Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 368: Poisonous mandala! Peeked scam

Chen Rui bid farewell to the black scorpion, followed Isabella in the carriage, came to the residence of this emperor huā.

Compared with the last estrangement, Isabella seems to be a lot of enthusiasm, holding his arm and walking in all the way. The same relatives of this kind of publicity, now there is no such a long-lost guy like Luo Dan dare to sāo, the emperor's major families, including the elders, have included "Charles" in the list. In the list.

"You haven't used lunch yet," Isabella took him down and sat down. "I have already prepared shì women to have your favorite purple wine and small row. Take a break and eat something later." ”

"Miss Isabella" Chen Rui is a flattered look "I...............I am not dreaming, you didn't want to see me last time..."

"The last time you said, we have to start again..." Isabella took the sentence and suddenly let go of her arm and glanced at him with a grudge. "Does Charles give me this opportunity?"

Chen Rui looked at Isabella's face with some slashing, and imagined the last time he faced Chia, sighing: "You are thin."

This sentence contains a touch of affection and pity. Isabella’s eyes trembled and concealed her eyes, mōmō face: “Is it ugly?”

"That word has never been suitable for you, although I can't deny that there is my wife in my heart, but in any case, you are always the most beautiful and most beautiful huā, am I a very hustle man?"

"You are a liar." Isabella bit her mouth and said that "there is a wife who is still swindling out of other women's hearts. But it is also a fool, and other people are mentioned in front of a woman who is to be diligent." Woman, don't you know that women are jealous?"

Jealous.................. Is it an allusion to the devil? Fang Xuanling, Lucifer? Chen Rui is traveling outside the sky, but on the face is a helpless sneer.

"However, there is such a stupid woman, knowing that this man has other women, obviously knowing that they are two worlds... but they can't restrain themselves." Isa's eyes suddenly red, her hands clenched The skirt, the body trembled, seems to be trying to suppress the emotions.

If you want to judge the devil's small gold medal... This woman is definitely a big hit, this kind of acting can almost go to the chaos, Chen Rui secretly praised, very well with the "emotional" holding her hand: " Miss Isabella..."

"Don't move." Isabella said, breaking her hand, but leaning her forehead against his shoulder... Closed his eyes, a drop of tears fell on the sofa and fell on Chen Rui's arm. .

For a long time, some red and swollen eyes slowly opened.

"Charles, I am very tired."

"I am a strong woman."

"But, after all, it’s just a woman."

There are only three sentences on and off, and it seems to be headless.

Chen Rui’s heart gave birth to a strange feeling. He could hardly tell whether the woman was really emotional or acting.

Perhaps a good actor... I really want to invest in acting. In any case, the play is a play... it can't be done.

"Miss Isabella..."

"Call me Ini..." Isabella gently raised her head, seemingly determined, and her face lifted gently, slowly plunging toward him, and the reddish tourmaline took a few minutes.

If it is Athena, Jiya or Shia, Chen Rui will not hesitate to take the initiative to go down, but this is Isabella............... The faint huā fragrance in the nose is getting closer, Chen Rui The mind can't help but have a little dàng漾, the fascinating chún has already touched his mouth.

Let's do it, do it all.

Anyway, there are still three days... Anyway, it’s not the first time wěn, anyway, it doesn’t hurt...............

In the instant of the double chún, the active Isabella seemed to be a little trembling, and then it was printed on his chún.

From the light taste of the light wěn slowly to the jīwěn of the chún tongue, Chen Rui was surprised to find that Isabella’s wěn technique was actually much more imaginary than the imagination... It seems that there is very little experience, not right, not famous The communication huā?

The two people's breathing gradually became heavy, and Chen Rui felt the two large **** that were squeezed in the mouth of the ōng mouth. Some parts gradually could not be suppressed, and it was shameful to produce some kind of normal man's reaction - this is not very good. -, the performance is a normal script, not a restricted level..................

Really don't want to? Isabella's beauty is comparable to that of Chia, especially the unique style of the mature yòuhuò, especially moving, now delivered to the door............

Although Chen Rui despise his own false and false positives and add to the appearance of the pseudo-Liu Huihui, but still decided to interrupt this joke, it is undeniable that men often rely on the lower body to think about problems, but not all the time, or all the man.

At this time, the super system suddenly came to the news of the discovery of toxins, so that Chen Rui’s brain suddenly awake, and the mourning suddenly vanished.


From the amount of aura's conversion and continuous xìng, this poison is still quite fierce!

It turns out that her purpose is...

Actually use this method to poison?

A good mandala poison huā! Sure enough, at the same time, it was unconsciously unknowingly poisoned by Chen Rui, and temporarily interrupted the transformation of poison xìng. The whole person suddenly felt a strong weakness, accompanied by numbness, the power could not be gathered, actually Do not move.

Isabella slowly loosened the "deep love" holding his neck and hands, Chen Rui's body suddenly lost support, uncontrollably softly fell on the sofa, from the initial Isabella took Chen Rui into the hall After that, all the shì women have retired, and no one near the empty dàngdàng.

When Chen Rui fell, he quickly turned on the function of automatically absorbing the conversion of toxic substances. The feeling of weakness quickly disappeared, but he still appeared to be poisoned on the surface, in order to launch the most deadly at the right time. one strike.

“Why do you want to do this?” Chen Rui’s body “can’t move” but still speaks, and the expression is naturally an incredible look.

Isabella did not have the triumph of the sè, the tourmaline revealed a faint indifference: "Because, I want your life."

“Why?” Chen Rui really couldn’t understand her motives for killing at this time. Even the forces behind it should try to fight instead of killing “Charles”.

Isabella gave him a deep look: "Because you are a liar."

Chen Rui’s heart was shocked. This is not a joke or a flirtatious tone. Could it be that she saw something flawed? No, even the black scorpion didn't notice... and there was no b-fold in the palace before, and the huge sum had been successfully gotten by him.

Isabella shook her head again and sighed: "If you are just a simple liar, it's a pity... you are not just a liar, but a pity..."

Is a liar, not a liar? Chen Rui heard that the second monk did not hold his head and had to ask: "I don't understand what you are saying. If you really want me to die, die in the hands of a woman you like, it is a luxury. Just... can Can't you let me die?"

"Your acting is quite brilliant. Even if I know that you are acting, but still follow you step by step, even worse, I am really touched by you. Unfortunately, many years ago, I have been there once. Now, people can't always fall in the same place, don't they?" Isabella smiled slightly... The smile seemed cool as water, and there seemed to be a chill in the indifference.

"This is the fourth time I have to kill you. The first three times have failed." Isabella had considerable confidence in the toxin, so she did not evade some of the previous things.

"The first time, it was in Cui Fant, I wanted to let you die in the hands of evil eyes. Unfortunately, your life is big, not only did you not die, but also saved my rogue nephew. Anyway, I was the emperor. The special envoy, as long as one sentence, can make you human beings look fine, and ... you also killed the coachman Jader... I can involve this matter to the head of Rommel."

Chen Rui said with a slight horror: "We... I only met for the first time."

Did you have this kind of killing when you met for the first time?

Isabella said indifferently: "Because you are a human man, because I am not a good angle, but a poisonous huā, do you need a more reasonable reason?"

Chen Rui secretly sneered, and it turned out to be a vicious woman. Even when she faced the "Chen Rui" who had no power in the dark moon... she also used the killer like "evil".

"Don't try to delay the detoxification of time. This kind of poison is my secret. The more it resists, the more fierce it is, and the more it can't get rid of it. It's like the mandala huā. Gradually, you will lose all of it. Power, spirit hún is also annihilated..." Isabella seems to see through his "intentions" and continues to say "The second time, ambushing you with the hand of Luo Dan, originally saved your nephew, I don't want to kill you anymore, but you have to find yourself to die. If you want to get close to me to achieve a certain purpose, you can only say that you are taking it by yourself. But what surprised me is that your strength does not reach the emperor, but it will All four people have gone out. Right, Luo Dan should want to say something, and the secret medicine that I combined with the evil spirits triggered a suggestion of xìng.

Chen Rui had a feeling of sorrow in his heart. No wonder Luo Dan was full of confidence at the time. He pointed out that his strength had not reached the Emperor. It was originally Isabella’s “inadvertently”, and then the death of Luo Dan was also Isabella. s method.

"The third time, when you were taken away by Duolun. Because at that time, I have already determined that you are a liar, a real liar!" Isabella sighed: "Your wealthy game of money is unheard of." In particular, the place where it operates is in a strange ground world. Although intuition tells me that there may be problems, it always finds no loopholes."

Chen Rui finally got a surprise. His planning referenced an ancient trick on the planet, "Ponzi scheme". Even if it is contemporary, many illegal pyramid schemes also use this principle to gather money. It is called Italian-American. Man Charles, who was invented by Bianz, is why he named his pseudonym "Charles".

In short, the Ponzi scheme is to use the money of new investors to pay interest and short-term returns to old investors, in order to create the illusion of making money and then defraud more investment. If it is simply making money, he can take advantage of Ponzi. The scam's routines swindle wealth by step by step, but his ultimate goal is political, so he has added the variables of the black sè.

Chen Rui can be sure that the devil is the first such scam. It is because it is the first time, so if the black and the singer are all on, I can’t think of it, I was the woman of Isabella. See the clue!

"Your courage is overkill, the whole plan is clever - and careful, high profits are even more exciting, especially in the early stage, the father and son also succeeded in getting a large rebate, which is convinced. A little you may have neglected, or oh, this kind of woman has used a heart, and this has discovered the flaws."

Isabella stood up and took a few steps: "You should know that my position is a financial assistant. In fact, as in the rumor, I have actual control over the finances of the empire. Your investment of one billion black crystal coins is out of my hand, you may not think, I will spend a lot of manpower, make a unique mark on every black crystal coin, when you come to the emperor again I even brought back 1.2 billion yuan. I also carefully monitored the money. Although the money was treated like a magical magic, the mark still exists. Then, the 1.2 billion you gave is fundamental. It’s the one billion yuan left untouched, plus the additional 200 million. To this extent, I should stop explaining more... This is actually the most stupid way, but it’s the smartest one. Bureau."

Chen Rui did not expect to be seen in this way, sighing Baimiyi, this is not a stand-alone game, except for the "protagonist" of himself, others are all providing dialogue. This world's smart people are not only one, but also better than him. More than one smarter.

He did not make a meaningless defense asked: "So, why didn't you report to Prince Hei? Debunk me this liar?"

"In any case, you are going to die. I will tell you about it. I am not a man of the Angel Empire. The so-called "Regent King" is just a piece of chess called "Bloody," placed in the side of the black scorpion. "Isabella l faintly said: "The survival of the angelic empire is good, the crisis is good, what is it with me?"

Bloody? Chen Rui is the first time to hear the name of this power, and is also the biggest potential enemy of the devil world. The battle of Crystal Valley has undoubtedly hit the power of this force. The layout of the **** is quite large. The yīn shadow empire and the empire angel empire have secret hands. Buried, ambition can be imagined, do not know whether there is such a arrangement in the **** empire, if not, does it mean **** is the first strong man of the **** empire? In the "peaceful era" that is temporarily unable to launch war, this means is used to slowly erode the opponent. In the end, it is difficult to defeat the two empires and unify the devil world.

Or, is it the secret alliance of the fallen royal family such as Besib and Leviathan, wanting to make a comeback, and subvert the three empires in one fell swoop?

In any case, from the ambition of "bloody", there will be times when this mysterious power will once again "intersect", but not now. ! .

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