Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 522: Chen Rui VS Crystal Dragon

As soon as the stellar mode is turned on, the horrible soul power suddenly rushes toward the "black hole". However, the warning of the super system is still constant: "The accumulation of energy invading the soul is too large. It is recommended to use the star mode at the same time, otherwise it will be in ten. Overflow after a minute!"

Chen Rui knows that the enormous soul energy of “accumulation” is generated when he loses consciousness. Fortunately, it is not too late to be awake. Once the consciousness is completely covered by this alien soul, even if the super system automatically assimilate this soul power, he The original consciousness will also be erased.

Chen Rui opened the star model without thinking, and nowadays the "star" has evolved greatly compared with the original. Together with the understanding of Xia Zhiyu, it can be directly absorbed and resolved like the North Ming martial arts in martial arts novels. The power of "staring" is engulfed.

However, this force is still too large, and the accumulation of Chen Rui consciousness is too much, only to open the star, the power of the horrible soul is like a flood of floods, and soon the super system warnings frequently.

Chen Rui is like a hungry person who is desperate to eat. However, when he is hungry and has a large amount of food, he is also exploding. Now the frequency of the star has already begun to catch up with the speed of staring.

Chen Rui's muscles gradually appear irregular distortions, and the more uncomfortable is the consciousness. The stars of the stars are sometimes blurred and clear, and the light of the "sun" is also dimmed. In fact, the super system itself has not collapsed. It is more of an illusion that Chen Rui’s own consciousness is strongly impacted. This also shows that it is on the verge of danger.

Chen Rui has experienced the test of the spirit of refining the heart. With the current state of mind, there is no need to fear the demons or the danger of losing the will, but the capacity of consciousness is always limited. From the quantity and quality of the power of the soul, this comes from The level of consciousness of the ancient alchemy civilization is far beyond the original level of Grophy, and should have reached the level of demigod.

If you can decompose and absorb this semi-god consciousness bit by bit, then Chen Rui will advance step by step, but now it is slow to slow down.

Facing the raging and horrible power, not only consciousness, but also a substantial force of the body is filled and expanded, and the whole person is about to burst.

Daddy, the light flashed in the middle of the scorpion, has been replaced by a pair of horrible eyes of black and red, a layer of dark vortex around the body, faintly exudes the atmosphere of destruction. As soon as this state emerged, the state of engulfing and absorbing the soul suddenly increased, and the feeling of bursting gradually disappeared.

Soon, the demon bloodyness returned to black and white, and Chen Rui gasped and continued to bite his teeth. He instinctively felt that if this soul power was absorbed by Shura, then even if he finally escaped being supported The danger of explosion will also be swallowed up by Shura.

Shura does not seem to be reconciled, stealing the initiative from time to time in consciousness. The situation is quite uncomfortable for Chen Rui to suffer from the enemy.

Chen Rui desperately crushed the will of the Shura, screamed and began to frantically attack everything around him, venting the power that almost bursts out, but the attack is just drinking and quenching thirst. Gradually, consciousness begins to blur. status.

In the meantime, it seems that many things have been broken all the way, and the dimly lit scenes are moving backwards, and the sounds of fragmentation and collapse are ringing.

Finally, he decided to set himself up. He found himself outside the ruins. There was a light in front of him. He faintly heard the sound of slamming the rock and it was in the pit.

The movement was not small. The original inscription on the protection of the early warning was touched. Several crystal people came to this side. Before they saw Chen Rui, the body was crushed by powerful forces.

Finally, Chen Rui can still maintain the clearness of the mind, and does not harm the miners who are frightened. Only the crystal people in sight are wiped out, and there is a roar in the depths of the mine. The sound is close and far, and a powerful power. Pressure comes on the face.

The crystal people in the nearby pits were gone, and the miners with low strength were shocked by the sound. They were all bleed, and they were seriously injured, and some even fainted.

If it is normal, this powerful emperor with the dragon talent will make Chen Rui's heart and heart feel severely shocked. However, at this time his heart is holding a higher level of soul power, not only does not retreat, but roars Welcomed.


It was the crystal dragon Jacob who made the roar of Longwei. The last time he was hit by Paglieu in the Crystal Valley, he finally found the healing land, but he met the intruder. Now he heard the other party shouting out him. The name, not to be seen, saw a figure swiftly rushing, although the strength of the fluctuations is strong, but the breath is only the level of the emperor.

"I don't know what to do!"

Do you know the name of this adult and dare to die? Regardless of the origin of this person, Jacob can die when he dares to disturb him. He is screaming and screaming, and he is about to crush this self-imposing demon, and suddenly see a fist in front of his eyes.


The speed and strength of this punch far exceeded that of Jacob's expectation. The whole body could not help but fly after the violent force. The neck almost twisted into the back of the head, and there was a concave punch in his face.

Jacob was furious, but the figure caught up with his half-empty figure, another heavy punch, hit the belly of the crystal dragon, this punch made Jacob's speed of flying backwards suddenly, the body actually turned It is embedded in the rock wall. Chen Rui did not give the other person a chance to breathe. He was about to continue bombardment. Suddenly his chest hurt and he had already punched. At this time, Jacob’s roaring sound was heard in the cave.

It stands to reason that even with Xuan Yu's bodyguard, the enchanting fist of the Emperor's peak is enough to crush Chen Rui's sternum through the armor. However, this punch is just a step backward for him, and the white light of the chest is shallow. It disappeared, but the power of the skyrocketing body was relieved.

Jacob's realm and strength are far better than Chen Rui. In the past, he only made two punches in a moment of anger. Under the anger, the attack was like a storm, and Chen Rui was covered.

Chen Rui’s muscle reflex has reached an astonishing degree under the stimulation of the urgent need for catharsis, but the consciousness can’t keep up with the peak of the emperor’s peak. Moreover, nowadays it is the violent disorder that it is difficult to make a timely response. Can resist by some instinctive actions, and immediately fall to the wind.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Rui did not know how many attacks were made, but this kind of attack that was enough to destroy his body now eased the crisis of the explosion, and the mental power climbed in the process of continuously absorbing the power of the soul. The strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the timing and trajectory of Jacob’s punching is becoming clearer.

"Hey!" Chen Rui held Jacob's elbow in time, and then hit a crystal dragon with a head stunned. When the other party was dizzy and regressed, they caught up with a strong knee collision, followed by another A punch took Jacob out.

In some kind of cave in the mine, the lights that are resting are feeling that the ground suddenly trembles, and it is getting more and more fierce. It seems that something terrible is going to break ground. Jinsha quickly took the light spirit to transfer the energy-converting machine out of the cave.

Soon after I went out of the cave, I felt the landslide and the two horrible breaths skyrocketed. The bombardment of the collision continued to come. The two figures attacked the ground from midair and the scene was extremely fierce. Traces, even the Medusa of the mangroves were alarmed.

From the very beginning, Jacob has always gained the upper hand and is now evenly matched. The more he is shocked, the more he thinks that this opponent is a demon. How can such a terrible demon fight against the dragon of the peak of the demon? ?

This opponent is inscrutable, sometimes it seems to be a different person, the attack method is even more strange, the devastating atmosphere is even Jacob is inevitably surprised.

"Who are you?" Jacob forced a retreat from Chen Rui and drank a word.

The battle with Jacob made Chen Rui successfully find the venting of the power of the soul. He only felt the painful and dripping, and the crisis of blasting solved a lot. Nowadays, he tried to suppress the power of the raging, and he smiled: "Remember the crystal. Does the valley and Paglieu deal with your old friends? Unfortunately, your wealth is gone, otherwise I don't mind receiving it again."

Jacob’s pupils shrink and kill the machine: “It’s you!”

This man defrauded his trust with the master of the genius of the craftsman and the master of the magical array. He stole the ancient slate and stole a terrible woman who destroyed the crystal valley he had been operating for many years, and then led him to life. The biggest enemy, and took away the treasures he has accumulated for many years, is the most hated enemy of Jacob.

In the face of this enemy of deep hatred and hatred, the crystal dragon's pale blue eyes are red, and what kind of nonsense is needed, arrogant, power surges, and storms come.

Chen Rui succeeded in raising the value of hatred in one sentence. The reaction of the crystal dragon was in the middle of the mind, letting go of the power of suppression and welcoming it.

Jacob stormed for a while, seeing it, he will be swaying, and the body will come out. A crystal dragon about ten meters long will be swept away. Chen Rui will not avoid it. The posture of the dragon, however, is far superior to the human form. This sweeps his body and flies away. It has not yet landed, and a dragon's breath is wrapped.

This dragon contains the horrible power of crystallization and bursting. Chen Rui seems to be caught off guard, and is sprayed, and the whole body suddenly solidifies into a crystal.

Jacob snorted smugly, and the crystal burst open, and the bones were broken. However, the crystal dragon’s eyes suddenly showed vigilance, and he saw a figure flying in the air, containing a giant force in the boxing of its wings. Then, the sound of the hits from the dragon's body continued.

The crack just shattered a layer of crystal shell. The central Chen Rui was not crystallized by the dragon. Instead, this attack reminded him of the madness of the sacred animal that was killed by Jacob in the crystal valley. And Fleet, the mother of JIA, is angry and the attack is getting more and more violent.

Although the power to become a dragon body has become stronger, the body has become larger, which means that the target that can be attacked is bigger, and the dead angle is more. Under the fierce attack of Chen Rui, Jacob gradually falls to the disadvantage.

Jacob fluttered, opened the distance, screamed at the neck, and shook the countless scales. These scales turned into a crystal column and the whole space became the world of crystals. field!

Chen Rui has seen the field of crystal dragons twice, but the former bystanders and the authorities of today feel very different. In the entire crystal field, except the sky, it is a surging ocean and no land.

The general starting point of crystal light in the ocean seems to be a flowing liquid crystal. It connects the ocean and the sky. It is a huge number of large crystal columns, which is magnificent.

This field is not only good-looking, but the power related to all magical elements does not work in this field. It is the absolute nemesis of the magic system.

Not only that, Chen Rui feels that the pillars and the ocean have some kind of resonance fluctuations, the power inside the body is flying fast, the attack is also broken down under this fluctuation, just hitting Jacob when hitting Jacob The ocean has picked up a few waves, but the crystal dragon itself is not painful. If Jacob has been perfectly integrated with the "world" in the whole field, Chen Rui is only one person in the district. How can he shake the power of the heavens and the earth?

The "crystal breath" in this field is extremely strong. Even if you stand still, your body is faintly sensationalized. The real field of the Emperor's peak is really not comparable to the magical domain.

Chen Rui’s unexpectedly strong power is only caused by the nearly explosive power of the half-god, which is equivalent to a kind of venting, not inexhaustible. Once this power is destroyed by the stars, it is not said to return to the original shape. It is also the enemy of Jacob, who is the enemy of the Emperor. If you fight like this, you must be ruined, so you must take advantage of the power of the soaring soul to solve Jacob.

On the sea, the waves were raging, and Jacob was hit by hundreds of punches in succession. He was still safe and sound. The giant tail swept him and shocked him to the sea. The water suddenly turned into a solid crystal, which solidified Chen Rui’s body. Do not move.

Jacob did not attack, but only urged the force of the field to continuously strengthen and thicken the power of freezing the enemy. The sea water constantly washed the solidified spar to make it grow bigger.

With the characteristics of the crystal field, the strength of the other side will disappear as soon as possible, and finally become a piece of crystal that has lost its life.

At the time of his strength, Jacob suddenly shuddered inexplicably, feeling that there was a richer atmosphere in the crystal field, gradually filling the entire field.

This is a huge soul It seems to have some incredible qualities. For the crystal dragon, this "quality" feeling has a congenital pressure, which is strong in the mind. Astonished, as if the servant saw the master.

The power of the mighty soul pressure suddenly turned into a chill with a devastating atmosphere. For a time, the flow of the whole ocean became slow, and the sea surface gradually solidified - this is not crystallization, but freezing!

"Oh..." There was a crack in the crystal column of the sky, followed by two, three, ten...

Under the influence of the terror of the soul, the crystal columns have been frozen, and the ocean has already become an ice world.

The power of destruction contained in the chill is over, the key is that the special pressure makes it difficult for Jacob to exert his own strength. The forces that provoke the field can not dispel the chill, and suddenly feel a strong feeling. The fierce atmosphere came from below, and the entire crystal field was reflected in fire red.

When he bowed his head, he saw a long, unknown World of Warcraft, wrapped in a powerful horror, bursting out of ice and whistling toward him.

In an instant, a strong crisis emerged from the heart of the Crystal Dragon.

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