Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 354: Determination of gambling

Darkmoon City. {m fastest text chapter reading}

Treasurer residence.

Joseph Alvin is listening to the report of his own Royce.

“Last month, our magic store revenues fell the most, reaching 35 percent. Due to the relationship between treasures, other comprehensive incomes have increased. But the increase is small, around one percent.”

Joseph brows slightly; "The magic store's decline is so big? Is it because the cloak will be a magic store?"

Royce nodded; "Yes, since the master of the cloak magic shop has been sitting in the town, every time the goods are dumped at the fastest speed, our customers have been stolen from there. Other shops of the Chamber of Commerce It was sanctioned by the princess, such as the inability to join the night market, the addition of similar competition stores in the vicinity of the original shop, and the new Chamber of Commerce, which was co-founded by the Custer family and the Princess, has pushed us to the edge of the cliff. ""

"What about the Mellon family?"

"As far as I know, the Mellon family showed up to the long princess in the dark, their industry has not been hit by us, and two stores have been allowed to join the night market." Royce l ridicule Sè; "Some of the small families that were originally attached to us are the same. Those guys are guys on both sides of the wall, and they simply can’t stand it."

"From the beginning, I didn't intend to rely on these guys." Joseph shook his head. "The emergence of this treasure made the original princess's original mistakes become the most effective means, such as repairing roads and repairing shops. Wait, as if it was prepared, I actually sponsored half of the cost without paying for it. Now I think it seems to be the feeling of the middle meter."

In the heart of Royce, I thought about it; "I originally thought about it this way. However, the fountain of life should not be fake. The wake of the human Chen Rui is the best proof. And · just yesterday At the auction, the bottles of life spring that Athena brought back were sold at an amazing price. The buyer was a master of pharmacy from the yīn shadow empire, from the fountain of life and the hustle and bustle. Judging by the treasure hunters, the Blue Pool Mountains do have a mysterious treasure that was originally unknown."

The new term "Auction?" gave Joseph a glimpse.

"After the big talents come back, they may not know that the newly opened auction house in the dark month is a new industry directly operated by the lord. The location is in the northwest block. The scale is very large, and the ruling is strict. It also makes a special trip to the Castel family of the yīn shadow empire. Please come to the yīn Shadow Empire Division of several masters to set up a complex defensive magic array, the security is quite high. Guests can put some valuable things into the auction house, the auction house will identify and evaluate these items. Then, at a certain time, an auction of open bidding will be held. The highest bidder will receive a 20% of the transaction amount as a reward."

"Twenty percent?" Joseph moved, he is an expert in the economy. This auction house is just a transit effect, equal to the empty glove wolf, and can actually get a high profit of 20%, and The higher the transaction price, the higher the profit, and it is simply a cash cow.

"This time in addition to the fountain of life, there are treasures from the palace and several families. The most conspicuous is the treasures of several blue pools commissioned by a treasurer. · A large number of bidders are attracted. The scene was extremely hot. The success of this auction made many people start to grab tickets for the next auction in advance."

In the eyes of Joseph, the flash of light flashed; "Because the lord is directly under the management of the lord, the others are not qualified to follow suit, which is equivalent to monopolizing this huge interest, a good auction house!"

Royce knew that Xiya had been doing nothing before, and these Joseph would have thought of it, so he said again; "I guess that the idea of ​​this auction house is likely to stem from that Chen Rui, which should be a copy of the human world.

"Not bad, I think so too," Joseph's brow was tightly locked; "This half year comes, the dark moon changes too fast, too big, Princess Square, battle ball, night market, yīn shadow empire Cass The special family is stationed in the dark moon to co-organize the new chamber of commerce, the dark moon renovation, the auction house, and the changes in these auctions. It is certainly inseparable from the idea behind this human being. It seems that I have always underestimated this original thought. It’s an insignificant little bug...····”

Your current strength is in front of others, it is a small bug. Royce said in his heart, on the surface, a look of worry; "The trend of the dark moon is now basically formed. Even if we secretly kill this human being, it will not help. Our most important thing is to consider how to regain this disadvantage. Otherwise, as long as we follow this trend, we will be completely squeezed out without the help of the other side."

Joseph's face sighed and nodded. Recently, his situation is really not good. The dark moon is so, and the same is sad. Although in the "Charles" incident, he did not grasp the conclusive evidence of his confession to the emperor, but his father Zhuo Chee has obviously begun to alienate him, and some policies on Moduo Town also have a tendency to impose sanctions.

The only consolation was the prince of the Black Emperor from the Imperial Capital. He expressed his appreciation for his loyalty to the Emperor and his loyalty to the Regent. He implicitly pointed out that there were some shortcomings in the arrogance of the Red lord, and he was optimistic about Chaucer. The future of the husband will inherit the meaning of the territory.

As far as the current situation is concerned, this "inheritance" is obviously far from the future, and the applause of the emperor is only staying in the verbal. Only Joseph did not regret it, because if you let "Charles" and Tenuta work together, then he is likely to face the passive, but the real failure.

Moreover, it is not entirely impossible to "inherit" the position of the lord in advance. This possibility is based on certain "accidents", such as Zhuo Chee's physical health problems.... He has not only long-term support from the emperor. And there is an unfathomable ally in front of him, the heir to the gluttony royal family, Akulie Besib.

Just now was the letter sent by "Agulie" sent him to invite him to the cloak. The last time was the reminder of "Agulie", which caused him to destroy the great interests of Canita in time. Now meet this time. Perhaps it can be a deed to get rid of the predicament. "Agulie" invited him to meet at the second stronghold of the Cloak Club in the Northwest Block. It was originally the home of the Melon family. The mask is quite large and valuable. Later, because the Mellon family was suspected of assassinating the head of the cloak and smuggling the population, they were forced to give up the place and were transferred to the cloak by the princess, Shia, as compensation.

It was discovered that the financial officer and the cloak would have secret contacts. This time, Joseph had specially dressed up to come to the house. Soon, he was led to a newly built venue.

The venue was heavily guarded and seemed to be a heavy place, but it was discovered after entering it. It was actually an indoor battle course. It seemed to be a standard three-person venue. The old friend "Agulie" sat next to him. Watch the three-on-three battle ball match in the field.

Those players all have strange masks and can't see the true colors. In addition to "Agulie", Joseph is the only audience.

"You are here, my friend." "Agulie" did not get up, did not look at him. Just a finger next to; "Sit."

Joseph already knows that this "alliance" is at least the strongest of the big devil king. It is not bad with his current situation and the other side's attitude.

Joseph sat down and listened to "Agulie" indifferently; "As far as I know, your recent troubles are not small, whether it is red or dark, it seems that the situation is not very good."

"Yes, it's really not good." Joseph sighed and did not deny that he knew that this person was supernatural, especially the intelligence ability. At the beginning, the collusion between Canita and the foreign human beings was "Agulie" His, can be said to pull him back from the cliff. Of course, Joseph doesn't have much feeling, because both sides are using each other, and the other person helps him because he still has the value to use.

Contrary to the relationship between the strong and the weak, the public opinion is personal strength or power. Joseph is in a weak position, so it is necessary to reflect its own value and further use the strength of the other party to strive to turn the current disadvantage.

Chen Rui puts Joseph’s expression in his eyes and says, “So, do you have the courage to gamble on everything?”

"Gambling on everything?" Joseph l screamed suspiciously, even if he gambled on everything, how could he turn it over?

Chen Rui nodded, but did not go on to explain the white, just to look at the battle in the field. Joseph was not good at the moment; he was here to see the ball.

However, Joseph is not a patient who lacks patience. He knows that the other party must have a purpose. He does not rashly ask for help, but he silently follows him in the game.

Gradually, Joseph found that the battle ball game was beyond imagination. It was also a battle ball. When passing or shooting, it could change all kinds of unexpected arcs, whether it was skill and physical quality. Or the overall offensive and defensive coordination is stronger than any game that I have seen, including the two teams of the Guards and Guards who have the highest level of dark moons. It can be said that they are higher than them. "How is this team?" What?” The other party finally spoke up.

"I have never seen such a superb game. It is hard to imagine that they are only mid-level demons," Joseph replied truthfully. "If there are eleven people, and they all reach this level and cooperation, I believe that they can sweep the dark. Any official and private team of the month."

"Accurately speaking, there are twenty people and nine of them are substitutes. When the dark moon just started to try the battle ball, they already have the highest level of the current darkmoon team." "Agulie" broke out I am eager to come; "Because the battle ball is created by me."

Joseph was taken aback. This battle ball made the Darkmoon army's combat power greatly improved, and the economic aspect also brought huge unimaginable benefits. It was unexpected that it was from the hands of Aguly!

"I don't need a dark moon that is hanging down on the edge of death. What I need is a truly prosperous and powerful territory." Chen Rui's tone is like the current dark moon's control is not Xia, but his "Agulie Besib."

"Remember that I said that my true identity makes me unable to control the dark moon in the bright face now. I need a spokesperson to see if you have this power." Chen Rui’s tone made Joseph’s eyes shine. Could it be that this "Agulie" has a comprehensive profit, and the dark moon is sooner or later is his bag?

"What do I need to do?" Joseph thought, and asked decisively. If you can control the dark moon and force Shia into a real empty shell, you will definitely get the appreciation and affirmation of the emperor. The dark moon is the foundation, even if Zhuo Chee can suppress him, he can be invincible. When necessary, you can also sell the Besib family to the emperor in exchange for your own interests.

Chen Rui did not say much, but only pointed to the players in the field, Joseph frowned, suddenly understood what; "You mean the battle ball ······"

"Actually, when I came to this place today, you should have seen the dawn of your victory." Chen Rui’s mask made a sigh of laughter. "It depends on how you gamble."

Joseph did not immediately agree, but fell into meditation, and he only opened his mouth; "With the chips in my hands, I am afraid that I will not be able to gamble with the long princess."

“How about all the industries of the night market and the cloak club?” Chen Rui continued to yòuhu with this envious enemy. “I will create some contradictions at the appropriate time and openly break with Xia, but there is one thing to explain first. I am the real master of the dark moon. Your destination is not here, but it is in the dark. After the success of the dark moon, I will fully support you in the next step to find a position of redness. Although your father in the middle of the devil is justified. Young people, but...·······················································

Joseph heard it. "Agulie" helped him. He wanted to use his financial officer's identity and the relationship with the emperor to control the dark moon on the bright side, but this can justify his current crisis. Mutual advantage. If the other party is helping him without any help, it is doubtful.

The red lord proposed by the other side also made Joseph very stunned. At present, he has been praised by the Emperor of the Regent for his whistle-blowing. If the father then makes some "accidents", the lord is vacant. His hopes of becoming a lord should be much greater than that of Canita.

"Agulie" lurks around Xia step by step to defraud the trust, and planned the emergence of the battle ball, not hesitate to gamble on the night market and the cloak, in order to control the dark moon revival The purpose of the Xibu family, from the perspective of the quality of the players in front of us, as long as Xia enters this trap, it is absolutely unsuccessful.

Right now, I’m going to see how Xia has entered this gamble. In this respect, Joseph has considerable confidence, because the Chamber of Commerce and a considerable part of the economic power of the Dark Moon are still in his hands, and he has not handed it out in one day. Xia does not take full control of the dark moon.

From any point of view, this plan is completely feasible!

Unless, "Agulie" suddenly lost his heart and madness, he wanted to hand over the future of the Besib royal family and the power of the painstaking management to the enemy Lucifer, and to accompany him as a financial officer.

is it possible?

The **** on the face of Joseph became more and more determined, and finally stood up without hesitation; "I bet!"

The finance officer who thinks he is victorious may not know a word, that is; everything is possible. ! .

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