Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 521: inherited

There are more and more reinforcements from the caves. There are only five people in the Big Mac. There are about 400 Crystal Warcrafts and about 100 people in the Light Spirit. They should look at the situation and should be the army of the "Alchemy Civilization" camp.

Chen Rui implicitly understood the content of this trial, which is to join the alchemy civilization and eliminate the monsters in these caves.

Although the number of alchemy civilizations is at a disadvantage, the combat power is much higher than the monster army.

The spirits quickly release the negative magic, causing the enemy to fall into various unfavorable states; Crystal Warcraft is physically strong, powerful, and not afraid of fireballs and elemental attacks, is the main force of melee; the power of the Big Mac is more It is a cloak. Soon, this group of monsters was completely annihilated.

The environment of the cave is extremely strong, and even the power of the Emperor can't move or cause obvious damage. After the end of the war, there is basically no trace left.

A headed giant machine armor chest slowly separated, a female figure fell, this woman is tall and thin, beautiful facial features, a black short hair, appearance is no different from normal humans, said to Chen Rui Words.

Chen Ruicai knew that these mechs were controlled by the "driver". Unfortunately, she couldn't understand what she said and saw that the other party was not hostile. She immediately nodded friendlyly.

The woman did not know whether she understood the meaning of Chen Rui, and nodded to him, and returned to the body of the mech, the breastplate re-closed, waved, Crystal Warcraft quickly rushed forward, mech and The light spirits followed, and Chen Rui also followed the team.

Although his injuries have recovered a lot, but he has not recovered, and his physical exertion is huge. If you encounter the kind of enemy just now, it is definitely a dead end. It is naturally safer to follow these teams.

There are more and more flowers in the abyss along the way, and the number of enemies is increasing. In addition to the small monsters and the violent horn monsters that have outstanding jumping ability, there are two more powerful flame women wearing gold-red armor. In his hand, he held a long flame with a flame and electric light.

The flame woman has reached the level of the demon king. It seems that there is no field strength, but their strength and wisdom are terrible. Not only will they exert the powerful magic of the fire wall, but they also have a terrible skill after using the flower of the abyss. That is the flame shield that bounces the melee attack. As long as it is impossible to strike, the Flame Shield will inevitably return a part of the attack. This skill is "passive attribute." It is quite against the sky.

Chen Rui saw the opportunity to make a powerful sneak attack and knocked the seriously wounded female woman to the ground. However, the flame woman did not immediately die. As a result, Chen Rui was bounced back by her overlapping strength and spit out a blood on the spot. Not only Chen Rui, but even Crystal Warcraft and the Big Mac are eating a lot of losses in the hands of the flame women.

The giant human body is too large, the action is relatively slow, and it is extremely jealous of the continuous burning fire wall; and the crystal Warcraft immune to the fire wall is difficult to resist the power of the flame shield and the flame electric light whip, but the passive magic of the light spirits Still quite sharp, the flame girl was annihilated under the siege, and the monsters led by them were all smashed.

After this war, the alchemy civilization team suffered heavy losses, the mechs destroyed two, the driver died, and the lights and crystal Warcraft suffered more than half. However, Chen Rui, with the help of his own light therapy and gain magic, let go of the fight, and exerted the power of the three fields to the fullest, more sophisticated, and deepened the understanding of the power of the fourth field. .

After the battle, I went through two battles and successfully merged with several friendly teams. I also saw a new friendly creature. This is a giant crystal Warcraft. It is more than ten meters long and about six meters high. It looks a bit like Chen Rui. The Tyrannosaurus Rex in memory, but the forelimbs are stronger, with horns on the head and bulges like spurs on the back.

In addition to its super strength, the giant crystal beast can also spray a liquid to solidify the enemy into crystal smash, which makes Chen Rui secretly surprised, remembering the power of the crystal dragon - is it the crystal dragon and the crystal giant of this ancient alchemy civilization Is there any special relationship between the beasts?

The team grew stronger and stronger, and the enemies encountered were more and stronger. After several fierce battles, they finally reached the final battlefield. A super-large cave, more accurately, was a nest.

The situation of this nest makes Chen Rui take a breath of cold air and look at it. It is an inexhaustible monster. The little monsters that once made Chen Rui’s head burned are only the lowest level of cannon fodder. The number of corner monsters is equally amazing. There are also hundreds of them.

What is even more frightening is that the nest is covered with red vines, and there are countless abyss flowers on the vines.

At the root of the vines, where the monsters are most concentrated, there is a creature that is several times larger than the Big Mac.

This creature is brown and red, and its appearance is similar to sunflower. It is a long tentacles around the body. It reveals a lot of red and red **** in the vicinity of the red light. Many **** are twisted and twisted. Come, revealing the monster shape wrapped in mucus, the giant mouth of the "Kwai" in the center of a squirm, and spit out a number of balls, it seems that the birth of these monsters.

In the past, there have been several groups of alchemy civilizations fighting in the dead with nearby monsters. All kinds of powerful forces collide with each other, and sometimes exaggerated explosions and damages can be seen. Due to the large number of enemies and the terrible effects of the flowers of the abyss, the Alchemy Civilization Army has completely fallen to the disadvantages. Even the creatures with the magical level of the crystal behemoth can still avoid the result of the fall.

Chen Rui's mech-sized giants pointed to the huge mother, and the army suddenly rushed forward, and was soon surrounded by swarming monsters. The flame woman flying in the air waved a horrible whip, and a block of fire broke out on the ground. The violent horn monster roared and slammed into the team of Crystal Warcraft, and countless mutant monsters flooded like tides. .

With Chen Rui’s strength, he can only be considered moderate in this level of war, but his field is very good, and there is also the “gravity technique” given by the earth element king. Unexpected effect.

After several battles in the past, Chen Rui and his teammates became more and more skilled. There were three lights in his "plus state", and the black-haired woman controlled by the black-haired woman and a group of Crystal Warcraft. It is a small team fighting.

However, there are too many enemies, and they are constantly increasing. The newly born monsters can immediately participate in the battle. The most terrible thing is a horrible figure in front of the mother. There are two crystal behemoths who have broken through the line of defense and rushed to the mother. This figure is just a sway, and the two behemoth-level beasts are smashed into several pieces.

This is a strong monster, looks fierce, the texture of the muscles is like a natural armor, the wings behind the wings, the body is covered with a fire, the hand holds a giant sword, this is a giant sword, in the blink of an eye Two crystal giant beasts are killed.

Then there were several alchemy civilizations, giants and crystal behemoths rushing to the mother, without exception, falling under the giant sword of this monster. Although the monster is terrible, it is not willing to take the initiative. It is just guarding the front of the mother and killing all the cross-border people.

Chen Rui can't use the super system now. The serpentine badge that can be summoned in the storage warehouse to summon the semi-god strongman Satan can't be used. Moreover, the trial environment is very special now, not necessarily the real scene. Being able to use a snake badge does not necessarily work.

Judging from the actions of the alchemy civilized army, the ultimate goal of this operation is to destroy the roots of the birth of the monster and the abyss, that is, the huge mother, which should be the ultimate task of Chen Rui's inheritance. Chen Rui noticed that the giants who rushed to the mother's body carried an explosive. After being killed by the giant sword monster, there was a giant machine that detonated the explosive in advance. The monsters that have come up have turned into fly ash, and the heart can't help. In the desperate battle without loss, Chen Rui’s team has slowly narrowed the distance from the mother, but it is getting closer to the terrible giant sword monster.

It is also the two crystal behemoths that fall under the giant sword. According to this kind of war, it is a matter of time before the alchemy civilization army is completely covered. Chen Rui will make a decision and finally make a decision. He knocked on the legs of the small team of the fighting giant, made a palm-to-launch posture, and pointed to the mother in front.

After these battles, Chen Rui had a tacit understanding with the woman. The woman immediately understood his intention. Through some kind of communication device, he said something he could not understand. The light spirit on the side immediately put a block suspected of high concentration of explosives. Passed into his hand, and then the armor of the armor grabbed his body.

At this time, the three crystal behemoths and the four giants in the team have already rushed to the giant sword monster, and the women-controlled mechs also followed.

After the giant sword monster slashed and killed two crystal behemoths, Chen Rui snorted: "Now!"

I don't know if the woman understood his words. The armor arm holding his body suddenly broke away from the torso, and the tail sprayed a strong flame, whistling away toward the mother.

However, the strength of the giant sword monster far exceeds Chen Rui's imagination. When the armor arm is close to the mother, a terrible feeling suddenly hits Chen Rui's heart.

This is a deep hatred of the soul, strong in thought, enough to destroy the earth and destroy the earth, just like the atmosphere of the ruined land when the cave was in the bottom of the crystal valley, but now the feeling is more clear and more terrifying.

In an instant, Chen Rui felt that everything was slowing down, leaving only the destruction of this kind of lightning. He instinctively felt that as long as the thought of destruction was passed, the whole person would turn into powder and annihilation.

At the juncture of life and death, all the potentials of Chen Rui have been stimulated. For a time, the three fields of spring, summer and autumn, together with the winter domain that has not yet been skillfully formed, also broke out. I only hope that I can block the first gear and win. Time passes through this hatred that destroys the earth and destroys the mother.

It is a pity that in the face of this willingness to kill the magician-level powerhouse, Chen Rui’s power is still too weak, and the four fields of the explosion suddenly form a strange cycle, which is produced in this cycle. In the motion of the Chit, all the slow surroundings suddenly stopped, including the will to destroy, as if they were still.

The only thing that didn't stand still was Chen Rui's flying figure. This kind of stillness only lasted for two seconds. Everything around him was running like a wind and power. It was two seconds. Chen Rui had avoided the horrible hatred. force.

Although the front avoids the killing of the giant sword monster, but under a mysterious law, his legs are below the knee, and the giant arm suddenly breaks open, Chen Rui resists the pain, by inertia Flying toward the front of the mother body, in the moment of entering the giant mouth, the square of the explosion was excited in the hand.

I only feel that all eyes are dazzling and devastating, and in an instant, I completely lose consciousness.

I don't know how long it took. Chen Rui slowly opened his eyes and found himself immersed in a container. The body disappeared, but there was only a hint of consciousness left.

Every day passed, and under the action of the wonderful solution of the container, his soul and body began to regenerate a little bit until it recovered.

What happens next is like a real dream. No, this is true.

After the restoration, Chen Rui became the hero of the entire alchemy civilization. He gained the strong inheritance of the alchemy civilization, and his strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has a huge moving castle.

In the castle's palace, the brunette who once drove the giant machine with a group of beautiful lights, with a seductive body dedicated to his master of the castle.

Guanyin sitting lotus, old tree packing, Yushu flower, where the jade people teach to brag, the group of dragons and dragons... all kinds of strange positions and parts... so that Chen Rui, as a king, is immersed in the absurd harem life all day long. It’s a pleasure.

"Master, what's wrong? Is it that I am dissatisfied with the service?" A beautiful lamp who served under Chen Rui saw the owner's hair, carefully withdrawing the giants in the mouth and asked in fear.

After gaining inheritance, Chen Rui has been able to understand their language. He shook his head and said: "No, you are very good, but I have been thinking these days and seem to have forgotten something important."

"Now the monsters have been wiped out, and the owner doesn't have to worry." Lightling said, he lowered his head and swallowed the thing slowly, and continued to serve. The refreshing feeling of being wrapped in warmth made Chen Rui unable to hold back. I have eyes.

At this time, the light-colored appearance of the silver-blue body underneath changed, turning into a beautiful girl with short red hair and wheat-colored skin. This girl made Chen Rui quite familiar, and when she fixed her eyes, she changed back to the light.

When the excitement reached a certain critical point, the high rise finally spurted out, but the light spirit suddenly turned into the familiar red-haired girl, her cheeks blushing, shaking her head slyly.

Then girl frowned and completed the swallowing movement, the bright red dragonfly flashed shyness and anticipation of brilliance: ", should you be pregnant with your child?"

Chen Rui was shocked and slowly stood up. This time he ignored the inquiring question from the nearby Lingling. He just looked at the window slyly, and his eyes suddenly became a little moist: "I finally understand what I can’t remember. It’s damn. How can you forget the most important thing?"

Chen Rui closed his eyes. It turned out that all this is not true.

It is a dream that can hardly wake up. As a core who has experienced refining, Chen Rui needs only a key point to be able to wake up.

At the moment when he opened his eyes again, he did not see the situation around him. He felt that a powerful soul force was constantly pouring into his mind, and the warning sound of the super system was constantly ringing: "There was a lot of unknown soul power, The danger of consciousness being covered, is the phasing mode open?"

Soul power? Coverage of consciousness?

Chen Rui suddenly understood, Nima! What inheritance is simply trying to win!

"Star mode, turn on!"

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