Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 431: flower

Chapter 430

Outside the Crystal Valley, Master Rummenigge is under the strict protection of the army, looking at the changes in the sky along the distant valley. Like many soldiers, his face involuntarily reveals a surprised look.

Even at this distance, when you hear the sound of staggering whistling from far away, it is still scary, and those keenly aware horses are showing fear, if not trained, plus soldiers. Control, have already fled with their legs.

In the far air, the purple and green light are constantly changing, and the ground is faintly trembled. Even if it is a magical array, it can't be contained. I can imagine the intensity of the battle. But these troops did not move, just sticking to the defense line outside the Crystal Valley.

Because when someone gave Master Rummenigge to them a few days ago, they showed the magic badge representing the Lord of the Blood Flower, ordered the army to protect the master and hold the position, no matter what happened, no sway, and everything was forbidden. Outsiders' access, including Master Rummenig himself.

In fact, what these troops have seen is only the battle vision after the ancient slang power is imprisoned. Of course, Chen Rui’s ancient slang power is still quite different from that of the roller. If it is a roller, the effect is It will definitely be different, but the dark moon is too far away from the Crystal Valley. It takes too long to go back and forth, and the space channel established by Rolla takes time and materials is quite complicated, so this time Chen Rui did not alarm the fairy dragon who guarded the Dark Moon. Miss.

Within the Crystal Valley, the crystal columns that seem to connect the heavens and the earth have been broken a lot, and some are broken. The crystal dragons gasped heavily, the huge body was cracked, and the crystal scales scattered all over the place.

On the other side, he was a black-skinned Paglio, who was carrying a green cockroach, and although he was slightly agitated, he had to be much more relaxed, and there were many black armor. The scratches caused by the minions were not damaged, but only some insignificant parts that could not be protected by the nails showed some blood marks.

The crystal dragon's translucent pale blue snake stares at the black armor on Paglio. The dragons are mostly treasure collectors and connoisseurs. The crystal dragon can conclude that this armor is not ordinary legendary equipment. It’s not even the best elite legendary equipment. Is it an artifact? At least it is also a quasi artifact?

Most likely it is! This piece of armor is sturdy and abnormal, and it can cover the whole body after changing the dragon shape. The faint light that appears is also weakening the enemy's special effect. Fortunately, the crystal body can immunize this nasty skill, otherwise Jacob. The injury will be even more serious.

For two thousand years, this terrible poison dragon has actually created an armor artifact that the dragon can equip!

Power is stronger than him! The strange virulence can restrain the crystal quality!

And there are artifacts!

Too unfair!

In the heart of the crystal dragon, there was a strong sense of frustration. The poisonous dragon took advantage of the opportunity. A strong tail pumping smashed the left wing of the crystal dragon. Under the force of the field, the broken wings instantly restored the skeleton. The form is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, but at the cost of those crystal pillars breaking a large piece, the force of the field is suppressed even lower. Many of the crystal columns disintegrated into liquids under the action of green enamel, and quickly evaporate into new sputum, filling the entire space.

The sharp drop in the power of the field and the serious injury make the crystal dragon crumbling, almost unable to support it.

No, in this way, it will definitely be killed by the enemy!

Nowadays, I can only use that thing. Although I can't control the true power of that thing, and I will pay a considerable price, it is the only hope that I can knock down the other side!

do not care!

The crystal dragon bit his teeth and made some determination.

Paglieu has always maintained the upper hand, only to feel the heart is happy, just to take advantage of the pursuit, I saw that the crystal dragon's eyes suddenly turned into blood red, and a dangerous warning sign was born in my heart.

Duron did not dare to relax, immediately condensed his strength and waited for it, and saw a pale red ball in the mouth of the crystal dragon, which instantly opened into a strange flower shape, and the color changed from reddish to blood red, even the poisonous field could not be covered. The light of the beads.

The two months seen in the space were affected by it, from the original purple-green alternating to a complete blood red color.

Under the moonlight, the red flowers suddenly split apart, and a strand of strong red mist covered the appearance of the crystal dragon's body, and began to quickly distort and expand.

The whole body of the crystal dragon has been enlarged by a circle, and it has become stronger and stronger. The head has become three, like a Hydra. It has many sharp and huge bone spurs. The body sometimes carries a strange flame, and the flame comes. At the place, the green poisonous field is swallowed up.

The crystal dragon feels that the body is full of unprecedented violent violent temperament. With a wave of it, the ground is cracked with the strength of the ancient esoteric enchantment. Suddenly, the confidence increases greatly. "Pagluo! Your death is here." !"

Paglieu's combat experience is extremely rich. I can see that the state of the crystal dragon is different. This should be the last killing, and there must be something wrong with it. Otherwise, the crystal dragon will use this power early.

"Poor guy, just not the power of his own." Paglieu said disdain, more psychological tactics.

"Hey! You didn't rely on that artifact armor too? Winning and losing is the key to finally determining everything!" Jacob's voice became hoarse and weird, revealing a strange feeling.

"Want to win me?" Pagliu sneered: "Is it based on the power that you can't control?"

Jacob has no more nonsense, the blood red flame is blazing, and he is rushing toward Paglieu. The speed is much faster than the original, and the offensive and defensive forces have also been greatly improved. It seems that the effect of this variation Very obvious.

Paglio has the help of the artifacts "Thunder" and "Overlord", and with all his strength, it has withstood the tremendous pressure of Jacob, although the previous situation has been turned over, but the strict defense and long endurance This made Jacob only gain the upper hand and could not take advantage of the advantage for a while.

Despite the stability of the scene, the enormous pressure that has been encountered is only that Duron himself understands that if it is not the overwhelming defensive power of Overlord and the magical attribute of weakening and absorbing damage and turning into physical strength, it has long been hit by its own strength. collapsed.

However, Jacob's situation is definitely problematic and may not last forever. Therefore, it is necessary to hold on to this attack, and wait until the force of temporary variability is weakened, that is, when counterattacks are launched.

However, Jacob's aging time seems to be beyond the expectations of Paglieu. The violent and arrogant power seems to be inexhaustible. The flame can not only devour toxins, but also with strange damage. The protection of Overlord, otherwise it has been hurt.

Paglieu also noticed that while his poisonous field was swallowed up, Jacob's crystal field was also automatically disintegrated. It seems that the power of this change is incompatible with the ontology, and it is inevitable. .

The original convergence of "Overlord Unloading" immediately launched, a boxing in Jacob, Leiyin's lightning additional attributes appeared, Jacob's action suddenly paused, seems to be paralyzed by lightning, Paglio followed by lightning Two punches, hit the same part, the crystal dragon snorted, squatting, the body green and green, the flames became weak for a few minutes, and instantly returned to normal.

Pagliu's heart is bright: the red beads make Jacob's power soar, and Paglio's technique of poisoning the poison is also unable to work because the power is eliminated, but because of conflict with its own attributes. For this reason, Jacob's crystal body is invalidated, that is, the biggest advantage of immune magic is lost. Therefore, it has been affected by the reduction of the "overlord", and ordinary lightning and toxicity have also played a surprising effect.

In the same way, Pagliu immediately began to change the tactics, removed the power of the field, did not fight hard, mainly based on poison, combined with the special effects of the overlord and the additional lightning attack, gradually reversed the situation.

The crystal dragon is also miserable at this moment. He used to try the power of the red beads a little bit. He has been secretly wary of the danger. It is the first time that such a desperate attempt to display the red beads. Although the explosive force that erupted was still above imagination, and the situation was brought back for a while, there was a strange power in the red pearl, which seemed to transform him completely into a creature that was separated from the ontological consciousness. The panic of the crystal dragon.

It can be said that while fighting Paglieu, Jacob is also fighting "self."

"Hey!" The distracted crystal dragon was hit by Paglieu, but Pagliu was repulsed by a more violent force, and the crystal dragon's body was again distorted. It seems to be inflated again.

The crystal dragon gave out an almost horrible roar, and the **** eyes were crystal-clear. The "blood flesh" and bone spurs that were swollen and distorted were actually separated from the body, and a red core flower shape appeared in it, flashing with urgency. Light, then, all these things burst open.

When the red beads flashed, Paglieu knew it, and instantly regained his adult body. He crossed his hands in front of him and put a defensive posture. However, the power of this explosion was extremely strong. Although it became a human body that greatly reduced the area of ​​the force, it was still flying away from the earthquake.

Even the crystal nest, which was blocked by the power of the ancient slang, had a violent shock, and there was a huge crack in the space visible to the naked eye.

In fact, the most disadvantaged is Jacob himself. Just now, when he was in the first place, he tried his best to get rid of the control of the red beads and finally recovered his waking. However, as a positive bearer of the explosion, he had previously attacked the poisonous dragon. His injury is extremely serious, and with some of the sequelae of the red beads, almost collapsed on the spot.

After all, the crystal dragon is the strongest of the Emperor's peak. He screams, can't take care of the body's abnormalities and injuries, fights the final strength, shakes his wings and rushes out of the space crack, and breaks away from the ancient runes and bounds all the way. It disappeared into the night sky.

After the explosion, Paglio opened the dust and found that Jacob had disappeared, and there was a slight crack in the tyrannical tyrannical, which could not help but be fortunate. Fortunately, this armor has self-healing effect, only for a short time. No way to use it anymore.

This battle Jacob was once again lucky to escape, but the injury was extremely heavy. From the perspective of the red beads, it seems that there will be some terrible counterattack. In a short time, the combat power should be greatly reduced and will not come out again. Take the lead.

The entire battle process is more intense than Pagliu's prediction. The most impressive thing is the red bead that can induce some kind of terrible change. What is this thing?

By the way, I don’t know how the embarrassing human progress is. When I think of the wealth of the crystal dragon, the eyes of a dragon suddenly shine, and the original pain has become negligible.

Pagliu didn't know that just when Jacob had changed, the space entrance to the reverse transmission of the hall at the bottom of the earth had already been completed, which means that Chen Rui had completed all the wealth of the Crystal Dragon. Receiving, this is an amazingly huge amount of wealth, even on the treasures of the Paglio night wetlands. After all, the poison dragons have fallen behind for two thousand years of "collecting" wealth.

On the same day, Chen Rui, after notifying Paglieu, turned into Lumenig and began to quietly lead the miners to transform the magical array of the hall. In order to prevent being seen, the dragon inscription was not used, but the above ancient symbols. The language is mainly based on the magic array, but the crystal dragon obviously does not put the rug ants of "Rummenig" on the heart, and does not even check it.

Chen Rui wiped out the remaining crystal people, placed the miners in a safe cave, and then gradually eliminated the dragon inscriptions under the crystal dragon cloth. The battle above is not the strength of his current strength, if it happens rashly Become a burden of Paglieu.

Just when he came to the fork of the first encounter with the crystal man, a sudden strong feeling came out in his heart. It seems that the breath of the ancient accent was suddenly ten times thicker!

No, not only the ancient runes, but also a special kind of power, seemingly screaming him.

Perhaps the object of this power was not called by him, but he now clearly feels this call, or that the power has noticed Chen Rui.

Involuntarily, Chen Rui began to walk toward the channel below.

Along the way, I can feel the strange smell from time to time. It seems to come to a place with a strong temptation and unconsciously.

This place seems to be in the underground of the crystal mine, and it seems to be a separate space that enters through a passage in the ground. If it is not the breath of the ancient rune, if it is not the power to discover this temptation, Even if I searched the entire underground, I was afraid I could not enter this place.

Into the eye is a blood red, actually magma, but that color gives a feeling of horror, as if it is a hot blood river.

The whole space is a volcanic cave. The redness of the blood is distorted by the sights in the line of sight. There are boiling magma everywhere, and only the dangerous and narrow passage leads to the unknown depth in the front.

The terrible heat made Chen Rui have to be out of strength protection, still sweating, as if he were in a hell.

Chen Rui carefully walked on the black rock under his feet and walked forward step by step. He walked for a while. At a corner, he found that the magma had something special, and it contained the floating load and did not melt, as if It is the general generation of melt.

This is a bizarre flower, about the size of two fists. Unlike the blood red melt, the more glamorous red exudes a strange beauty.


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