Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 754: Final order

Facing the power of Lei Zen horror, Chen Rui shook his head and only had firmness in his eyes: "Whether you are Lei Zen or Lei Zen the Great, I don't care whether the woman behind me is Xia or Xia, I only know that she is me. Woman, want to move my woman, first step on my body!"

This sentence is categorical, even those elders who have always questioned the identity of Chen Rui Wang Fu, are also moving.

There are no emperors or kings at this moment, only men who protect women.

"I admit that your incredible ability is embarrassing," Lei Zen's fist loomed purple light. "I attack you, sometimes I will be hurt. But it does not mean that I dare not kill you, you are sure to do well." Have you prepared for life?"

Xia stood quietly on the wall. When Chen Ruifei went out, she seemed to have never seen his hints and gestures. She did not leave, just stood there quietly and stared at the figure.

Chen Rui's rear is shining brightly, and the four colors of yellow, black, blue and red converge into a long rainbow. They fly toward Lei Zen and become a colored element cage in the blink of an eye, trapping Lei Zen.

"I was the first to see such a pure magical element. There are actually four kinds of magical means and control. The magical means and control are also the strongest ones I have encountered... No one. Unfortunately, your magic power has been exhausted. With the heyday of the previous blow, it may still stop me..." Lei Zen broke the element cage with a punch, and after breaking the cage, he went straight to Rolla.

There are no fancy moves, no gorgeous changes, only pure and simple movements from beginning to end, this is Lei Zen.

Chen Rui's face changed, and instantly moved to the front of the roller. The faint brilliance flashed in his hand, and the "Shifting Star" was displayed, and the punch was unloaded.

However, Lei Zen has already known his "stunts", and this punch is endless. Only ten seconds of the moving star can not completely disappear, Lola behind him, Chen Rui can not fly, had to use the water to connect with the righteousness, under the force, the whole person and Rolla were knocked out and landed on the ground, Lola also it is good. Chen Rui’s mouth and nose have **** spills and it is obvious that the injury is not light.

Throw and Paglio quickly flew in front of the two, beware of the next hit of Lei Zen.

Lei Zen did not attack again: "Agulie, female magician, Warcraft that will be born again, including... Duron, you all have the potential to make me look. The future may become my real opponent! Unfortunately, now you add up It’s also difficult for me to strike. I will give you a chance to leave here! When you think you have enough strength, you can challenge me at any time! However, my patience is limited. If you are obsessed with it, you will... completely lose the future."

Chen Rui helped Rolla to stand up, silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "Lola. Sorry."

Lola glimpsed: "What?"

"I am sorry that in your long life, I can only serve as a passer-by." Chen Rui smiled slightly: "If you change, it is you, or any of them, I will apologize to others, this is the opening. The punishment of the Crystal Palace, the male pig's foot really wants a blood sacrifice."

"What?" Lola shook her head: "I don't understand."

"I know you know, your six-nation country, your experiments and research... and many important things have not been completed. It also contains my efforts, don't let them waste. Remember a word. Time Will dilute a lot of things."

"What?" Rolla's spectacle lens has been somewhat blurred. Still stubbornly repeating.

(The most important thing for this lady... don’t you understand? Bastard!)

The loss on the side suddenly surprised: "Master, my contract..."

original. Chen Rui has already solved the lost master and servant contract, not only lost, but all spiritual links have been forcibly cut off by him.

Chen Rui took a shot and lost his head and looked at Paglio: "I am honored to meet you, my friend."

Duron looked at Chen Rui for a long while, shook his head, and slammed the heat in his eyes: "The dragons don't need friends, but... the exception is partners, don't talk nonsense, this uncle is too lazy to marry you."

"It's really tangled, feelingless." On the wall behind it, the sigh of Chia sounded.

"Agulie," Chia's voice looked very indifferent: "If you still ‘love’ me in your heart, just leave, take care of my sister Alice, and kill Lei Zen in the future to avenge me.”

"Xia?" Chen Rui frowned.

"I don't want to die, but unfortunately, it doesn't work with me. You are desperately useless now. It's better to leave a useful body. The Angel Empire needs you, and Alice needs you..."

The taste of these words has changed a bit. It is not the usual tone of Xia. Chen Rui sees her true thoughts at a glance and says: "Xiya! If you are still my woman, don't say it again!"

Shia suddenly smiled, and the smile was full of disdain: "It's ridiculous! When was my woman? Our big marriage has been deliberately delayed by me. I haven't even touched a finger until now! You still I don't understand? I have been using you, using you to destroy the black scorpion, and using your strength to fight against the zen, but unfortunately, you have let me down, it is not the opponent of Lei Zen, even the woman who attaches the most attention to it. No!"


Xia ignored him and said with a loud voice: "The sergeant of the Angel Empire, I am now issuing the last order to pass the throne to my sister Alice! She has been recognized by the sword of the angel, and will be like loyalty in the future. I am equally loyal to her, she will lead you to continue fighting until the invaders are expelled from our homeland! I, Chia Lucifer, sincerely thank you all the way, thank you for your loyalty, even if I am not with you, please Believe that my spirit and soul will always look and bless your heroic figure in the sky, I have never left you."

"Your Majesty!" The generals and soldiers of the Angel Empire all kneeled down on one knee and looked at the figure that slowly drifted down the wall. Everyone's eyes were red.

I don't know who sang it first, and then more and more people sang. After a while, the entire fortress was floating from the staggered to the neat song.

The night is coming,

I will start fighting,

To the dead party.

I am willing to turn into the dawn of light,

Cut through the sky,

Wake up the sleeping soul,

Only for this love of homeland,

I will be a sword in the cold night.

Sparkling hot blood.

Burning out the darkness.

Only for the loved ones behind the watch.

I will give up the cowardice,

Give up, miss

Discarding honor and disgrace,

Give up life,

Keep it here.


It’s all night and night.

The tragic song not only infects the guards of the angels, but also the **** army. The familiar singing voice made Gustav behind the army pinch his fists, and Tevez’s deep eyes looked at the sky. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The mourning will win. As far as the current momentum is concerned, if Lei Zen is no longer shot, then even if Xia is dead, the Warlock Fortress will not be knocked down. Perhaps it will be the second to bury the **** countless elite Ezeki.

Xia has come to the front of Lei Zen, Chen Rui stepped forward and blocked her.

"Let's let go," said Chia with a blank expression. "Thank you for everything you have done for me and the empire. I am sorry, I am an emperor, the emperor is ruthless, I have my own helplessness. I really like you. It is my sister. Alice, take care of her."

Chen Rui’s answer is a mad scream, going straight to Lei Zen, no flies, no magic shield, only desperate impact.

Lei Zen waved his hand, and everyone had not had time to react. He saw Chen Rui flying far away and falling on the ground dozens of meters away. Just bite your teeth and stand up. The body rang with a continuous burst of sound, and the armor was stained with blood. Still swaying step by step toward Lei Zen.

Lei Zen’s body shape was shocked, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood. His men did not hesitate and he was a punch. This time, the lost person and others had already blocked in front of Chen Rui, but the result was only three more shots. It’s just a figure.

Chen Rui, who was shot, trembled and propped up his body, coughed up blood, and slowly stood up. There was a chance of "punishing" the body. This time, he did not rebound to Leizen.

"I swear by the name of Lucifer, you take another step, I will be in front of you." Shia's purple eyes are a little trembling, but the tone is unprecedented. "I said it, you want my life." Is this ending?"

Chen Rui’s meal, the body trembled fiercely, the blood began to accelerate, and finally did not dare to take another step, biting his teeth: “Lei Zen, you are a despicable villain! Nicknamed the first strong! If you really do it to her For the rest of my life, I will never die with you!"

"I don't have to explain, I just do what I decide. No matter what others say, I don't care."

Lei Zen did not care about Chen Rui, looked at Xia, and shook his head: "It really is a feeling of unnecessary, but unfortunately you can't get rid of it clearly. You are a strong woman with courage and wisdom, but after all, it is only a woman, strict Said, not a qualified emperor."

"Maybe," Xia did not look at the thunder in front of him, just quietly watching Chen Rui, who was in the distance, "Thunder Zen, in your life, there is no one who can let you completely deliver everything." Trust? Or is there a person who will make your weakness weak and desperate?"

Lei Zen was silent for a moment and shook his head.

“Is there a person who would rather subvert the whole world, just to correct your reflection?”

"If you want to subvert the whole world ~ ~ I will use my own fist." Lei Zen slowly raised his fist, his fist flashing purple light, an invisible breath has locked Chia.

"So, I have not lost." Xia still did not see Lei Zen, did not look at the fist, facing the coming death, there is no fear in her pupil, no regrets, only the figure.

The old face suddenly melted into the snow, revealing a smile. This smile seemed to put down all the masks and baggage, showing an unprecedented bright and gentle, gently licking his lips and whispering: "My husband, I command you in the name of Hijah Lucifer, and live..."

The familiar command, unlike the previous one, was that she was in front of death and smiled and said it.

The last order.

PS: The part of the song of Ezekiel, with reference to the translation of the oath of the night watchman of "Song of Ice and Fire", the last sentence is completely copied, and I like the translation very much. You can go and see if you have time.

"Subversion of the world" is said to come from clapp's "Sacred Biography" preface, very much miss this classic comic, the student era has been found in the book stalls can not find the end.

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