Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 432: mysterious! Vanishing blood sea

The 432th chapter is mysterious! Vanishing blood sea

Chen Rui just looked at the strange huā in the magma, and his eyes moved away. Suddenly, everything around him felt quiet and his ears could clearly hear some unusual breathing.

The terrible heat, the transpiration of magma and the unknown danger are left behind, as if the focus of the entire space is concentrated on this strange huā.

Chen Rui feels that the mind is completely attracted to the past by this strange huā. He knows that there is something different. He wants to transfer away from this attraction, but he is unable to extricate himself. Not only that, but even the soul feels stupid and swaying, it seems to be detached. And out of the ordinary.

After all, Chen Rui has experienced the test of refining the heart. When the heart is converging, it is like a leaf in the giant làng, letting the strange and powerful spiritual power surge, just keeping a clear line of self, drifting with the wind, hún does not focus Although in the turbulent 骇 làng, the mind is more and more determined.

Seeing that we must get rid of the fascinating power of that huā, in a blink of an eye, the temperature around it suddenly rises, and the horrible heat wraps up Chen Rui from all directions. The originally still relatively calm magma is like a roaring roar, boiling magma. Splashing into Chen Rui’s body, he came out with blue smoke. Fortunately, there was Xuany’s bodyguard, but some of his arm was smashed. The pain of the cone made him suddenly wake up. This is not an illusion!

Chen Rui immediately appeared a blue translucent protective cover, blocking the attack of the magma, vacated, and quickly flew back, but the surrounding scene seems to have changed, not seeing the way out or retreating, just a piece Endless boiling sea.

"Hey!" The shield actually couldn't resist the invisible heat, cracked, and only collapsed for two seconds. When the protective cover broke, Chen Rui immediately felt that there was a special smell in the horrible high temperature, and it was getting stronger and stronger, and the pressure brought by it was especially the temperature and damage of the magma.


Destroy the sky.

Endless and powerful destruction.

It was like the last time that the area of ​​the demigod that faced the Rainbow Valley was general.

But the two are different. The most obvious thing is that the ruin of the blood in front of the eyes is a hundred times stronger than that of the space, and it is getting stronger and stronger!

At the beginning, it was only a hint of the power of the demigod. Now, how much is this...

Chen Rui had no time to think about it. Even the time to display the gates of the stars was not there. The next blink of an eye, he would be completely swallowed up by this devastating atmosphere.

Chen Rui almost instinctively launched a kind of power. To be precise, this is not a kind of power, but a special state that combines feelings.

There was a bit of redness in the pupils. In an instant, he seemed to be a part of the devastating atmosphere. He was integrated into it. The wrath of the sea is powerful, and it can destroy everything in it, but it cannot destroy itself.

Not only that, but the destructive power of the blood sea seems to be affected by the power of the destruction of Chen Rui’s “enlightenment” at this time. All of them are coming into his body, not intrusion, but gathering, as if his body is some kind of destruction. The source is general.

The raging blood and sea destruction forces have become much lighter under this incredible engulfing.

A large influx of destruction has made Chen Rui's strength of power seem to have changed, and the red sè in the pupil is more and more intense.

At this time, the lava's destructive power seemed to have a pair of eyes, and fell on him. The invisible gaze actually affected Chen Rui's mysterious mood at the moment, a fierce jī spirit, and the red sè in his eyes suddenly receded. Instinctively recovered. He felt the surrounding ruin of the atmosphere weakened, did not dare to hesitate, immediately showed the skills of the door of the starry sky, a flashing blue sè light door appeared, the sound of the sound burst, Chen Rui's figure disappeared instantly, let the face come The magma was empty. Somewhere in the endless, there seems to be a low roar.

Crystal Valley, there is a door in the void, Chen Rui's figure came out, this is the star point he set on the ground.

After gently falling on the ground, I thought about the dangerous scene. The feeling of being on the ground was finally to make him feel better. The voice of Paglio came from the side: "Hey, you are coming, it’s time, Jacob. Treasures are all in hand! Hurry up!"

When Chen Rui came out from the door of the starry sky, it happened that the poison dragon had killed the crystal dragon, but Pagliu’s heart was still a little faint. At the beginning, the poisonous dragon uncle had taken ōng脯 packing tickets as long as the humans were arranged to prevent the crystal dragon from escaping. The magic array, will certainly be able to take Jacob, the result is almost yīn ditch overturned, and then let Jacob escape again, the leather is blown.

People have lost their hands and the dragon has lost their claws.

No matter what, the success or failure of the head is empty, the treasure is the most important, and the division is overwhelming.

Chen Rui is shocked. What kind of heart is thinking about the treasure? I am going to return with a sigh of relief. I only heard a little bit of surprise in Paglio’s voice: "What is in your hand?"

Chen Rui’s subconscious mind, I don’t know when to hold a thing, a huā.

The material is like a spar, but it is natural, not axe, but the **** red sè gives more of a feeling of being a monster.

Chen Rui’s face suddenly changed, it is actually this huā! When……

Paglieu also frowned, this huā seems to have been played with Jacob...

Speaking, the two people in the conversation finally understood the accidents that the other party had encountered, and looked at the huā's eyes and added a little more vigilance.

It can be a strong change like the crystal dragon of yòu, and it is also grown in a kind of lava that emits the power of terrible destruction. It is definitely not an ordinary magical plant!

Paglieu also didn't think about what treasures, Shen yín said: "The terrible place you said is in this underground? Let's go and find out now."

Chen Rui thought a little and nodded. Both of them were bold, but they still have to be prepared. Chen Rui immediately compiled two sets of equipment to increase fire defense and mental defense.

The collocation of equipment has considerable knowledge. Not every equipment worn on the body can exert all the attributes. If it is not properly matched, it will offset each other and will not exert the maximum ability. Fortunately, Overlord and Xuan yin are super system artifacts, and there is no conflict with other equipment, so soon, the fully armed Chen Rui and Pagliu appear again in the underground of the crystal mine.

"Weird, there should be an entrance here..." Chen Rui suspected that he had sensed the location of the ancient accent in the last time. It was originally a crossroad, and he could step by step to the mysterious "blood sea." "But at this time, the crossroad became a three-way road, and the downward-facing passage disappeared out of thin air."

It’s not blocked or collapsed, but it’s gone, it’s not seen in the slightest artifacts, and even the smell of ancient accents is not felt. If it’s not that strange huā is still stored in the storage warehouse, Chen Rui will think that he is experiencing hallucinations.

Duron did not question his memory, but he was very dignified: "According to what you said, I was already running Jacob on the ground, but there was no special feeling. You should enter a The independent space, including the path that has disappeared, is part of the space camouflage. If this space is controlled by people... and Jacob is also mutated into that form, then the strength of this person... It has gone beyond the general category."

Chen Rui secretly stunned, the "general" category in the poisonous dragon mouth refers to the most advanced power generally recognized by the devil world. That is to say, this "person" who may control the "blood sea" space has surpassed the magic level.

At least half-god? It’s like... the same strongman who sealed Paglio?

Thinking of the eyes that once glimpsed into consciousness, Chen Rui could not help but shudder, is it an illusion? still is……

Or, as Pagliu said, there is some concern in the cào, otherwise he and Puglio will not be able to escape if they join in with Paglio.

I remember that when I was in the Rainbow Valley, I couldn't use the door of the Starry Sky in the semi-god field. This time I was out of luck. I believe that if I encounter it again, the other party will not give him the opportunity to reapply.

But why did that huā appear in his hands? Chen Rui’s memory in this respect is somewhat vague. He only remembers that he faintly absorbed the power of destruction, and then escaped. He did not know whether he had taken it beforehand, or someone deliberately “sent” him.

As for Jacob, he has been using the crystal ore to heal and strengthen his strength for many years. He should also get this kind of huā under the occasional opportunity. From the perspective of building a crystal nest xùe above the crystal mine, and Chen Rui’s The encounter may be a bit different, not so dangerous.

Chen Rui put away his thoughts and returned to the ground with the poison dragon. Since this is the case at the moment, it does not make sense for him and Paglio to continue exploring. Now that Jacob has escaped, even if the mysterious space opens a certain entrance again, I believe that it will not be noticed by ordinary miners. —— This crystal mine should be able to resume normal operation, and the master Rummenigge returned safely, which is also a complete fulfillment of Cafu.

"I will first order the army to **** Master Rummenigge, then go north to cross the Black Iron Mountains and go to the **** empire to find the land of Wo Yuan."

"Do you want this grandfather to accompany you?"

"No, Xia sisters and Ji Ya need you to continue to protect in secret. Yes, you know a lot, do you have a special impression on the strange flower huā?"

"The strange huā history is very mysterious, I have never seen it. If you don't, you will bring it back to your family's crazy woman... for the amount, that Lola study," Paglieu temporarily changed his name. I will rush back to the blood huā city, but before that, let's talk about that important business."


"Don't put on that **** expression!" Uncle Duron saw that this "inheritance" had no good mood from the signature expression of a young lady. "Is it impossible for you to be alone?"


"Greed guys, still stupid, this uncle and you fight!" Duron is about to pounce on, and saw a crystal light flying, it turned out to be a very delicate transparent crystal chandelier, just a glimpse of a glimpse, good at Bao’s dragons have recognized that this lamp is made of precious snow flakes and is very expensive. Snow flakes are born with soft light, and can also help spiritual practice, but the material of this crystal is very fragile and easy to break, so it is generally matched with a magical array of protection, but this one is in front of you. Obviously there is no protection.

The poisonous dragon uncle was shocked and quickly stopped the car. He was busy with his feet and stabilized the baby who almost fell, but at the same time another expensive blood-grain magic ball flew over. This stuff is as big as a battle ball, and it is stronger than a snow flake. Although it won't smash, it looks like a flawless appearance. As long as there is a little crack, it will fall sharply. Paglio Quickly one hand, and protected the blood grain magic glass ball, the head has been knocked by Chen Rui.

"Hey, Grandpa Duron, do you still want me to continue to 'divide' to you?"

"You hún eggs, these are the most noble works of art! Do you know what is respect for art?" Duron's art-oriented brick house looks like a sad figure. Chen Rui is falling over his skeleton. Ròu.

"Do you still understand art?" Chen Rui looked at Paglieu with contempt, and he knew very well. If you put a bunch of black crystal coins and a bunch of art-only gadgets together, the goods would be Do not hesitate to defect to the noblest brick home.

"Of course! Every dragon is the best art respecter... Hey! Don't throw it, that black yù statue is a worthy thing! If you break it, even if you take your head to pay for it! ”

Sure enough, so quickly violently smashed the essence, Chen Rui l took out the memories of the sè: "Right, I remember, Betty, their governance alliance will seem to say that men's wealth must be turned over? I was taken away by Rolla a lot of treasures! ”

Paglieu heard the words and stagnation, and the hand that collected the treasures stopped again. The eyes of Duron Dragon slid for a while: "Are we the best partners and friends?"

Chen Rui thought for a while and nodded: "I am barely."

"What is stubborn? Are you very wronged?" Paglieu's eyes turned and changed into a self-righteous smile: "Today we just defeated Jacob. As for the treasure, it seems that nothing. Got it?"

"No, It looks like this time the harvest is huge..."

Chen Rui casually said a few major treasures, let Paglieu's eyes shine, and smiled: "Oh... the amount, smart partner, you should understand what I mean, I am not like you, there is that kind of Space storage capacity, even the space ring will be viewed by Little Betty on weekdays. Now I am the poorest dragon in the whole devil world. Men always have a little space for people and ... savings, do you say yes? Give you more points. Sealing fee."

Chen Rui nodded and spit out two words in the eyes of Duron Dragon: "Sanqi."

"You **** vampire! Even the dragon's blood dare to suck!" Paglieu almost didn't drop the light crystal in his hand to the ground: "Today's contribution is this uncle, I am seven and you are almost the same!"

"I think Miss Betty will be very excited to get a huge amount of new wealth."

"Shameless guy! This uncle takes a step back, I am six and you are four, less than one can not!"

In the no-nutrition bargaining, the shadows of the two partners gradually fell into a quiet night.


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