Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 449: The true face of Niet

The forty-nineth chapter of the true face of Niet (second more)

Against the warning of the glasses, Nate looked at Chen Rui, who was still flying in the air, and biting his teeth. He did not hesitate to crush the red sè lock on the cloak. The figure disappeared instantly and appeared on the fourth floor. That big mén outside.

When Ninet came out, Chen Rui had already felt it. Even the hate was obvious. His current perception has been matched with the rhythm of the whole demigod field to a very subtle level. The understanding of the law is almost coming to an end.

However, Chen Rui also felt the alarm issued by the glasses. From the situation that Niet did not hesitate to give up his "prey" to escape, it is indeed urgent.

Nate said that "the fourth layer is not just a master of death" is not shocking. Chen Rui has already sensed that some kind of "law" on the cloak is fading, and the sense of crisis transmitted through the "law" has suddenly increased. The time is coming!

The protection of the cloak is almost near the edge of disintegration. Once it is disintegrated, it is a little breath, and it can kill his "foreign object".

This is a complete obliteration, even if there is "regeneration" special, can not be resurrected, Chen Rui's hand could not help but hold the red lock.

However, the enlightenment is almost complete, and this opportunity for insight is too rare. From the attitude of Niet’s departure, even if there is no such thing as Chen Rui’s expectation this time, the next estimate will not allow him to come again. Four layers, and even if you can come here, it may not once again produce this kind of blessing to the soul.

More importantly, after learning about the news of Wo Yuan, Chen Rui should leave the **** emperor and go to the northern Sasfir Mountains to visit the Sercoed Hill.

The law of the cloak is further attenuated, and there is a danger of collapse at any time. At the moment of life and death, Chen Rui has become calm. Continue to maintain the mysterious state of mind, the kind of sentimental sentiment that has never been clear before, the strength of the body is getting smaller and smaller by the influence of external b, gradually forming a separate cycle, as if in a big The game is a self-contained game.

To be precise, it is the domain! And it is in the field of semi-god!

At the end of the last glimpse of the sensation, "bō" sounded softly, and the whole cloak began to decay quickly with the speed visible to the eyes. The power of the field madly wiped out the cloak, and when it was about to wrap up Chen Ruizhi, it suddenly became inexplicable. If you have a meal, if the owner of this semi-god-level field can see this situation, you will be surprised to see that a small ant ant at the demon level can stop the power of such a mad half-god field.

This pause lasted for less than two seconds, and instantly surged with more fierce acceleration, and instantly “flooded” the target.

At the same time, Chen Rui's figure suddenly appeared on the fourth floor of the big mén, gasping in a big mouth, just can be said to be a thousand, but he finally used that precious one second to crush the lock, Successfully escaped. If you slow down for a second, even if he has the strength of the devil level, it is absolutely difficult to escape the end of the smoke.

However, he managed to escape. Not only that, but he also gained an extremely precious understanding of the basic principles. There are countless demons who can not understand the rules of semi-god in their lifetime. Chen Rui is definitely a rare event. The opportunity, together with the vast amount of information and information including the whereabouts of Wo Yuan, is a huge harvest.

Chen Rui haha ​​laughed, his eyes fell on the side of the side of the sèyīn霾, the laughter still did not stop.

Nate was sulking and was about to speak. Chen Rui had walked in two steps and made two steps. He said with a smile: "Teacher! My magic eye is about to change soon!"

In the eyes of Niet, he swept a trace of jīng, and he couldn’t care about it. The surprise was overwhelming: "Really?"

“It’s true!” Chen Rui is extremely excited. “Teacher, I have sensed the information of the magic eye variation. In addition to the original materials, I also need Huo Ling Jingsha, the best Luo Songshi, Wo Yuan’s soil...”

"What is the soil of Wo Yuan?" Niet frowned.

Chen Rui’s hand was deliberately tempted. When he saw that Ninet did not know, he immediately changed his mind: “It doesn’t matter if you lack one or two, but each of these materials will have a more chance of success, and it will make The magic eye after the mutation is more powerful, this time should be the ultimate form of the magic eye!"

"Apart from the soil of Wo Yuan, the rest are there!" Nate replied without hesitation. Although he is the president, he can use the privilege to transfer three materials every month, but nowadays the materials are so many. Rare things, even if you discount, you need a lot of contributions. However, these are "outside things", and the value is much smaller than the "ultimate form" magic eyes.

"That's good, teacher, I will wait for you in my room, and maybe I need some help from you."

"Good! I am going to the warehouse to redeem the materials!" Nate turned and left, suddenly remembered something, added another sentence, "You immediately go back to the room, in order to be safe, don't tell anyone before the magic eye does not really mutate!" Don't touch anyone on the road!"

If Master Turia said this sentence, Chen Rui must have no extra thoughts, but this is Niet, and Chen Rui also induced some special emotions, which is intriguing.

"Do not worry, teacher, I will not let anyone bother!" Chen Rui turned and left, his face looked like an intriguing smile.

Soon after, Nate brought all the materials that could be assembled. To be on the safe side, a magical array of "preventing" was placed near his room.

Under Niet's gaze, Chen Rui puts those magic materials one by one, put his hands on them, and seems to look at them with his eyes. In the blink of an eye, the magic material disappears, and then another piece...

Nate can be sure that Chen Rui has no space props on his hands, unless it is a space magic that has been lost for many years, otherwise it is really "absorbed" by the magic eye.

This question can be answered with a thumb. If this is only a disciple of the middle-level demon, there will be space magic, then isn’t he the god-level powerhouse?

- The fact is that Niet is not a god-level powerhouse, but the "disciple" really has space "magic."

After the last piece of material was "absorbed" by Chen Rui, Chen Rui closed his eyes, and his body was full of strange b swaying. This kind of b swaying, even the big devil king's Nite felt the mysterious, long time, bō The action finally subsided, and the eyes of "Li Cha" students slowly opened.

"How is it?" Nate was holding his breath and didn't bother to interrupt. Now he stepped forward and asked loudly.

Chen Rui's eyes are full of burning light: "Teacher, your strength is the middle of the big devil? Right, your strength and jīng power are the middle of the big devil, speed and physical strength is the first stage of the big devil."

Niet shocked, his strength and characteristics were actually seen by a middle-level demon, so that the mutation was a complete success? The magic eye after the mutation can still see the strength of the target!

"This should be just a part of the function of the magic eye. Teacher, can you show me the space ring?" After the words were finished, Niet took it without thinking, and Chen Rui pretended to look at it. For a while: "This ring should be based on Prota's production baseline, first melted with a low flame, then use ice yù to mold... The last enchantment is the drip filling method. Right, Prota and Drop What are these in the potting method and why do they automatically appear in my mind?"

Even the production process and process can be seen? Niet's eyes are amazing.

Although he is a short board in the jewelry props jīng pass, but the production method of magic props is no stranger, once you know it is not fabricated, the heart of the jī movement simply can not be added: it is the ultimate form of the magic eye, simply too reversal It’s day! If you can get this skill, can you directly see through any tools? Not only that, but also let you always feel the tough props jīng leaps and bounds, become a long and short three-line master with the young genius "Arthur"?

Nowadays, there is no way to think of the stunned Nate. The so-called "ultimate variation" is simply deceptive. The previous strength analysis is the "normal" function of the analytical eye, and the subsequent production process is real and practical. The poor two-line jīng master, just like this by a three-line jīng pass liar master to fool.

After trying a few times, Nate has no doubt about the power of the "magic eye".

"That's great! I will go out and tell everyone!" Chen Ruil took a look of surprise, just walked a few steps, suddenly the body was soft, shaking y ù, "Teacher, how do I feel that my body suddenly has no strength? ”

"Is it?" In the eyes of Nate, he quickly passed a trace of joy. "It may be excessive fatigue. Come, I will help you sit down and take a break."

"Thank you teacher." Chen Rui was helped by Niet and slowly sat on the sofa.

"How are you feeling?"

"It seems to be getting There is no strength at all, and the head is starting to faint..." Chen Rui leaned softly on the sofa.

Nate’s heart was set, and the voice began to change slowly: “You will not be so uncomfortable soon, I will help you to get rid of it completely.”

"Teacher, why is your smile so terrible..."

"Thank you for your magic eyes," Nete suddenly laughed, with a smug smug in his voice. "But, soon it is mine, as long as I have this magic eye, I Ma Mén is not only the first master of the demon world, but also the first appraisal master of the devil world. In the future, it is likely to become the first master of the demon world!

Nate l smirked at the heart of the smile - this jīng heart-raised prey finally ushered in the moment of harvest.

Chen Rui also took a sigh of relief - it took so long to play, it is time to call the curtain.

Ps: I just got back from the meeting. This time is really busy. I will concentrate on training tomorrow afternoon. Today is two. I will work harder at night, and I will thank you tomorrow.


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