Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 369: The past year! Common enemy

The 369th chapter is the past! Common enemy

Isabella's words are still going on. Perhaps it is full of confidence in that kind of poison. Perhaps Chen Rui is almost a dead person, so he vomits the secret of his heart. 3∴

"Actually, I told Luo Dan that it was deliberately perceived by Rommel, and when you were given a black pharmacy before being taken away by Duolun, the shì girl next to me knew that it was the eye of Rommel. There is no slogan. Regardless of whether you have successfully turned over, I have another plan, that is, using a substitute to swindle and die from the emperor's death from the bloody."

Chen Rui’s mouth was moved, but he did not ask, because he knew that Isabella would continue.

"Want to ask why I have to leave? One of my loved ones and the enemy is finally dead. As long as I lurk in the dark and solve another enemy, then I can find a secluded place and change my appearance. Or a person slowly getting old, or just find an honest man to marry. Because, I am really tired..." Isabella sighed and seemed to have removed the usual camouflage camouflage, face There is only a lot of exhaustion and tiredness.

Chen Rui listened silently, that is the enemy of his loved ones, it should be Sapulina, why is this pair of sisters turning their faces into hatred?

"But even this plan has failed, it is because of you." Isabella looked at Chen Rui, his eyes intertwined with complex gods. "What I can't understand is that after Lommel's lobbying, It is impossible for you to judge that the things in front of you are all planned by me. Why do you have to be soft-hearted for a woman who wants to kill you one after another? Why did you solve Rommel in reverse? What is the purpose?"

Chen Rui still has no contact. Isabella should see through a "liar" from the human world, but he did not find his deeper purpose. His real purpose is not for money, but for dark moons. "Save" Isabella is only to further deepen the contradiction between the black scorpion and the veteran family, but also to seek the purpose of the wind and shadow boots. However, Isabella actually wants to use the suspended animation to break away from the **** organization. This is what he did not think of. I didn’t even think that it was because she had ruined her plan. Is this what she killed this time? the reason?

Isabella smiled ridiculously: "In fact, we all know very well that from the beginning, we are a game of illusion. You should be very clear about how I am a woman, I have married many times, just A woman who puts dàng poisonous. Don't tell me, you have already done fake drama, this joke is not funny at all."

"Since you think it is a joke, then there is no need to explain it." Chen Rui shook his head. "I just don't understand one thing. The woman who puts dàng will be so unfamiliar with the skills of wěn? Can assume that you marry The man who passed, I am afraid that it will be míhuò by some kind of illusion."

Luomen g once said that once the power of the evil eye can be truly integrated, the eye of the evil king can be said to be infinitely useful, but in terms of illusion, it is in no way inferior to the dream of the Leviathan family. Isabella knows that Cui Fant’s eye magic nest xùe, it is likely that he has also experienced in it, and even got the eye to accompany the beast.

The object of her marriage is mostly a high weight, not a real strong, so this speculation is very likely, but I am afraid that no one will believe it, the Emperor's style, this mandala lady is countless men. The wind blew dàng's communication huā. TXT e-book download

Isabella smiled coldly: "These are not the key points. If you change it two hundred years ago, maybe I have already been touched by you, but now... no matter how hoarse you are today, you can’t escape."

"You just said that... people can't fall in the same place." Before the launch of the situation, Chen Rui had the heart to put out more secrets, especially about the wind and shadow boots. "As the last request before my death, I want to know, it should be two hundred years ago... What happened?"

Isabella was half-baked and said faintly: "In fact, there is nothing. It is an ignorant girl who has met a sweet-skinned human man and said that she is as pure and beautiful as the snowy glaciers of the bright mountain, to pick it up by hand. A sacred huā. The ignorant stupid girl is convinced of this man, even with her sister, and as a result, the man is cheating away the most precious thing of the girl, never going back. Time has passed, stupid and ignorant Xuedala became a poisonous mandala. It was such a simple and cliché story."

Isabella's words are calm, as if telling a story about a neighbor who is not related to himself, but Chen Rui feels that the tone of the ancient well does not contain more pain than the pain, deep numbness. This numbness, he also saw in the eyes of Jiya.

It turned out to be the case.

This highly poisonous mandala was once a snowdale-like girl.

No wonder when it comes to Snowdale, there will be that kind of reaction, it should be thought of this hateful past.

Chen Rui secretly smiled, and he couldn’t think of the bright huā that he thought was a breakthrough. It turned out to be a fatal fuse. The reason for letting her kill the machine for the first time, there should be at least three keywords: human, man, snowdale .

"But this is not the main reason why I want to kill you this time. If you are just a simple liar, I am just a woman who is tired and wants to find a way to go, so slowly and slowly, maybe our ending. It will be different. Unfortunately, you are not."

Isabella's tone turned and slowly shook his head: "You are the royal family of the human world, a body with a light body is more ambiguous, and you want to win the sīsheng prince! I thought that the bottle of eternal remedy It’s a fake. I don’t think it’s true. You should have changed the plan to escape from the original money. You want to truly rely on the power of the Devil to seize the throne of the human world. The cooperation with the Devil will continue for a long time...”

"Blood is a huge organization with the same power and ambition. The conditions they can give you are much more generous than the blacks with many scruples. For those who want to get the throne, you can't refuse it. In fact, I have not reported the **** things of the black sè pharmacy, but this organization is in the inner line of the sacred angels, and it is not only me, I have already learned about the secret of cooperation between you and the black scorpion. From the time you appear in the sacred angels, The magic communication has reached the **** quickly. The person sent by this organization to fight for you is already on the way to the imperial capital. It will arrive in up to two days."

At this time, Isabella no longer has to lie again, Chen Rui secretly surprised, he was wrong a little last time, Isabella did not divulge the secret of the black sè pharmacy, but another person, The problem should be on the black side, probably a very close person around you.

"Once you can get the unique resources of the magical world, the strength of 'bloody' will be greatly enhanced. At that time, the devil will fall into a complete húnluàn, I will not watch this happen... this is One of the reasons for your death, though, I am not so great, the ambition of saving the devil and my self-sī woman is not up to the top," Isabella laughed and laughed at himself: "I joined this organization more. Helpless, and my father and brother died because of this organization, just want to retaliate. Another most important reason is that, according to my intelligence, this **** sent the Emperor to contact you. Man, it is just another enemy of me, I must kill him!"

The death of my father and brother? Another enemy? Chen Rui seems to think of something, a hate name faintly appears in my heart.

"This enemy is powerful, I am not his opponent, I can only use you... Soon, your soul power will gradually dissipate and become a beggar under my control, and will be the same as Luodan. The terrible energy that bursts at any time. At that time, I will control you to meet with the enemy, and then wait for an opportunity to launch. However, his strength is the peak of the Emperor, my risk of this shot is also very large, it is likely to die, even... Let's die with you."

After Isabella finished, he glanced at him faintly: "Now, is it very regrettable, regretting that I have met such a woman who is self-satisfied?"

Chen Rui quietly looked at Isabella, and did not feel fear or anger because of her words. Now it should be the most real side of this mandala huā, the reason she wants to kill herself is to prevent black sè The pharmacy fell into the hands of the **** organization and avenged the enemy.

In fact, everyone is self-centered, and Isabella’s experience is worthy of sympathy, but it does not mean that it can be forgiven. From the perspective of "Charles", he is just an innocent person, and even "pays" a lot for her, but he has encountered this treatment.

"Before my soul dissipates, there is one last question, your enemy, what is your name?"

Isabella was a bit strange when he raised this pointless question at this time, but he still said it: "Bai Luo Liviathan, the current patriarch of the jealous royal family, is nominally the head of the three generals of the yīn empire, blood The eldest elite member, my only closest brother is to die in his hands."

Sure enough, Bailuo! Actually, I also climbed the position of the Leviathan leader, is it Manu...

In this way, Isabella has a bad attitude towards Lomon G, but in fact still remembers the love of Luo Meng's father. Yù is not a mess. At the beginning, Cui Fante’s eyes on the cave were not to kill Luomen g, but to test or hone him...

"Miss Isabella, there is such a saying that we may not be able to choose to start sometimes, but we can choose to end and belong to our own end."

Said, Chen Rui slowly stood up, Isabella's pupil contracted, his face was unbelievable sè - according to the toxicity and the time of the attack, "Charles" should have no such strength, and from that calm Look and look at the strength of the power, it seems like a very deep poisoning look!

Isabella's left eye suddenly turned into a gold sè, a strong momentum burst out, ready to respond to the attack launched by the other party.

"If I really want to shoot you, in the case just now, the sneak attack is easier than the blatantness." Chen Rui shook his head. "For a woman who wants to kill me four times, I can’t give up, but what I think now is only One thing, that is to kill the man named Bailuo!"

Isabella was shocked and could hardly believe her ears.

"We will eventually ... may part ways and even turn against each other; maybe, the next meeting is just a stranger who passed by... But before that, I will do this for you, maybe, the last one. thing."

This sentence is actually a pun, saying, Chen Rui has a deep look at her: "I swear by the light body, will kill Bailuo. Leviathan!"

Will kill Bailuo, in fact, Chen Rui’s vows in the morning, now I hear the news of the arrival of Bailuo, naturally I will never let go of this opportunity, so he decided to temporarily put down the grievances with Isabella and join hands to deal with the biggest one. enemy.

This is heard in Isabella's ear, and it is another incredible feeling. Although in the past, the virtual and the snakes can always feel that kind of unreality. However, this vow is powerful and not a little bit artificial.

I saw this stupid man for the first time.

However, this man is not really stupid. A plan has almost deceived the whole devil world. It is a terrible wise man and a politician who urgently needs the devil to help the throne. Killing Bailuo, isn’t it completely broken the hope of teaming up with blood? And it will also lead to the revenge of that huge force, the endless troubles.


Is it really for the funny "joke"?

Isabella's eyes are intertwined with complex gods. For the first time, the heart of the lake, which has been quiet and stagnant, really began to db.

"Charles..." Isabella's mouth chún opened Zhang, seems to want to ask the truth, but finally did not have the courage to open this mouth.

(If the man was met in the same year... Unfortunately, there is no "if" in this world, now... I am just a yīn wicked woman...)

In fact, Chen Rui’s real intention is just to stabilize Isabella. Even if she really wants to turn her face with her, who wins and loses first, it’s not the time to go to The more important common enemy.

Isabella is decisive and decisive, and it is not a good man or a woman. However, perhaps the essence is not bad, it is justifiable, but even if the old grievances are not pursued for a while, the relationship between the dark moons is too great. You can't quit a half-point.

As for Bailuo, it is absolutely necessary to kill, of course not for Isabella, but for Delia, for Lomen g.

"Well, we should have less time left," Chen Rui looked awkward, as if nothing had happened. "I need to master the accurate information of Bailuo. Then we will discuss how to deal with this guy. As for the other things, let's put it aside, ok?"

Isabella took a deep breath. In any case, Bailuo was the biggest enemy at the moment. Immediately, he suppressed his distracting thoughts and finally nodded: "Good!"

Ps: The works related to the works include the long-form masterpiece "Chen Rui: My Mood Diary", which is probably a lot of words. At present, the prompt is under review. Please enjoy it later, and strongly recommend it. I hope that the rogue will continue, and stick to the end with a little bit.


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