Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 326: Allies' decision

Darkmoon City, Arena.

The ancient arena was brightly lit, and the original broken part was also refurbished. It was filled with people. Even if it was the strongest high-level demon battle, Agulie did not have so many audiences for Aroks. .

After the dark moon war four hundred years ago, this arena was full for the first time. Do you know whether this lively and full of life is a faint sign that the first major territory of the Angel Empire has begun to recover?

The field is not a one-on-one contest as in the past, but a group of people fighting and fighting.

About two months ago, the arena held a free competitive competition, which was guarded by the Guards. From that time on, the Darkmooners began to like the hot blood of the singer. "Action, teamwork, personal sparkles, all kinds of wonderful, all in the battle ball."

In that competition, the defending army, which was not optimistic, actually defeated the garrison army with one goal and won 50 sets of top-grade armor. Since then, the arena has held a ball game every week, both sides have won and lost, almost the field is full. The battle ball also began to prevail throughout the dark moon. The long princess Chia deliberately built a simple course using several abandoned areas in the corner of the city, with a basic magic array for residents to use for free.

In addition to the eleven-player large-scale battle, the battle ball can also be played in a three-player or five-a-side small game. It has become the most popular "Sailing Fragrance" movement in the Darkmoon, and even broke out for the competition. In the battle, the "Starting Fragrance" piece, for this reason, Chia had to send a guard to maintain order and serve as a referee. For a time, the shadow of the battle ball can be seen in the streets.

The magic shop of the Princess Square and the Cloak Club also launched several battle **** of the Deluxe Edition and the Normal Edition. There are competition versions, popular versions, and favorable prices. The battle ball is easy to get started, but it is not easy to play the game. In particular, the ball will absorb the power. It is extremely labor-intensive to kick, and it also exercises the combat power and physique of the dark moon residents.

The Guard's Dark Elf striker received a header from the teammate, and a little under the foot, vacated, a spin in the air, twisted and twisted, a beautiful barb made the ball straight into the upper right corner of the goal, the Guard The big demon goalkeeper responded slowly to a half-shoot, but in time launched the talent skills, an instant movement appeared in front of the ball, and will be far out in time.

When I saw the ball smashing a curve and flying away from the goal, a large number of pitiful voices in the stands sounded, especially the audience who bought the Guards to win the game. They tightened the gambling ticket in their hands and could not wait to be able to pinch the ball into it. The goal is average. At this time, a horned demon of the front field guards held the feet of the big demon teammates and pushed them all out. The big devil leaped high by the power of his companions. This jump is about three meters high, and if it is not the reason for the gravity magic array in the field, it will jump higher. The big devil whipped in the air and slammed into the high-pitched battle ball.

The ejected battle ball is forced to make a straight line under the force of two, like a meteor, screaming toward the goal, the other goalkeeper has just used up the teleporting skills, unable to recover in a short time, trying to save, it is late. In one step, the goal was worn by this strong shot. When the battle ball crossed the goal line, it burned like a flame, and the "starting fragrance" burned up, giving off a dazzling light, indicating that the guards finally led by five to four.

This goal made the audience boil, cheers, sorrow, cheering and even screaming, the entire arena filled with a frenetic atmosphere.

On the VIP table, Joseph’s brow, which has all this in his eyes, wrinkled: this battle ball is really a troublesome thing, and it can cause such a craze. Judging from the performance of the guards today, under the training of Athena, the combat effectiveness has greatly enhanced his time in the battle between the town and the Kenita, the change of the dark moon seems quite Big, not only the combat power, but also the economic strength is growing rapidly. This is a big problem for the red-skinned territory that shoulders the task of weakening and controlling the dark moon.

Not only that, because of the involvement of the yīn shadow "Shangxiang Xiangxiang" Imperial Castel family, the food sanctions that the Emperor Angels had enough to hold their necks had little effect on the Dark Moon. The Custer family was the yīn shadow. Xiangxiang "the first commercial family of the empire, this move is likely to be instructed by the yīn shadow Emperor Catherine. From the face of the face, the power of the Regent King is not so good.

However, it is impossible to truly get rid of the dependence of food in the dark land of the dark moon generation, and with the wisdom of Xia, we should know that the yīn shadow "shangxiangxiang" empire is the same for the dark moon's trade or "assistance". There are far-reaching goals, these should be expedient measures...

As I was thinking about it, a slight voice came from my ear: "My friend, you seem to be bothered by something?"

This long-lost familiar voice made Joseph slightly shocked, and his eyes flicked and looked around, but did not find a figure wearing a cloak.

Joseph thought a little, didn't follow the game, stood up and left.

Out of the lively arena, Joseph turned all the way to the west and went to a remote alley. He didn't feel the tracking behind him, but in the moonlight of purple, it can be seen clearly. A stretched figure appears behind him and illusion? still is……

When Joseph slammed back without warning, he saw that there was a black shadow wearing a cloak behind him. Joseph’s foot slammed into the air, his flames ignited on the fist, and the lightning shadowed toward the shadow. Rushing away.

The black shadow did not avoid it, and a finger extended to meet Joseph’s fist. In the eyes of Joseph’s eyes, he suddenly changed into a battle form, and the power of this punch suddenly increased. Doubled.

For the change of Joseph, the black shadow did not respond, and it was still a finger welcoming. In the blink of an eye, the fist and the finger touched together, and a figure suddenly flew out and took a few steps before standing firm. It is Joseph.

Joseph’s face was incredibly horrified, and he changed into a fighting form, and he punched it with all his fingers.

This punch of Joseph is not to kill the guy wearing the cloak. There is a hint of temptation and conviction, but he is not even stunned by the other side.

"Who are you?" Joseph l screamed that the strength of this person far exceeded the imagination. In this secluded place, if there is any poison, I am afraid that there is still a great danger.

"My friend, have you forgotten me?" The familiar voice came from the cloak. "This is really a sad thing."

"Agulie!" Joseph shocked, it really was him! However, at the last time, this Besib king was only the strength of the demon king, almost the same as himself, but now...

"The devil-level peak, you really improved a small realm." The cloak population praised "It seems that the effect of that demon fruit is not bad, but its benefits are more important than the breakthrough in the realm of the realm, I believe you will still Can go further."

This compliment in Joseph’s voice is more ironic, but the other party quickly explained: “Compared with the power that I feel like “starting fragrance”, your progress is quite Soon. ”

Joseph quickly regained his calmness, and he took a habit of accustomed to xìng: "It seems that you feel that the power of waking up the fragrance has reached the level of the Great Devil. This is really a matter of congratulations. ”

"The more you go to the upper level, the more you wake up, the more difficult it is to wake up. I am now stuck in the seal of the demon emperor." Chen Rui sighed and opened the subject: "You are in the town of Modo during this time." Busy people, haven’t returned to the dark moon for a long time, what do you think of the change of the dark moon? I have used some small means, and even if someone passes by, I can't hear our conversation.

Joseph heard that the level of "Agulie" has reached the peak of the Great Devil, which is impacting the seal of the Emperor. Once it reaches the level of the Emperor, it is equal to the ranks of the real powerhouse. His father Zhuoqi is now only However, it is only the demon emperor. It seems that I was looking for an unbeatable ally, and it is definitely an object that can be used well.

However, Joseph has self-knowledge, his current strength has been a big realm with the other party. Once the other party reaches the demon, it is not necessary to recognize him as a weak ally. Therefore, it must be greatly utilized by the other party. In the case of value, keep yourself value to each other and get more benefits.

"Either fighting strength or economic strength, the improvement of the dark moon is quite rapid. Fortunately, the historical problem of poor land can never be solved. Otherwise, even if it is my father's red land, it can't be controlled." Joseph l screamed. Sè "As far as I know, the darkest night market in the dark moon is from the cloak, my friend, please ask, how do you plan, I don't want some planning between us to conflict."

"I once said that the first step is to get a dark moon. Of course, I don't want to start from scratch. The poor and broken place, the stronger and more perfect, the better for me." Chen Rui's voice is full. Confidence "Although the ownership of Princess Square and Night Market is still under the control of the Princess, as long as the time is ripe, I have full confidence in accepting all the resources in the hands of Chia, or including the proud and long princess himself."

"Only, my external body is "the scent of fragrance" is the leader of the cloak club. It is not easy to be violent for the time being. I need a spokesperson who can do all this on the bright side. My friend, I think you are the most The right person. ”

Spokesperson? Joseph’s eyes lit up, but the other’s words made him jump: “But before that, there is a very important piece of information that must tell you. As my ally, it may be the future controller. Now, one of the biggest difficulties is already in front of you. If you don't solve this problem... I am afraid that you will completely lose the competitiveness of Canita."

"Are you particularly popular with Canita in the past? And you have repeatedly adopted a strategy of retreating, and even the granary burned down. The purpose of this is to use your economic strength to drag down your opponent step by step." On the face of Joseph’s yīn, the change of yīn’s ambiguity, ōng said, “Don’t question my intelligence. As a bystander, I am more awake than the two of you. I’m sorry to say a word. Your biggest crisis is coming, my friend."

José was shocked and asked: "I admit that I used a procrastination tactic, but is your biggest crisis partially overstated?"

"Nothing at all!" Chen Rui’s voice became awe-inspiring: "The cause of this incident is a human being, a human being who came to the Devil! This human being has brought an important opportunity for Canita to get him the source. Constant wealth, according to my intelligence analysis, in the first month alone, Canita’s income may exceed one million black crystal coins, which is only the beginning, and the number will increase exponentially! This situation continues, you should know better than me what the consequences are."

"One million a month! It will double again!" José was much more sensitive to this aspect, and suddenly changed. In fact, Joseph also had doubts about the recent movements of Canita. He also mastered a lot of clues. The information of "Agulie" should not be fake, but also confirmed some vague speculations in his heart, a trepidation.

The other party is right. If you follow this development, his biggest financial advantage will become worthless in front of Canita, which is almost equal to the loss of the ability to compete with Kanita.

Joseph barely calmed himself down and asked, "What is the origin of this human being? Why is it helping Canita?"

"I am not very clear. It should not be a mere help, but a transaction of mutual benefit. The worst part is that when I confirmed this information, Kanita has taken this man to the Red City, it seems. I also got support from your father. I have no doubt that your father has also become a beneficiary of this transaction. Now your situation is already quite dangerous."

These messages are like a series of heavy punches, and Joseph almost beats him. With his wisdom, he will never realize the crisis when he is nowhere to go: in fact, it is already a critical juncture, and Kanita gets The unexpected huge source of income, but also shared with his father Zhuo Che, whether it is the benefit or the credit, has almost pushed him to the edge of the cliff.

"The human being seems to have the ability to shuttle the devil world and the ground world. I have secretly contacted him. Unfortunately, with my current "sailing fragrance" and status, I can't get the trust of the other party, and I can't get more relevant information. Moreover, the strength of the human body made me dare not act rashly, and I should have reached the level of the demon level. ”

Magic Emperor! This made some of the assassination thoughts that Joseph finally gave birth to, and there was a despair in his heart.

"I think there is only one way to get rid of this dilemma now."

"What is the solution? Please tell me!" The words "Allies" made Joseph a bit more hope.

"The red lord and the human world's fine collusion, if the emperor knows, should not be a crime that can be ignored." The laughter behind the cloak looks evil. "Even if the crime can be explained clearly, the benefits will not be Let Zhuo Chee and Canita enjoy it. A bottle of wine, if two people are divided, each person can get two cups. If it is twenty people, then everyone can't even get a small cup. What's more, that person The Black Regency King will definitely drink the most cups, and you may even be able to get a small cup. Even if you don’t score it, it’s a great credit. If you can get the attention and support of the Prince of Black, you The body of the eldest lord of the Red Emperor, "Shangxiang Xiangxiang", in the future... In any case, you can control the redness, which is quite beneficial to my plan. ”

Joseph’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and finally he made a decision. ! .

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