Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 353: Stupid woman and **** man

After faintly knowing some of the secrets of the "treasure" of the Blue Pool Mountains, Alice was not surprised by the magical array of Chen Rui's light and easy access to the road. As an additional clause of the agreement, Xiaoluo lì deliberately and Chen Rui pull the promise, will never squander this thing, but also promised that he will accept the protection of Jiya, and it is no longer easy to do so.

After listening to the two stories, Xiaolui, who was already very tired, fell asleep on Chen Rui’s back. When she was holding her triangle rhinoceros, the green face was as quiet as a newborn baby. Rui is a feeling of peace of mind.

Three years...

Can time really change everything?

Chen Rui gently caressed the hair of Xiaolui, and suddenly remembered a classic saying, the future, and future.

Anyway, at least one of the cutest sisters.

When Chen Rui took the sleeping Alice back to the palace, Chia walked out in two steps and saw that Xiaolui was safe and sound, and finally took a sigh of relief and took Alice from his hand. To the shì female, I was sent to the inner courtyard to rest.

Although Chen Rui, who has lost his incarnation, has been deeply succinct, he has already made a public appearance in the dark moon, so he does not have to cover up.

"It’s hard to make you worry about Alice just after it’s concave.” Xia said, the two walked into the Chamber of Deputies together, and the shì woman on the side had already retired “nothing.”

"You are here... outside, okay."

This time, Xia did not directly ask what was planned, but asked such a sentence. It was not a kind of bureaucratic greeting, but a hard and arduous one, mixed with a feeling that she could not tell.

It seems that I haven't seen this man for a long time, and there is something I want to blurt out.

This tone was heard in Chen Rui’s ear, with a touch of warmth, nodded: "I am fine, but you seem to be thinner."

Since the appearance of the "treasure" of the Darkmoon, Xia has been busy and has indeed been reduced, but the mental outlook is much better than when it was under tremendous pressure. The snowy goddess-like temperament is even more impressive.

For the subjects of the Darkmoon, this is a kind of majesty that refuses to be thousands of miles away. But for some people, the majesty and the lord are all clouds. In his eyes, it’s just a beauty boss. .

And with this iceberg Yujie boss, there is still a bit of warmth, Chiakou will not admit it, but I have to admit it.

"Your sweet words, still have to talk to Athena and Jiya." Shia's eyes are cold, this guy, one inch will be a bit, but she seems to forget that she is starting The words of the head.

Chen Rui still smiled and said: "Then, the original ‘but is more beautiful, and the truth can only be forced back.”

"Okay! You should talk about the plan." Xia’s statement summing up the explanation of this unnutritive conversation may have her heart wanting to continue, but the plan is related to the future of the dark moon, obviously more It is important.

Chen Rui did not continue to laugh at the progress of the plan, and said the next possible situation and the way to deal with it, I heard that Xia nodded.

“It was almost an unimaginable plan at the time, and now it has been implemented to this level...”

"This plan has changed too many places compared with the original expectations. Many of them are still temporary. Actually, I am not sure. I can only say that my luck with us is good."

"In any case, it's all brought by you." Xia said with deep emotion: "It's just a year's work, the original dark moon and the dark moon... I trusted you, it was the most correct in my life." decision."

Indeed, when Chen Ruigang came, the dark moon was just a desperate struggle, but now it is already a thriving hope. More importantly, if the plan is successful, this hope may be further approached.

Xia gave him a deep look: "I want to say on behalf of the entire dark moon, thank you."

"Now, thank you, it is too early." The "whole dark moon" made Chen Rui feel that the atmosphere seemed a bit serious, and immediately squeezed his eyes. "But I only accept the personal gratitude of the princess, I think..." Some are opportunities to 'deep down and explore this issue. ”

Xia was not angry at this time, just shook her head gently: "In a sense, I am personal, that is, the entire dark moon, you should understand."

Chen Rui saw that the seven points in the pair of sables were resolutely and... the three points were bleak for the ruins of the White Night Emperor, and the lords of the entire Darkmoon were also the legal heirs of the empire. Things are involuntarily.

Perhaps she has been involuntarily since her birth, and after her father’s death, this body has been infinitely magnified.

"When you last went to the yīn movie empire, you should have seen the Queen Catherine. When she turned the tide, she saved the entire yīn shadow empire and stepped up the development of the yīn shadow empire until today's powerful empire. She is the whole devil world. The most amazing woman is also the goal that I deserve to emulate my life.” Xia Ben wanted to add that Catherine the Great is still single, but I don’t know why, she said this for the first time, only to feel in her heart. There is a strange feeling, and it is completely different from the mirror or wind chime in the secret room below the deep palace."

In fact, even Xiajia is useless because she does not know that her first man and the only man who imitated the goal or can be called the idol of Catherine the Great is the human being.

Chen Rui puts a grinning attitude and said seriously: "Perhaps an outstanding leader can really change a territory or even an empire. In fact, I don't really understand this. I only know that even an ordinary person has it. A relaxing moment to relieve stress, if anything is suppressed in the heart, then sooner or later there will be a day of collapse. How can a person who is knocked down by his own pressure become a truly great ruler?"

He almost vomited out the secret room, and worried that Xia was revealed after the biggest hidden sī, now she has a little bit of a sigh of sorrow, or step by step, slowly come, at least until he The most important plan that I have painstakingly planned, I will say it after success.

Xia heard a slight jaw and only listened to the guy and said two words: "So..."


"Don't take the initiative to ask me to dance and express my personal gratitude?"

Let the lady invite you to jump? Xia almost couldn't help her emotions. After a long time, she slowed down and said coldly: "If you want to dance, there are two women waiting for you at home."

How does this sound sound a bit sour? Chen Ruil took out the memories of sè: "I suddenly don't want to dance, but I think of another thing. I remember that the last time the princess had promised... When I said a certain three words... I can't kill me. ”

Xia’s face inexplicably passed a rare blush, Chen Rui looked in his eyes and added another interest: “The long princess seems to have sworn in the name of the royal family.”

Xia only felt that her heart was jumping very fast, and she gnawed her teeth: "You... don't overdo it!"

Chen Rui asked in a dull way: "Is it too much?"

He dare to bet that there is definitely a demeanor in the valley.


"The next time, I may have to plan to return after I have finished. These three words will still be there until then..."


"Which long princess thinks which three words should I say?"


Shia suddenly took a deep breath, her expression cooled down, her heartbeat gradually calmed down, she turned her back and ignored him. The tone was categorical: "No matter what it is, it is your business, it has nothing to do with me!" To remind you, don't hold any unrealistic delusions! Don't forget your identity!"

"I only go..."

"I don't want to hear these unnecessary things anymore. Now, you can retire!"

The human tone seems to be a bit sorrowful: "So..." I said goodbye. ”

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Hija’s head sagged slightly, and there was a slight loss in his tone: “Stupid woman, he should say these three words to you.”

Really don't want to hear?

Really want him to go?

Still afraid that it will be difficult to control by step by step? Or is it difficult to refuse?

You are really a stupid woman...

Just at this time.

"Yes... Chuan, that, the princess..."

The voice suddenly came from the door of the hall. Shia shocked like a shock. He looked back and saw that the guy didn’t go far! Then just now...

The hateful face is a hateful smile: "In fact, I want to add a sentence, there are some important things. I want to confess to the princess at the time, the amount... that, frank..."


"It seems like it..."


In the murderousness of the sky, someone fled.

The guards of the palace, even if they were temporarily changing their classes, did not see Chen Rui carrying Alice into the palace. They all knew that the anger of the princess must be the human sheriff. There are always these two times. I don’t know what this guy is reporting. It’s so angry that the Highness is so angry. Anyway, this guy with a daring day will soon lose his head.

But then again, it is a kind of Sichuan...the ability to let the long princess who has always been cold and so mad.

Sure enough, the head of the squirrel came out of the human sheriff who was only awakened, and saw a few familiar singular eyes, human beings smiled, but the heart was filled with a touch of warmth: stupid woman? Still a silly woman is more lovely, right...

In the Chamber of Deputies, Xia gently covered her face and felt that the heat from the inside out could not fade, nor did she know whether she was ashamed, annoyed, or both.

Eventually gathered into one sentence: **** man!

The princess did not know that this name, in the Crystal Valley a few months ago, was also said from the mouth of her idol, the Queen of the Shadow Empire, Catherine.

Moreover, it is the same **** man. ! .

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