t come out. Sometimes, if you are lucky, it will automatically appear in front of you. .

Chen Rui took a turn in the trade and bought some materials and returned to the hotel. The materials needed for "Leiyin" are too scarce, and the trade will not be found. The scales are all right, and the design must be done again.

The next time... is still practice.

The cycle of training, eating, sleeping, training... although boring and monotonous, he did not give up.

Zhuo Che’s sentence is correct, and there is never something that is not worth the effort. Especially for strength, if you want to get it, you must be able to do it.

No pain No gain. This is true of any world.

PS: The pain on the left side of the teeth, accompanied by the left ear and the sun xué continue to be painful, sleepless at night, the state feels bad, go to the dental department this afternoon, I hope there is not much problem. ! .

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