Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 448: law! Goodbye demigod field

The whole text has no advertising, the forty-eighth chapter rule! Goodbye demigod field (first)

Originally, Sergeid also had another name for the "Sacred Mountain". However, the information in this "world" is much simpler than the others, but there are some special introductions of animals and plants. (full text e-book free download)

The violent bird, the mutated bird, has a strong urgency, a strong sense of likes and dislikes, and the cockroach is toxic and has a self-destructive property.

Gargoyle - ancient alchemy works, with flying ability, some variants have independent thinking, strong defense, immune mind magic, magic damage halved.

Griffin - Mutant World of Warcraft, the lion's body and tail, the action is fast, the minions are highly toxic, which can make the enemy paralyzed, and the poisonous needle in the tail is ten times more powerful than the minions. The Warcraft power is powerful and fierce, and will actively attack the invaders.

Chen Rui brows slightly wrinkled, and witnessed the fierce battle between Sapulina and the Griffin in the Crystal Valley. This kind of Warcraft is very difficult, and when the Griffin was tortured and tested, the combat power has been greatly reduced. The Emperor is afraid that it is not an opponent.

At this time, there was a huge black shadow in the air of the white mountain range. Chen Rui looked at it and was immediately taken aback.

This is a dragon that is about ten meters long. It looks like a black body. The dark scales are like armor. Under the light, it reflects the black gems.

Black Dragon - dark breath. Immune system low-level magic, high-level magic damage reduced by 90%, the stronger the talent, the higher the immunity, up to 99%, compared with the rest of the dragons, the endurance, speed is less.

The black dragon and the crystal dragon are very similar in talent. They are the nemesis of the magic system. Compared with the crystal dragon completely immune magic, the black dragon can immunize low-level magic and reduce the high-level magic damage by 90% (or base, up to percent). Ninety-nine) is almost equal to immunity. Black Dragon also has a feature that Crystal Dragon does not have, you can use advanced medicine.

Chen Rui is secretly shocked. The Sergeid Mountain not only has a beast like the Griffin, but also the existence of the Black Dragon! No wonder Tiffany said that it was not where he (the merchant Simon) could go.

In the introduction of the rest of the species, Chen Rui finally found the soil that has been searching for a long time.

The soil of Wo Yuan - a wonderful thing with the original strength of the soil system, can greatly enhance the strength of the soil system, and even induce some unknown changes, but has a strong coagulation effect on the body, and non-special creatures are not suitable for use.

Chen Rui nodded, and the soil of Wo Yuan is indeed a wonderful thing. The only "side effect" is to solidify the body, but for the earth element, there should be no harm in the benefits, no wonder there is a comment at the end.

According to this information, the Sacred Mountain is in the Sasfair Mountains in the northern part of the Bloody Empire. The exact location is unknown, but it has a general orientation, and the appearance of the Sercoed Mountain. It is much stronger than the original headless flies.

Although there are such terrible creatures as the Griffin and even the Black Dragon in the Sercored Mountains, and the specific location of the Wo Yuan is unknown, since it has already reached this point, how can we turn back and look at it anyway.

After finding the news of Wo Yuan Zhi, Chen Rui’s heart was finally settled. Now, there should be time to stay here. It’s better to go around and collect some valuable information.

There are many good things in the "world" of the fourth layer. Many of them are lost experiences or knowledge. They have even surpassed the category of masters of craftsmen. They don't know who is left behind. The end is so wonderful that it is enough to shadow. The empire's ancient magic tower is shoulder to shoulder.

Chen Rui uses deep analysis to enter the non-repetitive "world" to obtain information and knowledge. However, a strange feeling in the heart is gradually clear. This feeling is familiar with a little bit. It seems that the entire fourth layer is infiltrated in the "world". There is a certain breath, a cycle, and a constant life. Perhaps this is the root and driving force of these "worlds."

The more "in and out" these "worlds", the stronger the feeling is. It seems to be vast and boundless, and it seems that it is impossible to express in an accurate language. Even the star power in the body begins to fluctuate uncontrollably. It was dragged by unknown forces.

Chen Rui felt the strange fluctuations in the body, suddenly blessed the soul, and boldly took the pair of glasses down.

Although Niet has repeatedly stated that he can't take off his glasses at any time, Chen Rui doesn't know anything, just pick it up, as if everything is instinct.

Only after taking off the glasses, Chen Rui felt a bang in the brain, and all the scenes suddenly changed. What world and data were gone, only the size and symbol of the flashing rotation of the sky was left.

When Chen Rui saw the symbols, he suddenly felt shocked and the ancient runes! All are the runes of the ancient symbols, not a single word or a handle, the entire "world" is composed of ancient accents!

If he and Lola studied words and short sentences before, and at best the highest is a paragraph, then these ancient accents are a coherent and complete long work! The wonders of the entire fourth floor, as well as the strange feelings of going out and forgetting many times to remember, are the effects of the ancient accusatives!

All the ancient runes are derived from the 18 basic runes, just like the radicals of Chinese characters, but literacy is only the first step, let alone the changes of the 18 slate of Rolla and Chen Rui. The basic characters are not fully understood, even if they all know the word, it does not mean that they can write an article, and it does not mean that they can write a good work.

The "world" in front of us is obviously a perfect and gorgeous "work"!

If it is Lola here, it will be maddening. There are countless unknown ancient phrase phrases, handles and even paragraphs. Not to mention the "worlds" created in them, these ancient symbols themselves are just Priceless treasure.

Although Chen Rui opened up the in-depth analysis, it is too late to look at these "priceless treasures", because his body is only a slowly flowing force that has already boiled under the influence of this "vision", almost to the point where it cannot be suppressed. .

This boiling, the ancient accusatives in the whole space began to change, and a strong and dangerous atmosphere came from overwhelming. Compared with this vast and powerful force, Chen Rui felt that he was only a negligible space. The dust has no possibility of resisting. If you compare that breath to a living body, you only need one thought to completely annihilate him!

The momentary movement is also good, the door of the starry sky is also good, for a while it is impossible to display, Chen Rui shock, finally understand what the familiar atmosphere of this mysterious space is.


This kind of field is by no means the power of the ordinary level. In contrast, the field of the demon emperor and the emperor is like a stream that is as small as the river in front of the endless rivers - the semi-god field!

The fourth floor of the Bloody Empire Architects League is actually a demigod field constructed by the ancient symbols.

Chen Rui is not the first time to face the demigod field. Last time in the Rainbow Valley experiment, the trace of the semi-god field, although it is also the field of the demigod, but this complete field is obviously not " A trace of breath is comparable, and it is not exactly the law of destruction. Even if Chen Rui wants to use some kind of power to assimilate or evade, he can't do it.

Seeing that it will be wiped out in an instant, the terrible power of the overwhelming force seems to "slip" past because of some rules, just like Chen Rui is an "exception".

This phenomenon is of course not because of Chen Rui’s insignificant power, but because of the role of the cloak.

The horrified Chen Rui finally recovered, and he clearly understood the purpose of the cloak and glasses: this semi-god's field space can obviously sense the abnormal mood fluctuations or active attacks, and the role of glasses can shield the user's emotions. Fluctuating, and filtering out the form of the ancient accusative source, so that the entrant can not see these symbols with strange energy, only see the things expressed in the ancient symbols, that is, the meaning expressed, that is, the "world."

The cloak should contain "special rules" in a certain field. In the case that no one deliberately presides, this "special rule" can protect the user from the ordinary infringement of the power of the field, somewhat similar to a privileged p's premium account.

After Chen Rui thought about these things, he calmed down and the fluctuations in the field began to calm down a lot, but the tide-like power was still coming to him, but the special rules of the cloak still existed without causing harm.

Sure enough, the semi-god field is not so simple, Chen Rui just wants to put on his glasses, and suddenly his heart moves, letting the semi-god-level power constantly rush toward himself, and does not control the power of his body, just relax his mind and open the analysis. The "analysis" skill of the eye, with the huge force carrying the floating load, tastes the mysterious feeling.

In the semi-god space of the Rainbow Valley last time, Chen Rui once realized a basic law, which made the field more powerful. Now in this more complete and powerful world of demigod, it is just to further strengthen the understanding of the basic law and make it even more Complete.

Sure enough, under the "analysis" of the data collection, this sentiment became more and more profound. It seems that there are many things that were not available before. It seems that the window paper has been smashed. Chen Rui’s brain flashes, the inner strength Suddenly coincided with the outside, and even caused some resonance.

This is a precious insight into the heart.

However, the surrounding environment is not a joke. Once the resonance has surpassed the protective power of the cloak, then the horrible atmosphere in the field can instantly turn Chen Rui into a fly ash. Although quite fatal, but like this, the demon level can use the power of the semi-god field to practice the law of enlightenment, I am afraid that Chen Rui is the first example of the whole devil world.

Chen Rui is not trying to understand the mystery of the demigod field. He wants to do it. He wants to use the semi-god field to consolidate and deepen his basic principles. In the future, he can derive his true power.

In a "world", Niet, who has been quietly understanding, suddenly feels the strangeness around him. It seems that the world's scene is undergoing dramatic changes and tremors. It seems that there is a strong interference. This is undoubtedly very abnormal. I dare not stay for a long time, and quickly quit this "" but when he left the "big menu" world of the initial entrance, he was immediately taken aback.

I saw that "Li Cha" was suspended in the air, and was slammed into the air for a while, and then fell to the next moment. What surprised him was that Richard’s face seemed to have no "glasses" and was closed. Binocular and uncontrolled body, it seems to be dead!

Stupid things, so embarrassing in advance, actually took off the glasses! Even the first master of the devil world did not dare to do that, this hairy kid turned out to be...

If it weren't for "Licha" and the greatest use value, Niety couldn't help but tear the guy who influenced his understanding into pieces.

At this time, Niet's glasses suddenly lit up with red light, and the time limit for staying here is almost here! Danger!

Ps: I wish everyone happy Tanabata! A lover will eventually become a genus, and a single person will come true soon!

Friendly reminder: There are outbreaks of pros today.


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